Author Topic: Where am I at now?  (Read 43011 times)


  • Posts: 2055
Where am I at now?
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2008, 07:23:22 AM »
When making Love in stillness (not having sex), there's a profound energy coming from the tip of the penis. In particular, when being in the vagina  all the way in, that's where the melting starts... That's where the beautiful dance begins... all by itself.

Just my two cents...


  • Posts: 758
Where am I at now?
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2008, 08:09:24 AM »
Originally posted by emc

When making Love in stillness (not having sex), there's a profound energy coming from the tip of the penis. In particular, when being in the vagina  all the way in, that's where the melting starts... That's where the beautiful dance begins... all by itself.

Just my two cents...

Hi emc [:)]
  That is lovely to know! Thank you :)
  I've read in tantric books and some taoist texts that there is also a chakra at the cervix (which is negative in charge) and that when it touches the tip of the penis (positive charge) it creates a powerful connection resulting in intense energy tranfers/flows. I would imagine that to complete the circuit both participants need another connection, like heart chakras joined or perhaps the tips of the tongues if their pathways are clear..


« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 08:23:38 AM by Tibetan_Ice »


  • Posts: 758
Where am I at now?
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2008, 09:02:04 AM »
Hi [:)]
It's been three days since discovering the black flame. So far, I feel fine; I have not noticed any serious repercussions from the adventure aside from this very interesting experience:

  Last night I took a hot bath with patchouli, lavendar and rose essential oils. Because I had been reading Yogani's Mantra modification lesson, I decide to chant "AUM" for a while, as I lay there soaking.  I spent a few minutes reverberating the "AUM", trying variations like "Ong" and "Om". I noticed that the "Ong" makes the nasal cavity resonate more while the "Om" causes the upper lip to vibrate. I was feeling quite relaxed so I stopped and was laying there in the tub.

  Suddenly, in my third eye, a color picture appeared and I could hear "AUM". It sounded like a chorus of angels, a thousand voices all in perfect harmony resonating perfectly. The sound has a 'suspended' quality to it, like it is just hanging there. The sound pitches range from very low to very high.  It looks like a round etheric image of various pastel colors but the colors are very subtle. It has a vapory quality about it. It is very easy to focus on it, it is very attractive and awesome. It is almost like it is focusing on me!

  As I watched the scene and listened to the sound, the top and bottom of the round part of the image opened up and circled around, forming two white tubes, one on each side like this:  o)(o  I thought that was strange. The "AUM" feels like one long tunnel or cable and it folded over into two smaller white misty tunnels. This puzzled me somewhat. Two smaller tunnels... hmmm. I would distact myself and then focus on the "AUM" again, hear the sound, view the scene and the same transformation would take place; from one etheric sphere-like tunnel or cable to an expanse with two smaller tunnels on each side.
  Today, during my morning meditation/practice session, I had great difficulty using the "i am" mantra. Instead, the "AUM" appeared. I love it, it is so impelling and profound. However, I kept trying to figure out if I should just watch and listen to the AUM, or stick to my routine and before I knew it, 40 minutes had passed.. So I went back to my desk. I felt so relaxed that I just went back into the AUM. Then a strange thing happened. All of a sudden, all thoughts ceased and it was like I had a solid beam of attention moving towards the AUM. My mind was exceptionally clear and felt kind of powerful and very focussed. This caused my head to move upwards, pulling my face upwards slowly by degrees.
  Twenty seconds/minutes later or so I quit because it was lunch time. (kind of lost track of time). As I walked outside to the cafeteria, the AUM remained in my head.

  It is persistent. When I focus on it, which is very easy to do, I experience very fine tingles and energy flows. There is definately an aura of pure divine essence in the AUM. When I focus on it and then split my attention to my immediate surroundings, like standing next to people in line, I can sense them with a greater perspicacity.

  Now, I don't think that this experience is related to the black flame, but perhaps it might be. I wonder why the AUM scene kept folding into two smaller tunnels. Is one tunnel coming and the other one going? I'll have to explore some more..



  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Where am I at now?
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2008, 10:53:07 AM »
Hi TI,

I would recomend that when you experiment with new practices, that you try just 5 or 10 minutes a day of a new practice, and then see how it is going after a week or two. This would limit the chances of anything going seriously wrong.

With your third eye experiment I would have expected things to go pear shaped after an hour or two if they were going to. Luckily they didn't. If you repeated the experiment for an hour a day, every day, then there could be an energy build up happening which could backfire on you further down the line (like after a week or so).

Great to hear about your experiments, and good luck.



