Author Topic: What happens if you only do sitting practices.  (Read 3157 times)


  • Posts: 8
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #15 on: October 02, 2005, 09:21:58 AM »
Hi, I suppose this is a good a place to jump in as any :)

"Sitting practices" ... this pretty much describes me.  I meditate an hour or two a day, and have several friends who I commune with, psychically, as well as a couple of working groups of "mages" and, of course HEr.  

One lesson I learned the very hard way was that (at least for me) to attempt to contain or save energy was worse than futile - shakti wants to FLOW, and the more SHe does, the greater the power, limitless beyond comprehension.

Maybe I'm coming from an odd place, don't know.  No guru or traditional initiations, I just tune in and receive understanding in action.  Some have called what I do "white tantra" which, from what I read subsequently, seems appropo.  I've been mostly celibate for around 20 years, fwiw, if that makes a difference.

To me, orgasm only energizes further ... it is balance which allows it to continue to flow and ripple :)


PS Thank you for hosting such a lovely board


  • Posts: 6025
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What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2005, 02:52:34 PM »
Hello ZN:

Thanks much for chiming in here.

Yes, once the energy is moving it is about flow and balance, which is where sitting practices have a certain advantage -- a daily habit that can work steadily toward promoting the spiritual dimensions of awakened sexual energy (which we also call here, ecstatic conductivity).

Can you share further on the methods you use? As you may have noticed already, we have a lot of tools for this in AYP. But we can always use new perspectives!

The guru is in you.



  • Posts: 8
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2005, 05:57:18 AM »
Thank you very much for the welcome :)

Usually, I find a comfortable position I can maintain for an extended period of time without moving.  (If I am planning a more intensive working, I will use a pose with some innate stress associated with it - the small pain of the tension helps me to focus better, somehow.)  While I know little of formal/traditional use of mudras, I have found that the Flow is directed differently depending on hand positions, and, similar to floating in water, I use these "mudras" to alter my balance or the direction of the energy, which is useful if I find myself faltering.

My usual routine is to start with the base chakra and work up, one by one, opening and "tuning" each of the chakras.  This feels like an orgasmic roar of thunder, to me, or sort of like sticking one's finger in a live electrical socket.  Once I've reached Ajna, I pause and synchronize/harmonize them, and *reach* out for Sahasrara, and pull the brightness down which meets the flow moving higher, and sort of twist these two flows together into a coil.  At this point, the energy is moving both directions at the same time, and I will move into a circular breathing pattern.  Then, I work my way down, one by one, charging each chakra with the opposite polarity, back to the base.  This takes me about 15 minutes, all in.

The next step, for me, is, um, adding dimension ... front and back, if you will, to the up and down.  Again, one by one, starting from the base, I work my way up, but this time the flow is front/back, back/front, twirling spherically.  (I apologize if my descriptions are crude, but this is how it feels to me.)  This takes another 5-10 minutes.

What comes next depends on the work/lesson at hand.  I've found it very helpful to use the brute power of the lower chakras to help to further stimulate the higher ones ... particularly Ajna, which was hellish at first for me to open in a relaxed (non fearful) manner.  I sort of move energy from one (or several) chakras to another.

So, depending on what my goal is, I may choose to relax and "float", or work with some of my psychic partners, or do somewhat of a self-shamanic healing ...

I do not chant, or focus on any particular imagery ... I just feel the flows, like the currents of a stream.



  • Posts: 8
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2005, 08:07:44 AM »
A small further comment on my meditation routine ...

I'd like to note that, *now* it takes about 15 minutes up, and 10 or so down.  When I first started this, in its current form, it was a great accomplishment to be able to Flow from one chakra to another, and *that* was after I survived the first time I fired them all up together ...  then, with practice, I found the twisted notion to work them in combination ...

The basic notion still is that of dancing the musical scale of resonance, which was my end result as a core process, as reflected in my comments above.

And, practice is so fun, I've gotten good at it :D



  • Posts: 6025
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What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #19 on: October 17, 2005, 03:57:39 AM »
Hi ZN:

Thanks much for the additional detail. Very interesting. It goes to show that there are many ways to skin the "energy cat" while keeping in balance, and living to tell about it.

The fact that you are coming down as much as going up in your practice is most likely the key to your balance. This is similar to the use of spinal breathing in AYP, though we avoid the crown until much later -- using the third eye instead. Your spiraling approach is fascinating, and is consistent with the swirling of energies that occurs as the ida and pingala nerve channels are awakened in conjunction with the spinal nerve (sushumna).

