Author Topic: Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.  (Read 3820 times)


  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2008, 01:49:21 AM »
Hi Neli,

Sounds like things are happening for you! Concerning the levitation, it sounds to me more like telekenesis rather than levetation. If you were levitating, you would expect to rise off the chair, leaving it on the ground rather than causing it to move.

When Yogani talks about taking physical measures to prevent damage, I beleive he is talking about putting cushions and the like around the room so that if you come down fast, it won't be so painful. There is a lesson on levitation in the main lessons section, and it has been discussed here in the forum. Just run a search under the word levitation.

About the heart, it is good if the energies expand and become stable in the heart first. Later, when they are ready, they will move up to the crown and the third eye. Then, after that, they will move back down to the heart again but in a different way. Hopefully things will be more stable for you by then.

Do be carefull about your children. I make sure that I sleep in a different room from my kids so that my energies have less effect on them. Kids are quite resiliant though, so I am sure they will be O.K.

Welcome to the forum. [:)]

« Last Edit: June 16, 2008, 01:50:04 AM by Christi »


  • Posts: 283
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2008, 06:22:28 PM »

Hi Sparkle:

I have brought Shiva down, but just a couple of times: It's like if the Shiva energy its kind of (very) lazy. I mostly feel the Shakti energy flowing up.

I may be experiencing the debilitating overdoing effects as you said, but the energy works alone, I want it to flow it up and it stops in the middle (heart)maybe its working in some blockage. I have felt the energy flowing up to the crown, and I have felt also like some sensation of tingling on the top of my head, but it is very sweet, is not strong.

I also have felt tingling on the third chakra, but its very sweet, maybe that is the normal way, and I am thinking that it has to be stronger.

You're right maybe I need to re-evaluate the meditation, cause I'm entering also in the "nimittas" of the Jhanas, and this distracts me a lot. I mix the K energy with the Jhanas, alhough I know that they are very different, but I think they can complement one each other.

I think Jhanas can make more sweet the flow of the K, cause if I only do jhanas, the K energy flows alone and goes up, without my permission or attention, it goes alone and it stops alone.


Originally posted by Sparkle

Hi Neli

Regarding the premature crown openings see here:

Would it be true to say that you are bringing Shakti(kundalini) up through your body and bringing Shiva down?

Just wonder about this because bringing Shiva energy down can have a cooling effect on the K. It can subdue it and prevent it from travelling up - in my experience. it really depends how powerful your Shiva energy is.

My feeling is that you may need to re-evaluate your whole meditation programme.


  • Posts: 283
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2008, 06:44:38 PM »

Hi Christi,

I don't know if this is telekinesis, cause I have felt the heavy chair leanning to one side, at the beginning I thought it was my imagination, but when I meditated with a friend, she felt me up, a few inches, and I felt the air passing below my feet, we were meditating with hands grasped, to notice if it was true.
When this happens I feel the floor waving, not the chair leanning, and when the chair leans to one side, I'm not levitating, it just moves, I don't know why, maybe telekinesis is a symptom of the K energy, I have seen the objects trembling, at the beginning I thought it was my imagination, but once it was so strong that I was out of the meditation, and the object was moving without stopping, and I got scared, very scared, but I could control the phenomena, cause I knew it was my mind force flowing outside. (but I really don't know if this is true)

I have read about levitation phenomena, in different areas, even mediums like " Douglas Home" floating in the ceiling, while in trance, but I'm not in trance when this happens, I'm very aware.

It seems to me that the symptoms are moving into the "Nimittas" or lights, and this is very beautiful, I'm beginning with the "shy" nimittas, I think that all of these symptoms are produced by the mind, but in my case, they are produced outside my mind, not inside.

My son sleeps in a different room, but next to mine, and I'm afraid that the energy flow can reach him, cause he is very irritated since I began with the K meditations.

Thanks for the welcoming.

Originally posted by Christi

Hi Neli,

Sounds like things are happening for you! Concerning the levitation, it sounds to me more like telekenesis rather than levetation. If you were levitating, you would expect to rise off the chair, leaving it on the ground rather than causing it to move.

When Yogani talks about taking physical measures to prevent damage, I beleive he is talking about putting cushions and the like around the room so that if you come down fast, it won't be so painful. There is a lesson on levitation in the main lessons section, and it has been discussed here in the forum. Just run a search under the word levitation.

