Author Topic: Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block  (Read 31034 times)


  • Posts: 758
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2008, 04:03:15 PM »
Originally posted by Jim and His Karma
A smile would be an example of the former rather than the latter!

Jim, don't underestimate the power in a smile. [:)] [:)]

My kundalini first awoke 2 years and 361 days ago (yup, was Valentine's day).

Jim, do you have any posts about your first experience with kundalini? For example, what were you doing at the time? What did you experience? Did you know what it was? I would be very interested to read your initial experiences.

emc: There is a practice in Qi Gong that is very similar to that exercise. You hold both hands out like you are rotating a large ball in front of your abdomen, crossing over the hands as it turns. I think it balances the yin and yang and strenthens the connections between the left and right brain. I wonder what would happen if you also did kechari at the same time...


Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #31 on: February 12, 2008, 03:04:26 AM »
EMC, thanks very much for thinking of me (there are lots of possible little moves out's kind of remarkable!) but things are really opening up right now re: grounding, and I don't want to add on anything else at this moment. If they jam up again or I otherwise plateau, I will definitely try it, and report back! Thanks again!

Tibetan Ice, the first AYP lesson I ever read was the one about engaging mula banda and connecting to sambavi mudra. Never did that before. After reading one paragraph... "pow". The connection was made, and it felt like puberty. The immediatecy probably resulted from 1. years of lots and lots of asana, service and tapas "priming" me, 2. unusual natural awareness of my energetic body since childhood, 3. never imagining that brow-to-root connection before, and 4. Yogani's bhakti-permeated, highly contagious prose. Best description I can give is highly cliched...though I only came to learn it was a cliche after I'd experienced it and then started reading up: it felt like every cell in my body was in a state of continuous orgasm. It certainly felt sublime, but I wasn't in this for kicks, so I quickly realized it was as much a distraction as a blessing, hence
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 03:34:47 AM by Jim and His Karma »


  • Posts: 758
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #32 on: February 12, 2008, 04:02:15 PM »
Originally posted by Jim and His Karma
Tibetan Ice, the first AYP lesson I ever read was the one about engaging mula banda and connecting to sambavi mudra. Never did that before. After reading one paragraph... "pow". The connection was made, and it felt like puberty. The immediatecy probably resulted from 1. years of lots and lots of asana, service and tapas "priming" me, 2. unusual natural awareness of my energetic body since childhood, 3. never imagining that brow-to-root connection before, and 4. Yogani's bhakti-permeated, highly contagious prose. Best description I can give is highly cliched...though I only came to learn it was a cliche after I'd experienced it and then started reading up: it felt like every cell in my body was in a state of continuous orgasm. It certainly felt sublime, but I wasn't in this for kicks, so I quickly realized it was as much a distraction as a blessing, hence

Hi Jim :)
  Oh, that was you! I remember reading that lesson a few months ago and thinking to myself that the perspective presented was quite unique and unconventional.  

  That is wonderful to hear about your initial experience. Thank you!

  I truly believe that the only way to relieve kundalini pressure is to push it through the crown, or, open the crown and pull down cosmic or divine energy to mix and cool down kundalini. I've read that in Reiki Tummo, kundalini combines with divine or cosmic energy a few feet above the head. The two energies mix and the resultant shower of sparkles is then absorbed by the body, granting health, joy, peace and more blessings.

  Also, meditating on the heart is supposed to grant access to cosmic love:

  When I asked Jesus about you, Jesus created a vision of a donkey. Then, he jumped on the donkey while holding and twirling a lasso in the air, as if he wanted to ride off and lasso something. However, the donkey just sat there and didn't move.  What exactly this means? I'll leave that up to you. I just report what I see.. [^]

  I realize it is entirely up to you, what you do. It is your body, your exsitence and your path and it is only you who is responsible for your well being. I wish you the best with your success at grounding.


Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #33 on: February 13, 2008, 04:26:02 AM »
I have friends who would definitely agree with the donkey imagery for me! Jesus really nailed it...

Thanks, TI. As I said above, it's opening up. And since the thing I like about AYP is its discouragement of tinkering, so to speak, I'm very happy to just let it all be and do my practices, so long as there's nothing to be alarmed about (e.g. low energetic headroom).

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2008, 10:29:13 AM »
Here's a great one. If I'd stumbled upon this first, I might not have needed that other stuff. Or perhaps the other stuff prepared me. Hard to know.'s another thing to try. Again, self pace, and only tinker with this stuff if you're in the position I was in....doing very little practice, yet still right on the edge of overdoing.

Breathe into/out of the area about three inches beneath the navel (i.e. just above the pubic bone). Touch tip of tongue to roof of mouth while you do this, but don't tense the tongue. Don't control the pace of the breathing, and don't pause the breath. Breathe as close to naturally as possible, but direct attention to that point. No straining. Resist the urge to add things onto this, or to modify it, or even to "think about it" too much. Keep it simple. Once it becomes something you can do without concentrating, do it while walking, and put all attention into the soles of the feet and their interface with the ground.