Is there a particular part of your routine that you would say is involved in the cultivation of inner stillness (our unbounded, unshakable inner witness), or do you see this as happening throughout your routine? This gets to a central question that arises when considering all chakra/energy-based paths.

In AYP we view the cultivation of ecstatic energy and the cultivation of inner silence to be the two essential poles of enlightenment. This is analogous to setting up for the shakti and shiva union, which leads to the inner rebirthing process and outflow of vast quantities of divine love through our nervous system. Unlimited outflow of divine love into the world is the final stage of all that we are doing in yoga.

So, you can see why I ask about the cultivation of inner silence.

To tie back into the subject of this topic, it is certainly possible to accomplish full ecstatic awakening using sitting practices alone, such as those in AYP, or other methods like those ZN has been so kind to share. The purpose of the tantra lessons in AYP is to provide additional means for those who are sexually active, to whatever degree. In this way, our normal sexual activity can become a periodic aid to spiritual development, rather than be a drag on it. Tantric sexual practices are not a replacement for sitting practices, of course. And neither are sitting practices related to the cultivation of ecstatic energies alone a replacement for methods such as deep meditation and samyama, which are for the cultivation and expansion of inner silence.

I keep bringing up the inner silence component of yoga because it is easy for any of us to forget about it in the face of the huge energy shows we are capable of stimulating within ourselves. So this question about inner silence is not pointed only at you, ZN. It is a reminder to all of us who are inclined to "trip the light fantastic." [:)]

It is the blending of these two qualities within us (silence and ecstasy) that will bring us home.

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 8
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #20 on: October 17, 2005, 11:30:17 AM »
Hi ZN:

*Hi there.  I appreciate your comments, yogani :)

The fact that you are coming down as much as going up in your practice is most likely the key to your balance.

*Yep. To me, working polarities up and down/reversing polarities in and out and arriving at the point where there is a multiplicity of and no direction of flow... *is* balance.  However, I found that to resist the sway of the snake is NOT balance - it is the dance which manifests the rhythem.  

This is similar to the use of spinal breathing in AYP, though we avoid the crown until much later -- using the third eye instead. Your spiraling approach is fascinating, and is consistent with the swirling of energies that occurs as the ida and pingala nerve channels are awakened in conjunction with the spinal nerve (sushumna).

*Most of my practice is using the third eye, lately.  I receive, um, communion with HEr through the crown, and, to me, this is the Ultimate balancing point.  

Is there a particular part of your routine that you would say is involved in the cultivation of inner stillness (our unbounded, unshakable inner witness), or do you see this as happening throughout your routine? This gets to a central question that arises when considering all chakra/energy-based paths.

*I never considered this really as a 'goal', more as an outcome?  To me "cultivation" and "stillness" seem somewhat of an oxymoron.  In direct answer, if you would call "inner stillness" BLISS, well, yes.  No time, no space, everything in a point yet expanded into infinity ... this would be a sorry description, but the best simple description I can come up with at the moment.

*It comes for me, when I have the opportunity to spend an entire afternoon in meditation, with no distraction.  I'll go, say, 45 minutes and then a 15 minute break .. then another 45 etc... for hours sometimes.  It's really great, but, for me, requires a rare day where I can afford to play, all by myself :)

*The corollary to this, by the way, is the activated side, where the obviation of time/space/physical/whatever allows for the more shamanistic practices of moving between, um, quantum vectors?

In AYP we view the cultivation of ecstatic energy and the cultivation of inner silence to be the two essential poles of enlightenment.

*I don't like to think in terms of enlightenment, but I entirely agree that balancing the polarities is the crux of the issue :)

This is analogous to setting up for the shakti and shiva union, which leads to the inner rebirthing process and outflow of vast quantities of divine love through our nervous system. Unlimited outflow of divine love into the world is the final stage of all that we are doing in yoga.

*Ah.  I have had the good fortune to enTwine with another, telepathically.  There is no Shiva without Shakti, he told me :D  It is much easier to make quantum leaps working tantric as an additional balance, no question.  

*"I'm other you"

So, you can see why I ask about the cultivation of inner silence.

*To me, silence Flows, it is more like the creek which runs than the flower in the garden.

To tie back into the subject of this topic, it is certainly possible to accomplish full ecstatic awakening using sitting practices alone, such as those in AYP, or other methods like those ZN has been so kind to share.

*Yep, I'm an object lesson, for better or worse!

