Author Topic: Love lost and found?  (Read 2209 times)


  • Posts: 443
Love lost and found?
« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2006, 05:06:00 AM »
Originally posted by Katrine

Selfish indeed! Utterly selfish! Some would say that I should be ashamed of myself. But what good will that shame do? I see the lie, though. Now I see. And in this seeing is the realization that
 - it doesn't matter now! Not one blip of what I do matters!

Hi Katrine,

very funny, I feel you wrote everything in your long post for me personally [8D]
And I really am in the process of letting it all sink in.

Just the above I can't accept: Not one blip of what I do matters!

If it doesn't matter what I do, then I become very careless, irresponsible ...
I still believe, it does matter what I do ... [?]

May be you could elaborate on this for me please.



  • Posts: 1843
Love lost and found?
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2006, 08:09:09 AM »
Hi Wolfgang

Not one blip of what I do matters!

If it doesn't matter what I do, then I become very careless, irresponsible ...
I still believe, it does matter what I do ...

I - me - want to make a difference. I - me - attribute the light I am to myself. I - me - thinks it is the doer. But it isn't! It never was!

I - me - is already "very careless, irresponsible..."
Not one blip of what I - me - "do" matters. I - me - have no power.


And yet

- it doesn't matter now![/quote]

Now I am.
The past is non-existent. THIS is it!


  • Posts: 1589
Love lost and found?
« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2006, 03:38:44 PM »
Hi Katrine,

I read your posts over a few more times and I think I understand a bit better now. I think I was about to go from one step, of looking for fulfillment externally, to looking for fulfillment internally, and you may just save me from that. I think I see it would still be meeting a need that "me" has and all I need to do is forget that thought and to just identify with the inner silence and being instead. I don’t really know if it would have worked anyway!

When I close my eyes and do this, being aware of my awareness, I get strange energy feelings in my base, heart and crown simultaneously that feel a bit like when I am about to go over the edge on a roller-coaster!

Thank you I will explore this more![:)]

« Last Edit: December 03, 2006, 03:40:32 PM by Anthem »


  • Posts: 832
Love lost and found?
« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2006, 04:03:42 PM »
... a bit like when I am about to go over the edge on a roller-coaster!

Hi Anthem,

Thank you for your sharings in this topic. You have mentioned this before also, going over the edge. I'm curious, if you don't mind describing what happens when and if you have gone "over the edge".

I have felt energy building up sometimes during the night, but could avoid "it" by moving. But I'm wondering what would have happened if I had given in to it. If nothing bad, then maybe it could have been interesting.


  • Posts: 1843
Love lost and found?
« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2006, 06:59:14 PM »
Hi Andrew

Thank you I will explore this more!

I am thrilled!
Yes - seeking - whether it is outside or inside - perpetuates the separate me. That is one of the reasons why we don't get caught up with the scenery during meditation.

I am very happy for you, Andrew!
Enjoy the silence [:)]


  • Posts: 1843
Love lost and found?
« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2006, 07:12:21 PM »
Hi Weaver

I have felt energy building up sometimes during the night, but could avoid "it" by moving. But I'm wondering what would have happened if I had given in to it. If nothing bad, then maybe it could have been interesting.

This sounds like my question a little while back: What happens if I let go all the way....what happens if I let myself explode?

I reckognize this feeling. It happened whenever I sat down and relaxed. I would also "stop it" by moving. I don't know, Weaver - but today I can say that I am glad I didn't "go over the bend". Now I explode - and I am here all the time. I am conscious all through the explosion.

Yogani would have to comment on this - but I think that had I let go sooner, I would have been sucked out of myself (through the open crown) - and crashlanded (with huge energy complications) when I "got back". The longer I waited before I moved, the worse the eczema got (too much purification too soon). There would also be deep, emotional lows - as if all light disappeared from my life. So be careful. And keep witnessing. Stay conscious.


  • Posts: 1589
Love lost and found?
« Reply #21 on: December 04, 2006, 03:00:21 AM »
Hi Weaver,

I can identify with this moving away from the energy. I do this sometimes too, when I find the ecstasy feelings distracting.

