Author Topic: Shatkarma  (Read 6359 times)

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
« on: December 25, 2005, 12:52:17 AM »
I am consider adding some shatkarma. Hope someone here can help giving me some suggestions of which one to do, or share some experiences. Here is my health problem which I believe shatkarma can help.

I am suffering from constipation and sometimes discomfort/pain in the area of my lower intestines. Not very serious, but enough to give me some symptoms (very often), like lack of concentration, sleep deprivation, tiredness, etc. They affect my quality of life quite severely. Also, the pain appears nearly everytimes I sit for meditation.

My constipation is not severe enough to get attention from any western doctor. (I clear my bowel almost everyday, but with some difficulty, and not clear ENOUGH.... I can feel that...) Usually I take some psyllium husk (a natural source of fiber) as a "cleanser". It works  but not very well. And to make it work, I have to take doses far exceed the usual recommended one!!
« Last Edit: December 25, 2005, 01:04:19 AM by Alvin Chan »


  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2005, 03:51:04 AM »
Hi Alvin:

I moved this topic from healthcare into yamas and niyamas...

Basti and dhauti are the shatkarmas to consider for cleansing and improving GI tract function. See the summary in the yamas and niyamas introduction.

Shatkarmas are especially helpful if one is well-established in a steady routine of sitting practices, because there is a substantial spiritual dimension to them -- they are an aid for cultivating ecstatic conductivity in the neurobiology. The GI tract plays a central role in this, but not necessarily in the beginning days of our practices. It is much more important to become stable in our core practices.  

The shatkarmas are an area slated for detailed coverage in the AYP writings, but are down the list from all the rest that is being covered, so it will be a while longer. I am planning a book on them for 2007.

That does not help your immediate need, I know. Perhaps others can step forward on this until I can get an online lesson together to help folks develop some practical familiarity with the shatkarmas. One reason I have been slow on shatkarmas is I want to be careful not to distract folks from the core practices (meditation, spinal breathing, etc.) with what are ancillary hatha yoga methods. From the AYP point of view, they are middle stage practices, not needed much by most yogis and yoginis at the beginning or at the end of the journey. They are very helpful in the middle when ecstatic conductivity is coming into play.

Of course, for health reasons shatkarmas can be useful anytime, so they straddle the spiritual and medical arenas, as do all yoga practices. In AYP we focus primarily on the spiritual side...  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 1589
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2005, 04:32:24 AM »
No shatkarma experience here, but Alvin, some things that have worked for me in the past with similar GI issues. Cut out white flour, white bread, white pasta etc. from your diet (if you haven't already). Also, adding a daily capsule of cod liver oil helps immensely too.


  • Posts: 34
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2005, 08:00:51 AM »
Hi Alvin:

What have helped me in the past with constipation is doing a 21 day cleanse with ( products, which is aimed at removing the old hard mucoids from the colon walls.  I have done many cleanses but none of them addresses the mucoids like the cleansing products of arisandshine.



  • Posts: 34
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2005, 08:16:32 AM »
Alvin me again

After the cleanse if you don’t want to go on a raw food diet then you can take 1 cascara capsule with your fiber which will keep you regular.  Note cascara is none addictive.  Cascara is known to exercise and strengthen the colon instead of weakening it like other laxative such as sanna.


  • Posts: 363
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2005, 09:15:48 AM »
Hari OM

Hello Alvin.
Per your request of shatkarma, I understand them to fall in the following categories ( again, open to all new info and help on this, and will learn along the way)

1. Dhauti cleaning the stomach
2. Basti cleaning the colon
3. Neti cleaning the nasal passage
4. Nauli cleaning the abdominal organs
5. Kapalabati cleaning the respiratory organs
6. Trataka clearing the mind through gazing

I have been practicing neti this year... more for allergies and the like.  I have been happy with the results - minor effort for reasonable and measurable results.  the benefit is better pranayam.
But then ya always Afrin too!! [^] (a sinus decongestant - one spray and you are on your way!  [:D])

Sarvam khalu idam Brahm, ‘All of this indeed is Brahman’

Frank In San Diego

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2005, 02:41:14 PM »
Thanks for the all sharings.

Don't know why, my intestines feel pain very often when I meditate (usually near the end of my practice)!

For the Basti, I can perform a good uddiyana bandha but not yet nauli. Would this work for Basti?
Actually, the problem for me is to find a way to do Basti without contaminatng anything!

Also, what about Shankhaprashalana? I have read fairly detailed description of it. Seems to be the most thorough one, especially for the large intestines which I couldn't think of other ways to clean...

