Author Topic: animals & meditation  (Read 2665 times)


  • Posts: 875
animals & meditation
« on: March 18, 2006, 04:02:50 AM »
I've noticed something that happens too often to be a coincidence.  I do spinal breathing for about 10 minutes, cross-legged on the floor or bed.  My cat ignores me.  That segues into meditation and the mantra, and my cat migrates to my lap.  When I'm close to finishing meditation, she gets up and leaves.  Are they tuned into the silence?  I love having her there in my lap during meditation - I find it very grounding.  Does anyone with pets notice if they respond to your meditation time?


  • Posts: 911
animals & meditation
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2006, 05:45:57 AM »
My ferret used to do that as well as my cat. I read somewhere that you know that your meditation is very deep if birds land on you while practicing outdoors!


  • Posts: 1589
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« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2006, 07:13:33 AM »
Meg that sounds like a wonderful experience!



  • Posts: 1264
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« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2006, 09:58:11 AM »

Yes, now that I think about it, I do notice something like that.

On one hand, our cats seem drawn to mental concentration (and perhaps the inner quiet that goes with it).  For example, they love to sit, not only on the newspaper spread before me, but also, on the exact article I'm reading.  By contrast, I've noticed the cats give me space when I'm in a state of energy arousal.  

That fits with your cats being drawn to your concentration on a montra and the silence that goes with it.  On the other hand, they give you space during the type of arousal that goes with spinal breathing.

Animals can read our inner awarenesses.  For scientific proof, see the writings of Sheldrake.



  • Posts: 363
animals & meditation
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2006, 06:47:00 AM »
Hari Om

Hello Folks,
re: animals and their proximity to you when meditating...
they are 'tail gating' on the energy/calm that is delivered.
Also, your body temp increases with meditation ( during your 20 mins).  

I have chosen not to have my feline friends with me during this time, yet my wife ( a meditator of 30 years +/-) does not mind them
sitting with her.

agnir satyam rtam brhat
Frank in San-Diego


  • Posts: 6
animals & meditation
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2006, 03:35:02 PM »
I've had numerous experiences with cats that have suddenly jumped into my lap or curled up next to me when I went into meditation. Have not had that much reaction from dogs, though sometimes they act differently. With the cats it seems to be almost always timed to when I really drop down into that state. Both cats I've known and friends cats who I was meeting for the first time. Perhaps thats why they were so revered by the egyptians -- they are more in tune with that wavelength :)


  • Posts: 3597
animals & meditation
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2006, 10:46:22 PM »
My dog has problems pronouncing "I am", so it's hard for him to imagine.
Is "royrahm" close enough?


  • Posts: 4947
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« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2006, 12:05:49 AM »
You are funny Ether...[:D][:D][:D]


  • Posts: 2055
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« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 07:53:33 AM »
Hope you don't mind me activating this old thread again. I was namely ready to open a thread with the exact post that I found meg had done here when I read this from ranger:

As an animal lover I was also interested in his belief that it's when an animal begins to develop a distinct personality, that moves it beyond the herd or pack mentality, that it's prepared for the "jump" into human incarnation, so actually, the many people who treat their animals as members of their families are doing them a spiritual service.

My cats are also very affectionate when I come to the meditation part of practice. One of them also often sleeps by the crown all night. I have a "cat hat" on every night, and it actually started in the presence of my ex who was very "energetic". She was totally in love, drewling when my ex was nearby and was glued to his head during night. She became an energy junkie, behaving very inappropriate sometimes in her craving for energies. [:D]

I have noticed that the purring is very much similar to the vibrations and sound I sometimes wake up with inside of me. Can't be coincidence.

From what I have heard, cats are the one animal that have a very specific soul and high ability to communicate, much pride and are actually the best teachers of love - they have the ability to both be affectionate and put up their boundaries, which not many other animals have. They show with all their behavior what freedom and love is all about. They are also dream walkers and can visit in your dreams. One of my cats who really has a great personlity (and can mind read me in a great way) often shows up in my dreams leading me the right way, trying to calm me down and tell me I do not have to be afraid etc. It is so enriching having that contact with a cat.