As far as going over the edge, it is just a feeling I get at times. I am not recommending this course of action, but I tend to just jump in and see what happens. Nothing too big ever really does for me, just a momentary surge of energy or emotion/ energy together. For the most part, the energy just kind of operates in the background for me with no real pressure build-up that I can detect, so I don't know what would happen in your case.

So in regards to your situation, I don't have any experience to draw from, I would listen to Katrine on this as she has much more experience with intense amounts of energy than I do.

Good luck,

« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 03:02:02 AM by Anthem »


  • Posts: 1589
Love lost and found?
« Reply #22 on: December 04, 2006, 03:09:25 AM »
Hi Lili,
Well done. In my case so far it did not work like this. Actually because my biggest psychological problem is related to loss of a relationship I even divide my life in 3 periods--1. before feeling this euphoric feeling you write about. 2. while I was feeling it and 3. when I lost it and had to endure a constant background feeling of loss and doom. Period 3. has been going on for several years now and it is not over so I am very happy you did not have to go though this.

The relationship I was describing above was a fairly short one, just a couple of months long so the healing period was much shorter. Not too long ago I came out of a 6.5 year relationship and the healing process was much longer, about a year before I felt ready to move on.

It was difficult for me because I felt I was leaving a positive aspect of my life behind, but all I can say is that I faced the "unhappy" emotions every day. I would just allow myself to grieve and feel the pain fully, I feel this helped me heal faster. It is also a useful process to ask yourself what you feel you have lost and what this doom is and if the reasons you have for these emotions are really valid. Byron Katie's book "Loving What Is" may be useful for you with your situation.

Best of luck,

peace and love to you,



  • Posts: 384
Love lost and found?
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2006, 07:32:25 AM »

Hi Lili,
Not too long ago I came out of a 6.5 year relationship and the healing process was much longer, about a year before I felt ready to move on.

Hey that's a great job too--my relationship was not even a proper relationship and I am carrying around this sadness about it for 4 years now.
Byron Katie's book "Loving What Is" may be useful for you with your situation.

I read Byron Katie but admit that I did not give her method a fair shot. Maybe I should try again.

Thanks a lot Anthem!--Good luck to you too!!


  • Posts: 832
Love lost and found?
« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2006, 12:17:57 PM »
Katrine and Anthem,

Thank you for your advice about giving in to energy. It seems that (at least in my case) it is wise to not give in to the energy since it may throw oneself out of balance. Staying conscious makes a lot of sense. And I don't think I would want to explode at this stage! [:)]

Sounds really cool Katrine that you stay conscious through the explosion.

And, Anthem, it's good to hear that you can jump in without damage.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 12:28:52 PM by weaver »


  • Posts: 69
Love lost and found?
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2006, 12:02:30 AM »
"I need me, I need me to love me, to want me and to care for me, this will never change. I don’t need anyone else to do this for me, I need me to do this for me. I need to stop looking outside of myself for completion, I am already complete!"

The hard thing is loving yourself neither because somebody else does, nor because nobody else does.

Loving yourself, because somebody else does is easy.

Loving yourself, because nobody else does is more difficult, but is sometimes easy, out of necessity. Making necessity a virtue, and all that.

Doing neither is a different matter. I cannot say that I have even tried.


  • Posts: 3
Love lost and found?
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2006, 06:55:26 AM »
my first post. I too am in a similar situation and would like to pass on some things that have helped and hurt as I realize my "stuff". I have always been active for others to remove my own hurt, and here I thought I was soooo balanced! Being quiet for me has been tremendous... a sanctuary where I haven't had one before. I blamed my man for not being that, he couldn't be... remembering that I am loved is another... in this beautiful space we share, someone loves me for being here...and I don't know who they are but I am grateful for their energy and love...this creates more loving energy that I can pass on to someone else who needed it like I did. And the cycle continues. much love to you, you are never alone, may deep peace warm you.


  • Posts: 4947
Love lost and found?
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2006, 12:11:53 AM »
Welcome to the forum Yoginiannie.. [:)]
Originally posted by yoginiannie

Being quiet for me has been tremendous... a sanctuary where I haven't had one before.

Amen to that..[:)]