  • Posts: 264
Where am I at now?
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2008, 01:54:07 PM »
Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice
I've read in tantric books and some taoist texts that there is also a chakra at the cervix (which is negative in charge) and that when it touches the tip of the penis (positive charge) it creates a powerful connection resulting in intense energy tranfers/flows. I would imagine that to complete the circuit both participants need another connection, like heart chakras joined or perhaps the tips of the tongues if their pathways are clear..

From page 108 of the book "The Bliss of Inner Fire" by Lama Yeshe:

There is also the secret, or sex, chakra. This is red, has thirty-two branches, and is level with the base of the spine. In a man, this is located at the base of the sex organ. As well, there is the middle secret chakra, also known as the jewel chakra, which is white and has eight branch channels; and there is the tip secret chakra, which is at the end of the penis, where the central channel ends.
A question might arise: the secret chakras of the male body are explained very clearly, but what about teh female chakras ? A woman also has three secret chakras: the secret, middle secret, and tip secret. For a woman, however, these three are hidden inside her body. The tip secret chakra, where her central channel ends, is at the end of the cervix where it opens into the vagina. The man's organ is outside, but the woman's is held inside. As this shows, there is a mutual arrangement between male's vajra and female's lotus.
Completion stage tantra also explains that a yogini has a subtle channel that extends from the end of her central channel, and that when the male and female organs join, this subtle channel enters the central channel of the yogi, giving rise to incredible bliss.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 01:59:39 PM by selfonlypath »


  • Posts: 758
Where am I at now?
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2008, 02:27:28 PM »
Originally posted by selfonlypath

From page 108 of the book "The Bliss of Inner Fire" by Lama Yeshe:

There is also the secret, or sex, chakra. This is red, has thirty-two branches, and is level with the base of the spine. In a man, this is located at the base of the sex organ. As well, there is the middle secret chakra, also known as the jewel chakra, which is white and has eight branch channels; and there is the tip secret chakra, which is at the end of the penis, where the central channel ends.
A question might arise: the secret chakras of the male body are explained very clearly, but what about teh female chakras ? A woman also has three secret chakras: the secret, middle secret, and tip secret. For a woman, however, these three are hidden inside her body. The tip secret chakra, where her central channel ends, is at the end of the cervix where it opens into the vagina. The man's organ is outside, but the woman's is held inside. As this shows, there is a mutual arrangement between male's vajra and female's lotus.
Completion stage tantra also explains that a yogini has a subtle channel that extends from the end of her central channel, and that when the male and female organs join, this subtle channel enters the central channel of the yogi, giving rise to incredible bliss.


Hi Albert [:)]
  Thank you very much for that! I appreciate it. Something I've always wanted to get confirmation about. The more the better. :)

  I can see my root chakra at the base of the spine. It looks like a golden square from the top and somewhat pyramidical from the side. It has four dark red petals on the sides. There is a fine thread that comes out of the top of it progressing upwards into the spine. I believe this is the root chakra.

  But the great part is this: A while ago, during a full body crystal layout, when some Reiki healers and I did a healing on lower end because I had started to get a sensation of a large heat ball in my buttocks area, I started to see a red thing that looked sort of like a pomegranite in that very same area. It was ruby red or perhaps a bit brighter. The whole image was not clear, but I could make out perhaps 30% of it. So that explains what that is!
  I can also see my lower tan tien. It looks like a golden-orange ball, but that is higher up closer to and behind the navel. When I focus on that, I can release tingles from it that go up my spine and make me shiver.. It has a different flavour of tingles than the sacral chakra, which I can feel but cannot yet see..

Thanks again, Albert [:)]


  • Posts: 758
Where am I at now?
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2008, 02:49:58 PM »
Originally posted by Christi

Hi TI,

I would recomend that when you experiment with new practices, that you try just 5 or 10 minutes a day of a new practice, and then see how it is going after a week or two. This would limit the chances of anything going seriously wrong.

With your third eye experiment I would have expected things to go pear shaped after an hour or two if they were going to. Luckily they didn't. If you repeated the experiment for an hour a day, every day, then there could be an energy build up happening which could backfire on you further down the line (like after a week or so).

Great to hear about your experiments, and good luck.


Hi Christi [:)]
  One of the purposes of my 'experiment' was to determine where I should be fixing my eyes when I meditate. You see, when I was meditating I would focus my gaze gently upwards between my brows. At the end of the meditation session, there was a big area on my forehead that felt like a numb kind of pressure and the rest of my brain felt somewhat numb too. Then, I discovered if I pulled my gaze a bit futher back, that is when the sensations started. So, I didn't think I was doing deep silence meditation anymore.