My thoughts that were awakened were about this reincarnation thing... Is it true that the soul travels from lower animals to higher and finally into humans? I have a distinct feeling I have known this particular cat in many previous lives. We are buddies and have been for a long time. We can even exchange energies with each other when in a deep contact (it's a very fast and tickling energy he sends to me, which makes me giggle because it is so cute) and I can call him to me by sending him some heart energy boosts. Is it possible to "tantra" with a cat? The energies that comes are clearly sexual.

Once, when I was about to take an Osho Zen Tarot card he came close, looked at me first and then put his nose on my hand and pushed as if he wanted to be a part of which card was chosen. The card that came out of that push was "previous lives".

One of my friends had a cat called Yoni, black, intelligent and with a great charisma. I said "If she ever gets kittens, I want one". Three months later she got kittens, and the one that was given to me was this cat, black, intelligent and with a great charisma. That was 12 years ago, and the deepened contact we suddenly got when I entered this spiritual trip is amazing. As if he said "Phew, finally you get to understand me! Now we're talkin'..." [:)]

Anyone know anything more about animals and their souls?


  • Posts: 284
animals & meditation
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 01:30:31 PM »
The Dalai Lama says that he always seems to own a cat with a specific limp and he likes to think that it is the same cat being reborn to hang with him throughout this life.


  • Posts: 530
animals & meditation
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2006, 01:54:43 PM »
My kitty sits on my lap everyday when I meditate.  Sometimes he'll reach his paw out and set it on my arm, at which point I message him for a moment.  Then we go back to being still, he'll look up at me, and then touch my arm, and so on.

His pur is a nice addition to the meditation.  Go collective consciousness.  I would om but it scares them.


  • Posts: 832
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« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2006, 02:16:43 PM »
Originally posted by emc

Anyone know anything more about animals and their souls?

Hi emc,

Theosophy and others have a lot of teaching about the soul of animals vs. humans:


  • Posts: 1654
animals & meditation
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2006, 04:13:49 PM »
Is it possible to "tantra" with a cat? The energies that comes are clearly sexual.

Well, sure - if you want to risk 5-to-10 in your local minimum security prison, and the wrath of everyone from your veterinarian to the Humane Society!


'Course Sweden is pretty darned open-minded .....


But seriously - short answer: Yes!

("In my humble opinion", etc. etc.)

Essentially, while not all tantric practice is literally sexual (by a long shot - there are many lineages of Tantric monks, in both Buddhism and the Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) that are celibate) ...

.... all tantric practice is about intimacy.

In fact, much of the work that many tantrikas (practitioners of tantra) engage in - specifically with a partner, but also within themselves, and in terms of (desired) connection with anyone or anything -- is the preliminary energetic work -- removing energetic barriers -- which will allow tantric intimacy to even be possible.

However, one of the few relationships in many people's lives, where genuine intimacy is a natural and daily reality - is the relationship with our animal companions.


(And based on what you've described, I'd say that you "tantra" with your cat, already ... though I understand your question may be about doing so more "formally"?)

Tantric practice is usually about establishing presence and intimacy (which it sounds like you have with your cat already! [:)]) - and then removing energetic blocks by "partnering" to enhance the flow of life energy (aka kundalini aka shakti) - which dissolves those energetic blocks.

(And there are other permutations, for instance "sex magic", where the enhanced life-energy flow is then directed toward a shared objective of some kind.)

Directing, or simply mutually benefiting from this enhanced energy flow often has to do with a kind of harmonizing - for instance, generating sexual energy - and then bringing it into the higher chakras through visualization and breathing (a lot like spinal breathing) - and then sharing that energy at a higher chakric level through "sounding" or "toning" (fifth chakra), eye-gazing (sixth chakra), or deep kissing (combination of fifth and sixth).

