Author Topic: Advice Needed. Energy on Head  (Read 853 times)


  • Posts: 4
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« on: March 13, 2010, 12:44:05 AM »
I do not perform regular meditation and i restarted since 2 weeks (i used to do sudarshan kriya 5 yrs back). During meditation, i feel my hands light and want to go to my heart and crown chakras. I allowed them to go.

After some days i started feeling my chest heavy and a pressure on my skull as if something is burning it. after fews days pimples start appearing on my scalp

Please advise what i should do. i preform only simple meditation focusing on my prana.



  • Posts: 171
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2010, 03:20:32 AM »

Sounds like you need to ground your energy. One route is to do the qigong stance embrace the tree/standing like a tree or some sort of horse stance and breathe deep into the ground. You can find a lot about such stances on youtube. You could also just stand in no particular stance and breathe through your soles but the specific stances are more efficient.

Yogani does tai chi. It is also very grounding and balancing for energy. I do it a little myself and highly recomend it.


  • Posts: 334
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2010, 03:54:03 AM »
Hi, if you haven't tried it yet, consider practicing the meditation and spinal breathing techniques taught in the main lessons of this site.  I find it to be a balanced and solid foundation to any openings that have been occurring, although I don't have much to compare it to.  Definitely consider adding some sort of breathing exercise before meditation.

Grounding techniques include (in my opinion) any ways of using the excess energy.  Put it to good use if possible.  In other words, make yourself tired through activity.  Also as mentioned, imagining the energy flowing off you, and into the environment in various ways works.  Or imagining it rebalancing into other parts of the body, evening out.

Self pacing is also a common thread through AYP.  You could lower your meditation times as you get started back up again.

The pressure in the skull and pimples are symptoms of the excess energy.  They will (hopefully) go away as you learn to ground and self pace.

Best of luck.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2010, 03:59:38 AM by JDH »


  • Posts: 4
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 05:16:10 AM »
Right now i am bit afraid of continuing meditation and even more afraid when i read the symptoms others are having with kundalini awakening. i have put a pause until i find myself comfortable

I will definitely looks for stance on youtube and learn how to get off the energy to the environment.

It is true JHD that when i get tired doing some activities like, thinking, gardening, cycling, i feel much better. But when the energy accumulates, i feel heavy.


  • Posts: 4
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2010, 06:19:21 AM »

I have started doing simple grounding exercises and it feels really good. i can feel a sort of electricty between my soles and the grounds. great feeling. i will continue for some more days


  • Posts: 47
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2010, 08:47:22 PM »
Hey Sohamj, I know all to well what you are going through :-)

I myself can be unbalanced in two different ways: On one hand, I can be unbalanced because there's more energy in one part of the body than another, usually the head. This is very uncomfortable and distracting, although it might vary in intensity. On the other hand, I can be unbalanced because there is simply too much energy, no matter where that might be located. Plenty of energy can be very pleasant, if it is evenly distributed in the body. But it tends to escalate to unmanageable proportions, which also becomes unpleasant.

Of course, both can happen at the same time, and then it gets REALLY uncomfortable. This seems to be what is/was happening to you.

For unbalanced energy, it helps me to do qigong exercises that bring the energy down. Try going to a qigong class, it worked miracles for me. Also "opening the front channel" is a good idea (I've done this by doing the front part of the microcosmic orbit).

For too much energy, it helps me to lay off practices and do walks, socializing, manual labour, and so on. Also repeatedly intending to "calm down" myself is good --- especially because I find that sometimes I build up too much energy because I am actually DOING things, often subconsciously, that power it up. So if I have a "Ok, that's enough energy, let's calm down, stop pulling for it, I don't want more" attitude, then I think it will slowly go back down.

Someone in this forum mentioned that unbalances can take weeks to correct themselves, but good thing is that they also take weeks to build up.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 08:54:24 PM by brunoloff »


  • Posts: 4
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2010, 12:34:02 AM »
I have started practising surya namaskar daily and it really feels good. the excess energy and head ache has decreased after 2 weeks. however the pimples are still there.

hope they go quickly. But now am really afraid of continuing meditation without proper guidance


  • Posts: 4947
Advice Needed. Energy on Head
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2010, 12:45:50 AM »
Originally posted by sohamj

I have started practising surya namaskar daily and it really feels good. the excess energy and head ache has decreased after 2 weeks. however the pimples are still there.

hope they go quickly. But now am really afraid of continuing meditation without proper guidance

Drink plenty of water. That will help with your pimples.

You have all the guidance you need right here. Yogani has put out lessons for structured daily practices, to be followed at your pace of comfort, in the Main lessons.
The best thing to do is start with deep meditation. It is recommended to do this twice a day for 20 min. The rest of the time, go out and live your life. This will help integrate (and ground) the stillness you cultivate in meditation with you everyday life.
Do not add pranayama or anything else till you are stable with your meditation. If 20 min of meditation seems too much for you, then self pace and do only 10 min twice a day.

Wish you all the best in your path.[:)]