I have been maintaining a diet of Brown Rice (five kinds, actually) in stead of White rice for a year. And no white flour products except occasionally. Fish oil, olive oil, advocados, Yogurt...and some asanas, everything I've heard is healthy for my gut! I think there is a long-term, chronic problems.

I guess besides the heathly deposit I'm putting it, what I can do is either to cleanse it directly (e.g. with fiber, shatkarma) or by giving some extra stimulations for the GI track to move and cleanse itself (e.g. with herbs). A thorough cleansing of the intestine would be helpful, I think.


  • Posts: 363
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2005, 03:47:20 PM »
Hari Om

Hello Alvin,
I hope we have a knowledable Ayurvedic AYP member that can assist...
I, for one have had good luck with triplala [ known as the 3 fruits]  Good for internal cleansing.  NOw I do not know your consititution ( Vata, Pitta, Kapha)... if you care to find this out if you do not know, visit . Look at the tab "About Ayurveda" and they give in-depth descriptions for Pitta, Kapha, Vata.  THey also sell quality products.

Hope this gives some help...?

Frank In San Diego


  • Posts: 2604
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2005, 12:20:44 AM »


I have no knowledge (yet) of the Sh*tkarmas,  (LOL),  but I will say that the first thing to try to reduce constipation ( and this is often forgotten or unknown) is to drink lots of fluids.  Lots of water or tea (weak if necessary) between meals.

That's a good first line of attack.  For some people it solves the problem right there.

There seems to be a kind of common weakness in the human body where we don't quite know that we are dehydrated.  We usually seem to get hungry when we need food,  but we don't all (or always) get thirsty when we need water.

By the way,  I don't think coffee is good for this purpose,  because it is a diuretic (makes your kidneys eliminate more water,  and thus reduces your hydration levels).



Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2005, 03:13:29 AM »
Thanks again. In fact, I have been drinking 3-4 liters per day. Even more some years ago (around 5 liters when I can get that much). I do feel thirsty, besides intending to cure constipation and eliminate toxins. But anyone would say that 5 liters is well too much, so I cut it off gradually to 3-4 liters.

Thanks for the links of Ayurveda. I'll try that out later, when I have time to learn about it in more detail. I am sure herbs would help-- I didn't try Ayurvedic herbs, but I visited a good practioner of Chinese medicine and she can really make me flush for some days! What I concern, however, is that I cannot rely on herbs in the long run-- primarily because of the high cost of visiting practioners for a long time, and without knowing whether the constipation will be cured at its root in this way! Also, I am also concerning about the possibility of reliance on external stimulants.

Of course, may be the actions of certain herbs are not "stimulating" in nature. But that would be too difficult, if possible, for me to learn from books....

If so few people are trying the cleansing technique, then let me do some experiments. I intend to do "Laghoo Shankprakshalana", the small version first. After that, depending the results, I may try the full version, "Shankprakshalana". My source is Satyananda's "Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha". But it's also in  
(Click "intestinal cleansing")
Both source point out that it should not be done without guidance from expert, that's why I'm asking for experience (especially potential danger). But actually, I don't see there would be much problem, as long as I stop when there's something wrong.

I'll report the results here later. I don't expect an immense effect from a single session of the small version. (not even sure if I can suceceed in doing it)
« Last Edit: December 27, 2005, 03:18:59 AM by Alvin Chan »


  • Posts: 363
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2005, 06:29:31 AM »
Hari OM

Originally posted by Alvin Chan

I do feel thirsty, besides intending to cure constipation and eliminate toxins.  Thanks for the links of Ayurveda.

Hello Alvin,
Hope alls going well.. I noticed a few points in your response...again I am not an Ayurvedic doctor, nor claim any special knowledge, but have been practicing Ayurved for a while now ( + or - 20 years).
First the constipation is intestinal and therefore Vata driven. Most all illnesses are driven (root cause) by Vata - and having it intestinal based,( seated as they say) is a key indicator of Vata dosha ( or some imbalance).
Vata is responsible for movement and has the air and space principles ( tattva or element) association. Movement via air/gas/space/akasha.

This does not infer you are Vata constitution ( prakruti), just having a Vata imbalance.  Most folks are primary one type and then secondary another.( I am Pitta-Vata prakruti as an FYI). Also , you mention thirst - this is a result of Pitta. fire or agni element. Too much pitta increases heat, and one is more thirsty ( to put out the heat) then normal, when pitta is over stimulated.

