Author Topic: Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie  (Read 2241 times)


  • Posts: 351
Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie
« on: July 08, 2005, 03:11:42 AM »
878 From: "Greg" <>
Date: Sun May 1, 2005 11:52pm
Subject: Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie  trian3
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    Having just received the book, "Yoga: The Iyengar Way", I proceeded to
read through the first few pages up through the first posture,
Tadasana. Now, I *thought* I knew how to do Tadasana (standing
mountain pose) properly. But it seems I was wrong. According to the
text (pg. 18 if you have the book), somewhere along the line, I need
to "Lift the shin bones." and "Extend the calf muscles and the *skin*
of the front legs up." At the end of the section on the proper
positioning of the legs, it reads, "Finally tuck in the skin and flesh
at the top of the backs of the thighs." I feel as though that last
was taken out of "Yoga for Elephants". <grin> Extending or flexing
of muscles, I can do.... But how does one lift their shin bones or
extend their skin in a certain direction? Thank you in advance for
any help you can provide.


Greg M.
 879 From: "PamelaP" <>
Date: Mon May 2, 2005 10:29am
Subject: RE: Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie  pamelaporch
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    Remember, there are numerous styles of Hatha Yoga, and many do different
versions of the same pose. Mr. Iyengar learned from his father-in-law
Krishnamacharya, which is now the Iyengar style. Mr. Desikachar,
Krishnamacharya's son, learned what is now Viniyoga, and that is the style
he teacher. Jois, founder of Astanga style Yoga also learned from
Krishnamacharya (not a relative of Mr. K., just his student). They are all
very different from each other, which to me, always clearly illustrated that
Yoga is taught to the individual based on the individual's need. Check out
a Viniyoga version of standing mountain. (Gary Kraftsow has some books out.)

I teach Hatha, incorporating some Iyengar (especially his way of using props
to support -- I don't like using props to "force" the body into a
position -- and Iyengar has little focus on the breath in the beginning,
which I also disagree with), Viniyoga (very good therapeutic Yoga), some
Kundalini Yoga (using some of the moving poses, and focus on breath -- I
don't teach bandha's though), etc. Find the Yoga style you feel comfortable
with at this point in your life. It can change, too.

Do what is right for you within boundaries of good alignment and not pushing
so far you hurt yourself. IMHO


Pamela P.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Of Greg
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 10:53 PM
Subject: [AYPforum] Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie

Having just received the book, "Yoga: The Iyengar Way", I proceeded to
read through the first few pages up through the first posture,
Tadasana. Now, I *thought* I knew how to do Tadasana (standing
mountain pose) properly. But it seems I was wrong. According to the
text (pg. 18 if you have the book), somewhere along the line, I need
to "Lift the shin bones." and "Extend the calf muscles and the *skin*
of the front legs up." At the end of the section on the proper
positioning of the legs, it reads, "Finally tuck in the skin and flesh
at the top of the backs of the thighs." I feel as though that last
was taken out of "Yoga for Elephants". <grin> Extending or flexing
of muscles, I can do.... But how does one lift their shin bones or
extend their skin in a certain direction? Thank you in advance for
any help you can provide.


Greg M.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 881 From: "Greg" <>
Date: Mon May 2, 2005 11:22am
Subject: Re: Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie  trian3
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    Hi Pam,

Thanks for your reply. Based on what I've read and what I've
experienced thus far w/ the Iyengar method of Yoga, I feel like it's
right for me. The problem is simply a lack of understanding inasfar
as what I described (and more to come, no doubt). As I don't have a
guru/instructor at the moment, all my knowledge is coming out of books
and various internet resources which don't always have all the
answers. :( Any clarity you can provide would be of enormous benefit.


Greg M.

