Author Topic: On the edge of a shifting point experience  (Read 849 times)


  • Posts: 52
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« on: November 11, 2014, 08:57:03 PM »
Yesterday , watching a film ( a romantic one with a beautiful love story ) something happened . It was so subtle and minor that first I couldn't realize it - sense of peace parallel with losing the interest to the film . Emotions and pleasure which films like that are giving me normally were no longer entertaining . I started to experiment because I knew this is shift point . I forced my mind back in the story of the film ,  felt again the pleasure and pain of the characters - immediately sense of energy overload and discomfort between the eyebrows and nose....then again losing the story , let go and just be there on the sofa - wooops peace and indifference replacing emotions .On and off- easy as pushing a button .This was funny at first but after some time it led to the following self questioning :

    I know we have to give away a lot in order to transform our self , but as a human being this will be the hardest task for me - giving away the romance , the nostalgy for past happy times , the sweet-sad feeling of an old forgotten song , the discovering of a little narrow street full of flowers...
 Being a human or being a Divine - high price is to be paid for both?  Just another mind trap on the way ?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 09:01:50 PM by NewbieGG »


  • Posts: 828
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2014, 09:15:03 PM »
I often lament the loss of my wild imagination...

Sey [/\]


  • Posts: 757
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2014, 10:09:05 PM »
Originally posted by SeySorciere
I often lament the loss of my wild imagination...

Yep, you've lost the emotional tensions that were powering those wild imaginations. You are now so content that the mind does no longer need to gratify itself by spinning fictitious scenarios. How unbelievably sad... [;)][:D][:D]


  • Posts: 718
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2014, 11:06:34 PM »
I forced my mind back in the story of the film , felt again the pleasure and pain of the characters - immediately sense of energy overload and discomfort between the eyebrows and nose....

I believe this sensation is often misidentified as overload, especially by 'newbies'. When it first occurred to me I thought the same.  As practice progresses it a natural to feel the third eye and slight pressure in the skull, especially when engaging in yoga, reading spiritual works, or engaging in spiritual thoughts. It happens to me many times throughout the day and usually goes away when I dwell on everyday thoughts. I refer to it as 'wearing my yogi hat'. Although I have yet to experience it, it is my belief true overload symptoms (headaches, emotional volatility, et al) are a lot more debilitating and enduring. Perhaps others here can speak from their experience.

I know we have to give away a lot in order to transform our self , but as a human being this will be the hardest task for me - giving away the romance , the nostalgy for past happy times , the sweet-sad feeling of an old forgotten song , the discovering of a little narrow street full of flowers...
Being a human or being a Divine - high price is to be paid for both? Just another mind trap on the way ?

I think it is your mind inadvertently trying to dissuade you from the rise of the Witness.  If anything I find meditation has opened me up emotionally in many ways!  I'm not musically inclined, but I now freely sing along and appreciate the arrangements of a song. It's a physical sensation bursting from my chest. Some music and movies move me to tears now which I embrace and let flow.  And yes, during these times I am wearing my yoga hat. That is my confirmation I am on the right emotional track.

Yoga is not intended to make us emotionless automatons. Don't shy away from love just because it registers in your third eye or head. You are activating your pineal gland. Investigate and participate in all old and new sensations, even discomfort. Don't be afraid to surrender to the process.  [8D]
« Last Edit: November 13, 2014, 03:42:21 AM by Dogboy »


  • Posts: 3178
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2014, 12:50:50 AM »
Originally posted by NewbieGG

I know we have to give away a lot in order to transform our self , but as a human being this will be the hardest task for me - giving away the romance , the nostalgy for past happy times , the sweet-sad feeling of an old forgotten song , the discovering of a little narrow street full of flowers...

My experience is that, although we do have to give up literally everything (every belief, desire, goal, fear, literally everything) in order to be "fully divinely human," what is gained from doing so is more than anyone could ever imagine.  It's yet another one of Life's truths playing out as a paradox in our minds.

When we "give up" what we are really giving up (no matter what it is) is a little piece of who we thought we were.  Doing so allows "the real you" to peek through from behind the curtain, even if just for a moment.  Giving up everything allows "the real you" to come fully to the surface and shine for all to see and benefit from.

Carson [^]

« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 01:22:13 AM by CarsonZi »


  • Posts: 52
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2014, 02:21:43 AM »
Dogboy and Carson thanks for the support . Blue and Sey you ruined the drama  laughing at the author , which helped as well [;)]


  • Posts: 757
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2014, 02:32:46 AM »
Not at the author GG, it was Sey's answer in a nutshell that made me laugh.

You shouldn't force yourself to give up anything. As we practice, we slowly grow out of some of life's small pleasures - that is only because they pale by comparison to the delights we begin to experience.

Enjoy your practice [/\]
« Last Edit: November 12, 2014, 07:52:07 PM by BlueRaincoat »


  • Posts: 828
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2014, 07:33:33 PM »

Sey [3]


  • Posts: 52
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2014, 03:19:49 AM »
Yep Blue, Sey's answer made me laugh too [:D]
   Behind the joke I see a support given which is appreciated



  • Posts: 779
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2014, 12:31:31 PM »
Originally posted by NewbieGG

    I know we have to give away a lot in order to transform our self , but as a human being this will be the hardest task for me - giving away the romance , the nostalgy for past happy times , the sweet-sad feeling of an old forgotten song , the discovering of a little narrow street full of flowers...
 Being a human or being a Divine - high price is to be paid for both?  Just another mind trap on the way ?

Dear NewbieGG,

Who is transforming whom?  Who is this "self" who thinks it is giving stuff away?  and what is the stuff that is allegedly being lost?

All mind games!  Not to worry.  Go ahead, give it all away and see what happens.  Nothing is really being lost.  It is all being transformed into Love.

And I agree with Dogboy, "Yoga is not intended to make us emotionless automatons."  It's just a phase.  Eventually everything will become integrated and the romance, the nostalgia, the sweet-sad feeling of an old song, the little narrow street full of flowers, will be more beautiful than ever before, without attachment, just flowing.

Much Love to you!  [/\] [3]


  • Posts: 483
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2014, 07:36:11 PM »
Dear NewbieGG,

That is very touching. Thank you.
I can't give advice, but I believe that it will all level out in my own case. I try to do what I can with practices, my friendships, and basic needs. Healing naturally takes a lot of time, I think. Some philosophies tend to be severe: They think we must choose God or life. But they are both together in us, and that's good.


kumar ul islam

  • Posts: 207
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2014, 06:13:33 AM »
I climbed the steep hill and upon reaching the summit the view  I observed  made my heart wilt  I  stayed but a while my soul rejoiced in the scene beheld, upon hearing the call of my lover below I returned never to forget the  wonder I had seen , I had been  blinded by the illusion that  was  set before my eyes but still my soul rejoiced in the love I felt for that moment  .love all my dear friend .


  • Posts: 52
On the edge of a shifting point experience
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2014, 04:07:56 AM »
Thank you  Radharani , Anima , Kumar

 Love you all[3]