  I have resolved my plight now. I do not focus on that area anymore, instead, there is a bright white light with some yellow in it about 20 degrees off top dead centre that I focus on, where the tunnel is. It is not that clear, but it started appearing yesterday, so I focus on that with my visual attention. I'm getting pretty good at it and I can almost get a constant stream of attention on it and leave it to focus on the mantra. When I start to get a constant stream of attention on it, parts of my body dissolve. Like yesterday, my legs and front arms dissolved. I could not feel them, they had become vapour or ether or something. Didn't really bother me, I just made a mental note of it and kept going.  

  Tonight's meditation was very good. Although I do get a lot of heat when I do mulabandha during spinal breathing, I keep it short; about 10 minutes. Then, I fix my gaze up, keep my tongue on my uvula and start the 'i am' mantra. At the end of tonight's session, when the time was up, I just let go. There was this big empty space in my head. My forehead was numb and it was so wonderful to just sit there. I also noticed that the tip of my tongue tingles like a small electric current has been passing through it. And, at times, I still had a sensation in the bottom end, but it was very mild.

  Anyway, thanks for the advice. [:)] I will keep it in mind. Mind you, I do have a habit of doing extended meditations and other things every once in while. It helps me learn things, push the envelope a little bit and expand my understanding.  



  • Posts: 758
Where am I at now?
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2008, 03:42:03 PM »
Hi Everyone [:)]
  Part of my learning experience has been "where to focus the eyes". Since discovering the area behind my brow which causes the 'connectedness to the testicles' feeling followed by 'the body dissolving' followed by 'heat up the spine' I've been focusing much higher with my gaze and visual attention. This is a mistake. The area to focus on, for me, is behind the brow about 1 inch in and up slightly. Perhaps this is the junction at the top of the sinus where the prana and apana meet and can be combined?  

  Tonight, I found this article which motivated me to go back to that same location behind my brow.

  Here is the link:

  Here are the instructions:

Trataka : Meditation of third eye

Your third eye is hungry for awareness !.......

The meditation technique which you are going to read is 'Trataka' (also known as third eye meditation). In the belief system of 'Tantra' and 'Hatha Yoga' there is a concept of Kundalini .

[ Have you ever heard of Tantra or 'Hatha' Yoga ? If not then let me tell you very briefly that 'Tantra' is a sort of esoteric spiritual path that involves doing a number of activities which seem bizarre and odd to many people. Soon I'll write a separate article on Tantra. Keep watching ' New Articles'

'Hatha' Yoga is a branch of Yoga and it involves indulging in various physical exercises and breathing routines (known as Pranayam.) Many things in 'Hatha Yoga' and Tantra are common' . In this article, without going into the details of Tantra, Hatha Yoga or Pranayam, I have tried to present a simple meditation technique of third eye. The topics of Tantra, Hatha & Pranayam will be covered in other articles soon]

It has been discovered that there are seven chakras (or points of consciousness) in our body. These Chakras (literally Chakra means rings) are situated at different points in our body. Among these Chakras, the 6th Chakra is known as ' Aagya Chakra' located between the eyebrows and is said to be the seat of the mystical "third eye".

The physical location of this chakra is at the center of our forehead. Just above the place between our eyes. It is believed that Kundalini (the energy field) travels from the first Chakra (also known as Muladhara Chakra, situated at the base of our spine) and travels to 2nd, 3rd, 4th?..chakra to reach the 7th Chakra of Sahasrara. Here it meets with the Supreme Consciousness- Shiva. The 'Agya Chakra' is the 6th chakra (the second last Chakra in the path of Kundalini).

This 3rd eye meditation revolves around this 6th center of consciousness - Agya Chakra. This Agya Chakra' is considered as the center where our third eye resides. Though there is no physical third eye present in the body but at a more subtle, spiritual plane it has been experienced by many people that a stimulating center of consciousness exist here. Trataka (or third eye meditation) is the meditation technique of 'Agya Chakra'. When we focus our awareness on third eye, we automatically and instantly attain a meditative state.

Now without further going into the scientific explanation or spiritual significance of this meditation technique let us learn the exact method of this simple meditation technique of 'Trataka' which may take you into a meditative state instantly.

Here is the method:

[Please don't do this meditation in train or bus i.e. while traveling. You'll not be able to do it properly when your body is in motion. ]

Sit in the lotus pose (cross legged). [if it not possible for you then sit comfortably on chair or bad]

keep your spine straight.

close your eyes.

inhale and exhale deeply for 3 times.

Now concentrate on the middle of your forehead around the area which is a few centimeters above the middle of your eyes.

