Author Topic: Yoni mudra kumbhaka  (Read 621 times)


  • Posts: 75
Yoni mudra kumbhaka
« on: November 05, 2013, 03:48:32 AM »
Hello beautiful people [:)]
lesson 91 explains yoni  mudra kumbakha but i am still having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. Is there an instructional video or diagram i can perhaps use as a guide?
I have for some time instinctively held my breath at the top of pranayama (third eye )and my tongue is always at the roof of my mouth behind my teeth. I think i am confused as to what to do with my fingers, pushing my eyes up? And the chin pump, is that before or after the breath is followed to the brow area?
Thanks again and lots of love to you all!!


  • Posts: 200
Yoni mudra kumbhaka
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 01:20:24 AM »
Hi Kelly,
I know what you mean. There are so many little things to do in these practices that I do remember getting confused myself. However Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka and Chin pump are two different practices. I think you mean the chin lock during Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka?


  • Posts: 690
Yoni mudra kumbhaka
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 02:25:26 AM »
Hi Kelly,
if a video demonstration might help get an overall idea, one place you might find it for free is from Manoj the Yogi's website. He explores a number of different sources, so what is available might not reflect the AYP form of YMK, certainly not the gradual self-paced way of adding the different elements together. As far as I know, he covers many of the practices in the Bihar system, though it depends on what form is taught in which book, and whether he includes it or not. Searching through the book if you can obtain a copy or find it at a library would be a start to determine where in the videos it would likely appear.

Your holding of breath instinctively during pranayama is not entirely part of the instructions, but bordering somewhat more into automatic yoga. The line blurs a little between that and a normal progression of the slowing of breath during pranayama. For easy measuring of self-pacing, YMK cycles are instead suggested for breath retention. I've talked to Christi about this before, and it's been something that came up quite naturally in my practice too that I continue to use and enjoy. I mention this not to make anything seem more complicated, but as a factor for us to also take into account when adding practices steadily. Like this, more options are available to you, whether to continue it for a while longer before adding YMK, following the lessons and not doing it deliberately, or also adding on YMK to an already more intensive (aggressive) pranayama. You'll know what's right for you, and what you're comfortable with.

Do you also use uddiyana (abdomen in and up) and mulabandha/asvini (root lock) during pranayama? I ask because if these are already familiar, and you already do a version of kechari 1 (tongue to upper palate where the soft and hard surfaces meet), YMK would seem a lot simpler.

You simply continue on an inhale cycle of pranayama, but hold the breath and engage those then. Depending on when you use mulabandha/asvini during pranayama, so far it would be identical to what you're already doing.

Now YMK starts, where you ignore sambhavi (eyes to third eye), and instead apply gentle pressure on the eyes, while sealing the nose. That's it for the retention phase.

Static chin lock can be added a little later on, so leave it out for now to keep it simple. It is after the breath reaches brow, and released before breath is released. Fingers simply apply a gentle pressure on the eyes, replacing sambhavi, and this you always hold during both retention and exhale/inhale. The other fingers have to be released or you won't be able to exhale/inhale. The instructions explain the fine details better. Always go with those, since my version has one or two slight modifications (I inhale slightly before starting exhale) and at times it's hard to remember which is official.


  • Posts: 1264
Yoni mudra kumbhaka
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2013, 03:47:01 AM »
Originally posted by KellyN
I think i am confused as to what to do with my fingers, pushing my eyes up?

Hi KellyN,

For my own practice, I have simplified the use of fingers, having failed to master the instructed method. My problem was that I couldn't control my eye touch enough and tended to hurt my eyes. I also was unable to get my nose consistently air tight.

My solution: I pinch my nose shut using the thumb and forefinger of one hand and I touch the corners of my eyes with the thumb and forefinger of the other.




  • Posts: 75
Yoni mudra kumbhaka
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 04:28:28 PM »
Thank you mathurs, yes...the Sanskrit  throws me off and of course, my greeness [:I] chin lock! I have not really been doing it as a practice as much as i have just experimented a few times ...but i don't think i was doing it correctly. So i ask and ask and ask here. I am grateful for the patience and acceptance. So i will just stick to what i have been doing so far which is simply asanas, SPB, DM, sam, cosmic sam., rest. Thank you  AumNaturel for the detailed explanation. I certainly don't want to do anything aggressive as much as i want peace. Your post made me wonder why i am asking such a question in the first place. Is it my tendency to barrel though barriers that seeks to know this YMK practice prematurely...because at this point and because of these caring responses here, i think it is a premature venture on my part now. Thank you Bewell for your modification, i will definitely keep that in mind [3] when it is a more appropriate time for me try this again.
Much love and respect,
