Author Topic: acupuncture for ecstatic flow?  (Read 1752 times)


  • Posts: 2604
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« on: October 17, 2005, 03:27:13 AM »

>> If it gets annoying, or feels stuck, I recommend trying some different types of bodywork. I tried a lot of different things, some of which turned out to be goofy, but the one that has helped the most is cranial sacral work. I was amazed at the results.

Hi Meg,  some of my energy is definitely stuck.  You mention you tried cranial sacral work.  Did you try acupuncture by any chance?  I am asking this because I am thinking of giving it a try.


« Last Edit: October 17, 2005, 03:27:48 AM by david_obsidian »


  • Posts: 875
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2005, 04:28:17 AM »
Hi David - I think it depends on where your energy is stuck.  When the current wouldn't move past my sacrum, I worked with a guy who did deep tissue work, which became energy-based work (releasing old holding patterns in the pelvic area).  It was amazing work, and I experienced a freedom of movement in my hips that I'd never had.  And the current started moving into my heart region.  Then I did some acupuncture, and yes, it did seem to open up that area quite a lot.  But I wouldn't call it profound - just helpful.  It's all so subjective, you know.  I find acupuncture to be most effective for minor injuries.  If your blockage is in the throat, moving up into the cranium, then I highly recommend the cran-sac work, as it works directly with the flow of spinal fluids.  

BTW, the guy who worked on my pelvic area said that it's very common for energy to get stuck there, even if the person isn't aware of it.  We create defensive holding patterns with our muscles that are buried deep in the pelvis, often when we're very young, and these patterns stay with us until we train them to do otherwise.  When they're finally allowed to release through deep massage and tissue work, the energy that has been used to hold that pattern is also released, with amazing results.  It takes a while!  I worked with him for over a year.

I should add that I'm a real skeptic when it comes to all of these alternative healing/energy practices.  But an open-minded one, I guess, or else I wouldn't even give them a try.  Whatever you decide to try, go to a practitioner who's been doing it for a long time - it makes all the difference in the world.  Good luck!



  • Posts: 718
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2005, 04:26:53 AM »
Dear David,
Energy blockages are often on sites of past or present injuries although the blockage doesn't always manifest in the injured area.

'the mind can see further than the eyes'


  • Posts: 875
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2005, 06:11:45 AM »
" . . . the blockage doesn't always manifest in the injured area."

Dave - Can you elaborate on that a little?  Thanks -


Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2006, 12:08:05 AM »
David, what exactly is your symptoms? I had tried acupuncture a few times in 2004. Not enough experience to comment. But people here have been using it for a large variety of symptoms, with very good results. But it's better to do it consistently over a certain period. If you just want to "feel better", most qualified practioner will be ok. But for healing, especially more long-term or complicated problems, you will have to find a really good practioner. Less than 1 out of 10 among those "qualified" are truely good. That's why acupuncture doesn't have the fame it deserves. If you find a good practioner, they can help with some of the most unusual symptoms with surprising results.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 02:28:13 AM by Alvin Chan »


  • Posts: 2604
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2006, 02:44:41 AM »
My symptoms:  occasional general malaise and not feeling happy enough.  Have you heard of this?  [:)]


  • Posts: 718
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2006, 09:54:30 AM »
Originally posted by meg

" . . . the blockage doesn't always manifest in the injured area."

Dave - Can you elaborate on that a little?  Thanks -


Sorry Meg I missed your request for further comments on this one.
I suffered from a back injury to a muscle to the right of my left shoulder blade. I injured this over 20 yrs ago on a martial arts seminar.When someone gave me healing to the area pain manifested in my neck at the right hand rear side.Since meditating I often feel this pain although it is reducing as the injury is healing and purification is taking place.Although the muscle no longer troubles me for about the last 1 yr I still get signs of the energy ways still in need of purification.

'the mind can see further than the eyes'


  • Posts: 3597
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2006, 02:36:16 PM »
I would recommend strenuous exercise for that. Works for me; same symptoms.

Yes Alvin, I've heard the same thing about acupuncture. You have to ask around and get several recommendations of the same person. There is an intuitive skill involved in finding the exact points.

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2006, 03:19:45 PM »
My symptoms: occasional general malaise and not feeling happy enough. Have you heard of this?

Sounds like my symptoms too. That's too general in nature, but acupuncture will certainly help. I think, though, doing a lot of asanas regularly will be a much cheaper way. The Ashtanga vinyasa type can help with the malaise without the choking effects of strenuous exercises, but probably it won't help much with "not feeling happy enough"...

Yes Alvin, I've heard the same thing about acupuncture. You have to ask around and get several recommendations of the same person. There is an intuitive skill involved in finding the exact points.

An experienced person can of course find the exact point more accurately and quickily. But I think the more important fact is: determining where to pin; the size of the pin; the sequence of the whole plan (over a long time), etc. If you go to different practioners for the same symptoms, they may treat you in very different ways, depending on what they perceived as the underlying cause of your symptoms.


