Author Topic: Living on light  (Read 21444 times)


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Living on light
« Reply #210 on: November 03, 2010, 05:19:35 AM »

concerning the grapefruit juice..
it was not really a choice..
my mother was working in the kitchen and i came..
and asked her if she could make a fresh juice for me..
no matter what kind.. i was just craving a fresh colorful juice
to give me some energy after water..
maybe grapefruit was not the best as it is too acidic..
but it didn't feel bad.. :)

thank u Christi for sharing ..
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 05:22:16 AM by swaha »


  • Posts: 1843
Living on light
« Reply #211 on: November 03, 2010, 09:00:26 AM »
Hi Christi

Thanks for sharing [:)]

So this proves to me at least that there is a relationship between going without food and increased flows of prana in the body.

Yes....that has been my experience ever since the energy first awoke in my hands during a three day fast 14 years ago now.  

Only the prana didn't give me enough strength to do my chores!

I never fathom the wonders of Being.

Without that physical weakness you would maybe have continued the fast, yes?
Being stopped it......and it might not be because of the weakness, maybe it wanted you properly grounded for other chores :)

Was it a peaceful fast?


  • Posts: 17
Living on light
« Reply #212 on: January 03, 2011, 08:42:44 AM »
I personally was on a raw diet for about 2 years.  At first, I noticed an increase in irritablity and a drop in energy.  But after about a month or so the opposite was the case.  I had more energy and strength than I had ever experienced.  I had to add more cooked food to my diet however when I began AYP do to energy overload.


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Living on light
« Reply #213 on: January 03, 2011, 03:26:11 PM »
Hi Katrine,


Was it a peaceful fast?

I didn't see this until now. Yes, it was peaceful. I was expecting to be really hungry all the time, and I wasn't. So that was nice.

Will be repeating the experiment any day now, so will keep reporting.


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Living on light
« Reply #214 on: January 03, 2011, 03:28:15 PM »
Originally posted by awaevo

I personally was on a raw diet for about 2 years.  At first, I noticed an increase in irritablity and a drop in energy.  But after about a month or so the opposite was the case.  I had more energy and strength than I had ever experienced.  I had to add more cooked food to my diet however when I began AYP do to energy overload.

Hi Awaevo,

Yes, A raw (or mostly raw) diet can be useful for some people for purification, and they feel good on it. Once kundalini begins to awaken though, it can be a very different story, so you have to go with your body and what it needs.


  • Posts: 18
Living on light
« Reply #215 on: March 02, 2015, 04:32:47 AM »
Hey Christi I know it's been while for this thread but do you have any updates from your experiments with living more on light? Any changes in your diet the last 4 years?


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Re: Living on light
« Reply #216 on: July 17, 2019, 01:40:21 PM »
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 Posted - Jul 24 2015 :  7:59:38 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Yes have you been able to achieve this?
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 Posted - Jul 26 2015 :  05:24:28 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Alecpeace and Roboto,

Thanks for reviving this old thread. I have not posted in this thread for around 4 years. I still eat every day, so no, I have not achieved this yet.

When I started this thread 8 years ago, I wrote that I suspected that there was a relationship between the production of an etheric substance in the body called amrita and the ability of people to survive without physical food. At that time my body did not produce amrita, but now it does. So technically I am in a position to test the theory.

However, one of the things that happens when I stop eating physical food, is that the process of spiritual purification and transformation in the body speeds up. So far, with the few experiments that I have done, I have not been able to sustain that level of increased purification.

It is an ongoing dance involving purification and the transubstantiation of matter in the body.

One other effect of the process is that as amrita is produced, it is intoxicating and blissful, and with that comes a falling away of certain desires on the physical level. The desire to eat becomes less but also the desire not to eat becomes less. These things simply become less important.

For the sake of interest though, I will be doing more experiments this Autumn and will report back then.

