Author Topic: A Little Worried about Fingers in Yoni Mudra  (Read 569 times)


  • Posts: 130
A Little Worried about Fingers in Yoni Mudra
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:24:29 PM »
Hi everyone, having read some other threads with warnings about retinal tears and the like (see here,yoni), I've started to get a little worried about the proper technique for yoni mudra. Specifically, are the index finger largely parallel to the eyebrows or at an acute angle? I've been doing more like the latter, but looking at some pics I wonder if it shouldn't be closer to the former.

Also, the pressure is supposed to be "light," but I find it hard to achieve a level of pressure that is both light and yet which feels like it's actually helping the eyeball to move. If I just barely touch then it feels like I'm not doing anything. If i really nudge it has a strong effect but I worry about the safety of my eye. Also, I am quite near-sighted--does this make any difference?

As it is my eyes are left feeling kinna dry and fuzzy after a few minutes of yoni mudra with the fingers--sort of like I've been trying and failing to get a contact lens in. No serious issue yet, but I just want to be careful since obviously the eyes are delicate. Is that dry, fuzzy feeling normal? Is the "nudge" more up, more towards the middle or basically 50-50? Any other advice on the finer details of how to do this safely and effectively? I want to be able to use it regularly since it seems like it could be a real boost to shambhavi, but I also don't want to take unnecessary risks with something like this. Thanks.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 01:59:37 AM by tamasaburo »


  • Posts: 858
A Little Worried about Fingers in Yoni Mudra
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2010, 03:43:39 AM »

I've started to get a little worried about the proper technique for yoni mudra. Specifically, are the index finger largely parallel to the eyebrows or at an acute angle? I've been doing more like the latter, but looking at some pics I wonder if it shouldn't be closer to the former.

Hi have a look at the lesson again

I personally find those pictures confusing they seem to show the fingers at the inside corners or in the middle of the eyes, where the instructions clearly state they should be placed at the outside corners on the lower lid and the nudge is upward toward the third eye.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 03:50:37 AM by Richard »


  • Posts: 130
A Little Worried about Fingers in Yoni Mudra
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 06:18:09 AM »
So is it normal to experience a little eye "soreness" or fatigue after or is that an indication of pushing too hard?


  • Posts: 858
A Little Worried about Fingers in Yoni Mudra
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2010, 07:07:58 AM »
So is it normal to experience a little eye "soreness" or fatigue after or is that an indication of pushing too hard?

It is possible that you are pushing too hard, a gentle nudge is all that is needed.

Never take any chances with your eyes if you experience discomfort try turning your eyes inward and upward as in Sambhavi Mudra and just put a tiny amount of gentle pressure at the lower corners of your eyes at the lower lid.

Hope this helps [:)]
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 07:09:21 AM by Richard »