About the heart, it is good if the energies expand and become stable in the heart first. Later, when they are ready, they will move up to the crown and the third eye. Then, after that, they will move back down to the heart again but in a different way. Hopefully things will be more stable for you by then.

Do be carefull about your children. I make sure that I sleep in a different room from my kids so that my energies have less effect on them. Kids are quite resiliant though, so I am sure they will be O.K.

Welcome to the forum. [:)]




  • Posts: 420
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2008, 02:17:43 PM »
Neli, I find pure and simple intention to be one of the most powerful tools regarding spiritual transformation. If you really feel a call towards the chakras above the heart, one thing that's worked for me for having the energy rise is that, once I'm deep in meditation, is just to intend to balance out whichever chakra. You can almost do it like a short prayer while lightly changing your focus towards and relaxing that particular area. You don't wanna force it, just balance it out, and the energy will move naturally where it needs to go when the time is right.    


  • Posts: 758
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2008, 02:43:09 PM »
Hi neli [:)]
Welcome to the forum

Why did Rome go broke? The lions were eating all the prophets! [:D]

Many years ago I practiced levitation meditation for 1 month. I devoted 1 hour every day to it and was determined to levitate. The technique is to image a white chord of light starting from your throat chakra progressing upwards to the tip of your now. Then, the chord goes up to the brow and finally up to the crown. (almost like the big dipper). You mentally chant 'ram'.

After a few weeks of performing this meditation, consistently, after 20 minutes of practice, my body would dissolve and an 'upside down waterfall' would appear in the center of my throat extending upwards for about 10 inches. It feels like it could draw you upwards if it were strong enough. I don't think I ever succeeded in levitating, and I haven't tried recently, but maybe with some extra energy from kundalini it would be a piece of cake.

It does mention in "The Clear Light of Bliss" that the simple siddhis like clairvoyance and levitation are rather easy to attain.

I have some questions for you if you don't mind:

When you meditate, do you sit on a silk or wool blanket to prevent the earth's magnetic pull from interfering with your energies?

Originally posted by neli
I have brought Shiva down, but just a couple of times: It's like if the Shiva energy its kind of (very) lazy. I mostly feel the Shakti energy flowing up.


What is your technique to bring Shiva down?

How do you bring your Shakti energy up? Does it go up through the front channel or through the spine?

I have melted my crown twice and brought the liquid light down to pound on the root chakra, where upon Kundalini has risen back up to the crown to feed. I did this using a 'kundalini meditation' I found on the crystal links page. Here is that link:
So I am very curious as to how you are doing it.


I mix the K energy with the Jhanas, alhough I know that they are very different, but I think they can complement one each other.


That is a very interesting term: "Jhanas". I've found this post on it and it has answered some questions for me (I've been seeing a bright white sun in my head for a long time now and now I've got documentation from this post that it occurs after you arrest the visual component of the mind.) Here is the link:

Here is the quote:


As the visual mind becomes still, you will experience an all
pervading light that may seem to come from a point in front and just
above your head, or from within your body, or from everywhere at
once. The executive mind will be drawn to this as a visual
phenomenon, and as that happens the visual mind reactivates and the
light fades. As you learn to let it be without turning attention
towards it, it persists and will always be present in this Samadhi


So, since nobody here explained that to me about the light, I am very greatful that your use of the term 'Jhana' has caused me to discover an explanation of the light that I see during meditation. Thank you.

You know, if your magnetic aura gets too big and powerful and affects your son when he is sleeping, you could do two things:

1) Practice closing down your chakras by tightening them somewhat and visualize your aura shrinking down in size before your go to bed.

2) Put an isulation barrier between you and your son. Silk or wool blanket. I saw a silk sleeping bag liner a few days ago in a sporting goods store. It would be perfect to insulate him from your aura. It is like a large pillowcase, all silk and you fit inside when you sleep. (It was $99.00) You know, you could also wrap yourself in a silk blanket when you meditate and see if that stops the object from moving around you.

- just some suggestions.

I look forward to hearing from you.




