Author Topic: Anyone here practicing Amaroli?  (Read 7527 times)


  • Posts: 112
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #30 on: June 04, 2006, 05:56:47 AM »

How are doing with your amaroli??

Are you still doing it? Are you okay after your 22 oz extravaganza:-)

Would love to hear your thoughts as we are both new to this.



  • Posts: 875
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #31 on: June 04, 2006, 06:02:38 AM »
That's great news, Babaly!  Welcome to the pee-drinkers club.  Thanks to this thread that you started I've increased my urine to a half cup.  The bad news with this is that it does make the drink warmer, which I agree isn't very appetizing. [xx(]   I'm seriously considering adding an ice cube.


  • Posts: 14
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #32 on: June 04, 2006, 06:49:18 AM »
Hi everyone,I am very tempted to start the amaroli therapy,
but i understand if you are taking certain tablets, it's not adviceable.
 Can anyone advice and confirmed please,
Divine Love


  • Posts: 4947
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #33 on: June 04, 2006, 07:43:23 AM »
Meg, what do you do during your periods.. do you continue amaroli?


  • Posts: 875
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #34 on: June 04, 2006, 07:48:46 AM »
Shanti - I skip it on day 1, maybe on day 2, but my flow is much lighter than it used to be so I don't really need to.  I also skip it if I've had something decadent the night before, like a martini, and definitely not after eating asparagus!  :)


  • Posts: 969
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2006, 11:23:24 AM »

It depends on what tablets you take, so you'll need to talk to your doctor first.  Yes, it's embarassing to let your doctor know that you drink your own pee but it's much better than being hospitalized for going into shock or possibly dying.  If you aren't able to do amaroli, it isn't that big of a deal.  I have trouble imagining someone being sad/mad because they couldn't drink their own pee [:D].



  • Posts: 112
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #36 on: June 04, 2006, 12:24:41 PM »
Thanks Shanti for bringing that up - I was going to ask Meg too:-)

It's funny - looking back on today - I feel a little stronger - I went and did a 90 mins yoga class and came home rarin' to go.
Usually I am wiped after that.

I just finished reading a book on amaroli and they mention that it's better to drink it undiluted in water. So this morning I drank just like a 1/2 of an ounce. I will make it a bit more tomorrow.




  • Posts: 235
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2006, 05:39:36 PM »
Hi Babaly

Yes I'm still drinkin'

2-3 four oz. servings in the morning, undiluted

seems to help with energy[:)]

tinkles, alan


  • Posts: 2604
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #38 on: June 05, 2006, 01:33:35 AM »
Meg said:
The bad news with this is that it does make the drink warmer, which I agree isn't very appetizing.

Think seaweed soup.  Or nettle soup.


  • Posts: 284
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #39 on: June 05, 2006, 05:41:41 AM »
Hi All,  

I've been doing it on and off for about a year or two.  

At first just think of it as a homeopathic treatment and just take a very tiny bit in the morning shower.

First thing in the morning is key.  The energy of the urine has a nice charge to it then, and that's mentioned in Chinese teachings.  

Just take a taste in the shower until you are past the gross-out phase and then take as much as you like.

It doesn't have to be a daily practice either, it can be a pick-me-up, if you feel a cold coming on, once a week, etc.  It's like checking the oil of your car.  Just a taste gives you non-verbal information after you've been doing it a bit and you sort of adjust your aura a bit.  Something like that.

While I'm sure that there are actual chemical benefits, I think that the primary benefits are vibrational/homeopathic.  Maybe it's taking a bladder vibe and distributing it around the system that helps energy move more smoothly amongst the different organ systems.  Maybe it's taking the night vibe and adding it to the daytime.  Maybe it's straight up homeopathic theory.  Some say that even just smelling their pee helps impart a homeopathic benefit on an energy level.

There's also a psychological benefit too.  Yogani mentioned this in his post about simply getting over aversion towards things that leave the body.  For some reason I have definitely benefitted by getting over my aversion to peepee.  It has helped some of my other aversions like from particular bugs, certain forms of intimacy([:p]), etc.  For some reason, just getting over this aversion has a benefit.

This practice hasn't "changed my life" but every little change adds up, and it doesn't take any time to do.  So, it's a 'free' practice in that respect, so might as well look into it.

Finally, I have a very hard time getting a rise out of my family any more, but bragging about this practice works great!![}:)]  Just use it on people who can handle it, of course.  

Don't tell Mom![:)]



  • Posts: 235
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #40 on: June 06, 2006, 10:59:11 AM »
I like it!

I think I'm getting addicted[:0]


  • Posts: 14
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #41 on: June 06, 2006, 11:52:05 AM »
Hi Scott, thanks for the info, I will have to wait for more response from the forum ,anybody with the same problem.
The tablets are for high blood pressure and cholesterol, I understand after amaroli treatment I might not
need those tablets.


  • Posts: 362
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #42 on: June 10, 2006, 10:22:58 AM »

thirumandiram, one of the ancient siddhar writings guides us on amaroli.

utilizing yogic wisdom, this is a thought offered.

- do not drink the first pee in the morning. contains too much bile.
- drink lots of water and do not drink this pee again.
- do your yoga/meditate and empower our pee. now do the amaroli.
- most yogis believe that the more we meditate, the more rejuvenating the amaroli job is.
- advisable to not do the amaroli when we have tamasic substance in us (as in the food or drink we may have had) or when we have not been within our center.
- utilze the act of amaroli to work in tantric insights. while peeing, stop in between, and feel a mini explosion below at the muladhara and take the energies up to the third eye. learning this inner pattern of energy, utilize this subtle map of guidance through the larger energies in a sexual orgasm.


with folded hands!aum


  • Posts: 969
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #43 on: June 10, 2006, 10:28:34 AM »
That's interesting, Nandhi.  I've read that taking the first pee was the best, because the body is at rest all night.  It makes sense to do it after meditation, because our bodies go into samadhi and it'd have the same effect.  I'll have to try it...thanks!



  • Posts: 911
Anyone here practicing Amaroli?
« Reply #44 on: June 10, 2006, 10:46:28 AM »
I was taught by my ayurvedic teacher to drink first in teh morning but to drink the midstream, to realease a little before filling your cup and then releasing the rest. it was recommended to have a low protein vegetarian diet as well but from i have read and observed it is better to do anyway even if the diet is not perfect but not to do large amounts, maybe 1 cup in the morning