Author Topic: Head, troath, and hearth...a little.  (Read 3022 times)


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #30 on: May 19, 2009, 11:40:58 PM »
Hi Miguel,

The occipital nerve centre is in the middle of the back of the head where there is a slight protusion of the skull in many people. So it is only slightly below the front of the ajna chakra which is in the middle of the forehead. If you are experiencing energy movements below this then that would probably be the medula oblongata (brain stem) or the back of the vishudi chakra at the back of the neck (also on the diagram).



  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #31 on: May 20, 2009, 12:30:57 AM »
I dont feel the pain in the middle of the lower area in the back of my head exactly.Its in the right side of the lower area back of my head,(and thats why i have facial paraisis in the right side of my face)exactly between oblangata y occipital area i think .The pain is not in the surface,its deeper inside.Its a litle area there,and pingala nadhi passes trought this area. Right side of my body is related with my male side.And i always have felt more connection with my female side.Maybe my masculinity is trying to gets open..dont know...only an hipothesis...
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 12:43:19 AM by miguel »


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #32 on: May 20, 2009, 05:14:37 AM »
Hi Miguel..

I was reading the whole thread..
First I hope you feel better now.
May I suggest a little thing?
I told about it in a previous post.
and while reading your last post here, it came to me..
I thought that maybe doing some alternate nostril breathing would help balancing your system..
Just an intuition..

Much love..


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #33 on: May 20, 2009, 07:36:35 AM »
Hi Miguel,

I dont feel the pain in the middle of the lower area in the back of my head exactly.Its in the right side of the lower area back of my head,(and thats why i have facial paraisis in the right side of my face)exactly between oblangata y occipital area i think .The pain is not in the surface,its deeper inside.Its a litle area there,and pingala nadhi passes trought this area. Right side of my body is related with my male side.And i always have felt more connection with my female side.Maybe my masculinity is trying to gets open..dont know...only an hipothesis...

I agree... it looks like you are seeing the activation of a minor chakra other than the occipital nerve centre and the medula oblongata. My experience with these minor centres that don't lie on the central line of the head is that each one doesn't take long to open and clear, so hopefully everything will be fine soon. There are quite a few of them around the head, and once they begin to activate things can get pretty busy up there for a while. [:)]

I once recieved a healing treatment from a lady who had an electronic instrument called a "pranic wand". She touched different parts of my body with this thing (about the size of a pen) and it activated my chakras and nadis as she went. At one point she went the whole way around my neck and it actvated both my ida and pingala nadis in turn as she went round. I remember experiencing facial paralasis as you describe on different parts of my face as she moved the wand around my neck. I also experienced involuntary head movements with my head moving either to the right or left. The whole experience was not very enjoyable, but she was a very kind lady and meant well.

Thought I'd mention it here, as it seems to offer some support to the theory that what you are going through is related to purification.



  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #34 on: May 20, 2009, 09:03:41 AM »
Thanks Christiane.Ill look for that alernate nostril breathing tool.Maybe it can help me.[:)]
Christi,your words are very encouraging for me now.Your knowledge is much apreciated here now.
Im not very scary now after seeing the doctor.And medical treatment is working here.
Its a strange thing,my aunt had this problem also a few time ago.Maybe are we healing at the same time?are we conected?
Today,doing my daily activities,i felt lot of energy going up trught my body...very pleasant feelings...
Maye this is a phisical reflect of an inner block being released[:)]
This paralisis is very uncomfortable,its difficult to speak or smile,but doctors told me its under control and i will be ok in one or two months..[:)]
Thank you very much,ill keep you informed....[:)]


  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #35 on: May 20, 2009, 09:14:03 AM »
Is this the correct procedure?:

"Close the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale through the left nostril. Do this to the count of four seconds.
Immediately close the left nostril with your right ring finger and little finger, and at the same time remove your thumb from the right nostril, and exhale through this nostril. Do this to the count of eight seconds. This completes a half round.
Inhale through the right nostril to the count of four seconds. Close the right nostril with your right thumb and exhale through the left nostril to the count of eight seconds. This completes one full round."

How much time for a sensitive mediator like me (i do 6 mtes dm and 2 mtes sbp)

Thank you very much.


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #36 on: May 20, 2009, 05:11:17 PM »
Hi Miguel,

This is the way I've been taught to do it (from Saddguru Jaggi Vasudev, you can watch some videos of him on Youtube if you like)

sit in siddhasana, spine erect (no need to stimulate the muladhara, just sit in a comfortable way)

- your left hand, palm facing upward, rests just above your genitals, or let's say gently resting on them.
-your right hand, fingers straight, pointing upward, in front of your nose
-the 2 fingers you use are the thumb and the little finger
- start by exhaling veeeeeeery slowly from the left nostril, thumb is closing the right nostril
- after exhaling fully, you start inhaling very slowly
- as soon as you finish inhaling fully,close the left nostril with the little finger and open the right nostril; exhale very slowly from the right nostril.(this is half a round)
- then, inhale very slowly from the right nostril
- close the right nostril with the thumb, and exhale through left nostril (this makes 1 complete round)

So after each inhalation, you change the nostril.
No counting, no breath hold, just slow inhale and exhale from left to right, right to left..