Keep your eyes closed and draw both of your eyes towards this center point of 3rd eye. I mean just look upwards with your eyes closed . Focus your closed eyes at 20-25 degrees above just at the center of the forehead (at the place of third eye.) Now slowly at about two-second interval, start counting in your mind backward from one hundred to one (that is 100,99,98,97....and so on). As you do it, keep your eyes centered towards the third eye.

[ Here I want to clear a doubt which comes in the mind of many people ]

Well it seems too vogue to know the exact position of third eye. In the middle of forehead is OK. but as I try to concentrate my both eyes at that point I get confused where is the exact point of third eye ? Is there a way to know that I have centered my eyes exactly on third eye?

Answer : To know exactly that you have centered your eyes on the third eye is very simple. As you draw your eyes towards the center of forehead by looking upwards at 20-25 degree angle, at a particular point both of your eyes will become still, absolutely motionless. You will feel as if a force is slowly pulling your eyes towards itself. It will be just like a magnetic attraction. As and when you experience this state, you'll be at the right point ! ]

Do you know what you'll feel ? You'll feel a pleasant strain on your eyes.

yes ! a pleasant strain in eyes.

There will be a strain but you will enjoy it. By the time you reach 3..2...1(in backward counting), you will feel a strange sensation in and around your third eye. There will be a feeling which is difficult to describe in words. Keep your concentration on third eye.

Once you achieved this state of stillness of eyes many of you will feel as if you can see your thoughts. Just like a screen you will see your thought appearing before you

. Have you ever thought what is the source through which we see the inner thought process of our body ?. When you close your eyes there are many things which we see and observe. We observe all those things through third eye.

Your thoughts will stop. If they appear at all, you will be able to see them like a dream. In this situation you will realize the real watcher in you. You will be able to easily perceive the witness inside you. Something different from body and mind and yet a part of you.

Just be in this state for 10-15 minutes.

Now slowly return from this state to the state of normalcy. Release the strain from your eyes and slowly shift them from the third eye to their normal position. Let them loose and free. Move your consciousness from the third eye.

Be still for few minutes. Allow the eyes to retain their normal movements. Inhale and exhale deeply for three time. Slowly open your eyes. Your meditation is complete.

This third eye meditation is a very powerful method for developing concentration. This is also a very very helpful exercise for eyes too. Your eyes will remain healthy. No matter how much strain and tension your eyes are subjected to in a day, doing this meditation daily in morning and evening insure your eyes against any further damage.

Meditating on 'Agya Chakra' is also believed to be helpful in developing intuitive power. Doing this meditation regularly certainly helps in developing intuition but I must clarify that the concept of intuition and clairvoyance are beyond the scope of this website. Here we will restrict ourselves with just learning meditation. Please note that we should not learn meditation for gaining some kind of meta-physical or supernatural expertise.

Learn meditation for the sheer joy of meditation, for the bliss it provides us. If you expect something from it, you will deviate from the path . Don't expect anything and you may get many rewards.


Though I have taken care in explaining this meditation technique of Trataka by telling you just that which is sufficient for you ; I still feel that you should be aware of the sensitiveness of this meditation and about some precautions which you should follow while trying this.

When you meditate on Agya Chakra, you meditate on a part of your subtle body. It may happen that when you meditate on your third eye, you feel that the center of your forehead is heating up. When it happens it indicates that the third eye is attracting energy of the Kundalini. Though this heating is not harmful, you should be very careful. There may be a feeling of hotness with itching on third eye area. As and when it happens stop immediately. As a layman who does not know the intricacy of this Kundalini and its various paths, it s better to limit oneself to the process of meditation only i.e. achieving a still and thought-free state of existence.

Please don't indulge in this meditation too deeply if you start feeling too much hot sensation on your third eye area. Few things should be used only in moderation if we do not have the capacity to handle their larger implication.

So be happy and be meditative. Try third eye meditation without giving any thought to Kundalini awakening. Just do what has been told and you will be in meditation. The awakening of Kundalini is a concept of yogis who are full time dedicated to this subject. We, as a common men and women of twenty first century, neither have he time nor the patience which is required for Kundalini awakening. Nevertheless, if you do want to know more and experiment on this, please consult a yogic expert who can personally guide you. As far as meditation is concerned what I have told you is enough.

  Tonight, I tried the aforementioned quoted third eye meditation!!!

  I did no locks whatsoever, no kechari, no neck lock, not even lotus position just easy posture.