Unless you and your cat both have talents and inclinations well outside the norm ... [;)][:o)] ... I would think that your regular physical connections (holding, cuddling, petting, etc.) - combined with presence and eye-gazing (if your cat is "in the mood" - in my experience, a cat's willingness to do or not do any given thing - except possibly engaging in their part of the core activity for which the Universe was created (providing food to cats -- upon demand*) is subject to change. Period. [;)]

*Yes. I have spent most of my life around cats. [;)]

So .... "in conclusion" - (and being that you may well be a "pioneer" in this endeavor ..... [:)]) - I would suggest simply getting present and intimate with your cat .... and playing around with the energy (i.e. if you feel sexual energy arising, maybe try to communicate it to your cat in a way that your cat can understand, and which is physically possible - and which (presumably [:o)]) does not violate any of laws of biology, sociology, common decency and/or the great nation of Sweden --- for instance, maybe allow the energy to flow out through your hands, and/or your eyes - and/or your voice.

I actually know some female body-workers (massage therapists, cranial sacral therapists, reiki-type practitioners, etc.) - who generate sexual energy in various ways (pranayama, self-stimulation, fantasy, etc.) - and then take it into their (non-sexual) session with their client, in completely serious / therapeutic ways.

(Meaning: sexual energy is ultimately nothing more or less than the energy of life itself -- so these healers generate sexual energy - but then use it in "transmuted" ways - meaning that when they are using that life energy to heal, including just giving a massage -- there is nothing traditionally "sexual" being communicated via that energy - solely and purely unconditionally loving healing energy.)

I'm very sensitive to energy, and actually "called" a couple of female body-workers on this -- and they "confessed" that they were indeed doing this (they knew they could trust me with the information, on every level) -- and they mentioned that they don't openly disclose the practice, for obvious reasons. In further conversations (with the two women to whom I'm referring, and other female body-workers, and mixed-gender groups of energy healers, where we were talking openly) - I learned that this is kind of an "open secret" among body-workers and energy healers.

Makes complete sense to me, energetically; and it's too bad most of society can't handle the truth, in terms of this practice.

Also (back to the "cat thing") - since you presumably have more capacity to direct energy with intention than your cat does (though far be it from me to state this as an absolute fact ---- I actually have no idea if this is so, or not) --- maybe try to "pull" the energy from your cat (if you get sexual and/or "life energy" vibes from him (no, you smart-alecks in the back row .... not that kind of "pull"!) - and/or otherwise see if you can create an energy "circuit" (a flow or "stream" of the enhanced life energy circulating between you and your cat -- this is what human tantric partners often do.)

I hope this helps .... I was about 80% finished with this part of my post when I realized you may have been pretty much joking.

If so ...... "nevermind"!


(But if not, I truly hope this helps -- and will be interested to hear what you experience!)

One of my friends had a cat called Yoni

You do know that this is the Sanskrit term for female genitalia?

(And on the off chance you don't --- I'm not kidding, in any way shape or form.)

And, as you likely know, there is a standard slang term in English for female genitalia, which has all but superseded its former slang meaning - which was to identify beings of a feline persuasion --- hence (I would guess) - the suitability (in your friend's mind, apparently) - of "Yoni" as a name for a cat -- specifically a female cat.

The male counterpart, if anyone is curious, is "Lingam".

(If you ever take a Tantra class, learning these terms is usually part of the first ten minutes or so of formal instruction ....)

As if he said "Phew, finally you get to understand me! Now we're talkin'..." [:)]

I know what you mean ... several years ago (1999) I was trying to explain the value of the retreat to someone, and we were also discussing dogs - and I made the comment, "My dog doesn't need this retreat!"

(Because he - Said dog - an Australian Shephard who tutored calculus in his spare time - already "got" everything about the essential, sum-total of universal spiritual truth ("Be Here Now" & "Don't Worry, Be Happy" [:)])

Anyone know anything more about animals and their souls?