--- In, "PamelaP" <pamela@r...> wrote:
> Remember, there are numerous styles of Hatha Yoga, and many do different
> versions of the same pose. Mr. Iyengar learned from his father-in-law
> Krishnamacharya, which is now the Iyengar style. Mr. Desikachar,
> Krishnamacharya's son, learned what is now Viniyoga, and that is the
> he teacher. Jois, founder of Astanga style Yoga also learned from
> Krishnamacharya (not a relative of Mr. K., just his student). They
are all
> very different from each other, which to me, always clearly
illustrated that
> Yoga is taught to the individual based on the individual's need.
Check out
> a Viniyoga version of standing mountain. (Gary Kraftsow has some
books out.)
> I teach Hatha, incorporating some Iyengar (especially his way of
using props
> to support -- I don't like using props to "force" the body into a
> position -- and Iyengar has little focus on the breath in the beginning,
> which I also disagree with), Viniyoga (very good therapeutic Yoga), some
> Kundalini Yoga (using some of the moving poses, and focus on breath -- I
> don't teach bandha's though), etc. Find the Yoga style you feel
> with at this point in your life. It can change, too.
> Do what is right for you within boundaries of good alignment and not
> so far you hurt yourself. IMHO
> Namaste,
> Pamela P.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Of Greg
> Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 10:53 PM
> To:
> Subject: [AYPforum] Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie
> Having just received the book, "Yoga: The Iyengar Way", I proceeded to
> read through the first few pages up through the first posture,
> Tadasana. Now, I *thought* I knew how to do Tadasana (standing
> mountain pose) properly. But it seems I was wrong. According to the
> text (pg. 18 if you have the book), somewhere along the line, I need
> to "Lift the shin bones." and "Extend the calf muscles and the *skin*
> of the front legs up." At the end of the section on the proper
> positioning of the legs, it reads, "Finally tuck in the skin and flesh
> at the top of the backs of the thighs." I feel as though that last
> was taken out of "Yoga for Elephants". <grin> Extending or flexing
> of muscles, I can do.... But how does one lift their shin bones or
> extend their skin in a certain direction? Thank you in advance for
> any help you can provide.
> Sincerely,
> Greg M.
880 From: "jim_and_his_karma" <>
Date: Mon May 2, 2005 10:53am
Subject: Re: Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie  jim_and_his_...
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    Welcome to Iyengar yoga (a nice complentary practice to AYP, btw). I'd strongly suggest
you take some classes; it's extraordinarily difficult for a beginner to penetrate this system
via books, because of the problem you point out: it''s extremely detailed. And it's hard to
know which details to focus on when you're starting out. The book is wonderful for a more
advanced student, because there's so much to chew on. But beginners need stuff
predigested if they're going to swallow it!

Go here to find a certified Iyengar teacher:

Once you've taken a couple dozen classes, you'll find the book enlightening rather than
oppressive. You just have to get the knack of it.


--- In, "Greg" <trian3@c...> wrote:
> Having just received the book, "Yoga: The Iyengar Way", I proceeded to
> read through the first few pages up through the first posture,
> Tadasana. Now, I *thought* I knew how to do Tadasana (standing
> mountain pose) properly. But it seems I was wrong. According to the
> text (pg. 18 if you have the book), somewhere along the line, I need
> to "Lift the shin bones." and "Extend the calf muscles and the *skin*
> of the front legs up." At the end of the section on the proper
> positioning of the legs, it reads, "Finally tuck in the skin and flesh
> at the top of the backs of the thighs." I feel as though that last
> was taken out of "Yoga for Elephants". <grin> Extending or flexing
> of muscles, I can do.... But how does one lift their shin bones or
> extend their skin in a certain direction? Thank you in advance for
> any help you can provide.
> Sincerely,
> Greg M.
 882 From: Ashvin Sawhney <>
Date: Mon May 2, 2005 11:59am
Subject: Re: Digest Number 69  ashvinsawhney
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    lol...a good sense of humor is part of being are half way there and the people on this group can help you get through the other part. wrote:3. Do *what* now?! More confusion from a newbie
From: "Greg"

I feel as though that last was taken out of "Yoga for Elephants".
« Last Edit: July 08, 2005, 03:13:17 AM by AYPforum »