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 Posted - Jul 26 2015 :  08:52:45 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Thanks Christi, Keep us updated. I know (not personally) people around the world live on light and a lot of them were born that way, but a lot did what you did and keep the method a secret for some reason, perhaps they're afraid of being harassed, but in 2015 it's not really a taboo topic anymore I think since there's many more spiritually awakened people. If you achieve it, maybe you can share with the world how you did it. Sounds like you're going through some blissful experiences even before reaching your goal of 100%. In this society with constant distractions and temptations it's not easy.
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 Posted - Jul 29 2015 :  11:29:14 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Im like on the completely opposite end of spectrum when it comes to diet and purification, for me I run into problems, overload, if I'm not eating lighter.. I had my awakening via vipassana meditation a few years ago and now it seems my body and the energy channels and such are playing catch up... It seems eating lighter and spacing meals far enoigh apart to allow the awakened energy to do it's thing with out the interference from food is pretty necessary for me... I know others on this forum have talked about having to mound maybe increase food intake to quiet the energy a bit...

Idk why my journey seems so different and sometimes I second guess myself, but it really seems like eating lighter allows for a pleasant smooth journey of opening and purification.
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 Posted - Jul 30 2015 :  10:01:51 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi roboto212,

What you are experiencing is completely normal. I have to remind myself from time to time that everyone's journey is unique. I had the awakening five years ago. Soon after, I became a vegetarian for two and half years. For weeks all I wanted to eat was just fruits.

After, I became pregnant with my second child I started eating meat again and it helps in calming the overloads as well. This doesn't mean I have to eat meat everyday. Most days I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and eat meat when the body asks for it. Just listen to your body. You are doing what your body is telling you and that's great!

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 Posted - Aug 03 2015 :  01:18:20 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Originally posted by Christi

When I started this thread 8 years ago, I wrote that I suspected that there was a relationship between the production of an etheric substance in the body called amrita and the ability of people to survive without physical food. At that time my body did not produce amrita, but now it does. So technically I am in a position to test the theory...

One other effect of the process is that as amrita is produced, it is intoxicating and blissful, and with that comes a falling away of certain desires on the physical level. The desire to eat becomes less but also the desire not to eat becomes less. These things simply become less important.


Interesting. I usually meditate just before dinner. What I have noticed is that there are days that, although I was hungry before sitting to meditate, I feel full and satiated after meditation and I feel no need to eat. On other days, I barely can get through the rest period because I feel ravenous. On the whole I eat much less.

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 Posted - Aug 03 2015 :  04:00:15 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
On the whole I eat much less.

Can relate to that Sey,
Lately I am testing my relationship with food.
Once a month I do not take any food, only water and herbtea for 36 hours.
It is interesting to notice, what do I miss, is it really the food, or is it the moments of cooking and food sharing together with my loved ones.
The first times I did it it was the food, I noticed that I was thinking on food all day, already thinking what I will cook the day after the fasting day...
And now it is more the feeling of missing the preparation, the gap, the sharing together but this space gives other possibilities....
One big notice is that the day after I feel more energy, and a deep gratefulness for that what we have, that we have a choice in this.
Edited by - Charliedog on Aug 03 2015 04:46:28 AM
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 Posted - Aug 04 2015 :  02:04:58 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
@Charliedog - What I really miss is the alcohol!!! . I love the colour of red wine swirling in a beautiful glass, the aroma, the taste, the laughter of friends, jazz... Now my body refuses alcohol. My friends pour me a glass (to keep up the appearance of drinking) then drink it up themselves before the end of the evening.

Oh well..can't have it all.

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 Posted - Aug 04 2015 :  06:58:24 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Our sensitivity protects us, thats a way to look at it. I know it, friend gatherings are not the same anymore. I still am a caffeine lover/addict.
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 Posted - Aug 05 2015 :  5:36:59 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
@ Sey & Charliedog- Same here.
Friends are surprised when I tell them my body does not tolerate it anymore.When people insist, I'll get a glass and then give it to Hubby. Somehow my inner silence increases when everyone around me is tipsy


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Re: Living on light
« Reply #217 on: July 17, 2019, 01:41:06 PM »
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 Posted - Aug 16 2016 :  12:06:49 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I'm starting to really give this living on light a shot... I had a recent Discovery that my body doesn't like sugar, which is a trip cause I've been fruitarian for the past six years pretty much and love fruit.. But my nervous system and the kundalini don't like the sugar at all really..

I've adopted a more low glycemic diet of buckwheat sprouts, mixed usually with a vegan sprouted protein powder and some avo or hemp seed... Really simple bit it feels way better than sugar, allows for a more restful nervous system , which seems to allow my nervous system open the channels and to conduct more energy flow without the overload.. I was getting major overload from sugar!!