This is a powerful technique for balancing ida and pingala.
It is very relaxing for the brain..
Experiment with it and see how it feels.
I can't say how much time you need to do it..
It can be done from 2 minutes to 1 or more hours..

important note: shoulders and arms are relaxed and the head should remain straight. Also the breathing should be done as slowly as possible, but without forcing to the point of tension or discomfort.
Just relax into it and slowly feel the air coming in and out.
Don't visualize anything.. just feel.



  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #37 on: May 20, 2009, 05:35:05 PM »
Thank you very much Christiane.Im going too add this pratice before my pranayama.I hope it helps.
I like this Saddguru Jaggi Vasudev (i watched him on you tube).Very Good feelings from him[:)].
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 05:49:08 PM by miguel »


  • Posts: 3001
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #38 on: May 20, 2009, 05:46:01 PM »
Hi Christy, concerning ANB it might do damage more than good in some cases so spinal breathing pranayama is a much safer route to undertake always on the scale of 9 to 10.

and i thought that the practices which Jaggi (whom i have a lot of respect of) teaches shouldn't be laid out like this in public by his followers unless certain requirements are met... and no matter how simple the techniques are...

i remember this from your intake on the subject here where you made some fuss about it:

does everything in the Isha foundation require an initiation or not?

plz clarify.


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #39 on: May 20, 2009, 08:04:23 PM »
Hi Ananda,

I understand your concern and you're right.
That said, when I responded to Sushman concerning the Shoonya meditation, it was first because this technique requires the use of a specific mantra that is given during the 3 days of initiation in the Ashram. Shoonya cannot be explained to another person just through words of mouth.
Suka pranayam (ANB)is a basic technique that doesn't imply any mantra or specific conditions.

The only concern would be about learning techniques, even basic ones, in plain english, like it's done here, in AYP..

Thank you anyway for reminding me that maybe I shouldn't even share this basic technique.

So, Miguel, take what you feel is good for you.
I was just sharing an intuition I had, that ANB would help.
It's up to you..

Take care.
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 08:08:24 PM by christiane »


  • Posts: 1201
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #40 on: May 20, 2009, 08:12:41 PM »
yes,im doing a little ANB before pranayama.Only 2 cicles per session.Maybe it could help.I think this is a basic tool and cant cause much damage.[:)]
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 08:32:06 PM by miguel »


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #41 on: May 20, 2009, 08:21:19 PM »
Originally posted by Ananda

Hi Christy, concerning ANB it might do damage more than good in some cases so spinal breathing pranayama is a much safer route to undertake always on the scale of 9 to 10.

What do you mean by "in some cases"?

On what basis do you say that spinal breathing is much safer to undertake?

« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 08:32:58 PM by christiane »


  • Posts: 3001
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #42 on: May 20, 2009, 09:05:41 PM »
hi Christy,

if it's basic nadi sodhana\\ANB with the awareness that the ida and pingala meet at the ajna and sending the energy over there than it's okay to practice there's no harm in that but if it's without aim it might lead into premature work at the crown and that would cause imbalance in the energy system for those who have a crown chakra ripe from the opening due to past life practices.

and if it's ANB with kumbhaka than if done without aim toward the third eye it will definitely lead to serious imbalances in the body energies take my own case for example and my premature crown opening which happened bcz of daily 6 months practice of nadi sodhana with kumbhaka without aim.

concerning spinal breathing pranayama, it brings all of the benefits you might get from ANB and reaches out into opening the entire nervous system via the central channel "the sushumna" so it sounds quite obvious which is more powerful plus it balances everything automatically and it balanced my crown opening and if it wasn't for this practice i would be in a mess now.

and of course if there is a tendency to do the practice of nadi sodhana than go for it by all means but keep in mind that the destination is the ajna.

and in case someone has an ida nadi which is more opened (meaning with less blockages) than the pingala nadi i think nadi sodhana might increase the problem and cause more imbalance between the two so spinal breathing is definitely much safer you can go through it with your eyes shut[8D].

light and love,

« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 09:08:02 PM by Ananda »


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #43 on: May 20, 2009, 09:16:22 PM »
Hi again Miguel,

just one thing: I know there is other versions of ANB than the one I practice.. I don't know if the effect is the same, probably not.
And I don't know if counting during inhaling and exhaling could lead to overload symptoms..

All I can say is based on my experience; I've never heard of any problem encountered because of Suka pranayam.
On the contrary, I always get good feedbacks..
Also the version I told you about should be safe to practice, anytime during the day, whenever you feel tired or tense..
and you will feel by yourself for how much time you need to do it.

In any case you choose, I trust your intuition and inner guru to know what is best for you.

I'm not a teacher .. just a child on the road.

Also I wish you the best on your path.

The Guru is in your heart.


  • Posts: 319
Head, troath, and hearth...a little.
« Reply #44 on: May 20, 2009, 09:26:03 PM »

the ANB I'm practicing is mainly for balancing ida and pingala.
It's not a question of which of SBP or ANB is best.
They work in a different way, and I am experiencing both, so, I can feel the effect of each one, and personally, I feel they complement each other.. this is MY experience though.

That's why I told Miguel that I don't know about other versions of ANB (like with kumbaka or counting)..

ALso, there is nothing to focus on during suka pranayam.
Just doing it and being receptive..
No focus on the ajna needed.

Again I understand your concern especially after what you've gone through with the premature crown opening.
But still, I think it's safe and even useful to try suka pranayam, at least for a while..

Thank you for sharing your care and love.
