Author Topic: The Middle Years  (Read 508 times)


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The Middle Years
« on: April 25, 2019, 09:18:56 AM »
1139 Posts

Posted - Mar 28 2019 :  03:41:41 AM 
Hello everyone,

I am calling this thread "the middle years" taking the first 10 years of AYP to be the beginner years. I am now close to 13 years of AYP and moving into year 14. So how has it been?

The first 10 years were very stable, exciting with ever new experiences and perceived growth - ever new milestones. The middle years have so far been somewhat un-stable, oscillating between the higher centers and lower centres daily. The key enlightenment milestones make no sense anymore nor do I care. I struggle to maintain my once-a-day practices, never mind twice a day. It is all very routine and very boring. Bliss-filled days are rare and far between (that I can notice). Sessions do remain ecstatically blissful. My life has undergone (and still under-going) dramatic changes over the past three years. The feeling that one has in the beginning that one is shielded from life's dramas by the practices is gone. sh*t happens to me just as much as the next person; only I get to Witness it sitting from the audience (mostly). Aloneness is a common feeling.
On the very positive side, I have been blessed with brief experiences of complete ego-dissolution /no self and now have a grasp of what Truth is and the meaning of "eternal life". By the way, this carries with it its own set of psychological adjustments. It's not all Lala land. I am "freer", I suppose, than the next guy on the street but still far from Liberation.
In conclusion I am finding the middle years tough but do I regret setting out on this journey? Absolutely not.


1386 Posts

 Posted - Mar 28 2019 :  08:54:57 AM

1139 Posts

 Posted - Mar 29 2019 :  01:19:01 AM 
Let me add some more meat to this little compte rendue. There is a feeling of amazement. I am amazed by everything. And amazed at my amazement. I see patterns in nature where there were none before. It is all very, very clever. I catch the sunrise rise in the morning and often it seems to be rising just for me. And this morning, I swear, it seemed to be rising within me.


United Kingdom
3529 Posts

 Posted - Mar 29 2019 :  11:48:13 AM 
Hi Sey,

I am also in the middle years, if 10+ is the middle.

And I certainly experienced the highs and lows of ecstasy that come with the opening of the higher centres. It is quite a journey and not always an easy one!

I catch the sunrise rise in the morning and often it seems to be rising just for me. And this morning, I swear, it seemed to be rising within me.

The sun certainly is rising just for you. That is obvious from reading the lessons that discuss the nature of the Self and other. But seeing it directly is a different matter. From lesson 333:

"The witness gives us great unifying power to promote this process in our daily practices, in the expansion of ecstatic conductivity, and particularly in samyama and relational self-inquiry, which act directly in dissolving the witness into unity. It can also be viewed as dissolving the world (our fabricated perception of it) into the witness. It is the same - a merging of Self with all, and all with Self. Then the separation goes." [Yogani]

And the sun is certainly also rising within you every day. That is discussed in lesson 350:

"What changes is our sense of self, our I-sense. It moves out slowly from the objects of perception into our emerging unbounded awareness. As it does, the initial duality between the witness and the objects of perception becomes gradually less dual and more non-dual. This means that the two gradually become One. With the loosening of identification of our awareness with the objects of perception, our sense of self expands to become increasingly universal, not tied to any particular object, but found to be underlying all objects. No longer self-identified with objects, but underlying them in a way that we no longer see ourselves as being in the world, but instead, the world being in us. At that time we are justified in replacing the small "s" with a big "S." We have gone from being a small identified self, to being the big universal Self. This is not philosophical. It is experiential. It is not a concept. It is a condition that we find ourselves in 24 hours per day." [Yogani]

Good things are happening!


1547 Posts

 Posted - Mar 30 2019 :  1:03:05 PM 
The key enlightenment milestones make no sense anymore nor do I care. I struggle to maintain my once-a-day practices, never mind twice a day. It is all very routine and very boring. Bliss-filled days are rare and far between (that I can notice). Sessions do remain ecstatically blissful. My life has undergone (and still under-going) dramatic changes over the past three years. The feeling that one has in the beginning that one is shielded from life's dramas by the practices is gone. sh*t happens to me just as much as the next person; only I get to Witness it sitting from the audience (mostly). Aloneness is a common feeling.
On the very positive side, I have been blessed with brief experiences of complete ego-dissolution /no self and now have a grasp of what Truth is and the meaning of "eternal life". By the way, this carries with it its own set of psychological adjustments. It's not all Lala land. I am "freer", I suppose, than the next guy on the street but still far from Liberation.

You insinuate in this first paragraph, the lack of care of milestones, the knowing you are detached but not shielded from suffering, and the sense of aloneness are negative things (as you start the next paragraph "On the positive side..."). I don't feel that is necessarily so. Your practice has led you to this buffer, and as we are born, meditate, and die with only ourselves, being comfortable with aloneness is a valuable operating system while carrying on in these meat suits of ours. Lalaland is overrated; Self awareness can be overshadowed in the pursuit of happiness and earthly comfort.

