Author Topic: Speaking to Kundalini  (Read 1060 times)


  • Posts: 1
Speaking to Kundalini
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:22:47 AM »

I have only started meditating recently and I get a lot of movements and other automatic actions during meditation like automatic OM chanting, jaw movements, mundra and so on. I had never heard of the word mundra but when I started getting these automatic hand movements I looked it up. I found that I am able to ask something like can you show me a mundra for xyz.. and it wiill respond. I read just now that you can ask questions of the kundalini and get responses in the hands.

This worked. I am farily concerned though since this all seems very strange to me and I have only been meditating a short time. It seems like possession. This is my concern. Can Kundalini really answer you? If it is Kundalini at all. These are the only things I can come up with, Kundalini or possibly possession.

Thank you



  • Posts: 3071
    • Advanced Yoga Practices
Speaking to Kundalini
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2014, 06:21:30 AM »
Hi Peter,

Prana flows in different ways through the body and this can be influenced by things like thoughts and feelings and the state of your mind. When automatic yoga happens the prana can form mudras with the hands and fingers. I would not attach too much importance to it- it is mostly a distraction from the path. You can let the mudras happen, along with any other automatic yoga movements that happen. It will not last forever because as the channels (nadis) are purified the movements stop.

I would not worry about possession either. If there was a real reason to believe that you were possessed then it would be worth thinking about, but automatic yoga movements are so common that they do not point to spirit possession.



  • Posts: 142
Speaking to Kundalini
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2014, 03:12:49 AM »
automatic yoga is very interesting. i find automatic pranayama to be really interesting. also there are times when im am shaken by the spine(literally) my whole body moves as one thing side to side from my spine vibrating

Yogi Sun

  • Posts: 1
Speaking to Kundalini
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 11:09:41 AM »
Hi Peter,

Yes, you are right Kundalini can give you answers. However, you need to awaken your Kundalini and practice a lot. You'll be able to go through the Kundalini process. As a result, you'll enter Samadhi. In Samadhi you can get answers to all the questions you may have and become Enlightened. However, you should maintain a proper spiritual practice to enter Samadhi.

Yogi Sun