Author Topic: benefits?  (Read 709 times)


  • Posts: 438
« on: November 01, 2010, 01:27:18 AM »

CanĀ“t anybody share with me their experiences with AYP? I would love to hear even if just one person responded?



  • Posts: 971
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2010, 04:34:48 AM »
Quieter.  Greater peace and joy. Increased energy flow and health.

Namaste, Jeff


  • Posts: 3178
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2010, 04:53:09 AM »
Hi nirmal [:)]

There are lots of threads around the AYP forums that indicate what kind of benefits are being noticed through a regular AYP practice.  Here is one thread that describes a bit of the benefits I personally have seen:



  • Posts: 438
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2010, 12:15:51 AM »
Thanks you two![:D]


  • Posts: 676
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2010, 09:09:54 AM »
hey nirmal.

Laughter - a lot of laughter. Sometimes the activities of the ego, the dramas of the ego (my own ego) and of others are just creasing me up with laughter. Before they would get me down. Now I'm just giggling a lot about them.

Ecstatic energy - recently there's been an upsurge in ecstatic energy. This has lead to me wanting to run around the whole time, instead of walking. I keep running in great leaps, and it feels incredibly good. There's no longer laziness, tiredness, lack of alertness, during the day - just a great deal of laughing happy energy.

Love - there seems to be a lot of love. Not exactly divine love yet, but an increased capacity to love (specifically my girlfriend). Every time when I'm resting after meditation, I see her in my mind, and there's a big heart opening and feeling of love for her. I never would've had the capacity to love her like I do, before meditation. Too selfish and un-loving.

Bad habits falling away - Tendency to habitually over-indulge in alcohol/other intoxicants is gradually dropping away. I used to drink to help calm nervousness or get me through social situations which I found difficult. That doesn't happen any more. I'm just not drinking anymore except occasionally and never getting wasted. This is after 2+ years of trying to quit my bad habit and failing, now they dropped away without having to try.

Flow - not a perfect flow to life, but the flow is increasing now, life is not such a challenge anymore.