My practice (five and a half years in) has similar characteristics, ecstatically blissful sessions that fuel a mundane daily grind, but when drama arises in my outer world, the inner silence I have cultivated over time comes forth and allows me to see and know that I am not the drama, and act accordingly. The rise of the Witness, as subtle as it is, has made me a better human being, and has increased my capacity for empathy for those within my sphere. Did it not help you in the tragic loss of your son a few years ago?

Dear Sey, it has been a pleasure these many years to interact with you, your posts are always filled with observational nuggets of unvarnished truth. You may feel at times these middle years are tough, but there is freedom in the realization that it is not necessarily that. Were you drawn to AYP from a premature awakening (as many here are) or did AYP practice, like me, awaken ecstatic conductivity from scratch?
Edited by - Dogboy on Mar 30 2019 1:04:30 PM

1139 Posts

 Posted - Apr 01 2019 :  06:41:28 AM 
@Christi - thank you for helping to put it into context of the lessons. Perhaps when I reach 20+ years, I will revise my yardstick to 20+ years = beginners years

@Dogboy - that was a mixture of positive and negative all packed together within the natural flow of my expressing myself. You are right - no longer concern with milestones is a positive. Aloneness? Not so much. And indeed witnessing /dispassion was what helped me enormously with the loss of my son. The true negatives here are my struggles to stay stable and to keep at my daily practices. In-stability manifest in irrational fears and nightly visits by astral entities. And it must be mentioned that the in-stability was started by a very traumatic event but it's been over a year and I can still feel the impact.
A colleague introduced to AYP through the gift of the DM booklet. I had no previous experience of meditation nor kundalini awakening. I have practiced only AYP since (barr six months experiencing with Kriya Yoga alongside AYP). So I am truly a child of AYP. I am a perfectly normal, rational person from a reasonably healthy and happy childhood, never used any form of drugs. Work-wise, I come from an engineering /scientific background. I say all this to point out that I am a good sample on how effective AYP is.


1139 Posts

 Posted - Apr 01 2019 :  07:10:33 AM 
Another little story - I don't think I have shared this one with you guys before (apologies if I have, I am growing old )
I have often in the past talked about how meeting (and losing) my twin-flame was what triggered my awakening, leading me to AYP. There was another incident prior to that, that I did not consider nor realise its importance until a much later date. I believe my mother gave me give shaktipat upon her passing.
My mother (devout catholic) and I would often argue about God and life after death. In my opinion back then, there was no scientific evidence of either. And I would say to her - when you die, come back and tell/show me. On her death bed - she being barely conscious - I whispered in her ear, "It is ok to go. I love you. Remember your promise (to come back and tell me)" She mumbled her agreement. That night, I dozed in and out of sleep, naturally upset, expecting a phone call anytime. At about 11 p.m. "someone" hit me between the eye-brows, with a flick of the finger and inside my head, everything expanded and went still. I open my eyes knowing that my mother had passed. The phone call came 5 mins later.


United Kingdom
1462 Posts

 Posted - Apr 01 2019 :  08:54:02 AM
Hello dear Sey  Thank you for sharing.

Originally posted by SeySorciere
I struggle to maintain my once-a-day practices, never mind twice a day.
I have the same experience - self pacing on the edge... It's hard to draw the line between practice and daily life. I meditate while walking, I meditate through routine physical activities. Yesterday I had a two hour walk in blazing sunshine. It was beautiful. In the aftermath, I'm feeling fried. Like after a short circuit in the neurobiology.

Originally posted by SeySorciere
sh*t happens
It does. Dramas are playing out that were started a long time ago. Unconsciousness handed down the generations. Does it happen to me? Or to you? Well, I don't know.

Best wishes

1139 Posts

 Posted - Apr 04 2019 :  05:36:51 AM 

United Kingdom
3529 Posts

 Posted - Apr 04 2019 :  07:54:59 AM 
Hi Sey,

You are right - no longer concern with milestones is a positive. Aloneness? Not so much.

Interestingly, Sanskrit does not actually have a word which corresponds with enlightenment. There is nirvana, which means "without flame". There is also moksha, which means "liberated". There is jnani, which means "one who knows" and then there is kaivalya which means "alone".

It is a strange kind of aloneness though. At first it feels like a separation, but the more we begin to see the divine in everything and everyone around us and to recognise that as our own true nature, the more we see that it is an aloneness without any "other". So, it is not a separation, but a merging.

Once the stage of kaivalya begins to emerge, the path becomes more about service to others, than about where we are at on the journey. It becomes more about what we can give away in terms of our love and compassion and also in terms of our limiting ideas and attachments.

This is discussed in lesson 392:

Lesson 392 - The Aloneness of Enlightenment

There is more on this in lesson addition 426.2:

Addition 426.2 - Assigning Enlightenment Status

And lesson addition 333.1

Addition 333.1 - Is the Witness a Retreat from Life?