  • Posts: 283
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2008, 06:34:07 PM »

Hi Divineis,

My intention is to move the energy to the Ajna chakra, or to the crown, maybe cause I don't like the sensation that it causes me in the chest, like tingles,or something expanding. But I cannot force the energy, is like balancing itself, but a friend of mine, told me that the union of the energies were on the chest, not in another place, so mabye I have to let it be, till it goes up alone to another one. How can I get rid of the tingles ? maybe that's impossible.

thanks for your advice.

Originally posted by Divineis

Neli, I find pure and simple intention to be one of the most powerful tools regarding spiritual transformation. If you really feel a call towards the chakras above the heart, one thing that's worked for me for having the energy rise is that, once I'm deep in meditation, is just to intend to balance out whichever chakra. You can almost do it like a short prayer while lightly changing your focus towards and relaxing that particular area. You don't wanna force it, just balance it out, and the energy will move naturally where it needs to go when the time is right.    


  • Posts: 283
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2008, 07:17:53 PM »

Hi Tibetan,

Thanks for the welcoming to the forum.

I am not focused in levitation and never have been. It scares me, I don't like this. This is not a gift for me, it's something that I want to get rid of.
Although the clairvoyance has been a gift for me since many years, it came alone and it goes alone, it's like if it comes when it wants.

I meditate on a chair, with no silk or wool blanket. Sometimes I meditate on the floor, but with no blanket, but almost never, cause I prefer the chair, I feel the energy stronger when I am on the chair with my feet on earth.

I call Shiva to come down and meet Shakti, but I sing some mantras for him, but he is so lazy, but I feel him, sometimes I feel him hours later, and after the meditation, and this is very funny, cause I can feel him getting down through my body, while Shakti is not there.

Some people of K, told me that this is the circuit that is closed, and that it is normal, and I feel ecstasy and bliss when Shiva comes down.

Shakti comes up from the front, beginning with my feet, she rises from the front to the chest, but sometimes I feel her on the back through my spine, but moslty I feel her coming up from the front.

I have also melted the energy on the crown, but it only gets down to the heart, and sometimes it goes directly to the Ajna and gets inside all the pouring right there, like feeding it.

Jhanas is a very beautiful and powerful meditation, this is very deep meditation, but it worths a lot.

I see the lights when I am meditating in Jhanas, and my mistake is to put attention to them, cause they are very funny. But they are shy, and blinks away so rapid, I want them to be still, but maybe it will be, if I don't put attention to them.

Once I was for a few seconds in the first jhana, (I supposse) I lost control of all my 5 senses, only my mind was active, and it was all emptiness and void, I was not prepared in that time, so I got scared and I came back to the body, but I dind't even know where my body was,
but I was there again, so sometimes I question myself, what is the difference between the OOBE and the jhanas??? Do you know about this?

I have make several OOBEs, and the sensation is different, and with the jhanas is pure emptiness and void, the ecstasy is before, well I was there for just a few seconds, so maybe I have the wrong point.

in my humble opinion, jhanas are so strong, and the only symptom I had felt, is tinnitus, or something like that, but it went away. Maybe it is because the K flow is stuck in my body. I don't know.

Thanks so much for your suggestions, I'll do something to avoid this.
Although I meditate in a different house, besides mine, but I think the energy continues to flow when I get to my room to sleep.

I'll try to get some silk to protect my meditation of the trembling effects, Do you think it can works?

kind regards

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Hi neli [:)]
Welcome to the forum

Why did Rome go broke? The lions were eating all the prophets! [:D]

Many years ago I practiced levitation meditation for 1 month. I devoted 1 hour every day to it and was determined to levitate. The technique is to image a white chord of light starting from your throat chakra progressing upwards to the tip of your now. Then, the chord goes up to the brow and finally up to the crown. (almost like the big dipper). You mentally chant 'ram'.

After a few weeks of performing this meditation, consistently, after 20 minutes of practice, my body would dissolve and an 'upside down waterfall' would appear in the center of my throat extending upwards for about 10 inches. It feels like it could draw you upwards if it were strong enough. I don't think I ever succeeded in levitating, and I haven't tried recently, but maybe with some extra energy from kundalini it would be a piece of cake.

It does mention in "The Clear Light of Bliss" that the simple siddhis like clairvoyance and levitation are rather easy to attain.

I have some questions for you if you don't mind:

When you meditate, do you sit on a silk or wool blanket to prevent the earth's magnetic pull from interfering with your energies?

