Author Topic: I find it difficult...but...  (Read 706 times)


  • Posts: 1201
I find it difficult...but...
« on: August 18, 2009, 07:05:37 AM »
Hi all.

Just want to express some thoughts and feelings here.[:)].

Im a common boy.Life around,some friends,family...and im young yet.

I find this ayp system very useful.Its really interesting,a new dimension opens before my eyes each day i sit down on my chair,close my eyes and do my practices.

I cant really understand the role of this discover in my life yet.

Along the day,when im engaged in daily spiritual practices,i feel time passing by more slowly than ever.I find my self more aware in the details and a constant guide coming from the spirit.

Its amazing.

Each day its getting more and more powerful.

Today i dreamed that i was in a different ity which i know very well,cz i lived there some years as a student.Many good time and openings there.

I dreamed that i was there with my actual best friend.I have known him recently in my natal city,in wich i live now in the present.
But in the dream,i was with him in the city in wich i lived that good times.
We were in the street and he began to give me some reiki healing with his hands.This person isnt enganged in any spiritual practice,but hes very important in my life this days cz hes helping me a lot.
I clearly percieved the energy coming from his hands,and then i felt a big pain and pressurein my second chakra.I felt it was going to explode.Then he told me "give one step ahead,give one step ahead".I did it and felt i almost got free from my actual jail,but i couldnt do it completly.Then i satarted crying and crying,trying to get my anger out,but i couldnt.Almost...not easy task.

Then we walk in the street and i saw two persons wich i know.They are reiki teachers and a very beautiful music was coming from them.I asked him wich music was it.

Im enganged in a journey,an interesting journey,but i dont know whats happening.

My friend is going to paris in december,he wants to live there.He invited me to go some months ago,but i refused.

This last days a told him to made a trip to any place of europe.After thinking it a couple of days,he decided to do it and we decided to go to France.

We have spent there three magic days and our relationship is getting deeper and deeper.Hes a real friend,a guide,and i have and amazing connection with him.

I live now in my natal city,and i dont like it cz its full of bad symbols related with my childhood and teenage.When i came here two years ago i thought my life was definitely over.

But in this city i have known this person,and hes the best friend i have had until now.And thats why sometimes i think im in the right direction.

Hes very wise.And maybe hes not aware of this,but when im with him i feel so close to his soul.We have a great connection,deep connection.
I thins this is not about him or me.Its about both of us.When we are togheter,something happens,we are a person.A powerful person.

Since i did this trip some days ago,i am feeling very atracted by france.Dont know why.

Now im learning some french,and im thinking about going there.

The most amazing thing is that im not forcing the things.Its only happening,spontaneously.

I feel ayp is an important factor in this relationship.The way i met this friend and character of our relationship.

This relationship is full of moments with no words.Something floats around us in the air.Some kind of magic.

Its not only about him,its about both of us.I know this relationship is bringing him many possitive things and viceversa.

Now i know the meaning and importance of friends and people around.They are door to the infinite also,of course.

The most amazng thing is that now my bhakti and desire is being focused in france,little by little,and im begining to forget my student life in madrid,spain.

The nergetic link with madrid is clearly dissapearing,and all the energy is being focused in...Paris?[:D]

Paris is the city of love people say,and i feel im a very sensitive and emotional person.

Maybe i have to learn something in paris?

I dont know french.But maybe it means words has less importance than hearth,and paris is the city related with the fourth chakra.

Maybe i will not need a language there...[8)]

Au revoir.[:)]!


  • Posts: 831
I find it difficult...but...
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 07:38:18 AM »
Awesome Miguel [:)]

Sounds like things are coming together [:D]

And if you listen deeply and let go you always know what to do..

Love [:)]



  • Posts: 1201
I find it difficult...but...
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2009, 08:28:45 AM »
Sounds like things are coming together

Yes,im begining to percieve this.

I know there is a bright horizon for me.But it takes time i think.

This times are times of integration of different experiences in different places.

Take care Yonatan.Much love![:)]


  • Posts: 1201
I find it difficult...but...
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2009, 08:45:56 AM »
if you listen deeply and let go you always know what to do..

ill continue doing that!thanks and all the best[:)]


  • Posts: 831
I find it difficult...but...
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2009, 11:02:32 PM »