"The duality of witness and external perceptions is a normal stage that many have experienced. It can also be felt as a kind of separated aloneness, while life goes on quite normally on its own. The sense of duality will pass in time and we will continue on. It is an in-between stage where ego motivation is becoming less, and divine motivation is yet to pick up fully. It is the duality of witnessing." [Yogani]

It is also discussed on page 85 of the AYP book on Liberation:

"It is impossible not to fall completely and totally in love with this Self . We may call it God, or by any name that resonates with our perception of the divine. It is Self. It is God. In one way or other, it is the object of our bhakti, and has been the essence of our chosen ideal since the beginning. The bhakti we have experienced has always been an expression of That . We have never been alone. And now IT comes before us in fullness, expressing through the vehicle of our nervous system. The experiential recognition of this is a milestone in dissolving the limited self in the eternally joyous Self . We have been that in seed form all along, and by our dedication and effort, we can move beyond the witness stage and realize That in fullness." [Yogani]

It is one of the most beautiful stages of the path, if we can surrender ourselves to it.


1139 Posts

 Posted - Apr 05 2019 :  07:27:05 AM 
Thank you, Christi. It is all beautifully said by Yogani. And I recognize the truth of his words. Still, at the stage I'm in, it's a little like moving from childhood into teenage. When you're a child, you can't wait to become an adult but as you move into adulthood, a sadness lingers at losing the innocence of your childhood.
A sadness lingers at losing the individuality of my loved ones, my relationships. I am not quite there yet but I fear this.


United Kingdom
3529 Posts

 Posted - Apr 05 2019 :  08:04:33 AM 
Hi Sey,

A sadness lingers at losing the individuality of my loved ones, my relationships. I am not quite there yet but I fear this.

Don't worry, you won't lose anything. You can't. Not anything that is real at any rate.

Everything that is real remains, especially love. It expands to encompass everything and everyone, including yourself.

One day you will look back and laugh and laugh!


1139 Posts

 Posted - Apr 07 2019 :  02:47:47 AM 
.... and then there is kaivalya which means "alone".

But ?We? never liked being alone in the first place, isn?t that the whole reason for this circus of life?

I look forward to the day that I will laugh and laugh. I look forward to the day that I will open my eyes in the morning and not groan at having to get up and go to work. I look forward to the day that I will live life fully and joyfully un-hindered by thoughts of material insecurity and anxiety.
Anyone living like that right now?
What I can do is retreat into my Self and let go /be at peace when I realize the little dramas of the day is getting to me. But there is a difference between being spontaneously joyous in every moment and retreating to safe grounds when you realize you are getting too engaged / attached to things going a particular way.


United Kingdom
3529 Posts

 Posted - Apr 07 2019 :  04:59:14 AM 
Hi Sey,

But ?We? never liked being alone in the first place, isn?t that the whole reason for this circus of life?

We "think" we don't like being alone, because we don't know who we really are. If we knew that, then we would know that we could never be alone. It is just an illusion. Like looking at a rope in a dark room and thinking it is a dangerous snake. It isn't and it never was. It was always just a rope. In the sdame way, the concept of "separation" is simply a trick of the mind. Possibly the greatest trick ever created and the cause of all of the suffering in the world. Seeing through this trick is the goal of yoga and the cause of liberation (moksha).

But it has to be done one step at a time, and can only be achieved through practice and patience. Practice every day, but do remember to self-pace continuously and to remain grounded through daily grounding practices such as walking. Gradually attachments and false identifications with the objects of the mind will fall away naturally. This is the stage of viveka, or discrimination between what is real and what is not real. Then, more and more, we find ourselves to be simply residing in the Self, as the Self. This is the stage of vairagya. But the whole process cannot be forced and has to come at the right time, when we are ready.

There is more on this process here:

Lesson 327 - The Evolutionary Stages of Mind

There is a natural expansion of the samyama effect that happens during this stage in the journey. As we develop the ability to release things into silence during our samyama practice sessions, we find that we are able to do that just as easily with issues or difficulties that arise during the day. Some issue or thought or memory will arise, that we would normally have become attached to, or trapped by, but instead of getting attached to it, we realise that we have a choice. We can choose to get attached, or we can equally choose to simply release it into stillness. Usually, the second option is the one which does not lead to suffering. The first option, usually does. When we begin to see which choice leads to suffering and which does not, then we find that we are naturally always choosing to let things go into stillness because it is the path of joy. So, samyama is actually one of the highest practices in yoga, leading naturally and spontaneously to liberation.

The gradual expansion of samyama into daily living is discussed in chapter 4 of the Samyama book:

Samyama- Chapter 4: Stillness in action.


1139 Posts

 Posted - Apr 08 2019 :  08:51:23 AM 
Thank you dear Christi for making time to always respond to my meandering experiences. It is much appreciated. It is good to know you (and other good souls) are always at hand to provide feedback and guidance.


« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 01:05:57 PM by AYPadmin »


  • Posts: 2269
Re: The Middle Years
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2019, 10:57:11 AM »
1149 Posts

 Posted - Jun 07 2019 :  03:23:30 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Dear all,

I would like to share another phenomenon that I am noticing. In the past year, I have found myself "in conflict" with my work colleagues more than ever before in my working life. I seem to rub a few persons up the wrong way. But often "I" (ego) am not even present - if you catch my drift. I feel like a mirror, just mirroring what is there. And that seems to be the trouble.

