Author Topic: Neti Pot  (Read 13492 times)


  • Posts: 8
Neti Pot
« on: October 08, 2011, 06:53:50 AM »
I used the neti pot  night before last, I got water in my ears, now I still continue with the water inside ears much like when I swim under water for long periods of time. I am  with some pain and lots of discomfort. I can feel the water inside my head. Does anyone[?] have any solutions for that?
 Thanks for your kind attention


  • Posts: 6025
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Neti Pot
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2011, 07:35:12 AM »
Hi Ahalia:

Sorry for your discomfort. The water must have gone into your inner ears via the eustachian tubes in your nasal pharynx (one on each side), which is very unusual. These are for equalizing pressure in the ears. Normally the passive flow from a neti pot would not lead to such a result.

Water could get in the eustachian tubes if there were a positive pressure applied in the nasal pharynx while doing nasal wash. Either that, or there might be something anatomically different in your pharynx/eustachian tubes that makes this situation more likely.

In any case, the answer is to back off use of nasal wash until you are better, and until you can figure out what caused the situation (like putting pressure in the pharynx while doing the procedure). I suppose some might be tempted to try this to force water into the sinuses for cleansing, where it goes automatically anyway during nasal wash. But with pressure applied it also could go into the eustachian tubes and inner ears.

Not sure if anyone else here has had a similar issue with nasal wash (jala neti). I have never heard of it, but who knows how common it might be? Any feedback from others will be welcome.

Wishing you a quick recovery, and all the best!

The guru is in you.


  • Posts: 4947
Neti Pot
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2011, 08:22:54 AM »
A quick suggestion,  you can try using some "swim ears" solution. It is a fuild that evaporates fast and dries the water out.

Of course in this case, since the water is on the inside, it may not work, but worth a try I think.[:)]

Hope you feel better soon.


  • Posts: 8
Neti Pot
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 12:39:39 PM »
Thank you Shanti and Yogani, I am happy to share with you some good and interesting news.
 As I continued the  lessons I  read more on Ameroli (thanks Donorina for sending  docs)
and decided to give it a try, I applied a few drops in my hears , it only took 2 applications and goodbye esr pain and discomfort. Just amazes me how often we have the solutions right in front of us and we just do not "see"them. Glad  I got  the info and read again on the subjest. Thank You all!


  • Posts: 3597
Neti Pot
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2011, 10:53:30 PM »
When scuba divers get water in their ear that won't come out, they do this:
If it is the right side, tilt head to the right, jump up and down on the right foot, while moving the jaw around to try and open the eustachian tubes. It usually works unless you have an allergy congestion, in which case you can't dive until it clears up.


  • Posts: 378
Neti Pot
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2011, 05:31:00 AM »
Some Neti pot pipes are ½ to 1 ft long, increasing natural water pressure which requires some caution (less water, angle not close to vertical - they usually don't mention that in the instruction leaflet). It's even posible to swap jala neti for sutra neti, using for example a soft rubber catether.

I got a bad "swimmer's ear" from blowing my nose too forcefully after a jala neti during a cold many years ago. Mucus (not much water at all) came into the inner ear. Since that, I self-pace[;)] the neti and the bhastrika or kapalabhati after.

Natural cures that gave relief:
- a small clove of garlic in gauze (to get it out afterward) into the ear
- fresh thin-sliced onion on the ear with absorbent cotton and flannel overnight, sleeping on the painful side. That one is a big hairwash & laundry warning... [:D]
- homeopatically diluted lovage, Levisticum D6 (D5 or D3 might work too), 2 to 6 times a day
- aconit ear oil, in Europe it's from in Germany (they don't seem interested in foreign languages however, )

I abstained from milk/dairy, avoided sustaining headstands for too many minutes, and kept the ear warm in draught or cold weather. In the winter, I don't exaggerate haircuts.  

« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 05:59:06 AM by HathaTeacher »


  • Posts: 1
Neti Pot
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2013, 03:34:00 AM »
Glad to see I am not the only one to whom this happens. When I use the neti pot I feel I am blowing bubbles through my ear. I have not actually felt water get stuck or go all the way through in my ear canal but the feeling of water bubbles scared me (nobody else I know has had this experience). I still use the neti pot and try to control the 'pressure' I do with the back of my throat to block the water from going in my air ways.

