Author Topic: kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in  (Read 3787 times)


  • Posts: 2604
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #30 on: August 17, 2005, 12:54:01 AM »

Hello Ebby,

Congratulations on taking the plunge!  [:)]  Not bad,  eh?

You have probably gotten rid of the frenal membrane which is the forward-most web-like part of the frenum.   Sometimes one single little snip gets rid of that -- this seems to have happened in your case.  In my case it took two.

There is plenty more frenum in there.  What will be left is probably a little bulging ridge running up the center.  Further towards the bottom it may be squishier and fatter and more inside the tongue.

If you want,  wait until it heals and re-assess it then.

Best regards,


Originally posted by ebby

Well, I snipped my  tongue's frenulum last night.  There is just a little soreness where the snip is.  There was very little blood and the bleeding stopped almost immediately.  However, I do have a question.  Once this is done will there be need to do this again?  I looked at the area of frenulum this morning and it seemed to have shrunken as I rolled back my tongue.  There is no protrusion of the frenulum.  So I am assuming I did the snip correctly. I guess I will know more when the area has healed.  So wishing all a wonderful day and greetings from Germany.  Om Shanti

Ebony-Khadija Davis


  • Posts: 8
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #31 on: August 19, 2005, 12:43:21 AM »
Hello to everyone, I hope all are in good spirits and health.  Two days ago, I did my first snipping.  It went rather well.  It bled a little and stop just as fast as it appeared. However, I am sure that more snipping will be necessary.  I guess it is best to wait until the first snip is healed before commencing again with the next bit of cutting.  So, I wish all a wonderful weekend.  Receive a warm embrace straigt from Germany.  Ebby

Ebony-Khadija Davis


  • Posts: 8
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #32 on: August 19, 2005, 12:52:44 AM »
Oh my Godl, how silly, I did not read the messages before, I  was stuck on page one.   Thank you all for writing and the info.   Wishing you all a again a wonderful weekend.  Aum Shanti.

Ebony-Khadija Davis


  • Posts: 39
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #33 on: August 26, 2005, 11:30:35 AM »
Lambika Yoga: Practice of Khechari Mudra - Lambika Yoga
By Sri Swami Sivananda


Lambika Yoga

Practice of Khechari Mudra is Lambika Yoga. The technique of the Mudra is explained below. He who practises this Mudra will have neither hunger nor thirst. He can walk in the sky. This Yoga is beset with difficulties.


This is a very difficult Yoga. It has to be learnt under a developed Yogi Guru who has practised this Yoga for a long time and attained full success.


It is kept secret by Yogis. It confers great Siddhis or powers. It is a great help to control the mind.


He who has attained success in this Mudra, will have neither hunger nor thirst. He can control his Prana quite easily.


Khechari Mudra, Yoni Mudra or Shanmukhi Mudra, Sambhavi Mudra, Asvini Mudra, Maha Mudra and Yoga Mudra are the important Mudras. Among these Mudras, Khechari Mudra is the foremost. It is the king of the Mudras. Mudra means a seal. It puts a seal to the mind and Prana. Mind and Prana come under the control of a Yogi.


Khechari Mudra consists of two important Kriyas viz., Chhedan and Dohan.


The lower part of the front portion of the tongue, the frenum lingua, is cut to the extent of a hair's breadth with a sharp knife once in a week. Afterwards powder of turmeric is dusted over it. This is continued for some months. This is Chhedan.


Afterwards the Yogic student applies butter to the tongue and lengthens it daily. He draws the tongue in such a way that it is similar to the process of milking the udder of a cow. This is Dohan.


When the tongue is sufficiently long (it should touch the tip of the nose) the student folds it, takes it back and closes the posterior portion of the nostrils. Now he sits and meditates. The breath stops completely.


For some the cutting and the lengthening of the tongue is not necessary. They are born with a long tongue.


He who has attained perfection in this Mudra becomes a walker in the sky. Queen Chudala had this Siddhi or power.


He who has purity and other divine virtues, who is free from desire, greed and lust, who is endowed with dispassion, discrimination and strong aspiration or longing for liberation will be benefited by the practice of this Mudra.


The Mudra helps the Yogi to get himself buried underneath the ground.



  • Posts: 911
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #34 on: August 26, 2005, 05:19:29 PM »
"The Mudra helps the Yogi to get himself buried underneath the ground."

 This will happen to all of us soon enough with or without kechari!

but seriously, it refers to the ability to go long periods of time without needing much air. Some yogis bury themselves in underground chambers to demonstrate their control of prana as they remain unharmed by lack of air.


  • Posts: 39
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #35 on: August 27, 2005, 03:14:49 AM »
@ Victor

You wrote in an other threat about the discussion in the yahoo group about cutting the frenum. Could you please give me the www. adress?



  • Posts: 21
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2005, 06:07:27 AM »

See lessons #108 & #223 on kechari and frenum snipping at and The AYP topic index on the top menu of any lesson page has more lesson links on kechari too.

You can find all the forum discussions on kechari by searching on it (or maybe "kechari frenum" or "kechari snip") either from "search" on the forum top menu or from the Google site search page at


  • Posts: 39
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #37 on: August 27, 2005, 09:24:21 AM »
The lessons on khechari mudra at I read already but I thought the sites at yahoo group is something different.

THANKS anyway!


  • Posts: 21
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #38 on: August 27, 2005, 03:14:19 PM »
The Yahoo group lessons are the same as on The Yahoo group forum is additional discussions by members and is copied to the forums here, and is searchable here. It is not necessary to go back to Yahoo for any of it. It is all here on in the lessons and forums.

Best wishes.


  • Posts: 39
kechari -- can't stop pushing the uvula in
« Reply #39 on: August 28, 2005, 10:29:52 PM »

I just recovered that that is MUCH more than a forum. That is great !
I already ordered the book at amazon.

THANKS to all!