So, ya gotta ask " what causes the imbalance?" - Well, what we take in… food, environment, entertainment, social conditions…
What can you control - all of the above almost, starting with food.  Certain foods aggregvate Vata and Pitta ( also Kapha, but we can leave that for your research).  Please look on line..there are tons of Ayurvedic sites.  A good foundational book that will get you comforable is "Ayurveda- The Science of Self-Healing , by Dr. Vasant Lad.  I bet you can find info from Dr. Lad on line too. He runs the Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexciao.

The principles of Ayurved is simple:
1. Food is medicine, medicine is food.
2.Dis-ease comes from the disharmony of the 5 elements ( tattvas)
3. Like increases like ( that is, the more of the same gives you more of the same!)
4.Whatever affects the body affects the mind ( and vice versa)
5. Last, "as above, so below" - that is, every thing that exists in the universe has its couunterpart in the internal body-universe of the individual.

Om Kham Brahma - Brahman ( both absolute and relative qualities) is like space ( akasha).

Frank In San Diego

Phil Morningstar

  • Posts: 3
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2005, 06:59:39 AM »
My constipation is not severe enough to get attention from any western doctor. (I clear my bowel almost everyday, but with some difficulty, and not clear ENOUGH.... I can feel that...) Usually I take some psyllium husk (a natural source of fiber) as a "cleanser". It works  but not very well. And to make it work, I have to take doses far exceed the usual recommended one!!

Greetings Alvin, I had a serious bout of constipation last summer and did talk to my M.D. about it. She said that constipation is caused by dehydration. I looked it up and sure enough everything I found said the same thing. So it may be as simple as drinking more water. Especially with or right after a meal, drink a cup of water. Especially if you eat a lot of grains etc. Anything that absorbs a lot of water will do it. My constipation is when the weather got warmer I didn't increase my water intake and I made this rice dish that I ate for 3 days and ....."squeeek" everything came to a stop. Well can't hurt to drink more water anyway. Best of luck, much love and hope you start feeling better.
  Oh! And a warning about those laxatives, most of the laxatives work by irratating the intenstines into forcing things out. Inducing contractions in the muscles. I have no idea about the psyllium husks though.

Phil Morningstar

  • Posts: 3
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2005, 12:30:14 PM »
Greetings again Alvin. I wanted to add a bit more to what I've said. Taking more than the recommended dose of a laxative and/or taking them for more than a couple of days is hazardous to your health. If your getting cramps at all you should definately stop taking them. An enema is the mildest way, it doesn't irratate the intestine lining, but it also washes the fauna out of the intestines. Overdoing enemas can make one sick too. But the best is too drink lots of water and drinking things with water in them, like tea or soda, does not count. So for every cup of tea have a cup of water too.  Well you will regain your balance I'm sure and I wish you the best.  

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2005, 06:15:31 PM »
I don't know, but I think 5 liters/day is too much. Some say that it would burden my kidney. I found that most ppl drink about 2 liter or less. I guess that's why doctors keep telling us to drink more? I don't take psyllium husk regularly, just when things get worse....

I get cramps but still having difficulty emptying my bowel. Have to strain much every morning. There must be something at the root which cause this problem. I've heard of some cases even worse than me, and cured by Chinese Medicine. Completely! But it takes some time, and depends on whether you can find a good practioner.

Ayurveda sounds promising. If it is simple and still works, that would be great. Chinese medicine works too, but it's damn complicated! Frank, how's your experience with Ayurveda? I don't mean constipation but in general.

I tried the Laghoo Shankprakshalana today morning. I did something wrong for the first half, but finally I can still flush the watery thing out in rather large quantity--very much like after taking Chinese medicine but with even more liquid out! The drawback is that the whole practice is more exhausting than I expected. The asanas ara not difficult, but it has to be done that many times (especially the swinging tree pose which really make me scream!) with so much water inside and without breakfast. The water inside realy upset my GI track and thus me--everyone has the experience of feeling exhausted when your intestine are moving.

I may try another round after a few days. But it seems that I'm not in a position to do the full version yet.


  • Posts: 718
« Reply #14 on: December 27, 2005, 09:36:30 PM »
Dear Alvin,
Firstly the practice of meditating will make you thirsty normally because of the amount of energy generated. I find even 5 minutes is enough to make me thirsty.
Secondly I would suggest you try green clay(search the net)for cleansing.You put 1 teaspoon of green clay in a glass of water, leave in fridge overnight and drink each morning for up to 3 weeks.The green clay absorbs up to 40 times it's own volume and removes toxins, heavy metals etc.I took some to India for my guru to give her mother and she said it worked well.It was inexpensive as well.

'the mind can see further than the eyes'