At first, it took me a few minutes to find that spot again, it is true that the angle of vision is about 25 degrees up. I felt a certain place where there is a distinct pressure or pull on the eyes and then the following sensory experiences occured again:

1)  A feeling of some sort of connectedness from my brow to my testicles through the front channel in the body (no erection [:D])

2) A feeling like the body is dissolving, some disorientation and floating type of sensation

3) The rise of heat directly up the spine. A slow fire that ascends gradually. (Love it)

4) After stopping the practice after 30 minutes, when the heat reached the top of my neck, I had quite a pain and pressure in my neck. I have noticed that I get this pressure when I channel divine energy from the crown too. I have come to realize that the pain/pressure at the base of the skull where it connects to my neck is an indication that energy is trying to get through or build up. Now I'm thinking that the neck lock and kechari might be very useful here in the future..

  I can hardly wait to combine what I've learned from Yogani's lessons with the solidification of technique and understanding that I'm gaining through experimentation.

  Meanwhile, if anyone decides to try the quoted meditation for awakening the third eye, I would be very interested to hear about your experiences. [8D]



  • Posts: 758
Where am I at now?
« Reply #23 on: April 26, 2008, 05:37:52 AM »
Hi, [:)]
  This is where I am at now.
  I attained Level 3 Usui Reiki two weeks ago. The "Usage of Symbols" attunement opened up my hands quite a bit. The Level 3 attunement produced an effect like being in a rounded cocoon of energy.  

  About four days ago, during spinal breathing, I started to see the room in which I was meditating through closed eyes. Along with the room I could see my body and my spinal nerve as I was tracing it up and down. It is sort of like the cavern in my head expanded to encompass more of the surrounding area. Since then, this phenomenon is more pronounced and more easily accessible. I'm kind of practicing walking with eyes closed when I get the notion to test it.

  Two days ago I performed 1 hour of Kunlun practice at night. That seemed to have opened up the tingle factory more so because the next day, I felt enhanced energy flows and tingles occuring later on in the day. I must admit that I haven't been Kunlun every day, just every now and then. I think of it as 'shaking therapy' to clear my legs. [:D]

  Yesterday I performed two practice sessions during the day (bhastrika - 5 min, Spinal Breathing -5 min, ayam meditation -20 min, samyama 3- min, rest -10 min). This is my daily routine. All else is additional. Also, I started repeating the mantra like I am calling/whispering God's name.

  Last night, after contemplating some Yogi Bhajan and Reiki Tummo practices, I decided to meditate on the point 1 inch behind my third eye. Since my hip was kind of sore from doing the full lotus for 1/2 the day before, I decided to practice while sitting on a chair instead.
  I sat on the chair and noticed that my posture was perfect. The chair is just at the right level. I took a deep breath into the depths of my abdomen, relaxed my body and hands, and was feeling very content to be sitting in perfect posture (spine aligned just right).

 At that point I noticed a pale white glob of light off in the distance. It was kind of nice and I was attracted to it. It looked like moonlight but the shape was not perfectly round.  Since I was going to just focus on the region behind my brow, I proceeded to try to find the spot and focus on it. The glob of light called me back so I had another look at it. I spent maybe 15 seconds just looking at it.

  At that point heat and flames started rising from my torso/bottom. Big Flames [:0]

  Sometimes I will get little flames rising up the spine (a few times) or feel little balls of heat following my attention around my body. This time it was like the flame or ball of heat was about 2 feet wide, from my buttocks to the head. In two seconds I started to sweat. Perspiration was on my chest, back and oozing out from my scalp.  I got sort of scared. I had never felt heat like that before. It was too wide and tall. It was like being in a sauna. My whole upper body was surrounded. I wasn't concentrating on anything particularily hard, just watching the light blob, sitting, relaxed in perfect posture. I shut it down. Shocked! Holy crow! I had become a large hot flame in under 1 minute.

  I went to bed and layed there. My upper body was hot. My hands were very hot. I contemplated what had just happened. I guess it was more of a surprise than anything. I hadn't expected that type of a reaction. It took me a while to fall asleep. This morning I woke at 6:30 am and felt great. Usually I'll sleep in later on Saturdays, but not today.

  Today's morning meditation/practice was fine. I was cautious and on the lookout for the light blob. A little one appeared, shaped like a pine cone but I did not focus on it. Instead, I kept to stock ayp routines. Only my face got hot as usual. No big flames.

  I think it will take me a few days to digest the big flame phenonmenon. At this point I'm thinking that if I had continued, I would have either instantly combusted or perhaps experienced the intense rise of the kundalini??? I will have to research whether the full blown kundalini rising is preceeded by quick big flames and heat. Or perhaps someone here has some insight on this?