I feel I have grown in patience and listening.
But feel so Alone sometimes.


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1395 Posts

 Posted - Jun 07 2019 :  3:41:12 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
  Hugs dear Sey.
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1581 Posts

 Posted - Jun 07 2019 :  8:48:52 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
The life as a mirror doesn't seem all that bad, reflect away!
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943 Posts

 Posted - Jun 08 2019 :  08:58:07 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I'll read the whole thread later. Got no advice. I just love you, Sey.
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1149 Posts

 Posted - Jun 09 2019 :  01:50:17 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Thank you all 



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Re: The Middle Years
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2020, 09:00:26 AM »
1207 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2019 :  04:54:59 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Karma... Unfathomable karma

Oft, self dissolve and only clarity of purity remains. Nothing there at all. Then I sit in meditation and I see this tangled mess of darkness and I wonder - what am I looking at? Is that still me? Still so much clearing out of stuff to do? How come one moment I can be pure, the next messed up? Or is it Cosmic karma that I am seeing? That we all have to keep working at?

Any thoughts?

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Posted - Jul 12 2019 :  06:50:03 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Cosmic karma.. this reminds me of an experience I had in the early days of my awakening. I had just devoured through AYP lessons and my bhakti was at an all time high.

One night, in a dream state, I realized that I am awake. I don't exactly remember what the dream scenario was, but anyways, I decided to sit down and do spinal breathing. I was almost immediately drawn out of my third eye and suddenly my awareness was roaming in cosmic regions; all the while feeling those ecstatic sensations in my sleeping body.

So yes, I believe the simple practices we do here impact not just the self, but the Self.
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1594 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2019 :  07:34:27 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Karma... Unfathomable karma

Oft, self dissolve and only clarity of purity remains. Nothing there at all. Then I sit in meditation and I see this tangled mess of darkness and I wonder - what am I looking at? Is that still me? Still so much clearing out of stuff to do? How come one moment I can be pure, the next messed up? Or is it Cosmic karma that I am seeing? That we all have to keep working at?

Any thoughts?


Isn't an open heart receiving everything that is?

So yes, I believe the simple practices we do here impact not just the self, but the Self.

I use the AYP heart-breathing practice during some daily moments. Since Love became my Ishtha, this practice feels as a doorway for Healing. Breathing in the Love of the Universe and breathing out, letting go the suffering of all beings.....

Lokah, Samastah, Sukhino, Bhavantu
Edited by - Charliedog on Jul 12 2019 11:15:56 AM


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Re: The Middle Years
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2020, 09:04:54 AM »
29 Posts

Posted - Jul 12 2019 :  11:12:43 AM 
Originally posted by Charliedog

So yes, I believe the simple practices we do here impact not just the self, but the Self.

I use the AYP heart-breathing practice during some daily moments. Since Love became my Ishtha, this practice feels as a doorway for Healing. Breathing in the Love of the Universe and breathing out, letting go the suffering of all beings.....

Lokah, Samastah, Sukhino, Bhavantu

Thank you for a reminder of this lesson. I've been looking for gentle ways of bringing that quality of ecstatic bliss, that is ever-increasing in practices, to be an abiding part of daily life. Perhaps this, alongside with increased role of service, is just what is needed at the moment.

I find that oftentimes, especially when in company of others, third eye begins to vibrate and attention is naturally drawn to the third eye and beyond. This is associated with blissful sensations in various parts(especially frontal) of the brain. Perhaps heart-breathing at such times, would be ideal for the purification of the heart.

1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2019 :  12:22:26 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Dear all,

I feel loss. It is hard to put into words. I am scattered, thin, practically non-existent. I tell myself I should rally my personality and go out and be useful in the world but to what purpose? I can't find my Will. I am neither here nor there. Part of me feels I should do something, another part of me (right now the stronger part) ignores this with "it is being done". Could this be a rarer symptom of overload? My practices are very moderate - once a day, just the basics. Or is it just an in-between phase?

Would appreciate feedback from others who have been there or going through similar. It's a recurring theme with me but I still feel that way...


966 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2019 :  02:01:20 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply

I haven't been there, but you know I love you.

Let's talk,

1415 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2019 :  09:34:12 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Originally posted by SeySorciere

Dear all,

I feel loss. It is hard to put into words. I am scattered, thin, practically non-existent. I tell myself I should rally my personality and go out and be useful in the world but to what purpose? I can't find my Will. I am neither here nor there. Part of me feels I should do something, another part of me (right now the stronger part) ignores this with "it is being done". Could this be a rarer symptom of overload? My practices are very moderate - once a day, just the basics. Or is it just an in-between phase?

Would appreciate feedback from others who have been there or going through similar. It's a recurring theme with me but I still feel that way...


