Author Topic: Yamas and Niyamas  (Read 1536 times)


  • Posts: 351
Yamas and Niyamas
« on: March 25, 2007, 01:16:46 PM »
What are Yamas and Niyamas?

Yamas and Niyamas are two of the eight limbs of Yoga, enumerated by Patanjali.

Yama means "restraint," and includes ahimsa (non-violence),
satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya
(preservation of sexual energy and cultivation of it), and aparigraha

Niyama means "observance," and includes saucha (purity and
cleanliness), samtosa (contentment), tapas (heat/focus/austerity),
svadhyaya (study of scriptures and self), and isvara pranidhana
(surrender to the divine).

Click on "Main Lessons" above to learn to apply the eight limbs of yoga.

or read more here:
The Eight Limbs of Yoga and samyama

Role of the Intellect

and more references in the Topic Index

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« Last Edit: May 17, 2007, 03:55:44 AM by AYPforum »