  • Posts: 758
Where am I at now?
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2008, 02:52:24 PM »
Hi, [:)]
  I have several stories today.

1) Two days ago I was standing outside. I was looking at the street through my third eye vision with regular eyes closed. The scene was relatively clear; things do not appear as 'flamey' as before.  I noticed that there was a white car on the road about 30 feet in front of me. When I opened my eyes, it was not there. I mean, the street had no cars on it. I looked around to see if there was a white car on the other side of the street and there was not. [:(]

  About five minutes later, the same white car that I had seen drives down the road and stops in the exact same location that I saw it in during the third eye vision!  Now I'm figuring that I have to account for some kind of time warp during third eye vision sight. I still can't believe my vision was from 5 minutes into the future.. Hmmm..

2) I was sitting in the bathroom, drinking yogi tea, smoking and reading. I put the book down for a minute. After a few seconds a scene with a buddha sitting appeared right before me in my third eye vision. I watched it. The buddha had a staff in the right hand and a three pronged fork thing in the left hand. It was wearing a red and white gown of sorts and it's hair was tied up in a knot.  As I watched, the buddha moved to the right and an infinte number of buddhas appeared as a string behind the first one.

  My attention started following the string of buddhas. On and on they went. The trail of buddhas started twisting and turning as we went. My attention kept up. Suddenly, the string of buddhas turned downwards into a whitish tunnel. I tried to follow but I coudn't. So, I started following the tunnel, which turned and spiralled downwards. This went on for a while until the tunnel turned and pointed right at me and a buddha came out of it.

  The buddha had a baby in it's arms and held it forward as if to give it to me. The baby had very long black hair and it grew into a female form very quickly. The female (she looked Japanese) then took out a bow and an arrow and shot it in the sky. I followed the arrow and it looked like it had pierced a white cloud that sort of looked like a miniature universe. The female then shot another arrow and this arrow had a flaming tip of fire on it like a burning marshmellow. She then shot a third arrow and this arrow had a 'V' on the tip with sort of rounded edges. After that, she produced a baby girl (pulled it from her abdomen) and held it up proudly in her right hand.

  This whole vision lasted about 10 minutes. What the vision means? I don't have a clue but it should be interesting when it reveals itself.

3) I have read the "Clear Light of Bliss" once, and I am now re-reading it, studying it intensely. It is a great book. It has answered so many questions for me, especially about flames and heat!

  I cried when I read the part that says the indestructable mind resides in the heart. (Steve is going to love that one.. haha)

  The description of the process of concentrative meditation is one of the best I've ever read. Again, emptiness meditation is a separate practice from concentrative meditation, which is interesting because it appears to me that the 'i am' meditation has both intermixed.

  According to this book, the main channel is shaped like an umbrella handle and goes from the navel to the heart, then to the throat, next to the crown and finally to the third eye. When I follow that pattern for sucking in cosmic energy through my third eye, my back of the head/neck doesn't hurt as compared to the pain I experience by sucking in the energy straight back from the third eye to the medulla.

  The book references an episode of leaving the body through the crown and does state that although this phenomenon is a true experience it does not help in one's spiritual evolution. (This happened to me many years ago after a 3 hour meditation on an area about 6 inches above the crown). It is nice to find confirmation of experiences..

  The vase breathing is very clearly described. This was a great mystery to me. You see, chi breathing or reversed breathing involves sort of compressing the air in the abdomen (tan tien) and sort of using the root lock. Yogi Bhajan talks about 'pressure' that is exerted to make the heat rise, but never really explains the process.  The "Clear Light of Bliss" explains, step by step, how to store the heat and make the flames rise up the central channel, eventually melting drops that drip back down the central channel causing 4 types of bliss. This process works for me and I can follow it and get results immediately.

 It has also explained my experience with too much heat and flames and pointed out some subtler methods of enacting the fire without breath control which also works for me.
  I also appreciate that fact that this book has given me a viable explanation of the 'drops' of substance that I can see periodically on the spinal nerve.

  There is also a part which explains adequately why the breath stops and how to recognize when central channel 'breathing' is starting to occur.

  Funny thing, there is no mention of kundalini anywhere in the whole book, but you'd swear that you were reading a kundalini manual. The essence of the mahamudra is mixing bliss with emptiness, which is very similar if not exactly the same type of thing that the ayp lessons are designed for.
   I highly recommend this book to everyone. I have great respect for Gyatso and his accomplishment of writing this book.