Edited by - sunyata on Nov 08 2019 06:09:36 AM

1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 08 2019 :  12:14:19 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I am trying to get an answer to something far more fundamental here, not really looking for practical advice. You lovely people have given me plenty of those; not your fault if it's not working. After some private discussions with dear Lalow, I can perhaps better express it.
Will is felt as a contraction of personality that is pushed outwards towards a goal. After years of purification through, little ego-self (personal preferences) has dissolved to a large extent... then you're what? Candle blowing in the wind? Stillness dancing with no influence or preference? And we should be ok with that?
I find I am not ok with that (yet), but can't go back... I cannot find something to grasp, to hold on to. It's no gravity. I understand this is where our journey takes us but there was supposed to be joy and bliss and a natural acceptance of this way of operating.

If others who have gone through this process would be willing to honestly share, it would help. Thank you Charliedog for sharing. I live in nature. "Spending time in nature" is a city thing
It's rainy season here and a pair of mating frogs have taken up residence in my garden and keeping me up at night for the past week. They were cute at first, now I am ready to hunt them down.

When do we surrender and when do we proactively engage?


1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 08 2019 :  02:01:53 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I just found this in the Gitanjali by Tagore

LET only that little bit left of me whereby I may name thee my all.
Let only that little bit left of my will whereby I may feel thee on every side, and come to
thee in everything, and offer to thee my love every moment.
Let only that little bit left of me whereby I may never hide thee.
Let only that little of my fetters be left whereby I am bound with thy will, and thy purpose
is carried out in my life; and that is the fetter of thy love.

Edited by - SeySorciere on Nov 17 2019 02:20:30 AM

United Kingdom
3682 Posts

Posted - Nov 08 2019 :  08:12:55 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Originally posted by SeySorciere

I am trying to get an answer to something far more fundamental here, not really looking for practical advice. You lovely people have given me plenty of those; not your fault if it's not working. After some private discussions with dear Lalow, I can perhaps better express it.
Will is felt as a contraction of personality that is pushed outwards towards a goal. After years of purification through, little ego-self (personal preferences) has dissolved to a large extent... then you're what? Candle blowing in the wind? Stillness dancing with no influence or preference? And we should be ok with that?
I find I am not ok with that (yet), but can't go back... I cannot find something to grasp, to hold on to. It's no gravity. I understand this is where our journey takes us but there was supposed to be joy and bliss and a natural acceptance of this way of operating.

If others who have gone through this process would be willing to honestly share, it would help. Thank you Charliedog for sharing. I live in nature. "Spending time in nature" is a city thing
It's rainy season here and a pair of mating frogs have taken up residence in my garden and keeping me up at night for the past week. They were cute at first, now I am ready to hunt them down.

When do we surrender and when do we proactively engage?


Hi Sey,

All of this is in the realm of Self-inquiry practice. There are no actual answers to your questions, but when inner silence is present, we can begin to discriminate between things and find out what leads to joy and peace.

So, when things arise, we can ask: "Will this lead to greater joy and peace if I act on it, or will it lead to greater joy and peace if I surrender it?". And we might find that we get it wrong sometimes. In general, actions that have a selfless motive will lead to greater joy and love and actions that have a selfish motive will lead to increased suffering and pain. So, we will naturally want to let go of actions which have a contracted motivation and we will be drawn to actions that have an expansive and selfless motivation.

This naturally spills-over into service to others. So, we begin to ask: "What can I do to help others today?", or "What actions can I take to make the world a better place?". It is a natural progression from the cultivation of inner-silence, to Self-inquiry and service to others, to stillness in action, to outpouring Divine love in the world.

So, there is a point in the process of enlightenment where we stop asking: "What can I get from this?" and begin asking: "What more can I do to help others?". That is the crossing-over that we make.

In terms of the evolution of the mind, the stage where we are asking if an action will be beneficial for ourselves and others or not, is called "discrimination" or Viveka in Sanskrit. In the beginning it can feel quite difficult and cumbersome as we can be constantly questioning everything that arises in the mind. But at some point, this process becomes automatic. As we progressively let go of selfish actions, there is an expansion that takes place in the mind and we begin to automatically choose to act for the benefit of all in every situation. This stage is called "dispassion" or vairagya in Sanskrit. In the stage of vairagya, we are no longer making decisions, but simply acting from a place of stillness and love. An energy is moving through us and causing us to act in the world.

Samyama practice also plays a big part in this whole process, because the practice is about releasing into stillness, which is exactly what begins to happen automatically, as we enter the stage of vairagya. Everything is relased into stillness and those things that will be beneficial for the world become manifest.

The stage beyond vairagya, is unity, or yoga.

