Author Topic: Making Peace with the Psychic job  (Read 6537 times)


  • Posts: 779
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2013, 08:23:54 AM »
In California I was a Licensed Ministerial Counselor on the basis of having a psychology M.A. and being a licensed minister.  When I moved to Florida I was quite surprised to learn that L.M.C. was not recognized, AND in fact, in Florida it is ILLEGAL for ministers to practice counseling for pay!  BUT, there is a loophole in the law which I can take advantage of, once I open Lothlorien House:  Ministers are allowed to counsel in their own church building, but nowhere else, and while you can't "charge" per se, you can accept donations to the church.  So that's what I plan to do.


  • Posts: 779
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2013, 04:15:16 PM »
I've been putting in more hours on the psychic line lately and it's really going well!  Very enjoyable, and yesterday for the first time I was #1 on the list, a great honor.  I've been on the first page frequently but never at the top of the list.  This bodes well for my career.

I was reflecting on how my ability to do this job has changed over time with the evolution of my yoga practice, particularly since my entire reality shifted a couple of years ago, which was a quantum leap, although I've had a steady yoga practice since 1977.  

When I began working as a professional psychic in 1994 I remember it being quite difficult and causing an energy drain/ strain.  Although I did enjoy the job very much, I found myself being pulled into my clients' emotional "drama" and feeling drained at the end of my shift.  I tried to be a "clear channel" for divine energy but was not really able to step out of the way sufficiently and it was quite exhausting at times.  I would wear a crystal around my neck, usually a smoky quartz heart, to help ground the "crazy" energies from the clients and not get pulled in.

Now, this work has become nearly effortless and I no longer feel burdened in any way no matter how "crazy" the energy can get; nothing "sticks" to me.  I don't have to "distance" myself from the clients' energy because there is no "me" to protect; the client and I are manifestations of the same One.  I just feel compassion in the literal sense of "to feel/suffer together."  I'm not drained by giving energy to them because it's not coming from me; Love pours through me.

These are the fruits of a lifelong yoga practice and I'm sure they are equally valuable in other fields of work, wherever we find ourselves, as we interact with our coworkers, the public, customers, etc.  I am so thankful.

Also I am very thankful for those who have encouraged me in this work, especially when I was questioning, "but, it's not a REAL career?!" [like, being able to practice as a Psychologist, etc.]  I feel really good about it.  In addition, I am happy that this job will allow me to schedule around yoga students once my new studio is open, in the near future!


  • Posts: 2294
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2013, 05:39:28 PM »


  • Posts: 680
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2013, 05:30:29 AM »
Congratulations!!!! Radharani[:)]



  • Posts: 779
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2013, 03:01:58 PM »
thanks, Maha and Sunyata! [3] [/\]

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2013, 01:55:31 AM »
That is really inspiring, Radharani, especially the part about how nothing sticks to you now. That is great freedom. I know how that feels sometimes...nothing to grab onto, nothing to hold you down...just being in the Oneness and playing my part in the comedic drama. Congratulations at excelling in your job.


  • Posts: 676
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2013, 02:03:25 AM »
I'm really glad it's going well for you. It's a valuable form of Karma Yoga that you are doing, and I'm sure you will help many people.

Much love to you Radharani,



  • Posts: 779
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2013, 11:14:34 AM »
Thanks so much, Bodhi and Josh!!  Your encouragement means a lot to me.

Well guess what, a new development:  I have FINALLY found a position as a Counselor, without having to pose as Fortune Teller - it is with an online counseling agency based in INDIA!  I must say I find this extremely amusing, that while our jobs are being outsourced to India, I have Indian friends who want to move to the U.S. for work (?!) and now here I am, as an American, having to go to India to find a job.  [:p]  Being in India they don't care about Florida licensing, they only asked for my degrees and certifications and background.  I am not an employee; it is a contract position, and I have not gotten any calls yet.  But, they are in the process of optimizing their new website on the search engines and I am optimistic that once this gets sorted out I can do really well on their team.  Unlike the psychic lines, which pay a very, very tiny commission, this company will leave me with 75% of my earnings.  The boss is extremely nice and has made me feel quite welcome.  He also is a Christian (with Franciscan leanings) and a yogi.  I'm really excited to have the chance to help people from all over the world!  I am still doing the psychic line as well.

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2013, 03:34:46 PM »
Bravo! [8D]


  • Posts: 779
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2013, 04:20:39 PM »
Well, my dears - what a long, strange trip it's been!  This blog post pretty much summarizes what has happened since I first set out to "manifest" my new studio on the beach, and subsequent events since my last post here in August:  Dharma, Desire and The Death of a Dream.

Within a year of stating my intent, I managed to "manifest" about 8 new yoga studios on the beach - none of which is mine.

I've had to go back to my medical transcription job, along with my psychic and counseling jobs, and I have no time or energy to teach yoga.  The good news is, my boss said I can have the Orofacial Surgery and Orthopedic accounts, so I don't have to do Oncology.  I don't know if she had read any of my rants about how Oncology is a scam from hell, or if she was just sympathetic, knowing what I went through when my stepmother died from chemo last fall, but either way, I was relieved.  I mean, sure, I can do all kinds of Jedi mind tricks on myself to be able to do it - like, using it as a meditation on the impermanence of the body, etc. - but I'd rather not have to.  Plus, as I said, there are karmic implications to receiving money from involvement in it...

