Author Topic: Yoga to alleviate pain  (Read 465 times)


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Yoga to alleviate pain
« on: May 05, 2011, 05:56:15 PM »
Yoga and pranayama, the method used by the ancient Indian sages to attain enlightenment, is now popular as a fitness regimen. Many fitness buffs have resorted to yoga as it is an effective system which can help you beat the stress and improve your stamina. A proper warm up of the body can be attained through various asanas and pranayama (breathing exercises involved in yoga). They will also help in curing many a disease and alleviating body pains. The healing capabilities of yoga have been well understood and made use of by ancient Ayurvedic scholars and later yoga became an integral part of Ayurvedic treatment.

Yoga is employed in back pain ayurvedic treatment joint pain Ayurvedic treatment etc and various postures in yoga like Suryanamaskar, Fish pose, Corpse, Cat stretch etc help mitigate the back pain. But a patient should undertake yoga postures only after consulting a physician or trainer because the wrong postures may increase the pain in the body. Various asanas in yoga help distribute blood and oxygen to every part of the body and thus it ensures equal distribution of energy all through the body. Yoga also helps in improving concentration and it is very useful for all patients as it calms down their mind. The anxiety and depression in chronic patients can be wiped away through yoga.