Author Topic: Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.  (Read 1666 times)


  • Posts: 130
Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.
« on: November 23, 2013, 07:24:36 AM »
When I had my first kundalini experiences about 7 or 8 years ago, I noticed flickering lights "inside" my eyes, especially at night, and have since taken to always meditating in the dark, since things seem to get brighter when I'm meditating.

About three or so years ago, I noticed a marked increase in floaters, especially in my left eye, corresponding to an increase in kundalini energy around the time. My eye doctor said I was fine and that it was just part of being nearsighted. Over time the floaters seemed to go away--or at least my brain learned to ignore them--I'm never quite sure on how exactly this works.

Recently, I again had an increase in floaters, along with flashing lights, and seeing an occassional dark spot in the corner of one eye. I went to the eye doctor and they said I had a hole in my left retina! Said it had been around for a while. Don't know how other doctors missed it. They used lasers to make a seal around it and prevent it from getting bigger or lifting up the retina (fingers crossed that it works well).

The development of these symptoms also corresponded to an increase in kundalini energy, possibly due to taking vitamin k2, which I had started taking in very small doses because it supposedly helped one process vitamin d, which I was having trouble with, for whatever reason. Weirdly, the k2 made me feel great, and noticeably increased my kundalini energy/ecstatic conductivity, but it started also causing scary side effects--high blood pressure, heart palpitations, a rash, and, maybe, damage to my eye (the doctors said it looked like the hole had been there for a while, but only recently started accumulating fluid).

Now of course, it's possible this has little do with kundalini, and more to do with my particular genetics and/or propensity to try weird vitamins, but both times did correspond to increased kundalini energy. Could it be I was too aggressive with sambhavi (I do sometimes do the "manual" method of using fingers to push up the eyeballs, as well) and/or yoni mudra kumbhaka (maybe put too much pressure up there?)?

I notice a few other threads about floaters and flashes, but don't see any real conclusions about what, if any, connection, they might have to spirituality. In addition to floaters and flashes, I sometimes see a kind of shimmering, like a mirage over a hot pavement, and also an occassional tiny point of beautiful blue light. I tend to think these may be more positive things, while the floaters and flashes could just be my messed-up retinas.

Do floaters and flashes ever improve after further practice? Anyone else had such problems? Is there a good way to distinguish what is a normal part of spiritual experiences from what may be a damaged eye?

Thanks so much!
« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 07:26:11 AM by tamasaburo »


  • Posts: 1264
Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2013, 12:14:40 PM »
Hi tamasaburo,

Interesting question. Seems to me that such visuals as you describe are a good example of "scenery." We do not strive to bring them on or try to get rid of them. We take them in stride and continue with our chosen practices.  

That said, my impression is that floaters are an aspect of ordinary physicality; whereas, such scenery as the blue light are an indication of entering a meditative state.




« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 12:16:35 PM by bewell »


  • Posts: 253
Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2013, 02:39:14 PM »

I can't remember a time when I didn't see floaters.  Seeing the light flashes is something new for me.  On rare occasions, I see a black dot that's stable ( doesn't float) that is in line with the third eye.  I'm not worried about these things but understand why you be.  It's a good thing you have been getting yours eyes checked.

One more thing I'll mention.  If I look at a bug for a minute or two, I'll see a light around it.  It's not very bright, like shining a small, dim flashlight on the bug.  It is probably a trick of my eyes, but it's cool and makes me smile.


  • Posts: 130
Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2013, 12:14:59 AM »
Lalow, I would get your retinas checked out carefully by an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Your symptoms sound virtually identical to mine. You could have a retinal hole that could get worse and lead to retinal detachment (i. e. blindness in that eye) if left untreated. Or it could be nothing, or the hole could heal on its own, but better safe than sorry.

Bewell, I tend to agree with you that the colors seem more like something spiritual, while the floaters are probably just normal physical stuff. I was just a bit curious because of the other threads in which people have noted the supposed similarity of floaters to old spiritual murals, etc. and wasn't sure whether there was also some connection between floaters and spirituality.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2013, 12:20:53 AM by tamasaburo »


  • Posts: 130
Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 01:10:23 PM »
It's weird, since having this retinal hole problem, I've not only had increased floaters in one eye, I've been seeing a kind of shimmering light near the top of my vision, primarily in certain lighting, as well as ocassional black spots. The flashes have gotten better since having a laser treatment on my retina, but the weird thing is that the shimmer occurs in both eyes, more on the right, even. I've gotten checked by the retina specialist again twice since my laser procedure and they said the lasered spot looks good and my right eye looks fine. I don't think the shimmering spot I was seeing was the hole in my retina at all now, given that they said it was in a location I wasn't likely to see, and given that I see it also in my right eye, which supposedly is fine.

Could this be some sort of kundalini thing? My kechari mudra has felt very intense lately, so there could be some opening going on in the head. At the same time, I don't want to mistake neural damage in my eyes for kundalini...


  • Posts: 12
Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2013, 01:09:55 AM »

I think u r right in having some healthy skepticism about what is going on especially with your history.I visited an ayurvedic hospital in India that specializes in eye treatments because a friend need some alternative opinions. They had floaters. The doctors there said "in general floaters are from straining" It happens allot to people who spend longer periods on the computer. This I have seen verified with friends who spend allot of time in that way.The best thing is "safety first" when in doubt check it out and make sure there is no mixup between our desire for spiritual growth and something that is amiss in the physiology. Hope it helps.


  • Posts: 130
Eye Stuff--Floaters, Flashes, etc.
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2014, 02:50:56 AM »
Lately, in addition to the floaters, I've been seeing a flashing spot in my right eye upon changing positions (which causes a shift in blood pressure). Has anyone ever experienced this as a kundalini symptom? The eye doctors are not seeing anything wrong with my right eye.