Author Topic: Why full body orgasm?  (Read 1606 times)


  • Posts: 1464
Why full body orgasm?
« on: January 25, 2006, 02:49:11 AM »
A question which has often puzzled me is why some people have full body orgasms from the outset of adolesence, having done no meditation or ground work, and other people don't?



  • Posts: 911
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 05:24:08 AM »
I dunno. why are some people tall and some short? blue eyes or brown eyes? genetics? karma?


  • Posts: 1464
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2006, 05:46:49 AM »
I would have thought that to have a full body orgasm requires the energy channels to be open all the way up the spine. I assume this is the case with these people. Any I have know have been women.

In my case, as a man, I started off with orgasm in the groin only, and as emotional blocks were cleared the energy started moving up.

In AYP terms it would appear to me that these people would be quite advanced starting off, and I suppose that's what I'm trying to get a handle on - where are these people in relation AYP meditation.

If for instance I was talking to one of them about starting AYP meditation, would I be justified in thinking that they would progress very quickly, or is there any relationship between the two.


  • Posts: 2604
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2006, 06:42:19 AM »
Hello Sparkle,

sparkle said:
In AYP terms it would appear to me that these people would be quite advanced starting off, and I suppose that's what I'm trying to get a handle on - where are these people in relation AYP meditation.

If for instance I was talking to one of them about starting AYP meditation, would I be justified in thinking that they would progress very quickly, or is there any relationship between the two

There are many different ways to be 'advanced'.  In fact,  there isn't really any difference between being advanced and 'having advantages'.  So 'advanced' is a very rough category.  And since there are so many areas to have advantages,  we can't assume that because a person has significant advantages in one area that they have it in others.

For example,  some people are deeply sensitive to their energy flow in the sense of being able to detect it.  That's an advantage,  but it's not the same as the advantage of being able to control it;  some people have high energy,  but low command. Others have low energy and high command.  Most fortunate are the people with high energy and high command.

Then there are the other,  psychological,  spiritual aspects of growth.   The presence or absence of impurities and so on.  The list is endless.

If you take men and women on the average, you'll find men have some advantages in some areas and women have some advantages in other areas.  But of course some men are stronger than the average woman in the very areas women have an advantage;  and vice versa.

Will people who have a whole-body orgasm prove to have advantages on average as a group?  I don't know.  Time will tell.  It would be interesting to see if we can find out....

But don't tell these people they are 'advanced'.  [:D]  Guaranteed it won't do them any good at all.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2006, 06:44:33 AM by david_obsidian »


  • Posts: 1464
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2006, 08:58:06 AM »
Hi David
Thanks for you very clear explanation. [:)]

David wrote:
So 'advanced' is a very rough category. And since there are so many areas to have advantages, we can't assume that because a person has significant advantages in one area that they have it in others.

I have to admit my ulterior motive for asking about this  is so that I can approach at least one of these people with the notion of meditation.
Since they would have high sexual energy and have the "advantage" of full body orgasm then I thought to go in at the tantra angle of integrating their sexual energy in a spiritual way, which will also deepen both their sexual and spiritual life.

Because of this I was thinking about introducing them straight into Siddhasana. This makes sense to me as it would appear they are already there in their orgasms and this could be the key that would enliven their interest. What do you think?



  • Posts: 1464
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2006, 05:20:23 AM »
Having thought about it, I guess I'll answer this myself and say that everyone should start off at the basics and work their way through at their own pace. A good foundation is necessary and the maintenance of stability through self pacing.
Skipping into the more advanced stages might be asking for trouble.


  • Posts: 153
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2006, 07:49:32 AM »
Hi Sparkle:

I think you are correct in your conclusion. Energy conductivity is not the primary prerequisite for enlightenment. Inner silence is. Once the foundation has been laid, the house can be built sturdily upon it. A house built without a foundation will not last.

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 62
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2006, 01:20:53 PM »
Dear Sparkle whole body orgasm is something new to me. What is orgasm? Is it physical alone? How does it happen? Definitely the mind is a major player. What happens to the ego at the time of orgasm? How long does it last? Is it possible to be measured? Can one discribe it to another the depth and volume? can it be completely localised? Can it be shared by your partner? A whole new subject of study and discussion. I hope Guru Yogani can throw some light on it. maybe it has been discussed in some advanced lession of Tantra in AYP which I am yet to read



  • Posts: 1464
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2006, 02:26:08 AM »
Dear mystiq
I will get back to you when I have a little more time and tell you what I know - which is sketchy but may provoke debate


  • Posts: 1464
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2006, 04:38:44 AM »
Dear Mystiq
I had a stab at answering your post in a word documents but never really addressed your questions.
On reflection, the reason for this is that I have never had a whole body orgasm myself. From what I have read one can have an orgasm out through the top of the head, which is supposed to be the ultimate.