Another thing is I basiclly do one meal I the morning, and just water the rest of the day.. This feels best and allows blockages and whatnot to open and clear... To be honest though I feel best just drinking water.. I'll go just water some days and what I notice is there is no hunger at all, and I'll notice that nectar cycle happening more clearly and it gains momentum...

I feel like slowly decreasing my food intake by doing that one meal a day for a time, and then trying every other day for a while... Making sure I don't get too weak as I still need to function in the world...

One thing I notice with th amrita, is that it feel like it can power muscles and stuff like glucose... Not sure what is occurring under the hood, just that when the amrita is flowing, it feels like it fills me up and gives me energy like food, but without the heaviness of food, I just feel light.. It feels like it renews me...

One thing that trips me out still is the hunger thing... I don't ever feel the need or hunger for food like I did before a year ago... It's like my hunger has gone way down.. I just feel complete. It's almost as if my body noticed what food was doing, and it started to not like food effects and is deciding to run better without it.. Like my body intelligence wised up and it's like " eh I'll just get what I need straight from the source" ... We'll see how things play out
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 Posted - Aug 19 2016 :  10:50:24 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Roboto,

The same thing has been experienced here: That the energy of kundalini and especially of amrita, can both replace hunger and serve to energise the physical body in the same way that food does.

And I can second that sugar does not work well when the subtle body is in an energised state. It simply breaks down too fast. Best to stick to a diet of foods that break down slowly in the body and are more balanced in terms of nutrients.

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 Posted - Aug 27 2016 :  5:07:51 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hey Christi Im curious to hear what you feel amrita is doing? My yogi friend tells me amrita may make it so DNA spirals and unspirals in an energy generating pattern. When it is releasing more abundantly, it seems to really rev my whole being up, not just physical energy, but mental wakefulness and sharpness... I can guess at the outcome if this process is increased more and more.... and it all seems dependent on inner stillness and calm mind.

I also have another friend that I email regularly that says she has given up food and just drinks water, but doesnt feel that she is living on the nectar of life, or plugged into some cosmic battery or anything... so im curious how this inedic phenomena occurs, if it can be totally separate from the amrita process? Amrita sure seems like it would make it easier to forgo food... and I have a strong desire or inner calling to pursue this path in order to stabilize in Awareness and Clarity more. Im sure many others out there feels the same way.

Have you tried any times since the amrita process became consistent for you in not eating for several days in a row?

One thing I notice when I fast is there is a point where it becomes intense, and if I just stick with it and go through the intense part, its like a energy blasts or power washes through the spine and clears obstruction or blockages... and afterward my spinal nadi is way more open and clear and this kundalini process begins to happen with increased intensity and blissfulness.... So its only logical to think : "why not give food up completely to let this process happen uninterrupted?"
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 Posted - Aug 28 2016 :  5:05:22 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Roboto,

Certainly amrita increases the energy available, both physically and mentally. It also has other effects, as you have probably noticed, being intoxicating and bringing about a sense of contentment, harmony and bliss. It does seem to "cycle" back into the body on an energetic level.

As to what effect it has on DNA and so on, I don't know. One day I expect we will find out as the scientific community become more interested in the process of spiritual transformation.

People who get less energy from physical food, can get it from a variety of other sources such as sunlight, prana and air. This is probably what is happening to your friend. But certainly amrita seems to be one of the most nourishing sources of energy, other than food.

I have done a number of short fasts (3-7 days) since I began to experience the flow of amrita.

One thing I notice when I fast is there is a point where it becomes intense, and if I just stick with it and go through the intense part, its like a energy blasts or power washes through the spine and clears obstruction or blockages... and afterward my spinal nadi is way more open and clear and this kundalini process begins to happen with increased intensity and blissfulness....

What you are describing here are "kundalini rushes". These tend to happen in the mid stage of a kundalini awakening. Later on the energy becomes smoother, with less dramatic episodes like this.

Fasting for a period of time will mean that less energy is being taken from food, and this energy can be replaced by the body through an increase in the flow of prana (kundalini). This is what causes the "kundalini rushes" to happen during a fast.

I can understand the logic behind the thought: "If this is good for a short period, how much better would it be for a long period?", but in practice that may not be the case. If you take meditation for example, many people think that if meditation for a short period twice a day is good, how much better would be meditating all day, every day. In practice, we can come unstuck pretty fast with an approach like that.

