Author Topic: Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting  (Read 2420 times)


  • Posts: 182
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« on: June 15, 2010, 08:17:09 AM »
Hello wonderful souls. I have just been initiated into Kriya. Some of my practices require me to hold Kechari, at the moment I can just touch the top pallet, not the soft part yet, i don't even know if that's a stage of Kechari, this is quite uncomfortable. I am wanting to lengthen my tongue/stretch the frenum so I can get stage 1, 2, 3, 4, but there is something about cutting that just doesn't feel right with me, and didn't Lahiri Mahasaya say not to cut? I am not judging anyone else who cuts and don't necessarily want to hear arguments for it, I would just like to know what all the natural/non cutting methods are to help reach Kechari 1,2,3,4, is the roaring lion pose - Simhagarjanasana one of them? Is the other Talabya Kriya? Are there anymore and if the great Lahiri Mahasaya said not to cut, does anyone know what is his alternative?  

Maybe my thinking will change on this but my intuition just tells me not to cut. Again hope this isn't seen as judging, I just need educating I guess.

Om Shanti

Love and Light


  • Posts: 3178
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 08:24:06 AM »
Stretching (via tongue milking) works pretty good if you do it regularly.



  • Posts: 546
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 08:40:04 AM »
If it makes you feel better to cut, cutting is mentioned in ancient kechari mudra texts.


  • Posts: 787
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 08:48:59 AM »
Originally posted by 11jono11

Maybe my thinking will change on this but my intuition just tells me not to cut.

Personally, I'd go with that. Be your own Lahiri Mahasaya  [;)]



  • Posts: 969
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 01:49:35 PM »
You don't need to cut.  Just keep practicing.

Something else you can do: put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, so it's turned backwards.  Close your mouth and apply suction, so that the tongue is pulled back.  You can get a great stretch to the frenulum area this way.


  • Posts: 385
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 04:38:34 PM »
What were the reasons for Lahiri Mahasaya saying not to cut?

The same question was bothering me for a few years until I saw some cheap cuticle nippers in a hardware store.. lol.  Now its just another practice.  At stage 2/3 and plenty of frenulum to go!  Never thought I'd be glad about having lots of frenulum left.  The practice doesn't seem weird anymore either, besides, its not the first frunulum that I've ripped.. lol.

I heard Kechari isn't that useful until you reach a certain energetic condition and I think Yogani said that there is no physical prerequisite for spiritual development.. So maybe that's why Lahiri Mahasaya was saying not to cut - because the ones he was saying it to weren't ready yet.


  • Posts: 3001
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 04:44:48 PM »
Hi Jono, if you feel bad about cutting that's okay. couldn't do it here also, i've tried the methods in this book including the pushing and the results were good.

practice with caution and enjoy!



  • Posts: 911
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 07:24:21 PM »
I didn't cut (well i did one small snip out of curiousity but stopped there). I just stretched it and kept at it and now kechari is second nature, easy. So if you don't feel the urge to cut then there is no one who is going to pressure you into it. Try stretching first and if after some time you feel frustrated and feel the urge to snip your tongue be sure to read all the good detailed advice on this forum before attempting it. Oh, when I say "after some time" I mean years, not days or weeks. At the very minimum several months at least.


  • Posts: 28
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2010, 02:13:28 AM »
Originally posted by 11jono11

Hello wonderful souls. I have just been initiated into Kriya. Some of my practices require me to hold Kechari, at the moment I can just touch the top pallet, not the soft part yet, i don't even know if that's a stage of Kechari, this is quite uncomfortable. I am wanting to lengthen my tongue/stretch the frenum so I can get stage 1, 2, 3, 4, but there is something about cutting that just doesn't feel right with me, and didn't Lahiri Mahasaya say not to cut? I am not judging anyone else who cuts and don't necessarily want to hear arguments for it, I would just like to know what all the natural/non cutting methods are to help reach Kechari 1,2,3,4, is the roaring lion pose - Simhagarjanasana one of them? Is the other Talabya Kriya? Are there anymore and if the great Lahiri Mahasaya said not to cut, does anyone know what is his alternative?  

Maybe my thinking will change on this but my intuition just tells me not to cut. Again hope this isn't seen as judging, I just need educating I guess.

Om Shanti

Love and Light

Congrats on receiving initiation. May I ask who did it? I read your post as to who you were looking at since posting that question but dont have an answer so far. Also there seems to be a lack of knowledge regarding the true authentic methods as taught by Yogiraj Lahiree Mahasaya. This is understandable since there are so many who say they know it and dont. LOL many there are that claim to know this and that but i have found from years of research it just isnt true. Everyone i have seen mentioned so far (still searching this site) is not of the authentic Lineage. Even those from SRF as their version was changed by Yogananda himself, the lineage stopped with Him. NONE of the names mentioned so far practice the authentic lineage techniques according to my research and my brother/sister disciples. No proper technique, No real results to speak of. this is the reason that many left and are practicing different methods.

 i read Ennio's stuff years ago and he also wasnt initiated into an authentic lineage and therefore his techniques are not accurate. we never do just 600 breaths and 50 mahamudras either as someone mentioned, those numbers are not accurate as were mentioned in another post. Yogiraj did allow different people to practice different amounts however but there is a mathmatical pattern to them. Since then though there is generally a standard amount from beginning practices until the higher stages. I am not trying to diss the people that practiced what they THOUGHT was the Kriyayogasadhana methods and most are given under the pretense that they are in fact the traditional methods but this is just not true.

