Author Topic: Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms  (Read 9851 times)

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2010, 10:06:01 PM »
When i urinate then some energy moving in my for head and back head take palace.but no energy movement in spine. Some times energy movement in lower spinal close to anus area


  • Posts: 3071
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Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2010, 10:47:16 PM »
Originally posted by mrityunjay_singh_1983

If gas is present in stomach(gastric problem) means gas is not releasing then this type of gurgling sound, stomach cramp also appear.
How i differentiate between gas in stomach(Gastric problem) and semen moving up to bladder.??????
I have also some amount of gastric problem not much.Gas releases but after some time.
So i am asking this question??????

Hi Mrityunjay singh,

Having air in your stomach is not necessarily a problem. If it is related to Yoga, then there will be a natural air intake into the stomach for vajroli to take place. This is discussed here:

"A: The presence of more air in the GI tract is a normal part of the neurobiology of the rise of ecstatic conductivity (kundalini). It has been described in Lesson 304 on the "nectar cycle," and elsewhere in the lessons. Air plays a vital role in the nectar cycle, mixing with food and sexual essences in the GI tract, where a higher form of digestion occurs, producing refined substances that advance the neurobiology of ecstatic awakening." [Yogani]

If you are suffering from some health problem, then you may get a build up of gas in your stomach causing you pain. I'm not a doctor so I can't say any more about that.

How can you tell the difference between the two? With natural vajroli, you will get the other effects as well. Sexual fluids in the urine... prana dripping from the crown and higher chakras, oil on the skin, euphoria etc. All the symptoms do not necessarily appear at once, but it is a process, so you would expect them fairly soon.. days or weeks. If you are just getting gas and stomach cramps, then you are ill and need to see a doctor.


Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #17 on: December 10, 2010, 01:11:24 AM »
1. when i go for urination after long journey then whitish urine appear much more.
2. Some times i find that i am thinking more about sexual thing.
When i watch any movie(at that time in normal movies these seen appears) if any sexual seen appear.then i start thinking about these seens when i have no work.

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2011, 07:12:54 PM »
i found blood in stool.
Doctor said it is due to constipation.
i take some medicine which prescribed by doctor.
also some lifestyle change like  drink plenty of water.
go latrine only when comes.
after some times Situation becomes ok.

but after some day it appear again.I exert much pressure when i go latrine.

Actually i awake at 4 o,clock morning.
Drink lot of water then after 1 hour i go for latrine.after applying high pressure it appear again.

i regularly do exercise,breathing and meditation,drink water.....etc.
constipation should not appear.but it appear again.

Is this constipation due to sexual energy entering in intestine.????????
Or some inner problem.

I also feel gurgling noise during meditation not always but some times.Approximately My both nostril working correctly during pranayama.I think its amazing.But i am not able to do complete uddyana bandha(some Lifting of diaphragm but my stomach not go totally inside may be due to some gas present in stomach).

What is the case it yogic or some inner problem.????????????


  • Posts: 1843
Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2011, 09:05:58 PM »
Hi Mrityunjay singh

I am sorry you are suffering from constipation. Not knowing your constitution, or what type of medicine your doctor prescribed (this will reveal his thoughts about what the diagnosis is)  it is difficult to tell why you experience this. It could be a number of things.

Is this constipation due to sexual energy entering in intestine.????????
Or some inner problem.

I don't know, but it is not likely. Sometimes the most evident is the hardest to see. When your doctor says the blood is because you are constipated...90 % out of 100 % this will be because of bursting blood vessels within your colon/rectum. Or inner hemorrhoids.

You already drink a lot of water so that is good. But what about your diet?
There are several things you could try. If you are into ayurveda - then eat according to your dosha (vata, pitta, kapha). In addition, a couple of teaspoons daily of these seeds are very good for making the problem with hard stools easier: Linseeds.
Also - if you soak 4-5 prunes in a bit of water and eat it daily, that could help.

On the macrobiotic diet side, to induce the discharge of stagnated bowels,  this "coctail" in a small glass (for instance an egg holder)  is good:

2 tablespoons of Sesame Oil
1/4 teaspoon of grated raw ginger
1 teaspoon of tamari soy sauce

Take it in the morning on an empty stomach the days you must use effort to pass stool.

Last but not least - if the trouble persists, go see your doctor again. Also - if there is a good classical homeopath near you - a homeopathic constitutional remedy can be of great help.

All the best with your meditation practice [:)]


  • Posts: 1843
Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2011, 09:10:26 PM »
But i am not able to do complete uddyana bandha(some Lifting of diaphragm but my stomach not go totally inside may be due to some gas present in stomach).

Do not force this. Maybe even drop that part of the practice for a couple of weeks, then if you are otherwise stable you can try it again. But never force it.

Peace be with you [:)]

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2011, 10:30:08 PM »
I am regularly doing asana, pranayama(alternate nostrill,spinal,bhastrika with lifting muscle of anus(aswini), perinium(mula), genital(vajroli) and diaphragm(uddyana)) and Deep meditation one hour every day.
Takeing vegeterian diet.

initially i feel some constipation.I already tell in my previous forum posts.

i have under gone through one minor operation of hydrocele.
During recovery days (approximately 10 days).I quit my yoga practices.
After that i again started.

then i find that I am suffering from hemorrohide (piles).