The same can be true for fasting. Short periods of fasting can be better than longer fasts. It really depends on the person and their current level of purification.

You may find that after a period of time on a longer fast, you begin to feel weak, or to become light headed. If that happens, I would advise you to go back to eating again, to allow the body to ground and strengthen.

Do keep us posted on how things develop.

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 Posted - Aug 31 2016 :  9:45:49 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
I feel like its easier to forget to eat with the unconditional bliss and amrita cycle happening......atleast in my case

I feel very confused by the eating/no eating I dont feel authentically hungry I suppose to not eat if my body isnt giving hunger signal?... There are food thoughts sometimes if the energy is working through blockages, as there has been habit of suppressing with food in the past, but I dont think my body needs food. Really its when im empty fora time that the energy has a chance to just let 'er rip and bust through the blockages... its when i eat, especially sugar and high glycemic carbs now days, that the energy is less focused and cant bust through the knots.

I notice sometimes ill eat when not hungry and get sort of sick symptoms, when prior to eating felt fine... Am I not supposed to eat everyday? I tend to eat in the morning or late morning, and avoid eating in afternoon or at night... some mornings ill wake up after fasting for 24 hours, and dont feel any hunger at all, or any signs of low blood sugar or weakness.

My breatharian friend stated she did one meal a day for years and it worked, but eventually she started encountering problems, and decided to try eating once every other day. That worked for a while, but then she discovered that she was just never hungry, and so some of her eating days she would forget to eat. She eventually just decided to try not eating for 4 or so days and found she just didnt need food, and found this way more restful for her body, as food had become such a problem. I know this isnt everyones path to enlightenment, but it seems for some Inedia can show up unexpected, and it is awkward because we are raised in a culture that says we need to eat multiple times a day.

One thought I had is something Nithyananda recommended to his Niraharis (devotees that practice more non eating) is only eating when there is real muscle hunger or need... like if the muscles feel weak and need glucose or whatever.... this seems right... as I dont know that I can trust my hunger /satiation signals anymore... I feel full all the time with this energy and bliss..
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 Posted - Aug 31 2016 :  9:47:13 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
thanks for your replies Christi, I really appreciate
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 Posted - Sep 01 2016 :  03:13:27 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Roboto,

I don't think there is any right or wrong in terms of what you should do or should not do. Certainly if I am not hungry, I will tend not to eat. And yes, prana and amrita reduce the tendency to be hungry.

It is not necessary to eat every day and many spiritual practitioners will fast for one or two days each week, simply as a part of their practice. I would say find a routine that works for you rather than feeling that it should be one way, or another way. You may also find that what works best, changes over time as the purification progresses.

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 Posted - Dec 13 2016 :  8:03:23 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Christi.

Any updates  ?

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 Posted - Dec 15 2016 :  10:26:28 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Domos,

Nothing much to update on I am afraid. All I can really offer are some more clarifications about the subtle aspects of the process, based on my own experience.

So the process is a gradual one, where the body seems to increase the amount of prana it absorbs from things like the breath, amrita, sunlight, and other (cosmic) sources. At the same time, physical food becomes less needed or desired, but is still required at a basic level.

The body also becomes increasingly sensitive to foods that are not light or nutritious. So whereas before we may choose to eat a light and nutritious diet to support our yoga practice, at a certain point, it becomes less of a choice and more of a necessity. The body becomes too sensitive to handle anything that is not supportive to the practice.

There is also a gradual increase in ecstasy. Taking prana from food is actually not an especially ecstatic process. Eating good food can be very enjoyable, but it is usually not an ecstatic experience and can lead to a feeling of heaviness after a meal. Contrary to this, the process of acquiring prana from the breath, or from sunlight, or from amrita, or from the cosmos, becomes increasingly ecstatic, without any heavy (tamasic) aspect to it. So these processes tend to be lighter and more sattvic.

The ecstasy associated with acquiring prana from different sources is experienced in different places in the body. With the breath, the ecstasy is experienced first in the nose, and then throughout the body from there. With sunlight, it is as if the whole being is being "fed" by the light. The ecstasy is experienced in the eyes and then the whole being from the eyes. With amrita, the ecstasy is experienced at the crown of the head first and then from there down through the body.