Ultimate or not, in developmental terms if it is not accompanied by the disclipine of a practice then it would always be an unsustained quickfix, in my view.

Perhaps, as you say, Yogani can answer your questions
Sorry I could'nt be of more help


  • Posts: 153
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2006, 07:20:24 AM »
Hi Mystiq:

While I am sure some would disagree, I don't think orgasm itself has much to do with yoga. It is related to reproduction -- the ecstatic engine that drives reproduction. And, as we know, it involves body, heart and mind, and all of that is related to the rearing of the family too. That is a crossover of orgasm into the spiritual arena. Whenever we care for others more than ourselves, something spiritual is going on. It can come through the reproductive cycle like that. This is what makes the family sacred.

Beyond that, sex gets truly yogic when we begin to work pre-orgasmincally with it in extended cultivation. This also has a relationship to lengthening and deepening orgasm itself, but if we are aiming for that we are not doing yoga really. So much of modern tantra is like that:

"Come to our tantra class. Learn how to have longer deeper orgasms."

Perhaps those who are born with such tendencies have taken a lot of tantra classes in a past life.

But it (yoga) is not about the orgasm.

If systematic cultivation is done pre-orgasmically, in addition to having an integrated routine of sitting practices (done separately), then something different will be happening. The ecstatic component of that will no longer be for reproduction and will go up toward human spiritual transformation. It is a different thing entirely, though using the same energy that reproduction does. Success depends on the presence of inner silence, and steady commitment and persistence over time.

Siddhasana, mudras, bandhas and pranayama accomplish the same objectives as tantric sex -- cultivation of the ecstatic conductivity (shakti) component of the shakti/shiva duo. Inner silence cultivated in deep meditation and samyama is the shiva component. These means can be used by celibates and by non-celibate tantrics.

If it is an analysis of orgasm we are doing here, that is about as far as we go with it and still be talking about yoga. The rest (the quest for the perfect orgasm) is something else and can be a distraction to yoga, and to everything else we are doing in our life. Maybe that is why many cultures try and put a lid on sex. It doesn't work, of course. It leads to repressed societies and aberrant behavior, or worse.

Sex is what it is. We are all inclined to be obsessed with sex either for or against. It cannot be ignored. I think one of the real strengths of tantra is that is enables serious practitioners to redirect the natural obsession with sex toward spiritual transformation. That is bhakti! Those who really know the methods of tantra, have no fear about sex and less obsession, because the lion's share of it goes toward expansion of ecstatic conductivity within them. It is like a never-ending orgasm, but not really. If it does not end, it is not orgasm anymore. It is a different thing -- a component of enlightenment, life in ecstatic bliss. Then "the act" is about the higher mudras like sambhavi and kechari, and the filling up of the heart to become a channel of endless divine love pouring out into the world. That is the best "orgasm" of all. [:p]  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 20
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2006, 02:42:15 AM »
Hi All;
I have been having full body orgasms after I started AYP (may be a month or two after I got into meditation). But one observation is that a full body orgasm, as opposed to a genital one, seems to happen only when I am having sex and not when I am masturbating. During masturbation it is very genital and the experience is no where near the one during sex. Any explanations to this observation are welcome. Is there some learning here regarding spiritual partners or partner-practices? My wife is into sadhana too.



  • Posts: 875
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #12 on: February 20, 2006, 02:56:17 AM »
I'll take a stab:  During lovemaking, we're more apt to open our heart, and thus the sexual energy will move upward.  When we masturbate, the heart isn't as involved or open, and thus the sexual energy remains localized in the genital region.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #13 on: February 20, 2006, 03:43:07 AM »
Originally posted by meg

I'll take a stab:  During lovemaking, we're more apt to open our heart, and thus the sexual energy will move upward.  When we masturbate, the heart isn't as involved or open, and thus the sexual energy remains localized in the genital region.

But it's important to bear in mind that the heart can be open all the time. Yeah, for spontaneous openings, it helps to have some sort of deep stirring inspiration. But eventually meditation opens your heart, and you make your own gravy, so to speak.

Sexual energy doesn't "belong" to's just the activity of your vital energy when it stirs in that particular region.


  • Posts: 20
Why full body orgasm?
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2006, 04:09:43 PM »
I'll take a stab: During lovemaking, we're more apt to open our heart, and thus the sexual energy will move upward. When we masturbate, the heart isn't as involved or open, and thus the sexual energy remains localized in the genital region.
Hey Meg;
That sounds like a pretty good explanation. Thanks [:)]
« Last Edit: February 21, 2006, 10:12:45 PM by gkrheera »