Author Topic: The Pope Departs  (Read 2074 times)


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The Pope Departs
« on: July 07, 2005, 09:54:13 AM »
791 From: "nirmalkaurgvw" <>
Date: Wed Apr 20, 2005 0:12pm
Subject: The Pope Departs...  sss3333nnn
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    Greetings To All,

Catholic Church rituals, portrayed as
dualistic, are
actually all non-dual teachings of Christ, the
Siddhi Guru.
Yesterday (Saturday), during the day of
watching the
progress of the Pope onCNN/BBC, I heard a
Cardinal say that "Christ will open the Gates of Heaven to
receive the Pope." Upon hearing of the populous that had assembled
outside his residence, the Pope strained word
by word to tell the Cardinals to tell them, " I went
looking for you, and now you have come to see me.
Thank you."
Watching, as many, the last hours of the Pope,
waiting for the news on his health, I turned
TV finally at 1 am (Bangkok time Sunday), and went
to sleep.
I'm often struck by the Middle Ages story told to
the people in Europe, when they asked about the
light of the stars in the night sky, that at
night-time God covered the Earth with a
shroud, a
veil, behind which was the Infinite Glory of
Father, and that the stars pinpricks in the shroud
through which the Living Light of the Father
but also that this pinprick shines in each of us in
our hearts. And then we come to, "The pure in
shall see God ("I AM")."
I was dreaming that I was looking over the
expanse of the planet, when suddenly off in the
distance there appeared a hole in the night
rays of Light streamed forth down to the
As I watched, wave of energy (life force)
the planet, like one feels during an electric
and my whole body filled with light, flowing
the top of my head like a beam or pillar.
Abruptly, I woke up, and sat up feeling the
radiance. After a while I turned on CNN. A
few minutes later, Breaking News, The Pope had passed
at 9:37 Rome time from his temporal life on
Earth to
Eternal Life in the Father. Shortly after, my daughter, Saifa, also
woke up. I
told her that the Pope had left the Earth to
be back home to be with his Heavenly Father. I sent off some text
messages, and waited for President Bush to speak about the passing, then
back to sleep, until 5 am. The Radiance
continued, like an electric storm that continues unabated through the
night sky. We often hear about this phenomenon, where people
experience being transfixed by Radiance, when
the Soul of a Saint departs.

Exerpt from a Friend in Kundalini Yoga.

Blessings & LIGHT,
Nirmal Kaur