Only a little quote from Conversations with God, which I'll pass along ....

Neale -Author of Conversations with God, conversing with God - asked God, "Do animals have souls?"

She replied, "Anyone who has ever looked into the eyes of an animal knows the answer to that question."

... and in the words of the esteemed sage Forrest Gump, "That's all I'm gonna say about that ....!"

Peace, Namaste & Jai Narasimha,


(Narasimha is the incarnation of Vishnu who is half man, half lion - seemed fitting, per the _cat_egory of discussion .... [:o)])


  • Posts: 1654
animals & meditation
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2006, 04:41:08 PM »
Originally posted by Etherfish

My dog has problems pronouncing "I am", so it's hard for him to imagine.
Is "royrahm" close enough?

Dogs have such weird senses of humor ... Ro'r, or Ro'i is from the Sanskrit root for red - same as "Rudra" - the Vedic name for Shiva - but Ram is an incarnation of Vishnu, who is always portrayed as blue.

Ah! I just remembered --- dogs are color-blind!

No wonder!


And actually, a very well-known and highly respected yogic lineage with many adherents in the West (specifically in kirtan-oriented circles) is the lineage of Neem Karoli Baba --- which (lineage) tends to focus on the monosyllabic yet highly-potent mantra "Ram" - as in: the name of Lord Ram - which is pronounced "Rahm".

The bija mantra Ram, connected with the third chakra, is pronounced "Rum".

(They're actually two different words - the first, the name of Lord Ram(a) is transliterated into English as Raam(a) - (the last "a" is silent - on the physical plane, anyway! [;)] -- and the second letter is the Sanskrit "double a" - aa, as opposed to the single "a" sound, which is the short "a" - first letter in Sanskrit - or the "a" (uh) sound, in the letter "am", which appends the bija mantras.)

It's like in English, the letter "r" makes a sound "r", but we say it's the letter "ar" - or the letter which makes the "k" sound is "kay".

In Sanskrit, same thing - but the "r" letter is stated as "Ram" (Rum).

The "m" portion of the bija mantra brings the energy onto the physical plane - for creation and influence therein.

So, if your dog wishes to create etherically or causally alone, and is not as concerned with the physical, he can leave off the "m" - and go with "Ruh", or "Ree" or even "RRrrrrr".

In my experience, many people of the canine variety like to do this, and reserve the physical plane for eating, sleeping and licking themselves.

(And hey, given the option, how do we know we wouldn't make the same choices .....)


And "in conclusion" - your dog is in good company .... Sri Neem Karoli was known for "chewing his 'Ram's" - rumrumrumrumrumm - which I have heard many dogs do, in perfect Sanskrit (usually while eating, sleeping or snuffling another sentient being's butt ---- the dog, not Sri Neem Karoli .... though there are some *plenty* trippy stories about that enlightened soul, lemme tell ya ....!)

Peace, Namaste & Scooby Snacks,


PS - Jeez, I can really geek out on something based on a very narrow amount of total knowledge on the topic, can't I?.... kind of like how Billy Gibbons (of ZZ Top) plays lead guitar (as a guitarist friend of mine said, "He doesn't use a lot of notes, but he milks those notes for _all_ they're worth --- and, "in similar vein" - I know about 0.00000001% of what there is to know about Sanskrit and mantras -- but I work in several paragraphs of actual (and even probably-mostly correct[;)]) information, riffing in response to a Scooby-joke. Wow.

PPS - Note to Self: Get a life -- sooner, rather than later.



  • Posts: 252
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« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2006, 03:30:24 AM »
          Thanks for the chuckle, I love a good laugh.  Your posts are quite entertaining.

I don't usually fully read anything on the forum (usually just skim) simply because there is too much to read, but this morning I fully read your posts on this topic and was rewarded with laughter.
