Author Topic: A Goddess Massage?  (Read 776 times)


  • Posts: 21
A Goddess Massage?
« on: February 19, 2007, 07:40:04 AM »
Hello.  I've been having kundalini experiences for about a year and a half now.  Yesterday I was meditating and after a while I began to feel kundalini begin to move me around a bit(which I'm somewhat accostumed to) however this time it was very different.

I felt a distinct current on the left side of my body and my torso/spinal area began to gently rotate clockwise for a while.  This was all kundalini by the way, "I" was not in control of this particular event.

After a few moments the rotation ceased and then I felt a distinct downward current on the right side of my body.  At that point my torso/spine began to gently rotate counter-clockwise.  After that subsided I felt the upward/downward middle sushumna current.  However at this point my whole body began to shake in a forward/backward movement with my spine arching rapidly.  The current pushed it's way up my spine aligning several vertebrae with an audible "popping" sound and basically forcibly elongated my back.  After I while I couldn't take the pain that was being caused (not because the process was painful, but because it was stretching out a chronic lower/left back problem that I've had) and I lay down.

The whole time this was happening I was getting flashes of old painful memories as long as at one point everything dissolving into a great cloud of fire.  As well as a great coiled serpent...

I've probably never so fully surrendered to kundalini before and what I found was that... she was surprisingly gentle.  I felt like I had gone to a celestial chiropractor afterwards and this deepseeded feeling of peace followed me around for quite a while.

I was just wondering if anyone had any comments, knowledge, or similar experiences with something of this nature.  If not I just wanted to share it with someone. Thanks!



  • Posts: 858
A Goddess Massage?
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2007, 11:15:56 AM »
Hello there Jon welcome to the forum [:)]

It seems you have quite a lot of energy movement going on are you using AYP practices [?]

If not have a look at the main lessons here

Here is a link that should be of help to you Automatic yoga and siddhis:

Here at AYP it is advised to think of these experiences as scenery..we note them in our mind and then just gently return to our meditation, If they get too much for you it would be a good idea to cut back a bit on some of your practices.

Hope this has been of some help to you...let us know what practices you are doing and we may be able to be of more help to you. [:)]

All the best Richard


  • Posts: 21
A Goddess Massage?
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2007, 01:39:37 PM »
I've done yoga (Mainly Jiva, started Kundalini not too far back) for a bout 2 years now but I've been on a sabatacle lately.  I try to meditate twice a day, usually for at least 20 minutes, but as I live in a college atmosphere with a roommate it's not always easy.  I do a group meditation with a Buddhist Sangha every week which has had pretty amazing results, and I'll probably be starting up with Kundalini Yoga again once or twice a week depending on how it effects me.  I started walking several miles a day last semester just for good health.

I also do some pranayama, mainly firebreath, and various tantric practices which I stumbled upon through my own experience.  I've actually never really looked at how much I do for my practice.  I've got more tools than I realized.

Also, it's amazing what probably about two paragraphs of about Automatic yoga can do to set your mind at ease.  Thank you Richard.



  • Posts: 858
A Goddess Massage?
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2007, 10:20:37 PM »
Hi again Jon [:)]

I've done yoga (Mainly Jiva, started Kundalini not too far back) for a bout 2 years now but I've been on a sabatacle lately. I try to meditate twice a day, usually for at least 20 minutes, but as I live in a college atmosphere with a roommate it's not always easy. I do a group meditation with a Buddhist Sangha every week which has had pretty amazing results, and I'll probably be starting up with Kundalini Yoga again once or twice a week depending on how it effects me. I started walking several miles a day last semester just for good health.

You have quite a lot of things going on here, I cant really comment too much on them as I have no experience of them. I basically do AYP as a stand alone practice but someone else here may have the experience to help you more. All i can say though is a structured well regulated practice always brings the best results.

Also, it's amazing what probably about two paragraphs of about Automatic yoga can do to set your mind at ease. Thank you Richard.

Yes Yogani's writings do have that effect, I urge you to read more of them.

You never know you may find AYP is for you [8D]