I will get my ears checked to see if there is another physiological explanation.

I am also able sometimes to control the opening and shutting of the Eustachian tube and this is especially true when I have a stuffed nose (coincidentally the same time I usually use the neti pot.)If anyone knows more about this I would be interested in hearing about it. I have been able to 'click' inside my ear since childhood and always thought I was the only one.


  • Posts: 378
Neti Pot
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2013, 06:27:05 AM »
Sutra neti is an altenative using a moist, narrow, rubber cateter.


  • Posts: 2
Neti Pot
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2013, 03:16:16 AM »
Originally posted by Ahalia

Thank you Shanti and Yogani, I am happy to share with you some good and interesting news.
 As I continued the  lessons I  read more on Ameroli (thanks Donorina for sending  docs)
and decided to give it a try, I applied a few drops in my hears , it only took 2 applications and goodbye esr pain and discomfort. Just amazes me how often we have the solutions right in front of us and we just do not "see"them. Glad  I got  the info and read again on the subjest. Thank You all!

Hi Ahalia. I got the same problem, and i read your messags: unfortunately you say you found the solution "drops / Ameroli..." but you do not give it. Please tell me what kind of drops i should use to remove the discoumfort in my left hear. I am deaf with these ear. Help !


  • Posts: 2
Neti Pot
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2013, 03:21:18 AM »

Can someone help me and tell me what kind of drops Ahalia is talking about ?
I used the neti pot for the 2 or 3rd time, i think i prees the neti plastic pot, in order to force the water: 2 days after, i am deaf from left hear and i have bg disconfort. I think i may have water blocked behind the ear drum. What can i do ?
I also read that it is risky to use tap water ! And that s what i did !


  • Posts: 253
Neti Pot
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2013, 05:04:26 AM »
Hi stardust,

I interpret the other post as saying he/she put drops of urine in the ear.


  • Posts: 8
Neti Pot
« Reply #11 on: December 20, 2013, 10:02:01 AM »
A word of caution to those who get water in the ears from Jala Neti: it is more important for you to figure out why and how you get this problem - I doubt anybody who does not experience this can pinpoint the reason... yet something went wrong.
I have being doing Jala Nety for 26 years and my children all use it to protect themselves from seasonal flu yet we never experienced this problem.
Few direction to check out: too much water pressure..., sucking in (inhaling slightly)..., previous problems with ear infection which may make Jala Nety somewhat dangerous for you...  again, "the guru is in you"


  • Posts: 12
Neti Pot
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2014, 05:51:15 AM »
Hi, Ahalia,

I just tried neti pot for the first time yesterday and the something happened. I've had problems with my ear tubes opening for a while. For example, when I take a bath, I'll get  bath water in my mouth if I put my head under (yuck!). It started happening after some intense kundalini related spontaneous movements began in my head and neck about 4 years ago. My sinuses have also been very blocked from allergies which make have caused sufficient pressure to send the water into the ears.

I found a simple solution for doing neti. If I tilt my head very far forward so that it's almost upside down, then the water does not flow into the inner ear.  The force of gravity ensures that it flows into the sinus. It's a little tricky to tilt it forward and turn to the side at the same time, but it is doable, for me at least.

Hope that helps.



  • Posts: 2269
Re: Neti Pot
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2019, 01:33:43 PM »
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 Posted - May 22 2015 :  12:16:27 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply

I know that this is an old post but I was hopeful that it would still get a response. I have been using my neti pot for several years now but 4 days ago I used it like I always do but I must have blown my nose too hard. I felt water in my ears so I tried to use the Valsalva technique to pop my ears. I believe that this may have pushed the water even further up my Eustachian tubes and further into my inner ear. For the past 3 days I have been lightheaded, dizzy and my head is under an immense amount of pressure. Has anyone experienced anything like this? If so, are there any remedies that helped you get through it faster? I'm frightened that I may have caused permanent damage to my balance system in my inner ears.
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 Posted - Feb 22 2017 :  4:56:34 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Ahalia,
I have the same issue. While doing Jal Neti, water was flowing well from one nostril. When I switched to other side, it was not flowing. I applied some pressure on nostrils (like breathing out), and felt water started flowing, but while doing it, some water went into my ear. Now im feeling pain and water full in my right ear.

You suggested to use Amaroli drops. Pls help with a bit more clarification on steps.