So it is a gradual shift, from relying mostly on food for prana, with some prana taken from other places, to relying less on absorbing prana from food and absorbing more from other places, with an increase in ecstasy on many levels going along with that.

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 Posted - Dec 15 2016 :  12:14:26 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Christi.

I see, thanks a lot for answering.

If you don't mind me asking, how has your diet changed throughout the years? ex:

1st- Since you first started practicing, when you were younger; to then
2nd- When you had your Kundalini awakened; to then
3rd - When your Kundalini was awakened and going strong, and you eventually "reached" Samadhi; to then
4th - You found AYP, started practicing AYP; to then
5th - 5-6 years on AYP; to now
6th - Around 11-12 years on AYP I would guess.

Sorry for such a request, but I find it very interesting and was wondering, since for this body, its diet changed a lot in 2016, always towards a more light and nutritious diet as you also said.

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 Posted - Dec 15 2016 :  4:08:30 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Domos,

No problem. I can't be as exact as you have asked for, as diet changes all the time, so it does not lend itself easily to specific time periods, but I'll do my best.

I ate mostly meat and vegetables until I was 16 years old. When I started practising yoga at age 16 I became a vegetarian. I experienced samadhi for the first time when I was around 20, before I experienced the awakening of kundalini. I don't remember eating for several days after I first experienced samadhi, but after that, there was no noticeable change in my diet for quite a while.

With the awakening of kundalini, which came a year later, more dramatic changes happened. Nothing much at first, but after a few years, when the upward flow of kundalini became strong, I had to eat a heavier diet to remain grounded. Then later, with the development of full body ecstasy, I would eat very little and could easily go for days without eating. This would have started soon after the time I started AYP practice and continued for several years.

Then with the more dramatic aspects of the opening of the crown, which came a few years later, again I had to eat a more heavy diet for a while, to remain grounded.

That passed a few years ago, so I can eat a lighter diet again now.

There is a strong relationship between the purification happening in the body and the diet that we need to nourish the body and remain grounded, whilst the purification occurs. Yogani mentions this in his book on diet:

"The higher form of digestion described above can generate a lot of heat in the GI tract, radiating out to fill the whole body. It is sometimes referred to as the kundalini fire. When the fires are burning, it can be beneficial to eat heavier foods more often. Then the fire (intense digestive activity) can be used to consume the substances in our GI tract in a more regulated way to produce more soma, rather than frying us from the inside, which is the sensation we can get sometimes if eating too lightly when energy is surging within us." p30 [Yogani]

So it is good to be easy around diet, especially as sometimes we need to eat more heavily and sometimes more lightly, to adjust to what is happening with the purification process and the production of soma/ amrita.

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 Posted - Dec 16 2016 :  3:41:18 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Thanks for the detailed response Christi. I really appreaciate it :)

Related to the production of amrita, how does that influence your need of food? The more you produce, the less need of food?

Anyway, we'll see 5-10 years from now, maybe you'll succeed on "living on light" only, as a consequence of your advancement on the spiritual path, who knows!
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 Posted - Dec 16 2016 :  5:51:28 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Domos,

The production of amrita evolves over time and becomes more and more subtle. It begins with drops of liquid light from the crown and then evolves into streams of liquid light. After that the streams become increasingly rarefied and it becomes more of a process of dissolving into pure bliss consciousness. So it is not really possible to produce more, as it doesn't work that way. It does reduce the desire to take physical food, but does not replace the need for physical food all together. Not yet anyway.

Who knows what will happen. It has been a very interesting journey so far.

Check in with me again in 5 years time.

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 Posted - Jan 26 2017 :  12:59:59 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hey Christi can you tell us some foods you eat when you do eat.

Im still struggling with the eating aspect of practice.. Basically here is my dilemma:

Sugar or high glycemic carbs seem to be the worse group of foods to eat, even healthy sweets like fruit or sweet potatoes. They seem to surge the system, so it feels... I actually got a blood glucose monitor cause I wasn't sure if maybe I had developed pre-diabetes or insulin resistance... And according to my readings at various times, like before a meal, upon waking up, after a meal, after exercise, etc. According to the readings I'm within healthy range, insulin seems to be working... so its not a blood sugar issue I don't think. It just feels like high glycemic carbs feel like too much ... too much energy or just very dramatic. Its actually wrecked my health cause Ill sometimes eat them... it seems even hidden sugars like almonds will do it...