 The purpose of the tantra lessons in AYP is to provide additional means for those who are sexually active, to whatever degree. In this way, our normal sexual activity can become a periodic aid to spiritual development, rather than be a drag on it. Tantric sexual practices are not a replacement for sitting practices, of course. And neither are sitting practices related to the cultivation of ecstatic energies alone a replacement for methods such as deep meditation and samyama, which are for the cultivation and expansion of inner silence.

*The way I see it is that the analogy would be the tantric/kundalini equivalent of the "afterglow" of physical sex, but I don't consider myself enlightened, so take it for what it's worth :)

*Also, for me, my sitting practices *are* tantric practices.

I keep bringing up the inner silence component of yoga because it is easy for any of us to forget about it in the face of the huge energy shows we are capable of stimulating within ourselves. So this question about inner silence is not pointed only at you, ZN. It is a reminder to all of us who are inclined to "trip the light fantastic."

*I'm a lush, I admit it freely!

It is the blending of these two qualities within us (silence and ecstasy) that will bring us home.

The guru is in you.

*Except when SHe kicks you in the back ...



  • Posts: 6025
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What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2005, 12:26:23 AM »
Hi ZN:

Yes, sitting practices are certainly tantra also -- a more refined kind, which is actually the heart of tantra. It is called "Sri Vidya," which means "glorious knowledge" -- knowledge of the inner union of our divine polarities.

If inner silence comes with your practice, who can argue? Presumably it is found in your daily activity as well. That is the test of any yoga practice -- an abiding blissful stillness that elevates the quality of our life. Enlightenment or not, it is quality of life we are all after, yes? And that overflows to others, which is the real fruit -- that infectious bubbling love that can change the world.

So do carry on. There is nothing better to be a lush for than advanced yoga practices. [:p]

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 8
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2005, 12:35:46 PM »
Hi, again.  I thank you again for your generousity in conversation, yogani.  

Sri Vidya.  I did a search on this (the net is so wonderful, as a construct and tool!) and found this link:

Very interesting, and yes, I would say that this describes fairly well my experiences and thoughts.  I can't say if that's what you had in mind, as this is the first I've heard of the term, but it is consistent with the way I have tried to describe the unspeakable in the past.

I just do stuff :)  I am not a very disciplined person.  (Obvious!)

But, back to where I chimed in here ... what I'm trying to say, is that, to me, the physical sex side of tantra is just an analog for the *real* tantra, which is the, um, result of the physical without the physical ... the mental (?) communion .. which is the enTwining of the polarities represented in action by shiva/shakti.

It is I think much easier done than discussed, really.

(And, practice is sooo much fun.)



  • Posts: 6025
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What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2005, 01:43:38 PM »
Hi again ZN:

That is some article on Sri Vidya you found. Quite scholarly... Your own description of what is happening inside is much better.

Here is a much shorter (and hopefully easy to understand) discussion on Sri Vidya from the AYP tantra lessons:

...and also several colored versions of the Sri Yantra diagram, which is discussed in the lesson:
Here is a blank one for anyone who would like to color their own!
(click right on it to print it)

Those who have either of the AYP books will notice that the "imprint" (logo) of AYP Publishing is a rainbow colored Sri Yantra. This is a portrait of the human spiritual anatomy from the inside. I think its descriptive relevance will increase in the years to come.  

Having a basic familiarity with Sri Vidya and the Sri Yantra can be useful for understanding our inner dimensions and processes in relation to the cosmos, presuming we have the bhakti, practices and inner experiences that directly manifest within us what the wisdom of Sri Vidya and Sri Yantra describe -- human spiritual transformation.

This is why we say that tantra is about much more than sex. It is about getting divinely irradiated and transformed from the inside. [8D]  

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 8
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2005, 07:42:08 PM »
Hi again :)

Sri Yantra, yes ... the "physical" depiction of HEr.  The pattern is what the movement of the Flow feels like to me.  I use it somewhat like a sort of meditational sigil.

A friend of mine from Bangalore sent me a beautiful version which I use as wallpaper on this computer.  If there is a means to post it, I would be happy to share it with y'all.

Love, ZN


  • Posts: 6025
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What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2005, 10:55:10 PM »
Hi ZN:

You can upload the image to the "files" section of the old Yahoo AYP forum here:

Just put the link to it here and anyone can download it.

The guru is in you.

PS -- You can also put it in the "photos" section where it can be viewed online, but there may be less resolution in a download from there.


  • Posts: 8
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2005, 10:37:34 AM »

I put it in both photos and files (



  • Posts: 6025
    • AYP Plus
What happens if you only do sitting practices.
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2005, 10:59:28 PM »
It is a nice one ... Thanks much!