Author Topic: Yoni mudra kubhaka - rewarding but exhausting  (Read 898 times)


  • Posts: 13
Yoni mudra kubhaka - rewarding but exhausting
« on: April 07, 2012, 11:25:34 AM »
I've been doing AYP for around half year and recently automatic yoga turned on which gave some internal guidance with most of the practices.

I understand and feel the motivation behind Yoni Mudra Kumbhaka in particular - some forms of it appear naturally at the end of meditation and samyama (like yoga mudra, but with similar upward draw of energy).

When I start doing it YMK consciously, I usually first need to rotate deeply to the left side, then to the right side, then I have to stretch upwards, and then culmination begins:

I'm forced to bend and touch the floor with my forehead. When the air starts to finish, my hands start to shake, my head starts to rotate, I feel the great need to urinate (I have to squeeze the pc muscle to stop it), then energy starts moving, when it's starting really hard to hold the breath, for around 2 seconds I feel tingling and the energy starts to be really extatic. There's a feeling of something important just to happen, I also start to loose myself in this experience, it's overwhelming.

Unfortunately after few seconds I have to stop and inhale.Afterwards I try to repeat it, but I'm to exhausted and I feel like the moment has gone.

Is it possible to prolongue this intense moment? I'm afraid that even with more breath retention training this most effetive part will start at the point where there's no oxygen, so either way it will happen briefly.What I'm sensing is that it's the culmination of all the previous practices - the energy that has been gathered during full routine is now used to purge the third eye. Hence my frustration when it finishes so quickly and not as effectively as it could be (that's what I'm feeling).

What are your experiences, especially after longer periods, is it similarly intense? Do you manage to extract and prolongue this intense energy flow for longer time?

What's interesting is that each time I finish YMK I can hold the energy in my third eye for longer period using intense bhandas (but just for few seconds). So maybe that's the way to gain from it, instead of prolonguing YMK itself? However the feeling during YMK is so intense that I'd rather go that way to reach that experience fully.

Also, what's about this urination? Afterwards I urinate a lot with clear urine, just like after having sex - what's the reason behind this mechanism?

Thanks for any insights!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2012, 11:30:58 AM by inquirer »


  • Posts: 911
Yoni mudra kubhaka - rewarding but exhausting
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2012, 03:33:28 PM »
sounds to me that rather than try to intensify this that you should work at smoothing it out. I would underdo it a little not push. Plenty of time to make progress, this stuff is powerful.


  • Posts: 690
Yoni mudra kubhaka - rewarding but exhausting
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2012, 07:06:41 AM »
The lessons do suggest to take care with automatic yogas since they more often lead to overloads. I second your observation with clear urine from the tantra point of view. A complete guess on my end is that, along with sudden build-up of air in intestines, these might be ways for the body to re-establish balance, or perhaps purge the unrefined prana left over. Even with silent sitting meditation in the past this would also happen, but didn't think much of it since it didn't really interfere.

My YMK is fairly ordinary, 3 rounds as suggested for starters, and along with the mudras and bandhas, a pleasant pull sensation starts up at the root. Sometimes I manage to sense light pressure at the third eye where attention rests (even if it's split between root and third eye). The effects of YMK to me are pretty identical to SBP, probably because of the shared kumbhaka.

You say you have to stop and inhale? YMK is done with internal kumbhaka and air is held the whole time, in which case you'd have to exhale, and then take a breath.


  • Posts: 13
Yoni mudra kubhaka - rewarding but exhausting
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2012, 07:47:36 AM »
Originally posted by AumNaturel

The lessons do suggest to take care with automatic yogas since they more often lead to overloads. I second your observation with clear urine from the tantra point of view. A complete guess on my end is that, along with sudden build-up of air in intestines, these might be ways for the body to re-establish balance, or perhaps purge the unrefined prana left over. Even with silent sitting meditation in the past this would also happen, but didn't think much of it since it didn't really interfere.

My other hypothesis is apnea - I think it causes urination for some reason (brain thinks there's overhydration).

Originally posted by AumNaturel

My YMK is fairly ordinary, 3 rounds as suggested for starters, and along with the mudras and bandhas, a pleasant pull sensation starts up at the root. Sometimes I manage to sense light pressure at the third eye where attention rests (even if it's split between root and third eye). The effects of YMK to me are pretty identical to SBP, probably because of the shared kumbhaka.

Actually after few days the effects of YMK evolved, so I'll share it here:

When I felt the need to exhale and inhale my hands were thrown upwards. Then, despite the kumhaka was ended I felt that I need to keep the energy inside Ajna - my hands was going downward, then upwards very close to the body but without touching it and when they were near my forehead there was the movement of throwing something forward. Few cycles of this movement continued. At the same time I could feel whole body mudra and, I think, navi kriya (I think so, though I haven't practices it yet). Additionaly my feet were strained as if they also were holding this energy and preventing it from going downward.

During the next few days this phenomena started occuring in earlier phases, without the need for YMK - during samyama, and finally at the end of meditation.

The 'guiding' hand movements vanished, instead after the upward energy eruption my head started to perform similiar movement to my hands - it went down and then quickly upwards, exactly like a seal throwing ball with its head.

Each time I felt I couldn't keep the energy up and it started falling down, my head followed it downward and again performed this very quick throw upwards.

What's even stranger, 2-3 seconds after the head movement, my hands are following, going up and staying there _exactly_ like during weightlessness period as if my head was throwing something that was pulling me upwards after a moment.

I don't know how to interpret those movements, but my best guess it that these are suggestions, instructions to the conscious mind - how it should treat this situation.
As if it was a message - "imagine that you are throwing the energy upwards, but don't think that it has to fall down, keep it right there as if it could just levitate and stay up".

If anybody had similar experiences I'd be grateful for some insight. I still feel like I should learn to keep this energy upwards, but currently it 'leaks' down after a moment (although I think I'm learning how to keep it each time). On the other hand, maybe it's not that it should stay there, maybe just this upward rush is needed in order to cleanse Ajna (I think Yogani described YMK in such terms).