Cooked fats and plant proteins don't seem to create such a dramatic effect in my system, but they still feel like too much of, something... Ahhhh food just feels like such a challenge for me.

One thing is I never feel hungry, I feel best when empty, feel the clearest mind when empty, and the amrita process seems to resonate in my system more when I'm empty. When Im full of dense foods, it creates a noise in my system and this dampens the whole process. Also since I'm not hungry, ill eat something and it feels like the food just sits in my stomach not really doing much, but rotting and poisoning me. Its as if my body is just rejecting food... and sometimes it rejects it very violently, especially with carbs.. I think i have major candida now cause food just sits in my stomach and ferments, so feel more sick from that.

When I choose to remain empty, say for a day or two, I start to feel more and more at rest and at ease, the amrita process begins to occur, and I don't ever really feel hungry. Then Ill eat something and it'll feel like its digesting and processing fine for a bit, but then it just feels like too much. Like my system's energy gets thrown out of balance too easily...

I feel so "altered" when I'm full (even matching psych trips I've had), and I feel so "normal/natural/easeful/restful/clear when empty. Its obvious right? Like why even bother with food.

My wish is just to remain empty and be a breatharian yogi, seems so much easier than this food game.... feels like a game I can't win.
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 Posted - Jan 26 2017 :  01:16:06 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
also the only real practice it seems I need is resting in the natural state and all these energy processes occur automatically.. and Rigpa seems 1000000x more stable when empty than when full
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 Posted - Jan 26 2017 :  04:58:00 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Roboto,

I am vegetarian, so I eat a mostly plant based diet. I eat vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds and some animal products such as milk, yogurt, eggs and honey.

There is a stage in the awakening process where the energy that is normally used for digestion, is taken to be used for the spiritual transformation that is taking place. When this happens, digestion becomes sluggish and you can get the experience that you are describing, where it feels as if food sits in your stomach, not doing anything useful. When this is happening, eating a lighter, more nutritious diet is helpful, as there will be less work for the body to do by way of digestion. As I am sure you have found, some foods are more difficult to digest than others, so it is a case of experimenting with your diet to see what works. You may find that cooked food is easier to digest than raw food for example, as it is partly broken down by the cooking process.

How light you want to make your diet is really up to you. I would recommend finding out what your recommended weight is and making sure you do not fall much below that. Also make sure that you have a wide range of foods in your diet, so that you are getting enough of a variety of foods to remain healthy.

You may also find that if digestion is slow because of the process of spiritual purification that is taking place, then using the practice of basti (colonic irrigation) may help. This is discussed in this lesson.

Lesson 314 - Colon Cleansing

For spiritual purposes, basti can be used on a daily basis if needed and will flush out the large intestines. Between the large intestines and the small intestines there is a one way valve, which means that the water used for basti will not go into the small intestines. However, the practice of basti creates space in the large intestines, which will cause food waste from the small intestines to be drawn into the large intestines. So basti can be used to aid the whole digestive process, when it is needed for spiritual purposes.

Another aspect of the purification process is that we can become much more sensitive to things, including what is happening in our own bodies. So we will tend to notice things like sugar spikes much more than before, along with the unhealthy feeling that accompanies them. It is good to get checked out medically if you think something is wrong, but also remember that tests done at the doctors don't tend to show "hightened spiritual sensitivity". 

Glucose will tend to produce sugar spikes more than fructose (fruit sugar) does, but both can be uncomfortable. Sugars that are taken with soluble fibres will tend to break down more slowly and in a more balanced way than sugars taken on their own. So a glass of apple juice will tend to produce more of a sugar spike than eating a whole apple will, for example. If you are very sensitive to sugar then even eating an apple may feel like too much of a good thing.

Everything changes over time, including sensitivity to certain foods, so it is good to keep checking in with your body over what works for you and what does not.

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 Posted - Aug 08 2017 :  01:00:51 AM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Thought I would just chime in on this thread, its been a while... and have had a few insights.