  • Posts: 572
Where am I at now?
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2008, 10:43:36 PM »
The article utilizes the "V"edanta traditon, explaining the three kinds of karma, via an archery metaphor, to help reduce the amount of experiences and to remember the target of meditation is self-realization through non-attachment to phenomenon:

Reducing karma through archery: The ancient sages of Yoga and Vedanta use the metaphor of Archery as a teaching tool for how to work with and reduce karma through the process of Yoga meditation. In Yoga Meditation, Karma is of three kinds: Sanchita, Kriyamana, and Prarabhda, using the metaphor of three kinds of arrows in archery. Karma Yoga is the Yoga that emphasizes doing Yoga while also doing actions in the world, or Meditation in action.

...Not becoming diverted by the in-flight arrows: Because of these stray arrows, one may easily become diverted from the path of Self-realization. Those old arrows, shot long ago, continue to come and cause problems. Often what happens is that due to these old arrows, still in flight, we end up firing more arrows along the same off-course path. We can end up having just as many arrows in the air that are off-course, rather than seeing the number go down.

Being kind to ourselves: The solution is to be very kind with ourselves, as we cultivate persistence and patience. We may want spiritual energy, grace, or shakti to come to us, yet one of the first forms of that comes as determination. To have, cultivate, or pray for such determination is an essential practice on the journey to Self-Realization.  





  • Posts: 758
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« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2008, 01:55:24 PM »
Originally posted by VIL

The article utilizes the "V"edanta traditon, explaining the three kinds of karma, via an archery metaphor, to help reduce the amount of experiences and to remember the target of meditation is self-realization through non-attachment to phenomenon:



Hi VIL, [:)]
  Thank you very much for the response and possible insight. Somehow, I find the reference to arrows and karma rather disturbing so perhaps there is something there that I need to examine. [?]



  • Posts: 758
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« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2008, 03:12:17 PM »
  This morning I practiced the mahamudra vase breathing for about 15 minutes. At the end of the session I had a rather nice ball of heat in my lower abdomen.

  During my morning's regular practice (breathing exercises and 'i am' mantra meditation), the fire gradually crawled up my spine, which is unusual for that to happen during 'i am' meditation. However, my 'i am' has transformed into a visual picture of the mantra as in: "aaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmm" which I now watch while I repeat it. The intervals in between repetitions are somewhat silent but still have colors and images appearing..  

  I followed my morning meditation with a mahamudra heart/mind meditation. Perhaps I am good at this style of single point concentrative meditation (as opposed to mantra repitition)?  I focused on the indestructible drop in my heart and kept at it. I discovered that if I control my breathing, not forcing it but by not pausing between breaths and by keeping the breathing really quiet, I could maintain a constant stream of attention on the little whitish ball of light at my heart area. No breaks, just a constant steady stream of attention.  
  Just as I figured that out and had sustained the focus on the ball of light in my heart for about 10 seconds, that area released many very powerful tingles that went through my whole body, legs and arms included. What a surprise! [:I] I started to cry. It was so intense and beautiful! Needless to say, I couldn't meditate any longer and shut the session down. Was that a heart orgasm?



  • Posts: 14
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« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2008, 07:09:20 PM »
"Clear Light of Bliss"  Is it by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso?

Originally posted by Tibetan_Ice

Hi, [:)]
  I have several stories today.

1) Two days ago I was standing outside. I was looking at the street through my third eye vision with regular eyes closed. The scene was relatively clear; things do not appear as 'flamey' as before.  I noticed that there was a white car on the road about 30 feet in front of me. When I opened my eyes, it was not there. I mean, the street had no cars on it. I looked around to see if there was a white car on the other side of the street and there was not. [:(]

  About five minutes later, the same white car that I had seen drives down the road and stops in the exact same location that I saw it in during the third eye vision!  Now I'm figuring that I have to account for some kind of time warp during third eye vision sight. I still can't believe my vision was from 5 minutes into the future.. Hmmm..

2) I was sitting in the bathroom, drinking yogi tea, smoking and reading. I put the book down for a minute. After a few seconds a scene with a buddha sitting appeared right before me in my third eye vision. I watched it. The buddha had a staff in the right hand and a three pronged fork thing in the left hand. It was wearing a red and white gown of sorts and it's hair was tied up in a knot.  As I watched, the buddha moved to the right and an infinte number of buddhas appeared as a string behind the first one.

  My attention started following the string of buddhas. On and on they went. The trail of buddhas started twisting and turning as we went. My attention kept up. Suddenly, the string of buddhas turned downwards into a whitish tunnel. I tried to follow but I coudn't. So, I started following the tunnel, which turned and spiralled downwards. This went on for a while until the tunnel turned and pointed right at me and a buddha came out of it.