You may find these lessons useful:

Lesson 327 - The Evolutionary Stages of Mind

Lesson 120 - "Getting Enlightenment"

Practices for Moving Beyond the Witness Stage

Addition 350.1 - The Witness in Relation to Self-Inquiry

You may also find Yogani's book on liberation useful.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 01:07:33 PM by AYPadmin »


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Re: The Middle Years
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2020, 09:05:32 AM »
kumar ul islam
United Kingdom
716 Posts

Posted - Nov 08 2019 :  2:31:18 PM 
the human experience

lets talk of metaphors and rivers and seeds
wear our badges of which we maybe pleased
place ourselves upon a cross
count our blessings or mark our loss

in every which way we turn and see
the light of intellect shows us what to be
candles in the wind without they are still
how remarkable to be human and half way up the hill

it reminds of the grand old duke
evolution creation or maybe a fluke
half way up or all the down
with our tied on millstones watch out you dont drown

you should never ever be content
the will continues its hell bent
on being born on life then death
drawing the human to the ultimate depths

the ocean has tides it ebbs and flows
from the rise of joy to the poets prose
after years of this that do last
its so easy to be forgetful how you felt in the past

lost in space might help to describe
when searching for truth was sure to inbibe
a sense of longing a devotion true
when you knew who was what and what was you

now the dawn has come and the true light appears
it becomes apparent its years upon years
days upon days nights upon nights
the perciever renounces but still delights

is it stillness dancing without music or tune
lifes human experience without gods or boon
maybe we all need to listen the croak of frog
a language in secret to dispel the mental fog

91 Posts

Posted - Nov 08 2019 :  3:05:25 PM 
SeySorciere, I am new to this forum and certainly not in a position to share wisdom from this practice. Being in my 50s I definitely get frustrated with myself expecting I should be in a different place emotionally/spiritually than I am. I'm not sure if I believe in multiple incarnations, but if reincarnation is true, it would suggest we all are on this very challenging path of enlightenment. You do bring up a really important point, that is, when you achieve something, like dissolving the ego, does that ultimately lead to peace. People who want to astral project often freak out when they successfully leave their body if they aren't prepared. In my recent explorations with SBP/DM I am now feeling more ecstatic energy. Yogani talks of it being like a constant orgasm throughout ones body, I find it a bit distracting at times. Your ongoing inquiry is great and I appreciate being able to learn from you as you've shared your progress over years. It seems like few people truly reach enlightenment here but I sense many of the regulars on this forum have found a place of deeper peace. Good luck on your journey. I enjoy seeing your posts.

1711 Posts

Posted - Nov 08 2019 :  6:36:15 PM
now the dawn has come and the true light appears
it becomes apparent its years upon years
days upon days nights upon nights
the perciever renounces but still delights

1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 09 2019 :  9:51:37 PM 

Kumar - love the poem.


966 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2019 :  11:31:17 AM 
kumar is bringing it! Love it!

606 Posts

Posted - Nov 11 2019 :  07:53:58 AM 
Hi Sey,

You know what it is happening: It is the place in-between. In my experience, before switching to a new level of consciousness, there is an emptying. Going back to knowing nothing, like a newborn. Everything I thought I knew, my beliefs, my thoughts, my ideas, my attachments had to be left behind. The deepest, most private fears have to be looked straight up, considered, and let go. The things that have been true until now are not true anymore. The ?story of I? is just a story, a collection of moments. The ?I? is just a made-up concept, socially learned. If I tried to struggle, to question this process, to resist, it became painful. It has been easier and easier to let go of everything, not because ?I? know how to surrender, but because there is no alternative.

There has been some discomfort at times ? how does one function? how to go on? how to be with others and in the world? Working to be comfortable with discomfort. To be comfortable not know what I am, what this is. Feeling like falling backwards, going on and going on, letting go, relaxing into it because there is no alternative, and then realizing that the backwards fall is just as much a flying up, without limits, without boundaries. There is a great bliss and joy to let go in the heart of holding the world together around an ?I.? Bliss and joy to let things be as they are. Bliss and joy to just come to the show of the world without expectations. Bliss and joy to be nothing and become everything.

At some point, the sense of agency is gone. The ?I? is not the doer, it has never been. After some time, it becomes obvious that something else is doing it all. It has been doing it all along. ?I? does not do anything ? nothing is happening. It was helpful during this time to just do what has to be done next, without judgements. Keep up the routine of life. Just be with the flow. Gradually, a strong sense of dharma clarifies and things do get easier. 

1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2019 :  12:32:57 AM
Thank you so much Blanche. What you have written speaks to me. Very helpful.

..not because ?I? know how to surrender, but because there is no alternative.

I have resigned myself to it (at the moment, I'm sure I will be back moaning soon enough ). Internal struggles and worrying about what my dharma should /will bring is not helpful. And there is no going back. I will just have to keep surrendering... knowing / not knowing; feeling purposeful /feeling useless. Such is the path.


606 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2019 :  08:05:21 AM

73 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2019 :  11:06:26 AM 
Hi all

I read this thread with interest and want to share my experience, as I am also in the middle years with a little over 11 years of practice.

I discovered AYP in May 2008 and I remember going on holiday on the Mediterranean coast in June, passionately reading Volume 1 of the lessons and thinking to myself: "Oh yes, of course that's perfectly right. " I feel that all the pieces of the puzzle found their place.

With enthusiasm, I started many practices at the same time (deep meditation, spinal breathing, samyama, asanas + Tantric masturbation that I had already been practicing a few years following Mantak Chia?s teaching). As a result, in October of the same year, I could no longer sleep because of the energy currents that were flowing through my body. Then during years of practice I never succeed to establish a stable platform. My self-pacing has been a succession of "stop and go". I practiced and then had to stop sometimes for a few days, sometimes for several weeks, but I always start again with perseverance. But I have to say that these events have never really handicapped me in daily life, although sometimes my wife tells me to stop as I was loosing my temper. (I have written a short text on this subject, Appendix 1).

