Author Topic: neck, feet, and hands are achy and itchy  (Read 186 times)


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neck, feet, and hands are achy and itchy
« on: September 30, 2019, 09:52:03 AM »
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Posted - Jan 16 2019 :  7:43:14 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Topic  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Message  Delete Topic
I?m new to AYP and to many of these formal practices in general, though I have a smattering of experience with asanas and general meditation. I find the instructions and collective wisdom on this site to be very helpful, and I've started working with deep meditation and pranayama. Thank you! An energetic process began unfolding in me a few years ago, starting with a warm, ?full? sensation in my perineum. I had no notion of kundalini or the physical aspects of a spiritual awakening. Over time this fullness moved to other parts of my body, and after years of gradual unfolding from one part to another, the process is only accelerating. I understand the sensations are likely temporary, and I don?t really have specific concerns, but I feel compelled to share because I could use some outside perspective. The following is a description of the sensations I experience on a nearly continual basis at this point. I appreciate any thoughts or perspectives.

Parts of my neck, feet, and hands feel squishy sometimes, and they ache and itch in a mildly swollen kind of way. I am comforted by the sensations and massage the areas if it feels right. If I focus my attention on these areas without touch it?s almost paralyzing, like the foothills of a sneeze. Everywhere the fluid shows up seems to be connected, and what I feel in one area I can feel in the others; the soles, palms, and neck all seem to be one mass somehow. Champagne-like tingles show up often recently, mostly starting in my feet, tip of my nose, and the top of my head. One interesting thing about the crown area is that the tingles don?t concentrate at a single point at the top of my skull like I would have expected, but rather they trace the rim of an empty bowl or crater about an inch and a half in diameter. My salivary glands have been very active, too. They zing by themselves as if I?ve tasted something sour, but it's concentrated just behind my left ear. The zing behind my left ear feels like it wants to push up into my skull, where I have a strong sense it would appear as light and sound. Saliva production and facial hair growth have both notably increased in the past few months. The list goes on, but I think this is more than sufficient.

1567 Posts

Posted - Jan 17 2019 :  02:48:08 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Welcome k.cherry

Good things are happening! You become more and more aware of the energetic body as prana is cruising through your body and finds every corner of your being. If it becomes uncomfortable then you would have to self-pace, otherwise enjoy. Simple said, pranayama activates and purifies the energetic body and meditation expands the inner silence. Important is to find a balance between both.

Bliss, Ecstasy and Divine Love
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Posted - Jan 17 2019 :  1:46:13 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Thanks, Charliedog

So the inner silence expands to encounter the energetic body, and then the two dance! And that's exactly what I've been feeling. Like I mentioned, something magical happens when I place the spacious attention in the midst of the energetic areas, but it never occurred to me to think of that as the Shiva/Shakti union itself. It's just so beautiful.
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Posted - Jan 18 2019 :  08:44:51 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
And the journey continues.....