Author Topic: A Great Wonder To You...  (Read 1751 times)


  • Posts: 363
A Great Wonder To You...
« on: January 10, 2006, 02:48:51 PM »
Hari Om

Hello All,
Seems alls well on the AYP, I thought I would just post this. I think about these things a bit, and wondered if any of you sadhu's ponder things like may say "this guy needs a hobby!" .
As one meditates, perception and contemplation changes and many say their view of the world is refined or improves. So, a great wonder to you 2-3 years ago, may be of little interest or surprise today with your new vision.

So, if I asked you, What is the greatest wonder you have of this world, this life? what would you say?

If I may, let me start off with one from a king, that reined several thousand years ago , a very enlightened king as the story goes, named Yudhiäthira (from yudhi, “in the battle”, and sthira, “calm, undisturbed”)

He is asked What is the greatest wonder of the world?
Yudhiäthira without hesitation answers, "Every day, men see creatures depart [die] from this world, yet those who live, live as though they live forever. This is the greatest wonder of the World"

Do you have one?

just a thought...

Frank In San Diego


  • Posts: 2604
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 02:11:10 AM »

For me the greatest wonder is that there actually is anything.

This is truly amazing.


  • Posts: 238
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2006, 04:31:46 AM »
For me the greatest wonder is how much time we spend not present, so we end up having lived very little


  • Posts: 34
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2006, 05:17:24 AM »
The greatest wonder to me is me being here in my body realizing myself.


  • Posts: 3597
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2006, 12:23:38 PM »
That people actually believe that intelligent life could spring forth from primordial ooze by chance, given enough time.


  • Posts: 363
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2006, 12:36:03 PM »
Hari Om
Originally posted by david_obsidian

 For me the greatest wonder is that there actually is anything.
This is truly amazing.

Hello David, wondered if I can poke around on this one, cause I was think'n that myself... do you mean due to this universe and how really really volatile and violent it is ( meteors. gamma rays, black wholes, exploding nova, universes colliding , etc etc) yet we are serene on this little blue ball in the middle of this?  
I am a big science channel viewer and watch all the astonomy stuff and its so interesting on just how 'intelligent' this whole system is, and so 'gentle' on this side of the cosmos.
Wondered what you think?

Frank In San Diego


  • Posts: 363
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2006, 12:38:58 PM »
Hari Om
Originally posted by snake

For me the greatest wonder is how much time we spend not present, so we end up having lived very little

Hello Snake,
Can you help? I don't get 'not present'... you mean not in the 'now' and being aware of the environment around us or?


Frank In San Diego


  • Posts: 2604
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2006, 01:45:06 AM »


I mean that it is amazing that anything 'exists' at all.  I mean,  it would be so much easier, and in a way, so much more 'natural' if nothing existed -- in other words if there was just this great big void --- a vast expanse of nothingness and nothing else.  That would seem to be the natural state of existence.

Indeed,  in a sense it is true that there is only that,  or,  rather,  only that is permanent and real.  The rest is fleeting shadows,  there while they are there, and,  when and where they no longer exist,  they never have been.


  • Posts: 875
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2006, 02:41:33 AM »
The 2 fundamental questions of metaphysics:  Why is there something, rather than nothing?  And, Why the 'why'?


  • Posts: 363
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2006, 01:28:22 PM »

Haro Om
Originally posted by david_obsidian

I mean that it is amazing that anything 'exists' at all.  I mean,  it would be so much easier, and in a way, so much more 'natural' if nothing existed --

Hello David,
thx for the explanation... yea, I see your point. Especially when you think about some of the laws of nature such as preservation of energy, the path of least resistance e.g. for water, electricity, lightening, people [:)] that also extends to the cosmos. Yet when cosmologist now look deep in space that are surprised of what they they see/measure.  You probably know it was conventional wisdom that the universe was slowing down, stop, then collapse back onto itself. Now they measurements show the universe continues to accelerate and expand more and more…   oooops - stop the presses and re-write all the science text books, we goofed!

That said,  the 'system' is designed around the preserving energy, yet its pumping it out to expand... so it seems that the easiest mega-path for preservation and of least resistance is nothing at all!  Go figure, eh?


Frank In San Diego


  • Posts: 3597
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2006, 04:34:23 PM »
There might be a million other universes where nothing exists. but only
in this one is anyone here to speculate.


  • Posts: 363
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #11 on: January 21, 2006, 06:45:36 AM »
Hari OM
Originally posted by Etherfish

There might be a million other universes where nothing exists. but only in this one is anyone here to speculate.

Hello Etherfish - I have heard this before i.e. multiple universes.  Care to help? - I have a bit of a brain cramp here, and not heard of a good ( digestible) explanation.
When I think of the universe ( "uni"  unity   in the mist of "verse"  diversity) I think of its completeness - every possible permutation of every thing seen and un-seen in this total space ( akasha) is contained in 'universe'.  If there are multiple universes, is it out side of this one?  If so it does not meet the initial defintion of every thing.  I cannot conceive of even one more universe let alone 100's or 1,000's outside of this one. This does not mean it is not so!
The Brain cramp comes from IF there are multiple universes then the MACRO-universe is the the compliation of all of them, and is sill called the universe!

If one says there are various layers and strata of this universe ( the sages of yore think there are 14 levels) , even those all fit 'above and below' into this nice word of universe.
What's your thoughts on this???

Ekam Sad Viprah Bahudha Vadanti - Truth is ONE, Sages call it variously

Frank In San Diego


  • Posts: 858
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2006, 07:22:46 AM »
Originally posted by Etherfish

There might be a million other universes where nothing exists. but only
in this one is anyone here to speculate.

I can only think of the universe as one. But I can conceive of multiple realities within it. A bit like the chaos theory all those butterflies flapping their wings ...or not!!! [:)]



  • Posts: 3597
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #13 on: January 22, 2006, 02:55:14 AM »
I wasn't quoting anybody about other universes; only tongue-in-cheek speculating. Actually I believe a universe without the perceiver cannot exist. Universes are made of God energy; points of perception are made of God energy; a "universe" with nobody in it to discuss it is just word play.

Astrophysicists have speculated that the universe could be curved back in on itself like a circle. So that would imply an outer border, and the possibility of another universe.
I think of the universe as being all places that could be reached physically from here, given enough time and transportation.
So if there is another one, it just can't be physically reached from this one.
For instance, the astral plane. it's probably semantics. You probably don't call a plane a universe, but nevertheless, you can't get there from here.


  • Posts: 363
A Great Wonder To You...
« Reply #14 on: January 22, 2006, 02:48:21 PM »
Hari Om
Originally posted by Etherfish

Astrophysicists have speculated that the universe could be curved back in on itself like a circle. So that would imply an outer border, and the possibility of another universe.

Hello Etherfish,
I love the choice of words you selected... In some of the Vedas/Purana's Krsna says " curving back onto my Self I create again and again"  Perhaps you know more 'bout this then all of us!!  ((([:D])))

Frank In San Diego