Author Topic: Please critique my pranayama  (Read 1646 times)


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Please critique my pranayama
« on: July 06, 2005, 08:15:49 AM »
60 From: "nearoanoke" <>
Date: Sun Mar 6, 2005 0:08am
Subject: Please critique my pranayama  nearoanoke
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    Hi all,

I am currently doing meditation and pranayama twice daily. I have
read about mulabandha & sambhavi but havent yet incorporated them in
my schedule yet. But after I read about mulabandha I observed
something during my pranayama.

When I exhale, I restrict the air leaving the lungs by closing the
epiglottis and the air leaving comes with a hissing sound. This is
as per the AYP practice. But after I read about mulabandha or root
lock, I observed that when i close my epiglotties, my anal sphincter
also gets flexed a bit. I dont know whether the epiglotties has any
connection down or it is just my imagination. I am observing this
only after reading about mulabandha and am currently favoring it. At
the end of the exhalation when i loosen the epiglotties, i release
my anal sphincter flex too.

Is this ok? If ok can this be a substitute for mulabandha?

 64 From: "azaz932001" <>
Date: Sun Mar 6, 2005 8:34am
Subject: Re: Please critique my pranayama  azaz932001
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    Hi Nearoanoke

Have a look at the lesson Automatic Yoga I think this will answer
your question.

Blessings R.C.

--- In, "nearoanoke" <nearoanoke@y...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am currently doing meditation and pranayama twice daily. I have
> read about mulabandha & sambhavi but havent yet incorporated them
> my schedule yet. But after I read about mulabandha I observed
> something during my pranayama.
> When I exhale, I restrict the air leaving the lungs by closing the
> epiglottis and the air leaving comes with a hissing sound. This is
> as per the AYP practice. But after I read about mulabandha or root
> lock, I observed that when i close my epiglotties, my anal
> also gets flexed a bit. I dont know whether the epiglotties has any
> connection down or it is just my imagination. I am observing this
> only after reading about mulabandha and am currently favoring it.
> the end of the exhalation when i loosen the epiglotties, i release
> my anal sphincter flex too.
> Is this ok? If ok can this be a substitute for mulabandha?
> Thanks,
> Nearoanoke
 91 From: Ute Reeves <>
Date: Mon Mar 7, 2005 2:08pm
Subject: Re: Please critique my pranayama  nowyoga2001
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You are very observant . There is a connection, even on the not so
subtle levels, between the pelvic floor, thoracic diaphragm and the vocal
diaphragm. Donna Farhi in her "Breathing Book" explains this nicely. She
has an exercise called "Dance of the Diaphragms" which directs the
exploration of the interconnectedness of these regions.
Working on the more subtle levels you may, at times, feel the three bandhas
actually as one lock, just felt in different places.

Be well,