I also decided to go back to school to get certified in medical coding and billing, for which I'm told there is a big demand now with Obamacare being implemented and lots of new people getting insurance, plus we are upgrading our coding system in America and there will be a frantic rush to get everything converted over and they need a lot of people to do it.  Learning the coding should be as easy as falling off a log since I've been working in medicine for 21 years and already very familiar with most of it - IF I can find time!  I signed up over a month ago and I've been swamped with work and exhausted, so have not gotten to it yet.  But I will.

As discussed in the above blog, I was shocked at first, and then angry, and went through the various stages of mourning when it became clear that not only would I not be able to make a living teaching yoga, and nor could I pay the bills doing anything else that I really enjoy, but also, I would be left with no time or energy to teach yoga!  I had tried so many things - personal training, holistic wellness, psychic (reading tarot), counseling, house cleaning, painting and design, teaching horseback riding - all of which fell flat.  I really didn't want to go back into mainstream medicine but I was left with no viable alternative.  And guess what, contrary to what some people continue to assert, I am in fact not the one driving this chariot.

And since the only thing I really have any desire to "do" in this world is to teach yoga, I have no particular desire to go on living, and I just look forward to a happy death.  Now, I know that sounds morbid but really it is very freeing.  There is nothing holding me here.

Of course, this brings up the whole issue of, why must we spend the vast majority of our waking existence slaving away at a job that we don't enjoy (what Karl Marx called, "the alienation of labor") merely in order to survive, and to what end?!  But that's kind of a whole 'nother topic, although certainly it is a common condition which I share with 99% of the souls on earth.  So like I said, "it was never about me."

Now, as yogis we know that the point of human incarnation is the opportunity for "enlightenment" or "liberation" or whatever you want to call it, or as I as a bhakti/tantrika like to say, "to know God in this body."  And so it is.

Because that is exactly what I am left with.  Since resuming the medical job, while keeping the other 2 (I dropped the cleaning/design job), my health has deteriorated further.  I am exhausted and in nearly continual pain.  The cool thing about this is, it is incredibly liberating!  It is difficult to put into words.  It feels as though, as C.S. Lewis says in regard to purgatory, my "rough edges are being worn off."  I feel like I am being totally worn down, or as the apostle Paul said, "I am being poured out like a drink offering."  It has gotten to the point that my life is so impossible that it has become obvious that I am not the doer.  There is no way that I could be doing this, working these 3 jobs, and continuing to function.  I am a strong person but I'm not that strong, and presently I am quite ill.  It is an incredible sense of surrender.

The sense of "translucency" of this self has become more and more apparent.  And in the midst of the daily struggle to survive - even though I have no particular desire to survive, but it is simply what we do - the amazing thing is this deep, abiding Silence, this Peace, this ineffable Bliss and Love that is completely unrelated to external events, reminding me more than ever that the Reality is this eternal connection with the Divine which is why I am here.  There is nothing else.  Fortunately my yoga practice is long established for many, many years, so that even in the midst of illness and exhaustion, when I can't really "practice" much, it takes over for me.  I can meditate in shavasana without falling asleep. Actually I slip into meditation pretty much anytime when I am not doing anything else in particular.  This is the benefit of a lifelong daily discipline; in the beginning you do yoga, and then eventually yoga does you.

Anyway - now that I had given up on teaching yoga, and the whole Retreat Center and everything, I recently was contacted by a former yoga student who had moved to another city and her teenage daughter, who was also a student of mine, fell in with a bad crowd, is having a rough time, and needs "residential therapy."  The police said it's either that, or juvie.  Her mom was worried that she might try to run away to Cocoa Beach.  I said, "Cocoa Beach?  Hell yeah, I'll run away with her!"  I would love to run away and the waves there are perfect.  [:)]  This is her last chance and her family has chosen to send her to me!  At first I said, "oh, no, I can't, I'm so overwhelmed already...!"  but when I prayed about it, I couldn't say no.  I want to be here for her. So I will soon have a yoga student in residence.  Even though I have essentially no "free time," since she will be living here AND she is on my same schedule (evening shift) we will be able to find time to do yoga when it is convenient for both of us.  I am really looking forward to her arrival.  She was supposed to come this weekend but with the impending hurricane might be delayed.

It's all completely crazy but like I said, I am not the one driving this chariot.  LOVE to all of you. [3] [/\]


  • Posts: 119
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2013, 06:22:48 PM »
Wow! I'm glad I took the time to read your post as it touched me deeply. Truly inspirational. Thanks for sharing! [/\]


  • Posts: 2294
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2013, 07:16:29 PM »
very inspiring post my dear...God bless you[3]


  • Posts: 676
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2013, 11:32:28 PM »
Very beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

The sense of "translucency" of this self has become more and more apparent. - I know what you mean here [3][3][3]




  • Posts: 779
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2013, 07:06:18 AM »
Thanks, friends!  I love you guys SO MUCH. [3] I can't tell you what an incredible blessing it is to have you with me, and your encouragement, and being able to share on a deep level like this with people who truly "get it."  LOVE.  [/\]


  • Posts: 676
Making Peace with the Psychic job
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2013, 07:37:57 AM »

Each person, each "self", is as translucent as water... Translucent waves on the crystal clear infinite ocean of consciousness.

Love you too Radharani :-) :-) :-)

Best wishes to you