Author Topic: Give up  (Read 1254 times)


  • Posts: 1673
Give up
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2014, 08:56:34 AM »
Hi Parvati,

Beautifully said. [/\]


  • Posts: 1673
Give up
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2014, 09:19:47 PM »
The universe seems to function adequately enough without the need of desire. [:D]

If inquiry is done on the word desire it cannot be found. It is a word that forms part of the illusion of separation. Its like building a brick wall within a dream. When the waking state is reached then the wall is nowhere to be seen, all that effort seems to have been wasted. Maybe your dream muscles ache, but your waking muscles show no such discomfort.

Desire contains within it the seed of its own destruction and with it the destruction of the illusion. Yet the illusion persists and so it must be utilised. The dream tools are required to end the dream.

Recognising that a desire is required in order to have less or more desire really shows it for what it is. How large is the quantity of desire needed to reduce desire to zero ? [;)] if everything requires desire then what is necessary for desire ? [:)] gets weird doesn't it ?

Self inquiry can show that desire does not exist or persist. This can be very uncomfortable if there isn't a degree of stillness present. It can be destabilising in a particularly unpleasant way.

All the talk of doing something, going somewhere, quitting practices, increasing practices can be seen through the lie that desire exists in any sense at all. Yet here we are and this is what we must do.

In the dream sense then do X to wake up. Desire will be necessary because it is part of the rules of the game. These rules can be used as levers. Maybe in a dream a ladder is built to escape the dream. The ladder cannot ever break the dream boundary but the act of attempting to do so fuelled by desire will create the circumstances by which it can be realised. We don't employ any such mechanism within a dream state, we don't do practices or self inquiry and yet we wake quite naturally from it. We didn't hit a lever, walk through a door, work on becoming aware or enlightened. [:)]


Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Give up
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2014, 06:32:02 AM »
LOL, Karl! You're just deconstructing our whole paradigm, now aren't you! Well, you do it artfully, that's for sure. [8D]


  • Posts: 1673
Give up
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2014, 07:00:36 AM »
Originally posted by Bodhi Tree

LOL, Karl! You're just deconstructing our whole paradigm, now aren't you! Well, you do it artfully, that's for sure. [8D]

I was aware of that and nearly pulled the post in case it hindered progress for others. Its pointless saying much if it doesn't help in some way. Better say nothing at all.[:I]

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Give up
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2014, 09:59:58 AM »
Oh, c'mon man...haven't you heard Frank Sinatra?..."Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars...let me know what life is like on Jupiter and Mars." Cosmic samyama. [;)]


  • Posts: 1673
Give up
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2014, 09:08:00 PM »
Originally posted by Bodhi Tree

Oh, c'mon man...haven't you heard Frank Sinatra?..."Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars...let me know what life is like on Jupiter and Mars." Cosmic samyama. [;)]

We can tell tall tales [:)] I can describe scenery or a holiday destination. However I'm not anywhere else than here and locked into the same illusion. I only realise it is an illusion and will work for no pay to dissolve it. I don't expect a better place, indeed, who knows when the illusion is dissolved it might be far worse.

 I'm walking into the cellar with eyes wide open. If I meet a mad axe man, zombie or oblivion down those steps then so be it.[:D] I have no cause to be concerned as my internal Guru is guiding me. I have nothing much else to do except ensure I keep watching the compass needle and not get too distracted. Its my only task. Keeping right on until daybreak holding a tiny flickering flame before me.

Ye though I walk through the valley of death I shall fear no evil......[:)]

Bodhi Tree

  • Posts: 1957
Give up
« Reply #21 on: May 23, 2014, 03:07:42 AM »
(Note to self: set up an elaborate prank in which I hide in Karl's cellar with an axe in hand, dressed in zombie attire, then flip on the lights and do some dancing under strobe lights and a disco ball--also set up prior to his arrival). [:o)]


  • Posts: 1673
Give up
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2014, 04:00:59 AM »
Originally posted by Bodhi Tree

(Note to self: set up an elaborate prank in which I hide in Karl's cellar with an axe in hand, dressed in zombie attire, then flip on the lights and do some dancing under strobe lights and a disco ball--also set up prior to his arrival). [:o)]

Sounds like fun. [8D]


  • Posts: 779
Give up
« Reply #23 on: June 11, 2014, 02:09:44 PM »
Originally posted by Anima Deorum

I feel really depressed now. I feel like giving up all my ambitions and efforts. I feel like isolating myself. Like I’m an animal that need to crawl under a cool rock and disappear.  I feel hopeless and deluded, deceived, even. Lonely like my words are poison and like I’m dangerous. Also, completely rejected by AA. Just feel like giving up.

But I do care about something. I must.

Dear Anima,

It's been a few weeks since you originally posted this and I hope things are going better for you.

Everybody has already given you some good advice and feedback.  

I would just like to add, w/ regard to the feelings you described above: "it's ok to feel whatever we feel."  This may sound obvious, but for some reason it often eludes us.  Like, we feel sad and then we turn around and beat ourselves up for feeling sad, as if that is going to help!  So in my experience the first step is simply to accept what we feel, take a deep breath, allow ourselves to feel it, and then ultimately let it go.  Feelings come and go.  It's ok.  No big deal, it's just life.  Be kind to yourself if you possibly can.  This too shall pass.

Love & hugs.  [/\] [3]


  • Posts: 483
Give up
« Reply #24 on: July 12, 2014, 07:40:28 AM »
Originally posted by Radharani

Originally posted by Anima Deorum

I feel really depressed now. I feel like giving up all my ambitions and efforts. I feel like isolating myself. Like I’m an animal that need to crawl under a cool rock and disappear.  I feel hopeless and deluded, deceived, even. Lonely like my words are poison and like I’m dangerous. Also, completely rejected by AA. Just feel like giving up.

But I do care about something. I must.

Dear Anima,

It's been a few weeks since you originally posted this and I hope things are going better for you.

Everybody has already given you some good advice and feedback.  

I would just like to add, w/ regard to the feelings you described above: "it's ok to feel whatever we feel."  This may sound obvious, but for some reason it often eludes us.  Like, we feel sad and then we turn around and beat ourselves up for feeling sad, as if that is going to help!  So in my experience the first step is simply to accept what we feel, take a deep breath, allow ourselves to feel it, and then ultimately let it go.  Feelings come and go.  It's ok.  No big deal, it's just life.  Be kind to yourself if you possibly can.  This too shall pass.

Love & hugs.  [/\] [3]

Hi Radharani, and thanks again for your concern.

My mood is very unstable. I guess that proves you right! [:p] Thoughts and feelings pass by like water under a bridge. People look at me strange when I say that about myself.

Thank you for telling me it's okay.