Author Topic: career  (Read 860 times)


  • Posts: 217
« on: May 30, 2011, 03:43:26 AM »
For most of my life I've either had jobs I hate or jobs I love but don't pay enough. Twenty five years ago I was diagnosed with heart disease from a family malady called hyper-cholestorol. I was in construction for many years so I had to limit that. I also tried politics, which I loved, but got me nowhere and teaching which I loved but just didn't work out. So boo hoo. But now for the past few years I feel like doing nothing, there seems to be no new avenues to pursue and no interests in anything. My only real happiness is in helping out with my grandson. I started meditating seriously just over a year ago hoping it would clear my mind a bit, or deminish my ADD and depression, or help with my boredom and hopelessness... Well all of it.
I've been to therapy, 12 step programs and some other stuff, all of which helped a bit but have little effect. I guess I sound very negative but on the lighter side, I do feel meditations and AYP is helping. My one and only question is: Will I ever feel like doing anything again? Or is the party over? I was very active and pursuant of things when I was younger, things that all turned to sand as they say. I'm 57 now. Is my drive for anything other than Yoga going to come back? Is there, was there any similar dimwits like me out there that lost it but got it back? Knowing I will once again feel something for life and living other than the fear of death would be a great help.
Thanks, and sorry if I sound like such a bring-down; especially in such a great forum as this; just trying to be honest


  • Posts: 1
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2011, 07:31:32 AM »
I've been chronically depressed for the last 25 years. During that time I have meditated off and on, with variable results. I've found that my depression was heavily biological, meaning that it was greatly influenced by diet, exercise, and other physiological factors, and fairly resistant to psychological therapy. I restricted my carbohydrate and gluten intake (adopting a "primal" diet), and I established a regular exercise routine of running, yoga, and hiking. Now my meditation is much more rewarding than it was before, and possibilities seem to exist where there were none apparent before. There are quite a few books out there regarding the holistic treatment of depression. My personal favorite is "Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way", which is yoga-centric.
In general, I'd say that if I found a way forward, then anyone can, once they find a comprehensive approach that works for them. And don't rule out SSRI's--I found one to be very helpful for several years, allowing me to establish new routines. Fortunately, I no longer need it. Best of luck to you...


  • Posts: 217
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2011, 08:44:17 AM »
Thank you so much for the advice. That's my life to a tea!