Author Topic: satoris  (Read 776 times)


  • Posts: 967
« on: January 08, 2007, 11:41:03 AM »
I've been noticing something more and more these days and wonder if anyone has similar experiences. Throughout my life, as far back as I can remember, I have had moments that I can only label as satoris, and lately they have been "coming back to me" so to speak. They have been for the most part hidden because they are timeless/spaceless/thoughtless moments. The only recollection I have, in an outward sense is the moment directly after each of these events when I would exclaim to myself "Oh, that was a beautiful, indescribable moment of complete understanding beyond explanation and I will try to mark this day in my memory so that I will never forget, and will return to this feeling if at all possible."  I seem to be connecting to these moments, or actually returning to that moment. It's kind of a relief or satisfaction to begin to recapture that feeling, and it seems completely natural for this to happen. There is also some kind of an "answer" of stillness in it all[:)]
« Last Edit: January 08, 2007, 12:08:49 PM by Balance »


  • Posts: 1843
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2007, 08:20:18 PM »
Hi Balance

That's great!

I have had moments that I can only label as satoris, and lately they have been "coming back to me" so to speak.

Have you considered whether you are the one "coming and going" ?

If so..

I will try to mark this day in my memory so that I will never forget, and will return to this feeling if at all possible

...then the quickest way of returning to these moments (never mind the feelings - it is the moment you are after) is to not mark them to immediately forget that they are not "limited" by concepts of thoughts and feelings.

It is always now that there is room for more.

All you have to remember is that you are not what you think you are.

This is a shocking revelation that always renders me quiet....




  • Posts: 530
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2007, 10:47:18 PM »
The most peculiar moment I have is when I have the totality of existence in mind and realize the wonder that it exists.  If you really delve into that thought, it evokes the most humbling inspiration.  Sometimes it can even be an alarming or sobering realization, in any given situation.


  • Posts: 967
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2007, 07:24:43 AM »
Hi Katrine and Kyman, thanks for writing.
Yes Katrine, I suspect it is the real me in that/those moments. It is a place I want to stay, hence the desire to mark the time. The "feeling" is an after-effect, a thought/memory thing trying to hang on to something that isn't a thing to hang on to. Hallucinogenic drug experiences were similar and hard to leave behind. These non-drug "satoris" though exist "right here" in the midst of everything; like finding myself coming out of a day-dream. Unlike the drug experiences they do not have the emotional traumas connected, just a small memory that quickly disappears. I suspect the moment is always happening and I only rarely register a glimpse in the mind. They are moments of revelation that I cannot put in words, or even thought. I can only talk "about" them as I am here[:)]