  • Posts: 2055
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2008, 08:11:35 PM »
To keep focus on the feet is what Bernie recommended as well. You are always where your feet are. Keep focus on them and you'll both be grounded and never leave yourself.

I found another very fast way to get energies from head to drop down: Listen to hard rock! [:D] I put on a record with 'System of a down' and down the system went... [;)]


  • Posts: 52
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2008, 10:24:22 PM »
Originally posted by emc

I found another very fast way to get energies from head to drop down: Listen to hard rock! [:D] I put on a record with 'System of a down' and down the system went... [;)]

The problem with rock music is that the energy you loose is used feeding the astral entities that goes with that music, as well as the musician. If someone do not have a primary source of light, then they have to get it by “stealing” it from other sources. There is no such thing as a rock musician with a raised kundalini, except he be a black magician.

I prefere to starve them.


  • Posts: 2055
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2008, 11:11:24 PM »
Well... I prefer sharing my light! [:D] If I have too much I'd just love it if it went to someone in need! (By the way, if you read the lyrics of that particular group, I think you will find that they are quite aware in the middle of all the dark!)

[picked out phrases]Melt in the sun, Who wants to come with me and melt in the sun? Hide in the sky, who wants to come with me and hide in the sky? Come join the cause, Realize you're blind, and we're out of time, It'll show your mind, melt in the sun


  • Posts: 969
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #38 on: February 24, 2008, 03:48:11 AM »
There is no such thing as a rock musician with a raised kundalini

I disagree.[:p]


  • Posts: 52
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #39 on: February 25, 2008, 02:00:21 AM »
Originally posted by Lookatmynavelnow

I prefere to starve them.

I agree.[:)]


  • Posts: 23
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #40 on: March 03, 2008, 04:47:36 PM »
Hi Jim,
Your post on grounding and the front channel has really helped me immensely. Before AYP I had for many years meditated on moving the sexual energy up the front of the body and the chakras and up out thru the crown chakra. This led to many mental/emotional problems and eventually ill health.

It has taken me a long time to get the energy back down the front and into the perineum. It still flows too easily up the front and I have to focus on it to bring it back down.  I also now follow AYP methods and move it up the spine, which I find brings relief and relaxation.

What I would like to ask advice about is another problem I have due to meditating in the wrong way.

When I started meditating I would sit in a chair and visualise the Earth energy coming up thru the soles of the feet, up thru the legs and the front of the body etc. I also visualised walking on a beach with different coloured stones (chakra colours) and also walking into the water up to knee level.

Now, many years later I've realised I've opened up chakras in the feet, ankles and knees and this energy - above all others- is driving me crazy. I can distinctly feel these chakras and also feel emotional issues from an unhappy childhood, personal relationships and many other issues rising up and firing off chakras in my body.  Then it disappears somewhere and within a few days all of the emotions and memories are experienced again as they flow out through the heart for cleansing.  It is very devastating and draining to say the least.

I've tried walking but with present health issues can't walk for long periods - when I did walk I didn't find much help to alleviate the problem.

I was wondering if the down movement and grounding like you have described (to the perineum) can be extended in someway down thru the legs into the earth that would help me.  I shy away from focusing on the feet as it opens up the chakras there - I have a lot of trouble trying to close them and calm them down.

Also, I don’t know much about the Taoist way but I did see a description once and realised that the big toes on both my feet is 'energised?' and I feel the energy rising up like following a nerve from the top of the big toe, up my shins and up into the perineum area somewhere.

What I'm really trying to find help with is if there is a way I can ground this energy down into the earth safely without firing up the energy from my feet- should I try through the opened chakra....or thru the toes?

Any help you or others in the forum can offer would be appreciated



  • Posts: 758
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #41 on: March 04, 2008, 10:55:42 AM »
Originally posted by Amaargi
I was wondering if the down movement and grounding like you have described (to the perineum) can be extended in someway down thru the legs into the earth that would help me.  I shy away from focusing on the feet as it opens up the chakras there - I have a lot of trouble trying to close them and calm them down.

Also, I don’t know much about the Taoist way but I did see a description once and realised that the big toes on both my feet is 'energised?' and I feel the energy rising up like following a nerve from the top of the big toe, up my shins and up into the perineum area somewhere.

What I'm really trying to find help with is if there is a way I can ground this energy down into the earth safely without firing up the energy from my feet- should I try through the opened chakra....or thru the toes?

Any help you or others in the forum can offer would be appreciated


Hi Amaargi [:)]
  Did you know that you have reflexology pressure points in the center of your big toes that correspond to the pineal and pituitary glands? Sound to me like your crown and brow chakras are open. How do your thumbs feel?

  Have you tried the MicroCosmic Orbit?
  Here is the link:

  Funny how the MC Orbit uses the tongue on the palate and a form of the root lock.. Hmmm..

