Author Topic: Dharma calling: Advice on starting own business  (Read 1930 times)


  • Posts: 2055
Dharma calling: Advice on starting own business
« on: November 11, 2007, 07:07:56 AM »
Found an old thread of nandhi in this forum, thank you, thank you, thank you wonderful nandhi!

Nandhi wrote
thalaiyati nathar said,
"when i an reaching into the surrender of breath be the cosmic one in the human body, all angels and higher beings too wish.

the ethereal beings, the millions of angeles, the light beings souls- all wait impatiently. they too wish to be the absolute being too.

they know the sacredness of human birth that can yeild them the completion that enables an even higher place of absorption into being light.

they wait for the sacred light of humans to be lit, so they can particpate through this light as good thoughts through the human entity and also action through the human to reap the evolving grace of union. this explains sri sai baba's miracles and miracles of saints.

the human birth is far too precious and the light beings as spirit know this.

so when born as human, knowing the ultimate purpose, the light beings know dharma and its forms especially the currency in the form of the wealthy spirit and mind in the ability to actually assist in evolving in life force here on the planet.

set into motion as great giving is the great receiving. all in spirit now the orb, rotating around just as the birds and the animals have come to drink the nectar"

in the human birth is our choice to survive each day's monotony in acceptance of life's limitation and sink into the limitless unquenched desires.
as light being, the ancient awakened one, to know purpose and the dharma as the duty done in the material world, knowing abundance and the oveflowing giving that is one with the cosmic momentum that works through the human realms. fulfilled in the joy of attaining one through thought and action.

The Mystery is ever unfolding.

I drew some cards this evening just for fun. They all pointed to one thing:

DARE TO JUMP! The inner voice is pointing you in right direction, trust life like The Fool, let your Creativity explode. Don't get stuck in exhaustion and monotomy at work. The awakened doesn't follow the societal norms. It stays ever loyal to Truth and like the Rebel - goes its own way to fulfil its Dharma!

Lately I have been given signs its time to start a project where all my creativity can flow. It is clearly taking me WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY out of my Comfort Zone, and that is how Life works!!! In order to face more and more areas of hidden fears you HAVE to go outside of your comfort zone. It seems to be time for me to do that.

Tonight an idea that has been a seed for a long time started to take form after much synchronicity leading in one direction. I will not reveal it yet, but it has got to do with serving those who are on the lowest status position in society. Though, I would like to ask:

If you have run your own business and would give your 5 best advice to someone who is going to become an entrepreneur (and is a little uncertain if the angels and light beings really know of the business world today...[:)]) what would they be? What cardinal 'mistakes' could I avoid with your help?

Any good links? Any tips on how to raise money? Would for example any American sources be interested in supporting a spiritual/social welfare project in Sweden, do you think???
« Last Edit: November 11, 2007, 07:15:31 AM by emc »


  • Posts: 1464
Dharma calling: Advice on starting own business
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2007, 08:56:59 AM »
Hi Emc
I get the heeby jeebies reading your post i.e. butterflies in the stomock [:D]
Beautiful post of Nandhi's.

I know a lady who started a holistic centre a couple of years ago. She is in our Thich Nhat Hanh sangha and so we have travelled alongside her in her journey from complete start up with no previous experience to what is now a very successful centre.
She totally winged it, no business plan, just a clear vision of what she wanted.
I think she had some money so this is why she did not need a business plan.

I think if you are looking for start up capital you either persuade someone very wealthy give you a load of dosh, or you make a clear and well thought out business plan and then go looking for the goodies.
It has many other advantages also, it forces you to go and do some real and practical research into all aspects of the business. It indicates whether it can be self-sustaining or not, and many other things.
Just to say I have never started up a business, I have looked at a few, but no expert.

I just heard that Tolle has a wealthy Japanese partner who finances everything.
Thich Nhat Hanh has had a very shrewd nun by his side looking after the finances, he doesn't get involved, but not much happens without first going through this nun.

So the jist of this is that you need a business plan, possibly an experienced business partner or adviser, or a wealthy partner.

This comes second to a clear vision of what you want.

my 2 cents[:)]


  • Posts: 875
Dharma calling: Advice on starting own business
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2007, 09:20:21 AM »
E - Life is awaiting you outside the comfort zone.  When you follow your heart there are no mistakes - just jump and see what happens.


  • Posts: 604
Dharma calling: Advice on starting own business
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2007, 02:23:13 PM »
Hi Emc,
One business plan that is spiritual and has worked : well you're looking at it... apysite. [:D]

From my starting out entreprenual experience, I'd say begin with what you have, start out with the small things you can do, and keep looking at opportunities to grow, partner, spread, get in funds. Especially with things that have a larger cause things suddenly click and work at the right time. (That is the non-practical part, but that is my experience too).

But on a practical front, make a list of what you can already do without support from outside. Don't wait for the big thing to come first. Put your intent out there in whatever effort, money and time you can comfortably spare. I'd say make a beginning asap. Maybe on the net. Phone calls. Word of mouth. Let people know exactly what you are doing. Keep planning and doing simultaneously.

So as Meg says, reach out for partners etc. But have something of what you've already put into your vision to show. That way you'll be more convincing. People are readier to jump into a vehicle on the move than buy a ticket for one that is waiting for the wheels to be fixed when enough tickets come in. I think I've driven in the same point long enough for the nail to have gone through to the other side. [:p]

All the best and keep posting on this.[:)]


  • Posts: 176
Dharma calling: Advice on starting own business
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2008, 03:12:35 AM »
Hi Emc:

I've owned and operated an 18 hole golf course in upstate New York for the past 23 years. Here are some thoughts to consider:

- Never forget you're in business to make money, otherwise you won't be able to open your doors tomorrow. I say this, because I suspect in your selfless service to your clients, you'll be a softie when it comes collecting the cash and in business this is where the rubber meets the road. Have you ever considered finding a business partner who could complement your skills? Also, I would say having the proper funding in the very beginning of your new venture is of supreme importance. Do you have any figures as to start-up cost? Is this something you could do out of your home, on the side, while still maintaining your "real job" in order to see if it's viable business concept. I would think, this would be very important to a potential investor. If you could say, "I've been doing such and such on the side and earning such and such, now I'd like to go out and start a business for profit full time." will you help me finacially?

Good luck and please keep us posted on your progress. I think you'll be very sucessful if you follow your heart/inner guru.


ps: remember in business if you make a customer happy she/he will tell a friend, if you make them unhappy they'll tell 20!

pps: Emc, I realize I don't know you very well personally, but, from reading your post the last couple of years I get the impression you're more intrested in helping people than making money, hence the softie comment. I admire that quality in you.


  • Posts: 2055
Dharma calling: Advice on starting own business
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2008, 05:20:23 AM »
Oh, I haven't answered any of you! How rude! Sorry! Thank you very much for all your input!!!

And robertjames [:D] Yep, I should get a partner who could keep up that money aspect! You are so right about the soft part. Luckily, the Swedish government has found out about the phenomenon "social enterprise" and is now starting support systems to facilitate openings of such business( It's a type of company who has two goals: Maximum of money AND maximum of increased life quality for the employees! The four corner stones are: Empowerment - Integration - Democracy and Business.

I appreciate your tips very much! Very logical and I have thought about them. Very good to get those thoughts confirmed this way! The happy-unhappy customer reminder was excellent! I got to know that when I worked as a travellers guide in the French Alpes. Always make the guests feel good - that was the base!
« Last Edit: February 02, 2008, 05:22:24 AM by emc »