 So i am not sure who you did receive initiation from but wanted to clarify a few things. Not that i am some Guru but i have been initiated into an authentic lineage from my Guru in Kolkata and am trying to convey the truth that is known inside India and that has been twisted by others inside and outside India.  We know who was authorized for the most part in the direct lineages. you do not find them all over the internet. heck in India most people that practice dont even have internet. i know as i was there. LOL besides that there is what is called power load sharing that happens at peak times during the day and night especially at dark and electricity goes out so it wouldnt be good to try to get people thru the net. Even ones that carry the Lahiree last name that are still living are not authorized to initiate and this fact is also known in India. the reason i bring this up is because some say in the tradition of Kriyayogasadhana it is ok to cut the frenulum, but it is NOT. Yogiraj was strictly against it. Does this mean that others that do that who do not practice our methods are wrong in what they are doing. I do not think so as we arent the only ones that practice it! If you stick with Kriyayoga then i wouldnt. Hope this helps.

Also, try not to speak about what you do in your Kriya unless your Guru said it was ok. Most dont. Not bashing you here!!!!!

As for what Yogiraj Lahiree Mahasaya said, you should take that as gospel if practicing Kriyayogasadhana. Dont be in a hurry and resort to other methods. Keep practicing Talabya if you do. You should be practicing it but i know that alot of people arent. many dont practice other Kriyas from the original tradition either as they arent known or arent done correctly.

Again. Listen to what Yogiraj Lahiree Mahasaya said if you want to practice authentic Kriya. He said all others are false. Do the way He said it and you will have His blessings. This is of utmost importance. I am not saying all others are false mind you. HE DID. Most people dont get it outside our tradition or inside for that matter, as they only know what Yogananda wrote about Lahiree which many things were either incorrect or modified. I am not saying its completely his fault but it is fact. Lahiree Mahasaya was a lot more than a "Christ Like Yogi". If it were me, i would follow His advice, if you want to learn more then you may email me and i will give you information as to where you can find His own thoughts and experiences as contained in His 26 diaries. Good luck.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 07:20:03 AM by Kriyaban »


  • Posts: 546
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2010, 02:32:04 AM »
Originally posted by Kriyaban
As for what Yogiraj Lahiree Mahasaya said, you should take that as gospel.

On the other hand, Lord Shiva says to cut the 'frenum of death'


  • Posts: 28
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2010, 02:38:20 AM »
Originally posted by alwayson2

Originally posted by Kriyaban
As for what Yogiraj Lahiree Mahasaya said, you should take that as gospel.

On the other hand, Lord Shiva says to cut the 'frenum of death'

Exactly and some schools tend to think it means literally to cut. Others do it by other methods that over time "cuts" it. Its all in interpretation. Most that expound on the scriptures may have external knowledge but Yogiraj did write in His diaries what the entire Gita and other scriptures actually meant in the light of Kriya. thats all i am speaking about seeng as how the poster practices Kriyayogasadhana.  this was done thru His spirtual insight received in meditation. hence the reason some that take it literally and others listen to what a Spiritually realized person says. Its all in the interpretation. I am not saying he cant do it another way, i am just saying if he is practicing authentic Kriya, then he shouldnt. thats all brother.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 03:16:04 AM by Kriyaban »

Clear White Light

  • Posts: 231
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2010, 02:58:26 AM »
If you don't want to cut your tongue you shouldn't feel obligated to just because some spiritual traditions may advise it.  If you look long enough, I'm sure you will find a tradition which engages in basically any kind of behavior you can imagine.  Ultimately, it comes down to your own inner sense of guidance.  Personally, I don't think I would cut my tongue either, regardless of who instructed me to do so.


  • Posts: 3178
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2010, 03:09:46 AM »
Just FYI.....

Frenulum cutting is a medically accepted and oft used practice and is quite safe.  My daughter Amrita (1 month old today) was born with a very large frenulum and she could not stick her tongue out of her mouth very far making it difficult for her to breastfeed....our doctor actually recommended cutting the frenulum (which we did on the 5th day after birth).  If done properly it is completely safe and pretty much painless.



  • Posts: 911
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2010, 06:25:06 AM »
Wow Carson, is this the new "yogic circumcision" ritual?


  • Posts: 3178
Kechari, I don't feel right about cutting
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2010, 06:44:09 AM »
Originally posted by Victor

Wow Carson, is this the new "yogic circumcision" ritual?

Hahaha.  It really had nothing to do with yoga, but I was certainly thinking about how it would make Kechari easier for her later in life.  The reason they cut it was because it makes it easier for her to breastfeed and because it may have made it difficult for her to speak when the frenulum was so big.  Basically she was "tongue-tied".
