Author Topic: Law of Attraction Revisited  (Read 3062 times)


  • Posts: 2055
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #15 on: November 01, 2007, 08:16:26 AM »
I don't see The law of Attraction as something you "start using" in your life in order to change it in either direction, as if it wasn't there before. The law of attraction is a description of how the world of the mind works. Always, whether we are aware of it or not, whether we go in and try to manipulate it or not.


  • Posts: 187
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #16 on: November 02, 2007, 11:25:09 PM »
Ok I'm going to boldy write this because I know I can't be stoned to death online. Over the past few days I've beginning to realize that 'Ask and you shall receive' is false. God that we refer to as the conscious enlivener situated in inner silence simply doesn't care what material things I ask for. It simply is indifferent to my material desires. It is uncaring for my wordly ambitions and says 'I'm the spirit and I just can't understand why you are asking me to bring you success in the world of matter. I'm more interested in knowing myself and that is all I'm capable of granting'. That is the opinion that has formed in my mind resulting from my own asking for help in worldly success.
  That is not to say the law of attraction is false. Rather it depends on whom you are asking. You can get material things not by asking God who is in pure consciousness state; you can get things by asking 'Deities' which is God objectified. (I'm borrowing this idea about asking Deities from Bhagwat Gita). But personally the problem I see is you then have 2 different Gods you are devoted to and there are complexities arising from that.


  • Posts: 2055
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2007, 11:43:22 PM »
It is uncaring for my wordly ambitions and says 'I'm the spirit and I just can't understand why you are asking me to bring you success in the world of matter. I'm more interested in knowing myself and that is all I'm capable of granting'. That is the opinion that has formed in my mind resulting from my own asking for help in worldly success.

Interesting, Maximus.

I have noticed a similar shift in focus. I often use the Matrix symbolism and  I see it as spirit saying:

Do you want to improve your soft ware program inside Matrix or do you want to get real and step out of Matrix?

Once the insight hits that Matrix is not real anyway, the "dream" we dream inside of it is of no importance. The only interest from spirit is to wake people up to see the Matrix for what it is. THEN you can be the whole matrix in bliss,  what you previously perceived as a personal progam does not matter.

But it is surely fascinating when you from a separated perspective - with the help from films like The Secret and Hick's books - can discover how to "read the codes" and then play with it.


  • Posts: 875
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2007, 12:15:15 AM »
Originally posted by emc

I don't see The law of Attraction as something you "start using" in your life in order to change it in either direction, as if it wasn't there before. The law of attraction is a description of how the world of the mind works. Always, whether we are aware of it or not, whether we go in and try to manipulate it or not.

That's how Abraham Hicks presents it.  The Laws of Attraction are laws like any other, and as such are working whether or not we acknowledge them.  We may know nothing of gravity, but we succumb to it nonetheless.  So basically he's come to inform us of a handful of Laws that are in constant motion, kind of like a modern day Newton, and to instruct us on the best way to get those Laws to work for us.

I don't doubt that his methods sometimes bear fruit.  But the fact that they don't ALWAYS bear fruit makes me suspicious about his claim that the Laws are incontrovertible.  If I throw an apple in the air, it will always fall back down.  If I try to manifest an apple, it may or may not appear.  He would probably attribute it to my inexperience or skepticism, but if it's a Law, then it seems to me that it shouldn't make a difference.

Before you-all cast me aside as an unbeliever (or stone me, along with Maximus..) please let me say that I absolutely agree that positive thought and expectation of blessings are skills that will most likely usher in a happy outcome.  In fact, I can say with 100% certainty that I will be given the lessons in life that I need to transform me into a realized person.  I KNOW that God's going to give me blessings upon blessings, and is doing so whether or not I"m aware of it.  IMO, that's the Law of Attraction in action.  But I'd feel like a fruitcake sitting here trying to manifest the new pair of black leather boots that I  want, and worse, I'd be abusing the Laws by trying to manifest something so vain.

Jim and His Karma

  • Posts: 2018
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2007, 02:06:33 AM »
Originally posted by meg

I don't doubt that his methods sometimes bear fruit.  But the fact that they don't ALWAYS bear fruit makes me suspicious about his claim that the Laws are incontrovertible.

Sometimes as the toddler intently turns his plastic toy steering wheel as daddy drives, the car actually turns in the direction he's pointing. Sometimes it does not.  In neither case is fruit borne or denied. In fact, that's not even the issue. The car is always going in an incredibly beautiful direction (daddy is a helluva driver), and the only "problem" (insofar as there is one) is that that the toddler rejects that beauty, because he forgets that he is exactly That.

It's ALL fruit. The issue is with the inane distinction we make re: fruitiness!

All this stuff is just endless fiddling with the toy steering wheel ("Damn thing won't work right! Hey, let me try some spiritual tricks...maybe that'll fix it and I'll get what I REALLY want!"). Life is short. Why waste time on this crap, which only reinforces the delusion of separateness...and the resultant misery and imprisonment? Has anyone in the history of planet earth (not counting movies!) ever experienced enduring happiness by getting what they thought they wanted? Think about it, and if you see the fallacy (you don't want what you think you want, you just want to THINK you want it!), just let go and fall back, trustingly. You won't crash, you'll float.


  • Posts: 173
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2009, 02:19:34 AM »
Dear Manipura,

I understand the struggle but am too sleepy to go into this at length. i just want to make some suggestions hat might boost your process, if you really want what you want!

1) a great way to find out if you are in-line with your desired object and are asking at the proper time to be in accord with the Universe/G-D/Circumstance is to do a divination. This is literally asking the highest aspect of Being, when and how and if to proceed.This way you avoid purposeless investiture. If you do not have a facility with divination (I would suggest The I Ching), then have someone trust-worthy and experienced help you.

2) When you have your answer, there are a few simple things you can do:


"Kubera Mudra"......Look for the entry on the google page which is linked to "". This will take you right to the mudra and the little procedure that accompanies it!

"There is also a Kriya on Anmol Mehta's site. See "The Infinite Energy and Prosperity Meditation Technique". He also has a manifesting meditation as well.
I think that in going this route, you might be sure that you approach these practices VERY gradually and are already stable energetically and neurologically, from practices out-lined at AYP first.

I have personally made use of the first two with great success, but i also embody a great deal of Prana/Chi/Qi from years of cultivation, which may create an advantage.

Lastly, the Name-it-and-claim-it route isn't really so bad. You can circumvent all of the current hype around her, and just Google:

"Helene Hadsell" until you find the means of writing to her personally. She is the woman who was documented when in the process of winning all the contests she ever entered. Her books are very useful for convincing one's "Doubter Self" that it deserves to receive, and she also reveals here winning method in the "Name-it..." book. Each book is 12.00 from her directly.

I hope these help, and please keep in mind what can be the "dangers" of the wanting ego and it's good friends "Attachment" and "Distraction". [:0].

Best wishes



  • Posts: 3
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2010, 10:18:05 AM »
I don't really believe in the the Law of Attraction.


  • Posts: 300
Law of Attraction Revisited
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2010, 08:38:35 AM »
I used to believe in it until I subjected the thought to the Work:

"There is a Law of Attraction: is that true?" [;)]