For me, this energy has forced me to give up sugar and pretty much any form of carbs.... even slower digesting carbs were causing overheating/overloading. Ive had to start eating more of a Ketogenic style diet , which is mostly fat and some protein. Im still experimenting... There is definitely something amazing about the ketosis state where the body is running not on glucose or carbs, and running on "supposedly" ketones ... I suspect the pure prana flowing in the system also plays a key role in fuel for the body within this diet. I was also running into candida like issues from the carbs/sugar... and experiencing unpleasant symptoms related to that. I feel the keto style diet will slowly correct that issue and bring balance back to the gut. I notice these fattier foods are good for building the ojas or jing of the body, compared to carbs which for me seem to burn up my ojas/jing fast and deplete me of my foundational vital energy.

I do still have a strong yearning for being free of food and living just from the pure prana, and I suspect that I have accidentally fallen into a breatharian state before where I am harnessing the ambient energy, this especially happens when I am in a very easeful/restful state and my nervous system is relaxed and uncontracted. I feel like some days I can go without food and feel great and don't feel weak or low energy or feel I am fasting, just humming on the good vibes and love. But I also feel that I can get shaken out of that state , where my nervous system becomes restless and I get kicked out of the state where I can just harness the energy from the Ether. So, while theoretically one can just give up food all at once, in reality one may lose their samadhi and become anxious or restless and their body is no longer feeding on prana but feeding on muscle and stored fat... so fasting, which is healthy in the right doses...

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 Posted - Aug 08 2017 :  1:03:20 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Christi,

I am curious whether eggs are sattvic or not based on your observation. This has been a nagging question for me for a while. I am sure there are others as well who are curious. Your opinion is really appreciated.


Originally posted by Christi

Hi Roboto,

I am vegetarian, so I eat a mostly plant based diet. I eat vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and seeds and some animal products such as milk, yogurt, eggs and honey.

There is a stage in the awakening process where the energy that is normally used for digestion, is taken to be used for the spiritual transformation that is taking place. When this happens, digestion becomes sluggish and you can get the experience that you are describing, where it feels as if food sits in your stomach, not doing anything useful. When this is happening, eating a lighter, more nutritious diet is helpful, as there will be less work for the body to do by way of digestion. As I am sure you have found, some foods are more difficult to digest than others, so it is a case of experimenting with your diet to see what works. You may find that cooked food is easier to digest than raw food for example, as it is partly broken down by the cooking process.

How light you want to make your diet is really up to you. I would recommend finding out what your recommended weight is and making sure you do not fall much below that. Also make sure that you have a wide range of foods in your diet, so that you are getting enough of a variety of foods to remain healthy.

You may also find that if digestion is slow because of the process of spiritual purification that is taking place, then using the practice of basti (colonic irrigation) may help. This is discussed in this lesson.

Lesson 314 - Colon Cleansing

For spiritual purposes, basti can be used on a daily basis if needed and will flush out the large intestines. Between the large intestines and the small intestines there is a one way valve, which means that the water used for basti will not go into the small intestines. However, the practice of basti creates space in the large intestines, which will cause food waste from the small intestines to be drawn into the large intestines. So basti can be used to aid the whole digestive process, when it is needed for spiritual purposes.

Another aspect of the purification process is that we can become much more sensitive to things, including what is happening in our own bodies. So we will tend to notice things like sugar spikes much more than before, along with the unhealthy feeling that accompanies them. It is good to get checked out medically if you think something is wrong, but also remember that tests done at the doctors don't tend to show "hightened spiritual sensitivity". 

Glucose will tend to produce sugar spikes more than fructose (fruit sugar) does, but both can be uncomfortable. Sugars that are taken with soluble fibres will tend to break down more slowly and in a more balanced way than sugars taken on their own. So a glass of apple juice will tend to produce more of a sugar spike than eating a whole apple will, for example. If you are very sensitive to sugar then even eating an apple may feel like too much of a good thing.

Everything changes over time, including sensitivity to certain foods, so it is good to keep checking in with your body over what works for you and what does not.

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 Posted - Aug 08 2017 :  7:34:41 PM  Show Profile  Email Poster  Visit Christi's Homepage  Edit Reply  Reply with Quote  View user's IP address  Get a Link to this Reply  Delete Reply
Hi Shivdev,

Generally, I would say that eggs are tamasic rather than sattvic. So I would recommend eating eggs in moderation, if you eat them at all.

Everyone's constitution and lifestyle is different though. A body builder, or athlete, may find that they can eat eggs quite easily without feeling tamasic. If eating eggs leaves them feeling more energized, then the eggs would be sattvic in that case. I find this is the case sometimes during periods of physical training.