I read one book "Balancing the Chakras" By Maruti Seidman, section "Kundalini Energy and Physical Imbalances"
In this he had written that when kundalini energy become hot it could heat up as it travels through body.
if it becomes hot in first chakra it causes hemorrohide.
He mention other physical imbalances also.
These things should not happen with me.
Because i am reguler in my practice.

I am takeing pilex tablet and pilex ointment for treating my piles problem.
These are ayurvedic medicine.

Why i am suffering constipation  and Piles???????????
I think i have kundalini imbalances .....
am i right??????????
If yes then help me for this

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #22 on: July 17, 2011, 05:29:46 PM »
Energy rushing during day time in leg and arm.
Some time when i am not busy then i started doing alternate nostril breathing.
Then above right side symptom is also happen.
But maximum right side. very less in left side of body(leg arm....etc).
During meditation right lobe of mind much active. But left is very less active.
Clearly distinguishable right left lobe of mind.
I am feeling much difficult to concentrate during my own work.
Many other thoughts coming in my mind.
I am already doing asana, alternate nostril breathing ,spinal breathing and
Bhastrika with mula uddyana and jalandhar.
After that meditation.
I think these  things enough for these imbalances.
What i am understanding that when left right balance happen then prana enter in spine(sushumna).
Is it correct.????????
as it is provided in this above site.
What is difference between sushumna awakening and kundalini awakening???


  • Posts: 405
Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #23 on: July 26, 2011, 05:20:58 AM »
Hi Mirtunjay singh,

For constipation take Triphala powder 1tsp along with 1/4th tsp of neem powder mixed in warm water twice a day once in the morning on empty stomach and at night 15 minutes or more after dinner.

yes that link is awesome one it does explains well!

Love n Light

As christi said your Ida and Pingla nadis are cleared and energy is moving in them so now its time to bring the energy in to the sushmana nadi.. try SAMYAMA and after meditation see to that you lie down and relax yorself atleast for 10minutes without introducing meditation or other things just relax and get up.

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2011, 02:03:29 PM »
I have added some bandha and mudra with bhastrika pranayama. When i exhale i perform all bandha and mudra like uddyana(lifting diaphragm),vajroli(lifting muscle below naval),aswani(lifting muscels of anus),mula(my heel on perinium and some stretching due to vajroli and aswani),jalandhar(downward chin stick to chest),khechari(tonguie goes up to demarcation line of ineer opening of nostrils) and sambhavi(eye towards third eye) in one. This posture i able to maintain only for 3-4 second.

I am trying to add 5 min samyama practice. it takes some little time. Why time because of some time management.

whatever vijkr said my ida and pingla is cleared.
I also feeling like that.
When i sit on chair. Some times i feel 4 points near to extremities of spine are feeling like connected. Two points below spine and another two points back of third show in figure.

spine .

When i sleep leaning towards right side in night. Then energy rushing in left side of body.
when i sleep leaning towards left side of body in night. Then energy rushing in right side of body.
But some right left imbalance is present.

I want to ask one question.
When my mind becomes still means no thought coming in my mind excepted my mantra. Then ida pingla balance happen.????
And This is the first phase of energy starts entering in spine.???
Is this phase is also called happening of natural khechari and natural vajroli.????

No thought in mind,breath slow down, Natural vajroli,Natural khechari,Energy or prana entering in spine,susumna awakening,kundalini awakening,...and so on....etc and other relevent terms.

I already read chapters on khechari, vajroli, kundalini....etc

My understanding said that all are approximately same.
When energy start entering in spine all(natural vajroli, khachari, kundalini, ecstatic conductivity,mind becomes thought less,breath slow down...etc) starts working.

Can any one Please Clearly distinguish and explain each phenomenon Which i mentioned.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 05:37:54 PM by mrityunjay_singh_1983 »

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2011, 11:25:18 PM »
Initialy left/right side is imbalance. But from some time i feel left side energy start rushing. i think it is moving with pain and here there. Some coldness also.
In left side of brain also.
But why it is moving with pain??????????????
In right side it is not moving with pain.

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2011, 12:09:56 AM »
my left testis  size is less in compare to right testis size.
Is due to this energy rushing in left side is less in comparison to right side????????


  • Posts: 1
Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2012, 05:22:44 PM »
i feel intense tingling sensations on the side of my stomach and on my neck to the point where they are very uncomfortable its not painful its like cold electricity it doesn't hurt but at the same time its too intense for me to handle sometimes the sensation will affect my groin and cause sexual ejaculation which breaks my meditation what can i do about this?


  • Posts: 3597
Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2012, 11:48:37 PM »
You should cut back on your practices, see "self pacing" in the lessons and books. Sometimes it is even necessary to stop all practices for a while.

Meditation and Pranayama Symptoms
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2012, 08:08:03 PM »
Initially i have problem of piles, constipation digestion related problem which i already explained in my post. I went to doctor also. He told some biological changes in your body no problem at all. He prescribed some digestion related medicine. That i took. But after some time it become normal.

This time middle of My chest is paining. Specially when i am changing my posture.

Now also left side energy movement is less.

Should i again go to doctor or it becomes normal after some time.

Please give some suggestion.
I am Continue with my Yoga practice.
At the time of yoga practice no problem.

Only little pain when i am changing my posture.