  The buddha had a baby in it's arms and held it forward as if to give it to me. The baby had very long black hair and it grew into a female form very quickly. The female (she looked Japanese) then took out a bow and an arrow and shot it in the sky. I followed the arrow and it looked like it had pierced a white cloud that sort of looked like a miniature universe. The female then shot another arrow and this arrow had a flaming tip of fire on it like a burning marshmellow. She then shot a third arrow and this arrow had a 'V' on the tip with sort of rounded edges. After that, she produced a baby girl (pulled it from her abdomen) and held it up proudly in her right hand.

  This whole vision lasted about 10 minutes. What the vision means? I don't have a clue but it should be interesting when it reveals itself.

3) I have read the "Clear Light of Bliss" once, and I am now re-reading it, studying it intensely. It is a great book. It has answered so many questions for me, especially about flames and heat!

  I cried when I read the part that says the indestructable mind resides in the heart. (Steve is going to love that one.. haha)

  The description of the process of concentrative meditation is one of the best I've ever read. Again, emptiness meditation is a separate practice from concentrative meditation, which is interesting because it appears to me that the 'i am' meditation has both intermixed.

  According to this book, the main channel is shaped like an umbrella handle and goes from the navel to the heart, then to the throat, next to the crown and finally to the third eye. When I follow that pattern for sucking in cosmic energy through my third eye, my back of the head/neck doesn't hurt as compared to the pain I experience by sucking in the energy straight back from the third eye to the medulla.

  The book references an episode of leaving the body through the crown and does state that although this phenomenon is a true experience it does not help in one's spiritual evolution. (This happened to me many years ago after a 3 hour meditation on an area about 6 inches above the crown). It is nice to find confirmation of experiences..

  The vase breathing is very clearly described. This was a great mystery to me. You see, chi breathing or reversed breathing involves sort of compressing the air in the abdomen (tan tien) and sort of using the root lock. Yogi Bhajan talks about 'pressure' that is exerted to make the heat rise, but never really explains the process.  The "Clear Light of Bliss" explains, step by step, how to store the heat and make the flames rise up the central channel, eventually melting drops that drip back down the central channel causing 4 types of bliss. This process works for me and I can follow it and get results immediately.

 It has also explained my experience with too much heat and flames and pointed out some subtler methods of enacting the fire without breath control which also works for me.
  I also appreciate that fact that this book has given me a viable explanation of the 'drops' of substance that I can see periodically on the spinal nerve.

  There is also a part which explains adequately why the breath stops and how to recognize when central channel 'breathing' is starting to occur.

  Funny thing, there is no mention of kundalini anywhere in the whole book, but you'd swear that you were reading a kundalini manual. The essence of the mahamudra is mixing bliss with emptiness, which is very similar if not exactly the same type of thing that the ayp lessons are designed for.
   I highly recommend this book to everyone. I have great respect for Gyatso and his accomplishment of writing this book.



  • Posts: 572
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« Reply #29 on: May 13, 2008, 12:13:51 AM »
Hey, TI, I know that with dreams it's important to discriminate or understand what the symbolism is attempting to convey to get in touch with ourselves.  So, although I don't have awake dreams, I figured that maybe if this same perspective is employed then a new awareness may be gleaned from the visions by learning to also look at things, symbolically, as you do literally, so that the experience can transform into something more subtle.  

I think this is a misconception that when detachment to these expressions are mentioned that it's like asking a person to give up a part of themselves, alluding that a person is crazy or what they're experiencing is not real, and this is never my intention.  I know that we all possess gifts that are a part of who we are and I've noticed that many people, as shared even on this forum, experience these things.  But what I've also noticed is that sometimes detachment entails a process of letting go of these experiences, little by little, instead of cold turkey, depending on the person, so that these are no longer necessary/observable, although the gift (if it's more palatable) or energy expression, does not go away, but just like energy, merely transforms into something less overt/obvious/gross, into something more subtle, such as intuition, insight, knowingness or whatever.

Anyway, so I posted the article, since the commonly used archery metaphor came to mind when I read your post, so that maybe you can learn that even if these experiences happen, or you have a gift of seeing within the future, what if you reexamined these visions so that there is no longer a need to actually see the future, since you know how to proceed as each situation presents itself, thereby creating the future within each moment.  In other words, really getting in touch with ourselves, by listening to that subtle aspect of who we are, so that we just know things that seem impossible to know, and if you end up knowing the future, by being present, then it is what it is.  So detachment is actually self development and transformation.

So this is my current perceptions, so take what is applicable and discard the rest, since I am always a work in progress: [:D]

