Author Topic: John Says Hello...  (Read 634 times)


  • Posts: 363
John Says Hello...
« on: September 02, 2006, 08:59:37 AM »
Hari Om
I was fortunate enough to receive some emails from John ( I did not ever mention he lives in Mexico) and keep my commitment to pass on his insights. We just started sharing emails in August.

I talked to John about the Universal Self , as that was his experience he 'managed' for ~ 4 months.
John kept mentioning in his way that it was not human-like. So, from my readings, I described some of the definitions attributed to the Vastness (bhuma or plenum) as its called.

Here’s the response from John...

It is exactly as you say. The experience was, for me, completely
OUTSIDE the human range of experience. It was (it is) completely
beyond anything I had ever dreamed, thought, imagined, etc.

Your experience Frank (THE experience) is coming. I have the feeling that the longer you "try" the farther away you are putting it away. Just focus yourself in the present, with every cell of your body, there you go.
 and John ends with that’s a reminder to myself ;)

 So I say to John,
 We will see over time.  If I get a glimpse in this life or the next of THAT.

He replies ...I found this profound as it matches the descriptions I have read in various kandas:

There is no time!, there are no "other" lives!, there is simply NO LIFE!, no separation!, no places!, no objects!. All what you think the world "is" IT IS NOT. All what you think its an idea. Who have this "idea"? Nobody, because nobody was there in the first place!

Ah persistent this illusion, its true, but just because we focus on
what we THINK and not in what we SEE. In front of you there is "a
table" and a little voice says "table", "shape", "form against void"
etc. Cease to hear that little voice and there is no table, nor anyone "seeing it".

To be fair, there is a table, and there is a "you" seeing it. But at
the same time, there is no table and no one was there in the first
place. Oh, words are so void!

as he writes I will pass on the snippets for your consideration...


  • Posts: 235
John Says Hello...
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2006, 10:38:21 AM »
Nice to hear more from John, Frank, thank you!