Originally posted by neli
I have brought Shiva down, but just a couple of times: It's like if the Shiva energy its kind of (very) lazy. I mostly feel the Shakti energy flowing up.


What is your technique to bring Shiva down?

How do you bring your Shakti energy up? Does it go up through the front channel or through the spine?

I have melted my crown twice and brought the liquid light down to pound on the root chakra, where upon Kundalini has risen back up to the crown to feed. I did this using a 'kundalini meditation' I found on the crystal links page. Here is that link:
So I am very curious as to how you are doing it.


I mix the K energy with the Jhanas, alhough I know that they are very different, but I think they can complement one each other.


That is a very interesting term: "Jhanas". I've found this post on it and it has answered some questions for me (I've been seeing a bright white sun in my head for a long time now and now I've got documentation from this post that it occurs after you arrest the visual component of the mind.) Here is the link:

Here is the quote:


As the visual mind becomes still, you will experience an all
pervading light that may seem to come from a point in front and just
above your head, or from within your body, or from everywhere at
once. The executive mind will be drawn to this as a visual
phenomenon, and as that happens the visual mind reactivates and the
light fades. As you learn to let it be without turning attention
towards it, it persists and will always be present in this Samadhi


So, since nobody here explained that to me about the light, I am very greatful that your use of the term 'Jhana' has caused me to discover an explanation of the light that I see during meditation. Thank you.

You know, if your magnetic aura gets too big and powerful and affects your son when he is sleeping, you could do two things:

1) Practice closing down your chakras by tightening them somewhat and visualize your aura shrinking down in size before your go to bed.

2) Put an isulation barrier between you and your son. Silk or wool blanket. I saw a silk sleeping bag liner a few days ago in a sporting goods store. It would be perfect to insulate him from your aura. It is like a large pillowcase, all silk and you fit inside when you sleep. (It was $99.00) You know, you could also wrap yourself in a silk blanket when you meditate and see if that stops the object from moving around you.

- just some suggestions.

I look forward to hearing from you.




  • Posts: 420
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2008, 06:55:28 AM »
Neli, I find in the heart chakra, in many ways its like a deep pain that unites, it sounds bad, but like... love is strong, it doesn't seem a bad pain to me, just more of a reminder that we're all in this together and that sometimes it hurts but we're all out there for each other. The thing with ego is that "it's never enough", but this is all transcended at the heart, it's transformed into "higher spiritual energy", not better, just less ermm... hurting I guess haha, more together.

haha, heart = less hurting, more together. I guess it's both and none, and one and the other and... hey look a poncho. hehe, don't mind me :).


  • Posts: 283
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2008, 07:25:39 PM »


I have found that when my ecstasies are so strong, they are painful, but very pleasant, it reminds me of St. Teresa of Avila, when she is depicted with the angel sticking her with a lance, and she is in total "rapture", but one can see that this is painful, I have felt it, its really painful, but very pleasant, I don't know how to explain this.
When I have felt these strong ecstasies, is when the "light" is near me or engulfs me, my body gets without force, and I cannot move anything, just feel, once it caught me with open eyes (in the middle) so I could see the light perfectly, it was so big, so white, like a cloud, but not like the nimittas, they are different, but the sensation is always in the chest, exactly the same as has been depicted on st. Teresa of Avila.


Originally posted by Divineis

Neli, I find in the heart chakra, in many ways its like a deep pain that unites, it sounds bad, but like... love is strong, it doesn't seem a bad pain to me, just more of a reminder that we're all in this together and that sometimes it hurts but we're all out there for each other. The thing with ego is that "it's never enough", but this is all transcended at the heart, it's transformed into "higher spiritual energy", not better, just less ermm... hurting I guess haha, more together.

haha, heart = less hurting, more together. I guess it's both and none, and one and the other and... hey look a poncho. hehe, don't mind me :).


  • Posts: 420
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2008, 12:42:59 PM »

yeah, it's pretty amazing the potential found within the human body when we just bring our awareness inside.

ermm, if you still feel like you're stuck at the heart though, I almost wanna suggest dropping all practices and just do a "sit and be" sort of meditation. Just sit and watch your inner tendencies and let em be and just relax into the witness.

