Author Topic: How does your Kundalini manifest itself  (Read 1235 times)


  • Posts: 3001
How does your Kundalini manifest itself
« Reply #15 on: February 15, 2009, 06:09:21 PM »
we cross posted emc [:)].


  • Posts: 2055
How does your Kundalini manifest itself
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2009, 10:52:41 PM »
Or I posted first and then you posted and everything went ok! :D]

With my definition, someone who does not have an awake kundalini would not understand what I mean with "energies" at all. They would ask "what energies?". And I would explain - "well, you can sort of feel a stream of energy moving in the body, you can for example locate it at different points in the body, sometimes called chakras, you can feel another person's energy quality, or the energy from animals. trees, mountains etc etc" and they would just shake their heads and think I'm nuts! That's a person who has not yet an awakened kundalini! They often have the opinion "if you can't measure it and it's scientifically proved there's some sort of "new energy" that is not electromagnetic bla bla... it's only in your imagination". Explaining what kundalini is to that person is useless. They haven't felt it. As soon as you can say "I feel some type of new sensation in the body that I've never felt before, and the closest I can get to describe it is... some sort of energy"... then kundalini is running through!

And from then on, kundalini changes in quality over and over again...
« Last Edit: February 15, 2009, 11:11:31 PM by emc »


  • Posts: 545
How does your Kundalini manifest itself
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2009, 04:39:42 AM »
Nobody knows what kundalini is but people have experiences inside their bodies that they call kundalini.  Personally, i think kundalini is just the effects of relaxation on the nervous system.


  • Posts: 3001
How does your Kundalini manifest itself
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2009, 04:45:56 AM »
very true emc, i am pro this explanation.

it's the same as the intro yogani gave to this forum.


  • Posts: 1843
How does your Kundalini manifest itself
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2009, 07:14:38 AM »
Hi Louis and Ananda

Thanks for those lovely posts [:)]

Some years might have been around the year 2000....the white dove came to me in a deep vision (visions like that would sometimes happen when briefly spontaneously in meditation during the waking hours)....

It was "genderful" an angel......the energy was of both a woman and a man.... was the most beautiful, white, pure dove that emerged from a blue space....and "touched" me in a completely wordless manner.....

This was before the poetry started.....but the encounter with the dove made me write this song a while later......I didn't fully understand it at the time.......but this was the start of the longing:

No name

Do not be alarmed, my dearest friend
I am here to tell you a story
My slavery finally came to an end
and I stand here ribbed of all glory

But I want you to know that all along
my struggles were mine alone;
that the chains I was wearing that silenced my song
never strangled the beauty I own

But fear of hurting him (read myself)
made me think that choosing would kill me
While it turned out that storing life on a shelf
just as slowly and surely drained me

of that precious spark I so much love;
my only reason for being
And I couldn't forget the beautiful dove
that once nurtured me into seeing:

I'd rather face death instantaneously
than slowly and over time
So I've decided to love and die simultaneously
while I keep putting life to rhyme

It took me a long time to figure out
that my quest was not forgetting,
but rather remember what you were about
and why I feared this setting

Will you see me - knowing I can never be owned
by anyone; not even me?
At last I am free to love all I want,
and I do - and I flow - can you see?

So.....what I am trying to say (sorry.....this always makes me cry....because it is associated with a sort of painful love in the heart that has been here for ages....for as long as I can remember....ever since the first encounter with the loving space in the forest when 5 years old)..... is that ....Awareness....Father.....Shiva.....has and all the time still is....teaching death and dying....while as Kundalini......Shakti... Mother.....that flows and flows through the body and beyond and sometimes is so close to pushing me over the limit for what I can handle....she teaches about Love and Loving.....

And here....both are both darkness and light.....which together is the Shine

And noone is really here that does the loving, neither is anyone here that is actually dying..... but the Love has nowhere to..... flow unless the dying to every moment is a conscious surrender.

And I don't really know this.....but I suspect that the painful simply the love touching whatever contraction and non-surrender there is.....and as such never letting the opening conclude in any is ever space.....ever widening......

It is the most paradoxical have energy pouring out of the feet into the ground.....and at the same time feel that the earth is within......I will never understand it.....but that doesn't matter anymore....

So.....the important here the Love and the Dying...

And of the two....the Dying is the most crucial.....that is why I love St. John of the Cross so.....
Because it is evident here.....that the surrender is always what is...

In surrender......your heart will transmit this Love. And if this transmission is already taking place......then the fireworks of Kundalini is not needed in this incarnation. You might have had all that happening to you in previous lives.

It doesn't mean that your Kundalini is not active. It is simply that the purification is at a level where the energy is refined enough to serve its loving purpose.

And who are we to conclude about the strange workings of Love?

It is the outpouring of divine love that matters......if your heart is open....and the love is streaming unconditionally....then this is it.


  • Posts: 1464
How does your Kundalini manifest itself
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2009, 08:35:41 AM »
Thank you emc, ananda, Katrine and gumpi

emc I agree it is about the definition of what kundalini is.
Yogani puts it this way in lesson 297:
I agree with you that kundalini of the dramatic symptomatic kind is not a prerequisite or ongoing feature of enlightenment. The drama of kundalini is purification (the friction of awakening energy passing through obstructions) and not the end result. However, the subtle characteristics of kundalini that evolve to permeate the neurobiology as ecstasy and the refinement of sensory perception are essential to enlightenment. You may not call that kundalini. But it is, in fact, the eventual refinement of the flashy versions of kundalini that some people experience along their path. It is the emergence of our ecstatic nature, ultimately to be dissolved in stillness. In AYP we call it the rise of ecstatic conductivity. That and abiding inner silence (stillness, the witness) are the two pillars of enlightenment.

The common perception of an awakened kundalini is the much stronger current travelling up the spine - like a snake, giving rise to ecstacy, full body orgasm and all the other fireworks.
As I said above, I have experienced this "snake" rising up the spine after my shaktipat with Amma, so I know what it feels like. It feels like something different and something one could name as something separate from other energy experiences. So this is why I say that mine is not active.
But, as I said, I don't feel any disadvantage because of it, although the pleasure can be nice, but the pleasure is active and not stillness.

More importantly now for me is how to approach this with others, like in our AYP group, for instance.
It makes sense to tell them that the fireworks are not necessary and that they may or may not happen for a person. Nor is it necessary to have this very strong kundalini travelling up the spine in order to be free of suffering.
Each person is different, if one factors in past lives, it is possible that some people may have already come through the strong kundalini phase and are at the stage of refinement now.
It is also possible that the strong kundalini could be activated at any time.
The important thing is not to get burdened by the story that strong kundalini is necessary for freedom from suffering and openess and loving relationships. If it happens it happens.
The most important thing is to keep up the regular practices and to enjoy the ride by keeping a good balance of not too much and not too little.

Is this what you folks are saying?
with love, brothers and sisters[:)]


  • Posts: 3001
How does your Kundalini manifest itself
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2009, 09:36:07 AM »
that's beautiful sweet katrine i am touched.

"if it happens it happens", this is the best way to look at it i agree with you dear Sparkle.

kindest regards,