During this period, I also had moments when I was very upset by recurring thoughts of frustration about everything I could have done in my life that I didn't do. I wrote a poem about it (Appendix 2).

Now, as I write these lines, everything has changed. It only took me a few months to feel the ecstatic conductivity, but more than 10 years to start to become a little aware of the inner silence and the witness. In the past few weeks, I have radically changed my practice. I have completely left out everything related to energy techniques and I only practice deep meditation and samyama. Before, when I practiced samyama, I used to fall asleep very often in the middle of the sutras to come back after 10/20 minutes without knowing where I was. Now it doesn't happen anymore and it has been replaced by great clarity and the sutras are released in stillness.

That's where I am today...

Appendix 1- Kundalini - French

Oh D?esse ! Pourquoi joues-tu avec moi comme le chat avec une souris ?
La nuit, tu as d?abord piti? de moi et tu me laisses dormir 3 ou 4 heures, mais c?est pour mieux me r?veiller et commencer ton jeu cruel.
Tu m?inondes de frissons d?extase, ton ?nergie courre en tous sens, dans ma colonne vert?brale, bien s?r, o? tu joues avec mes vert?bres comme avec des osselets, dans mon ventre, mon sexe, ma poitrine. Tu n?arr?tes pas, je demande gr?ce, je voudrais dormir mais non, tu es impitoyable?
Quand parfois je m?endors un court instant, c?est pour faire des r?ves absurdes, sans queue ni t?te qui semblent poutant tout aussi r?els que la vie m?me.
Que puis-je faire ?
Oh D?esse ! D?esse bien-aim?e ! Je me r?signe, j?accepte, fait de moi ce que tu veux, je m?abandonne. Que je ne sois plus qu?un jouet entre tes mains sacr?es !

Il est 5 heures, le jour se l?ve, il est temps de reprendre une vie normale. Tout rentre dans l?ordre, l??nergie me laisse, comme une mer qui se retirerait ? mar?e basse?
Jusqu?? la nuit suivante, o? tout recommence?


Oh Goddess! Why are you playing with me like the cat with a mouse?
At night, you first feel sorry for me and let me sleep for 3 or 4 hours, but it's to wake me up better and start your cruel game.
You inundate me with shivers of ecstasy, your energy runs in all directions, in my spine, of course, where you play with my vertebrae like with a game of knucklebones, in my stomach, my sex, my chest. You don't stop, I ask for mercy, I would like to sleep but no, you are ruthless...
When I sometimes fall asleep for a short while, it is to have absurd dreams, nonsenses that seem as real as life itself.
What can I do about it?
Oh Goddess! Beloved Goddess! I resign myself, I accept, do with me what you want, I abandon myself. May I be but a toy in your sacred hands!

It's 5:00 a. m., the day is coming up, it's time to get back to a normal life. Everything is back in order, the energy leaves me, like a sea that would retreat at low tide...
Until the next night, when everything starts all over again...

Appendix 2 ? en fran?ais- Nuit noire

D?sirs inassouvis, pulsions insatisfaites,
Temps g?ch?, temps perdu, ombres de mes d?faites.
La nuit vient qui s??tend, et c?est le temps qui passe.
Tristesse, d?ception, l?espoir, h?las, s?efface.
Dans ce chaos immonde o? se trouve mon ?tre ?
Pour quelle raison sur terre ai-je d? appara?tre ?
Ce je, qui interroge et qui cherche sa route,
Trouvera-t-il un jour la r?ponse ? ses doutes ?
Illusion, illusion, vais-je percer ton voile ?
Que faut-il faire enfin pour d?chirer la toile ?
L?espoir est-il permis, l?angoisse seule est-elle reine ?
D?sespoir au pr?sent, ma vie est ? la tra?ne.
Pourquoi, pourquoi chercher, s?il n?y a pas d?issue ?
Des efforts inutiles, s?il faut finir d??u.
Au fil des jours qui passent, le d?sespoir grandit.
Le cri pouss? en vain se noie dans la chienlit.
Chercher, chercher encore, sans espoir, sans rel?che,
Et la mort qui viendra me prendra ? la t?che.

Octobre-d?cembre 2016

Translation :

Unsatisfied desires, unsatisfied impulses,
Time wasted, time ruined, shadows of my defeats.
Night is coming, time is passing.
Sadness, disappointment, alas, hope fades.
In this filthy chaos, where is my being?
Why, on earth, did I have to appear?
This I, who is questioning, and who is looking for his way,
Will he ever find the answer to his doubts?
Illusion, illusion, will I pierce your veil?
What finally needs to be done to tear the canvas?
Is hope allowed, is anxiety alone the only thing that matters?
Despair in the present, my life is lagging behind.
Why, why search, if there's no way out?
Unnecessary effort, if you have to end up disappointed.
As the days pass, despair grows.
The scream made in vain drowns in the mud.
Search, search again, without hope, without respite,
And the death that will come will take me to the task.

