Author Topic: the infinite space within  (Read 866 times)


  • Posts: 3001
the infinite space within
« on: April 22, 2008, 07:18:28 PM »
Hi everyone,

i just want to see your opinions concerning smthg i've experienced twice in one week.

i would be talking about smthg spiritual with som1 and then suddenly it clicks.

i feel my breath taken from me and then i become aware of an infinite space within me and aware in it and the outer world with it.

everything functions as it is but i c myself as infinite space within and at the same see the outer world and react to it normaly.

but when seeing the outer world i see lights everywhere mixed with the material world and it's smthg which is really amazing to c.

but it doesn't just stay like this, i feel that there's a connection that's been established with myself and there it happens i start saying some of the most amazing spiritual stuff about enlightenment and about the person standing in front of me and wowawowa it's breath taking.

and suddenly everything returns to normal as if nothing happened except for getting a huge amount of wowawowa and a million ahas.

so if anyone here experienced smthg like this, i would like to hear your opinion on the matter plz.




  • Posts: 1464
the infinite space within
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 06:49:00 PM »
Nice experiences Ananda
You seem to be getting glimpses of spaciousness and tapping into your inner guru.
It is beautiful when this kind of thing happens within our practice. They are enlightenment milestones for sure.[:)]

We can wonder at the beauty of it, appreciate it and learn from it. the most important thing, I'm sure you know it not to get attached to it and just continue your daily practices as normal.

Thanks for sharing the experiences[:)]


  • Posts: 420
the infinite space within
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2008, 07:18:52 AM »
Yeah, don't think anything of it really. I've had the same thing... no big deal haha. I think that's the essence of that sort of experience... it's like a big "what's the big deal?" haha.

Turning a "what's the big deal?" into a big deal... haha :), it's halarious, it's awesome. People are awesome haha. I love it, what a crazy world we live in and I wouldn't want it any other way.


  • Posts: 3001
the infinite space within
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 08:52:52 AM »
Hello Sparkle and Divineis and thk u for dropping by.

and my brother Divineis it might not be a big deal for u but it is for me it shows me that i am progressing on my path and don't worry i'm not going to be attached to anything like this cz i've been through a lot spiritual stuff b4.

but this is different this stage here cz it means there's a big cleaning going on and that's a very nice sign which keeps a person going and aiming for more.

and don't worry i consulted an enlightened person who has been through this b4 and he's a sufi by the way which is sweet and shows that we r all on the same path for the same truth even though the ways are different.

and i advise u to be more constructive and of help in ur posts like sparkle up there, that would be help people in understanding or getting a glimpse of what's happening to them instead of laughing and going haha.

kind regards



  • Posts: 420
the infinite space within
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2008, 05:08:39 PM »
hmm, I sent you that email, though I missed this last post, I thought you were talking about your first post.

Like I said in my email, it's fine, let it feed your Bhakti. My Bhakti is no Bhakti. See, together, me and you, we make an enlightened being haha. Two sides of the same coin haha. 1+1=0

Be more constructive though? Who's to say destructive isn't constructive? What if I knew whacking you with a stick would help your enlightenment? Should I do it?

"and my brother Divineis it might not be a big deal for u but it is for me"
:) I'm cool with that. That was my point in my message. "I wouldn't want it any other way." Ego's awesome, it's a gift. I love it. I LOVE MY EGO. EGO'S ARE AWESOME!!! Honestly, people rock. Even the angriest most evil soul, how freaking awesome is it that we all get to grow and enjoy the trip. I mean, what if there was no ego, life would suck, it'd be all bliss, nothing to stir things up, nothing to work up to. "It's all perfect anyway..." aha.

Try to look at my full message when I say something to. Sometimes I'll say one thing, that might bring something up, and then contradict it later, and I do it on purpose, not cuz I like deceiving... it's because I like pointing at truth.


  • Posts: 420
the infinite space within
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2008, 06:12:11 PM »
Beirut, just another side thought. I'm sure you've probably heard it a jabillion times, but whatever, I'll say it anyway.

"and my brother Divineis it might not be a big deal for u but it is for me it shows me that i am progressing on my path"

There is no progression. No such thing. There's now. That's it. You just need to relax into the now moment. Progression implies a past to escape from, future to go to. That's why I laugh, there's nothing wrong with it, though it makes me laugh. I'm not laughing at you though, there's no you to progress, no you to laugh at, I want you to laugh along with me, you're already laughing along with me :). Honestly, I bet god isn't crying tears of compassion for us up there, he's laughing, he's all "oh man, they still haven't got the joke yet, they're gonna love this one!" hahaha  


  • Posts: 3001
the infinite space within
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2008, 12:59:59 AM »
true true true hahahhahaha, god bless u my friend and thx a lot for the great laughs here and on the email.

and i understand everything u're saying i can relate to it cz i use that methodology of thinking all of the time.

but advanced yogic techniques and so on sometimes seems to put me on that certain track of spiritual cleansing which is a good methodology to experience self realization as well and it isn't so bad mixing the two.

like in yogani's teachings concerning self enquiry and deep meditation.

but the truth be told sri sri i am we r already that and on that at least everyone here agrees but the ways of realizing that fact might differ a little but we r already free hahahaha i seem crazy now :)))).

take care dear Divineis.