They say there's a point when we just have to drop all practices... I don't wanna pretend that "i know this is your time", but, I find I learn the most when I just "sit and be". Just a friendly suggestion :).


  • Posts: 758
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2008, 03:55:48 PM »
Originally posted by neli
I call Shiva to come down and meet Shakti, but I sing some mantras for him, but he is so lazy, but I feel him, sometimes I feel him hours later, and after the meditation, and this is very funny, cause I can feel him getting down through my body, while Shakti is not there.

Some people of K, told me that this is the circuit that is closed, and that it is normal, and I feel ecstasy and bliss when Shiva comes down.

Shakti comes up from the front, beginning with my feet, she rises from the front to the chest, but sometimes I feel her on the back through my spine, but moslty I feel her coming up from the front.

I have also melted the energy on the crown, but it only gets down to the heart, and sometimes it goes directly to the Ajna and gets inside all the pouring right there, like feeding it.

Hi neli [:)]
  I'm a little confused. I thought Shiva lived in the crown. When you melt the crown and take it down the sushumna, activating the chakras as you go, you are taking Shiva down.  Shakti, which lives at the base of the spine can smell him and starts to wake up, the closer he gets. When you bring Shiva down to the root chakra (by immense concentration, emotional involvement and determination) and keep pouring the liquid light on it, that is what causes Shakti to follow the breadcrumb trail all the way up the sushumna back to the crown. You do not sit back and let Shiva go where he wants, you have to direct him using visualization, willpower, determination, concentration, breathing and desire.  

  So, I'm unsure which practice you are following.

  I recall reading about two separate teachings which say that kundalini lives in the center of the earth and comes upwards through the body when activated. Personally, I don't believe that because I've activated kundalini while sitting on a silk blanket; the silk blanket should have stopped the earth's magnetic influence. As well, the majority of the texts that I've read (B Gita included) state that the energy comes from the base of the spine or the perenium, not the center of the earth..

  It would help if you could describe a step by step procedure of how you melt the crown and take it down to the root, and then how you bring kundalini up to the crown. What do you visualize? Did you look at this meditation found on the link that I quoted before?:

Find a quiet place ... free of distractions.
Adjust the lighting and room temperature.
Adjust clothing . . . footwear . . . eyeglasses.
Sit down or lie down
Find a position that is comfortable for you.
Quiet your mind . . . Still your thoughts.
Relax your body
Your face . . . your jaw . . . relaxing
Your shoulders . . . your neck . . . relaxed
Your arms . . . your hands . . . feel at peace.
Your torso . . . your hips . . . letting go
Your legs . . . your feet . . . totally relaxed
Focus on your breathing.
Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.
Retain the breath as long as is comfortable.
Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely.
Repeat for two more breaths . . . or as is comfortable.
Now focus your attention on your chakras.
Starting from the top of your head visualize your crown chakra opening.
Watch as pure white light enters your crown chakra
and slowly spirals down through your spine.
The white light opens your third eye chakra.
You may experiences vibrant colors especially in blue, and violet . . .
The white light moves down to your throat chakra releasing your blockages.
You may feel like chanting or singing.
Allow the tones to resonant from your throat.
Do this as long as is comfortable . . .
The white light now enters your heart chakra.
You experience a feeling of unconditional love and compassion.
The white light enters your solar plexus.
Gently your fears - anger - tensions are released.
See the white light enter your spleen chakra
releasing pain and guilt linked to that chakra.
The white light now enters your Root Chakra the seat of your kundalini energy.
As it does, it begins to activate the energy of the base (root) chakra.
Feel the energy suddenly emerge from your Root Chakra,
Spiraling up through the base of your spine as if it were a coiled snake.
The coiled snake represents the spiraling DNA -
opening, activating, bringing you to higher levels of consciousness.
Allow the energy to flow through your chakras.
See the energy wheels rotating.
When your are ready - return your consciousness to your physical body.
Relax and balance your energies.
You might want to drink some water.

 Is that meditation what you are doing?


I'll try to get some silk to protect my meditation of the trembling effects, Do you think it can works?

kind regards

  Well, a sure fire way to find out is to try it. You'll have to let me know how it goes (please?). Also, you might remember to wrap the silk around your head too.

  Yes, isn't St. Teresa of Avila wonderful? Did you know that Diane Stein, a prominant Reiki healer has claimed to be St. Teresa incarnate?

