Author Topic: Back Pain  (Read 685 times)


  • Posts: 206
Back Pain
« on: March 03, 2007, 02:52:24 PM »
I have back pain recently from working in the garden. I found this web page.  It sells a device that is supposed to help lower back pain.  Would anyone care to comment on it?  It looks like a siddhasana device. Could this be too stimulating?  I'm really having a lot of pain and want to use this tool but don't want to have some energy problems.

Thanks for any advice.


  • Posts: 1464
Back Pain
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 12:29:24 AM »
Hi Jillatay
I put my sacrum out recently, and yes it can be painful and very limiting in what you can do.
I went to the physiotherapist a few times and got some relief, it seemed to be sorted and then it went on the other side.
(They say it can be related to second chakra otherwise called the sacral chakra and can be emotionally related)

Anyway, I was getting fed up with it and then remembered an Aikido weekend I was at about twenty years ago where I put my sacrum out during the training.
The teacher, when told about it, stopped the whole class and put everyone through a series of exercises. Half way through these the pain was gone and everything was fine.

So remembering this I proceded to do these very unsofisticated exercises and lo and behold the sacrum went back in and has been fine since.

Basically, all I did was crawl around the floor of my house on hands and knees. I did this for about ten minutes occasionally lifting off the knees and crawling on hands and feet only.
Its free, easy and worth a try, and can be done as part of a routine daily exercise.

If you try it I would be grateful to know if it worked.

Can't comment on the gadget.