1711 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2019 :  9:55:11 PM 
Now, as I write these lines, everything has changed. It only took me a few months to feel the ecstatic conductivity, but more than 10 years to start to become a little aware of the inner silence and the witness. In the past few weeks, I have radically changed my practice. I have completely left out everything related to energy techniques and I only practice deep meditation and samyama. Before, when I practiced samyama, I used to fall asleep very often in the middle of the sutras to come back after 10/20 minutes without knowing where I was. Now it doesn't happen anymore and it has been replaced by great clarity and the sutras are released in stillness.

I?m about four years into ecstatic conductivity and these past few months I feel I ?get it? better. To have the ability to read your body, get an energetic signature, and then move your body to feel release has been a game changer. I find I bring yoga into my day, always conscious how I am moving through space, carrying my weight, maintaining balance, or using my non-dominant side. I am playful and patient with my body.

How are you feeling physically in these Middle Years, Sey?

1207 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2019 :  02:18:00 AM 
I did DM a whole year (perhaps more) before I moved to SBP, for the simple reason that my friend gave me the DM booklet and not the SBP one until a year later. I had little access to the internet back then and somehow, it did not cross my mind to check out the website. However, I find that was greatly beneficial. By the time I moved to SBP, I was well aware of the Witness /Inner Silence. I could from there, clearly see what the energetic practices did and could adjust accordingly. I was stable for 10 years, doing practically the whole gamut of practices.
So how do I feel physically after years of practice? Not doing so great in that area. I am obviously older, moving from a slender person to putting on some weight; went through menopause early (as a result of the practices, it would appear). Asanas is my weakness. I do not like physical activity. So sometimes, I feel a huge amount of energy that instead of flowing into the world is clogged up - when it gets too bad, then I throw in a couple of asana sessions.
Then a couple of tragedies threw me into instability practice-wise. I am slowly recovering from that but Christi also mentioned in a thread somewhere that we do not need a lot of practices (type of practice and longer duration) in the middle years; the flywheel effect is well established and you just keep topping up with the core practices.
Hope I have answered your question properly.


United Kingdom
3682 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2019 :  05:32:19 AM 
Now, as I write these lines, everything has changed. It only took me a few months to feel the ecstatic conductivity, but more than 10 years to start to become a little aware of the inner silence and the witness. In the past few weeks, I have radically changed my practice. I have completely left out everything related to energy techniques and I only practice deep meditation and samyama. Before, when I practiced samyama, I used to fall asleep very often in the middle of the sutras to come back after 10/20 minutes without knowing where I was. Now it doesn't happen anymore and it has been replaced by great clarity and the sutras are released in stillness.

That's where I am today...

Hi Dider,

Good to hear from you. And thanks for sharing.

United Kingdom
3682 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2019 :  05:41:42 AM 
So how do I feel physically after years of practice? Not doing so great in that area. I am obviously older, moving from a slender person to putting on some weight; went through menopause early (as a result of the practices, it would appear). Asanas is my weakness. I do not like physical activity. So sometimes, I feel a huge amount of energy that instead of flowing into the world is clogged up - when it gets too bad, then I throw in a couple of asana sessions.
Then a couple of tragedies threw me into instability practice-wise. I am slowly recovering from that but Christi also mentioned in a thread somewhere that we do not need a lot of practices (type of practice and longer duration) in the middle years; the flywheel effect is well established and you just keep topping up with the core practices.

Hi Sey,

It sounds as if you would do well to add an asana routine to the front of each practice session. Only doing sitting practices can lead to tamas building up, with a sense of frustration going along with it. If you have noticed that you have stagnant energy at times and that asanas shifts this, then that is a good indication of what is needed at this time.

It is true that there can be a flywheel effect coming in at a certain stage on the path, and that when that happens, we do not need to be "pushing on the pedals" as often as before. But, even when this is happening, we still need to be keeping an eye on self-pacing, which means increasing practices when necessary as well as cutting back when necessary. So, we are always looking to keep our practices at the right level, even if it is easier to do so, because of the increased energies flowing through the body and the natural inclination towards stillness that occurs.


1594 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2019 :  08:53:04 AM 
Thanks for sharing your wisdom here at the forums Christi

1594 Posts

Posted - Nov 17 2019 :  11:30:39 AM
PS and everyone else

1207 Posts

Posted - Jan 08 2020 :  01:10:12 AM 
Originally posted by SeySorciere

I look forward to the day that I will laugh and laugh. I look forward to the day that I will open my eyes in the morning and not groan at having to get up and go to work. I look forward to the day that I will live life fully and joyfully un-hindered by thoughts of material insecurity and anxiety.
Anyone living like that right now?
What I can do is retreat into my Self and let go /be at peace when I realize the little dramas of the day is getting to me. But there is a difference between being spontaneously joyous in every moment and retreating to safe grounds when you realize you are getting too engaged / attached to things going a particular way.


For the past weeks - since the frog incident - I have woken up joyous and mostly stay joyous all day. There are lapses but generally joyous.

« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 01:12:21 PM by AYPadmin »