Author Topic: Can Kundalini give you vertigo/dizzy feeling?  (Read 3445 times)


  • Posts: 5
Can Kundalini give you vertigo/dizzy feeling?
« on: July 24, 2009, 06:26:22 PM »
I don't know anything about kundalini, however I am aware of the seven chakras so I started meditating to try and open my third eye recently(if you dont want to read this all skip to my note at the end) I have been meditating in front of a mirror and just observing myself and getting 'visions'. Anyway, I experienced vertigo for the very first time in my life within the last week, and again tonight. It happened both times when my head was tilted then i got a weird dizzy/unbalanced feeling.

I really want to check with the forum, since I recently started a new medication called Strattera for Attention Deficit Disorder. Coincidentally, I started meditating shortly after.

It all started when I was staring in the mirror and getting this vision that I usually get at my forehead, but this time, the same dark bluish/greenish blob appeared only on my left arm! I took this as a sign of imbalance, or imbalanced meditation. Shortly after this thought arrived, I tilted my head and experienced vertigo for the first time in my life which coincidentally is a loss of the feeling of balance, so i figured it was a sign of sorts.

Anyway, I refuse to look deeper into kundalini at this point, i just want to know if the vertigo is from my medicine or meditation. Any help is much appreciated, whether you tell me if it is a symptom or not.

Konchok Ösel Dorje

  • Posts: 545
Can Kundalini give you vertigo/dizzy feeling?
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2009, 05:26:06 AM »
It could be both. Early in one's practice kundalini can cause a sense of vertigo. It is the experience feeling less attached to the physical body. Mostly everyone goes through it. The remedy is to slow down and pace your self. Lay off meditation for a few days until you regain your balance. You can practice yoga while medicated. You just have to adjust and take it slow.


  • Posts: 5
Can Kundalini give you vertigo/dizzy feeling?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 10:16:14 PM »
Thank you, I will do that.


  • Posts: 31
Can Kundalini give you vertigo/dizzy feeling?
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2009, 03:20:00 PM »
Is this "real" vertigo, like you wanting to grab something to regain balance, or is this more an internal feeling of movement? Because the former can be related to the drug or some other medical problems. I know about at least one condition associated with vertigo, when moving the head in certain directions. It is related to the subtle organs of the inner ear and can be quite tricky to diagnose and cope with. Also you should check the list of side effects in connection with the medication.

A soft feeling of dizziness or a sensation of the floor moving slightly under your feet is not uncommon in combination with meditation, but these do not really affect physical balance. They are more like sensations, not uncomfortable in any way.


  • Posts: 545
Can Kundalini give you vertigo/dizzy feeling?
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2009, 08:30:10 PM »
I've experienced an unbalanced feeling before.  It was like dizzyness and a weighless feeling, the outside world appeared blurry momentarily.  I have a lot of "energy" in my head and i am on medication as well.  

I think it is probably a combination of medication and meditation.  They are not mutually exclusive.  But as samara said you might want to check out the side effects of the medication you are on first.  Go through the paper you get with your medicine and check everything.  If you can rule out the medication as being the cause then look to meditation.