  • Posts: 3597
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2006, 04:49:02 PM »
Oops, I didn't mean "exercises" like boring repetitive stuff you do at a health club. I meant something you love doing that just happens to be strenuous. I use dance, because the beat of the music makes you forget you are putting out energy. You could use sports, swimming, running, biking, martial arts, anything that gets you breathing hard, and your heart beating fast.
I find the best is when I'm pushed to my limit, so I feel "I don't think I can do this any faster or harder". (of course you need a doctor's approval if you have heart problems.)
I usually do an hour three times a week.
Then the whole rest of the day I feel wonderful and happy! And it spills over into the next day too. Do this with other people, and it's fun. You don't even have to know them.
I have to push myself to go do it, but I'm always glad I did.


  • Posts: 2604
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2006, 01:31:50 AM »

>> That's too general in nature, but acupuncture will certainly help. I think, though, doing a lot of asanas regularly will be a much cheaper way.

One thing I have done so far is follow Jim's advice and have ordered that book he recommended in 'A painful path and spiritual friends'.  I have started doing the chest-openers and am getting good results already......   I'll keep you posted about how it goes....

Alvin Chan

  • Posts: 407
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2006, 02:51:06 AM »
We don't have much meditation here in Hong Kong (certainly NO kriya yoga), but I am fortunate to be in a centre where there are many highly qualified teachers from india. Some of them yoga champions, some had devoted years in retreat practising all day long. They came from different traditions, so I have a chance to know different forms of yoga. (TO be precise, different forms of hatha yoga) No Iyengar, though. So I can't say anything about that, and I decide to give Iyengar a chance after my membership of the current center end.

There are mainly two types of symptoms for me:

1. energy imbalances, like a brain fog, confusion, feeling uneasy, malaise.

2. emotional things, depression.

I think what you're mentioning is the first type, right? For me, I found the ashtanga vinyasa to be most helpful for that. Just about a month ago, I was doing a lot of Navi Kriya, like 240-300 lifts per day. And I got some obvious symptoms of energy imbalance, the first type above. Surprisingly to me at that time, my physical energy had become stronger despite the mental weakness and confusion. (in contrast to depression, during which everything will just go down, without any exception) The Ashtanga vinyasa class helps very obviously, with far greater results from what I can achieve by working on static asanas alone. The difference is that such classes works on the flow which is rather demanding, and finally work on some more static, stretching type asanas. The combine effect is that the energy get grounded very nicely. (in contrast to the static type hatha yoga which clears the energy more slowly, and better than usual strenuous exercises that it stretches and "open" me nicely, especially on the trunk area, giving me a sense of well-being.)

The effects have been confirmed consistently a few times. (before I finally back off from Navi Kriya!) I tried other class as well as doing asanas/exercises on my own, but they never achieve the same level of relieve in the case of energy overflow.

You can try David Swenson's DVD or book. I don't have them but they're famous for Ashtanga yoga. DVD is probably better as it will force you to follow the series on time, flowing through the postures with the instructor.

During depression, though, I would not even be able to take such difficult classes. Only static asanas are possible. And for preparation of the AYP sitting practice, Ashtanga vinyasa is probably too strenuous. So I seldom do it now, unless when I have overdone Navi Kriya or tantra sex. In fact, after I found out ashtanga vinyasa could be so helpful in clearing energy, sometimes I over-do the kundalini-stimulating ON PURPOSE, and then attend the Ashtanga class immediately. I tried only twice so far, and it works (i.e., no energy imbalance happened) I will experiment more later, when I have time!

« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 04:05:24 AM by Alvin Chan »

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2006, 05:52:07 AM »
Originally posted by david_obsidian

My symptoms:  occasional general malaise and not feeling happy enough.  Have you heard of this?  [:)]

David, tried aerobic exercise? Yogani kind of hints at it, but I've found it to be true: AYP plus aerobic exercise (even as low as just brisk walking, though i do realize that's not strictly aerobic) works great.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2006, 05:56:12 AM »
sometimes I over-do the kundalini-stimulating ON PURPOSE, and then attend the Ashtanga class immediately. I tried only twice so far, and it works (i.e., no energy imbalance happened) I will experiment more later, when I have time!

My prediction (which i'm giving not to be a wiseass, but just so you can watch for a potential problem) is that this will work less and less, and you'll try more and more severe and desperate measures to reclaim the effect. If that's the case, I'd urge you not to chase it too hard or too far. If that's not the case, then I'm curious to hear how it works out for you. In any case, I wish you the best! And I'd like to restate that you may want to look into passive/restorative asana techniques, which work when depression's too severe to even do static poses. Here's the book I recommended in the other thread:


  • Posts: 2604
acupuncture for ecstatic flow?
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2006, 06:20:34 AM »
Yes,  Jim,  I do good aerobic exercise and it is great.  I do a fast sun salutation regularly.  I think fast sun-salutation is one of the best cardio-pulmonary exercises you can do,  because you get stretching at the same time,  and none of the negatives of running.