Author Topic: A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please  (Read 1578 times)


  • Posts: 4
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« on: January 26, 2012, 03:14:57 PM »
Hello everybody,

First i want to thank yogani for making this wonderful website, and also everybody that writes in the forum always willing to help.

Here is my situation, i have been practicing for about 7 months now, very stable in pranayama and meditation. doing mulabhanda and sambhavi thats it. Im a vegetarian and also fast from time to time.

about three weeks ago, i started to feel a lot of gurgling in my stomach, everything i eat or drink makes me pass gas, im very gassy all day for the past weeks, also when i eat my dinner my belly gets bloated and i start passing gas again very smelly is embarrassing being at work or anywhere and i have to pass gas.  im very worried and really dont know what to do, this keeps going, im a very healthy person and really it started to happen all of a sudden, please anybody that had or has this experience help me out with some advice, maybe refer me with another old post, maybe change diet, would this pass away?>?, i really hope it does and fast, stomach never hurts but is just has been very gassy for the past 3 weeks. should i stop practicing for a while, please yogani or anybody help me out with some adv.

I read the post about the soma and nectar, but i have been practicing for only 7 months, i dont think my kundalini is awakening, could it be maybe that im eating too light, im a vegetarian so idk what i could eat to cure this.

again thanks everybody in this forum. hope somebody can help

peace and love.

[edited by moderators for formatting only]
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 02:38:39 AM by AYPforum »


  • Posts: 91
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2012, 08:13:11 PM »
Please see this lesson;

I had the same experience in past and still comes time to time. Also to make sure that your floral balance is ok in your digestive system just eat once a day activia yogurt for two weeks.


  • Posts: 115
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 01:57:10 AM »
Yogani said (from link above): "Actually, it is the activation of the belly chakra."

Yep, I remember when this happened to me a few years ago - I had been completely sceptical about the "reality" of subtle energy up to that point...the physical symptoms kicked my scepticism right out the door ;)

(Later on I had significant physical symptoms when my heart chakra started opening, altho if I had known what was happening at the time it would have been a lot easier - just a possible heads-up for you further on down the road ;)


  • Posts: 2055
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2012, 01:07:42 AM »
"As our body and nervous system gradually become purified, breath naturally begins to suspend, and a new kind of biology comes up in us." (Yogani, from lesson 51)

I have noticed that I always burp as I step out from the car after driving. I have started to pay attention what happens while driving, and I realize I very seldom breathe when I direct my attention to the body. Assumed first it might have been a shift in energylevels that happened as I stepped out from the car (which also can be a cause of burping), but when I realized I hardly breathe when driving, I understood it must be this prana uptake described in the lesson that happens. [:)]

The breathless states also describes why I often have these mind-blowing experiences/highs sensing "I'm not driving the car", and I can close my eyes or lift the hands from the wheel or bend down and fix with the radio and the "autopilot" (aka stillness) just drives the car smooth and safe without this body having anything to do with it.

Burp! [^]
« Last Edit: January 28, 2012, 01:11:07 AM by emc »


  • Posts: 3597
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2012, 03:22:47 AM »
Sounds dangerous to me. [:0]
However, if I know where I'm going I have found it's not too hard to stop thinking while driving.
But that doesn't stop my body from watching where I'm going.


  • Posts: 2055
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2012, 03:52:21 AM »
I have been reporting on this for years now. It continues to happen and I continue to float through Matrix on a golden path.

Most people have experiences of driving and suddenly be several kilometers ahead, reacting: "Oh, am I already here? How did I get here? I can't even remember driving all this way?!?!" The attention has been totally somewhere else. Some people feel that's scary when the "autopilot" obviously has been in control and they haven't. It's that very same "autopilot" that ALWAYS drives the car. Whether you think you are controlling the vehicle or not. I'm just proven this, over and over again... and yet, this stubborn mind won't get the message. Hahahaha! [:I] However, if you are not in Da Zone (aka stillness) but very  much in your mind - it won't work, and it would be very dangerous, cause mind creates reality as long as you are moving on the frequency of mind. When the codes in Matrix are seen through - it's a game to move through the appearance of driving.

Burp! [^]


  • Posts: 4
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2012, 12:35:19 PM »
hello everybody, thanks so much for the advise, started taking some probiotics for the flora and the gurgling slowed down a bit, still feel bloated whenever i drink water or eat food but hopefully it will stabalize with time.  This is actually the first time that happened for so long (3 weeks) going to 4 so i was a bit worried about the situation,is crazy what prana can do. again any other advise will be greatly appreciated.


  • Posts: 126
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2012, 02:59:02 PM »
Hi emc

Interesting.. Finally I am not the only one like this. [:)]


  • Posts: 2055
A Lot of Gurgling, Gas, Bloating. Help Please
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2012, 05:07:26 AM »
Maxb, do you eat sugar? If so - try to quit all sugar, also from fruits and juices etc. It can be candida, gives a lot of strange and uncomfortable symptoms like you describe. I get much better when I quit that.

As a vegetarian, some still eat dairy products. You could also have become sensitive to milk. If you eat that, try to skip that too, and see what happens.

chit-ananda51, [:D] . We should have a race some day, blindfolded! [;)]