Om Shanti


  • Posts: 420
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2008, 06:22:08 PM »
haha nice, Tibetan Ice, I dropped all practices for a while, to ground myself. I dunno if I had a kundalini awakening or what, but my awareness has often been that "ecstatic all encompassing\\distracted" sort of thing, kinda like spiritual ADD or something haha.

I simply do a few "spinal breaths" throughout the day starting on the out breath to "ground" my wayward energy. I mostly just move energy down on the out breath and trace back up my spine (rather than moving energy back up) to help focus my energy or I suppose have Shiva leave some bread crumbs for my Shakti... it always comes back up haha, that little bugger. I want to be freeeeee hehe


  • Posts: 420
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2008, 06:25:58 PM »
hmmm, I just remembered some quote about enlightened folks only being present on the "out breath". I reckon it's that automatic kundalini + the above... not that I really think I'm enlightened, much work to do, the path is straight and narrow.


  • Posts: 283
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2008, 09:59:54 PM »


Thanks for your advice, is it dangerous to follow my practices???
I mean, sometimes I do K meditation, then I change to Jhanas, then I just sit and sing mantras, and with the mantras, there is "something" that answer my singing.(very weird, like someone singing after me, and is not echo)


Originally posted by Divineis


yeah, it's pretty amazing the potential found within the human body when we just bring our awareness inside.

ermm, if you still feel like you're stuck at the heart though, I almost wanna suggest dropping all practices and just do a "sit and be" sort of meditation. Just sit and watch your inner tendencies and let em be and just relax into the witness.

They say there's a point when we just have to drop all practices... I don't wanna pretend that "i know this is your time", but, I find I learn the most when I just "sit and be". Just a friendly suggestion :).


  • Posts: 283
Shakti-Shiva and the gifts.
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2008, 11:10:02 PM »


I just follow the energy flow. I begin to feel the energy sometimes coming up from my feet to the chest, it is always Shakti that seeks the male, I don't know why, then I begin to feel an energy from the top of my head pouring down to the chest, very subtle, then a terrible ecstasy sometimes painful, activates the eneregy, and my body wobbles a little as if the energies were making love inside me (this is amazing).
Then the "nectar" pours down from the top of my head,(when they finish to spiral my body, or to make love?) covering all my face with a thick liquid, like honey, but sometimes it has very small quantity of nectar and it arrives only to the Ajna chakra and it feeds the chakra, I don't know how.
What I do, at the beginning of my meditation is the mantras, and the breathing,(nostril breathings) then I wait till the energy flows alone, I don't force it to come up, or down, it flows alone.

 Sometimes I visualize a skull, but when in Jhanas meditation, not in Kundalini.

In my personal experience I have felt that the energy comes up from the feet, but sometimes from the spine, as I meditate on my heavy chair, sat with my bared feet on earth. Sometimes I do it on the floor but is not that intense.

Are you telling me that the energy that comes up from the earth is not the K energy? but another one ?

 It comes up and activates the spine and goes up to the chest, sometimes she arrives to the crown alone, and the nectar pours down from my top of the head. But I prefer the Shiva flow to pour down, its an ecstasy to feel Shiva energy.

Sometimes I feel the nectar pouring down in a rough way, like crowling or waving, but very small waves, very strange, but its a liquid, and its thick. (I have felt this just once)

But I never force anything, or concentrate in a meditation, I only do the mudras, with my fingers, then open my hands.

I have read about the meditation you have mentioned, a similar one, in the K-teachers link, its a good one, but it supposed to be for being grounded.

Well I think and hope that the telekinesis have lessened a little on me, cause last time, I began the meditation and the doors began to move, but only a couple of times, so I was like if "unaware", and it went....I mean, it stopped, but sometimes I cannot stop the manifestation of telekinesis, but the best thing is not to put attention, until it is unbeareable, but the moving of things doesn't worries me a lot, but the levitation scares me, I admire Teresa Avila, I don't know if she was aware of her levitation, cause others saw her. I believe totally in reincarnation, its wonderful.
I don't know why levitation makes me to be scare so much. maybe cause I feel I cannot control it. Hope is only in my mind, but as I see the other things trembling without control, I don't want to open my eyes to see me floating in the middle. I mean this is not a gift for me, its something that I don't want it to happen again.


Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Originally posted by neli
I call Shiva to come down and meet Shakti, but I sing some mantras for him, but he is so lazy, but I feel him, sometimes I feel him hours later, and after the meditation, and this is very funny, cause I can feel him getting down through my body, while Shakti is not there.

Some people of K, told me that this is the circuit that is closed, and that it is normal, and I feel ecstasy and bliss when Shiva comes down.

Shakti comes up from the front, beginning with my feet, she rises from the front to the chest, but sometimes I feel her on the back through my spine, but moslty I feel her coming up from the front.

I have also melted the energy on the crown, but it only gets down to the heart, and sometimes it goes directly to the Ajna and gets inside all the pouring right there, like feeding it.

Hi neli [:)]
  I'm a little confused. I thought Shiva lived in the crown. When you melt the crown and take it down the sushumna, activating the chakras as you go, you are taking Shiva down.  Shakti, which lives at the base of the spine can smell him and starts to wake up, the closer he gets. When you bring Shiva down to the root chakra (by immense concentration, emotional involvement and determination) and keep pouring the liquid light on it, that is what causes Shakti to follow the breadcrumb trail all the way up the sushumna back to the crown. You do not sit back and let Shiva go where he wants, you have to direct him using visualization, willpower, determination, concentration, breathing and desire.  

  So, I'm unsure which practice you are following.

  I recall reading about two separate teachings which say that kundalini lives in the center of the earth and comes upwards through the body when activated. Personally, I don't believe that because I've activated kundalini while sitting on a silk blanket; the silk blanket should have stopped the earth's magnetic influence. As well, the majority of the texts that I've read (B Gita included) state that the energy comes from the base of the spine or the perenium, not the center of the earth..

  It would help if you could describe a step by step procedure of how you melt the crown and take it down to the root, and then how you bring kundalini up to the crown. What do you visualize? Did you look at this meditation found on the link that I quoted before?:

Find a quiet place ... free of distractions.
Adjust the lighting and room temperature.
Adjust clothing . . . footwear . . . eyeglasses.
Sit down or lie down
Find a position that is comfortable for you.
Quiet your mind . . . Still your thoughts.
Relax your body
Your face . . . your jaw . . . relaxing
Your shoulders . . . your neck . . . relaxed
Your arms . . . your hands . . . feel at peace.
Your torso . . . your hips . . . letting go
Your legs . . . your feet . . . totally relaxed
Focus on your breathing.
Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose.
Retain the breath as long as is comfortable.
Exhale through the mouth slowly and completely.
Repeat for two more breaths . . . or as is comfortable.
Now focus your attention on your chakras.
Starting from the top of your head visualize your crown chakra opening.
Watch as pure white light enters your crown chakra
and slowly spirals down through your spine.
The white light opens your third eye chakra.
You may experiences vibrant colors especially in blue, and violet . . .
The white light moves down to your throat chakra releasing your blockages.
You may feel like chanting or singing.
Allow the tones to resonant from your throat.
Do this as long as is comfortable . . .
The white light now enters your heart chakra.
You experience a feeling of unconditional love and compassion.
The white light enters your solar plexus.
Gently your fears - anger - tensions are released.
See the white light enter your spleen chakra
releasing pain and guilt linked to that chakra.
The white light now enters your Root Chakra the seat of your kundalini energy.
As it does, it begins to activate the energy of the base (root) chakra.
Feel the energy suddenly emerge from your Root Chakra,
Spiraling up through the base of your spine as if it were a coiled snake.
The coiled snake represents the spiraling DNA -
opening, activating, bringing you to higher levels of consciousness.
Allow the energy to flow through your chakras.
See the energy wheels rotating.
When your are ready - return your consciousness to your physical body.
Relax and balance your energies.
You might want to drink some water.

 Is that meditation what you are doing?


I'll try to get some silk to protect my meditation of the trembling effects, Do you think it can works?

kind regards

  Well, a sure fire way to find out is to try it. You'll have to let me know how it goes (please?). Also, you might remember to wrap the silk around your head too.

  Yes, isn't St. Teresa of Avila wonderful? Did you know that Diane Stein, a prominant Reiki healer has claimed to be St. Teresa incarnate?

Om Shanti