  In that document there are instructions to connect the feet to the earth and then draw up energy from the earth to add to your rotation of the fire which is probably not what you want to do. I think you need to correct the direction of the flows of energy. Circulating the fire upwards through the spine (back) and then the water down the front might help balance your energies. The MC Orbit contains a method to store the excess energy back to your lower tan tien. It is performed at the end of the orbit.  I'm thinking that this is an alternate to grounding; instead of sending excess energy to the earth, store it instead for future use. :)

  Yesterday, I had quite a bit of heat in my head, shoulders and arms so I decided to try the MicroCosmic Orbit for 20 minutes. After I was done, I felt refreshed and balanced. [8D]

  Keep in mind that you can also close chakras by moving your hands over them counterclockwise. You can also close a chakra by tensing the corresponding body area.

  You can also buy a chunk of black tourmaline or smokey quartz and hold it for a while to ground yourself. Keep it in your pocket during the day and rinse it off for 2 minutes under running water every day. That will help ground you.

  But mostly, I think the MicroCosmic Orbit would help establish the correct direction of flow for the energies. I suggest trying it a few times to see if it helps.


  • Posts: 64
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #42 on: March 04, 2008, 01:37:10 PM »

I always have great interest in what you write.  You seem to have a gift for describing concepts that are very "not this, not that." :)

I have noticed a growing sensation of the "vaginal sucking" you have referenced in the past, and more balance seems to come for me as that has increased.  Initially, the sucking seemed to only come from the bottom/front, with the conductivity moving to the top through the "back."  As Yogani has said in the past and I agree, the spinal nerve for me has always been a center-thing, starting out thin and liquid, then growing in force and size until our very being is the flow.

Lately, the image has hit me that we are a two-sided lingam of energy, pushing and pulling into both an upper and lower yoni--and the drawing power of that yoni is irresistable.  It is very much a foreign feeling as a man, to have both the penetration feeling going both ways.  

For me, the front/down grew stronger after I worked on your throat opening technique, which I think was a transfer of the skill of releasing, allowing the feminine.  Is there anyway there is just an imbalance between the inner silence and the conductivity---and since you are moving at higher speeds, the "flap" you experience is the difference between "flying your hand" out the window of your car at 35 mph and 90mph?

Love your posts.  

Big love


Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #43 on: March 04, 2008, 03:08:22 PM »
Amaargi, I'm afraid I can't be of much help. I'm trying to "do" less and, as much as possible, disappear into my meditation practice, without looking  "under the hood" unless something goes specifically wrong (e.g.  my unusually tenacious grounding issue).

You're trying to intentionally do lots of specific things. I'd suggest that this approach can lead to the problems you've described. Spiritual work is about letting go, and letting a greater intelligence do its work on you. The less we actually "do", the better. And you're doing a ton. I get the impression from your posting that so many mental concepts and energetic actions may have gotten you into trouble...and you're hoping yet more concepts and actions will solve the problems.

So I'm sorry if my posting has fed your thirst to "do". If I were you, I'd drop these concerns and tweaks and moves and actions and concepts, drop the need to "understand", and simply sit quietly and meditate per AYP's instructions (see the "main lessons" link at the top of the page).  Meditation and spinal breathing, and that's it. Do them casually, like brushing your teeth twice per day. No big deal. Let the cosmic barber trim your hair during practice, and, other than that live a normal well-rounded life. That's your best bet, I think...or at least my best advice. In any case, I wish you the very best!

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Kundalini Overload: Grounding/Front Channel Block
« Reply #44 on: March 04, 2008, 03:24:00 PM »
Scott, thanks for the good vibes. You won't love my reply, but here goes: I'll give you the same advice I gave Amaargi, and the same advice that was given me...which I ignored. Don't spend too much time puzzling it all out and checking stuff out. I know, I's like a new tooth or want to explore, you're inquisitive, you want to try stuff out and understand and learn.

Keep things Ivory Soap mild. Mild like Yogani's tone of voice (it's a good time right now to reread the lessons). Do your practices without striving, like brushing your teeth. Then go out in the world and FAHGEDDABOUDIT. Don't play with yourself. Don't explore. Just engage. And for goodness' sake, stay out of this thread, which is very specifically for people having a specific sort of problem. IF YOU DON'T HAVE SERIOUS GROUNDING PROBLEMS, SIT BACK AND LET THE COSMIC BARBER DO HIS THING!

All the crap I went through and had to learn in order to create this thread was DIGRESSION. It all was a jag. It was a necessary jag because of some alarming health issues I was having. I'm glad you find it intriguing reading, but I wasn't looking to offer mind candy to non-afflicted onlookers.

This whole forum is mind candy. Beware. The more tumultuous and dramatic your practice times are, the better it is to stay Ivory Soap mild, and keep your mind off the spiritual thing for the other 23 hours per day.  We all want to DO stuff. Please, for the love of God (literally!), just let. That's it. That's all. Just let. Let go and let God.

And if you ever have overload symptoms, walk. And if lots and lots of walking doesn't do it, sigh deeply, you poor bastard, and have another read through my posting at the top of this thread. And start working and conceptualizing sucking front body vaginas and throat deconstrictions and abdominal breathing, all of which are the complete opposite of "Let go and let God".

Please take this seriously, Scott. It's hard-won knowledge. It's nothing Yogani doesn't say, though I express it in a different way.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 04:03:13 PM by Jim and His Karma »