Author Topic: Immovably on that which sees  (Read 525 times)


  • Posts: 3001
Immovably on that which sees
« on: May 21, 2013, 05:49:30 PM »

There is a
saying, "Beat the steel [put] in fire to shape when it is hot" ! When
your [our] mind is rested in the Heart, let us bring to our attention
the following two very powerful
spiritual instructions of Sri Bhagavan, given to Two of His earliest devotees :
'Manavasi Ramaswami Iyer' and 'Frank Humphreys'. These Words of Grace
of the Master assume greater significance when we come to know that
they were imparted in the 1910s by Sri Bhagavan (who was then "NOT
popular" in the worldly sense
of the term) !

"In 1908, my father and I visited Arunachala. The town was crowded
as the 'Karthigai Deepam' festival was on. On hearing about 'Brahmana
Swami' -- a saintly sadhu living in Virupaksha Cave on the Hill -- we
went there. When we reached the cave, a person at the entrance
stoutly refused us permission to go in and see the swami. I
challenged his authority to deny us permission. Fortunately, the
swami came out just then. I was thrilled to see him. Something
inside me appeal for relief from the physical ailments and mental
anguish that were constantly troubling me. The swami replied, 'I am
neither a medical doctor nor a soothsayer,' and started walking away.
Not giving up, I followed him and retorted, 'I came to you hearing
about your great spiritual attainment. Maybe I am not destined to
find relief.' The swami suddenly stopped walking, turned to me and
looking at me with piercing eyes said, 'Develop an attitude of
accepting such challenges with inner determination. Nothing can shake
you.' Then, heraised the right hand in blessing. I felt pure rays of
light emanating frfom it and enveloping me. This filled me with the
confidence to accept challenges in the future with the attitude that
the Higher Power will assuredly protect me."


[His descriptions of the Great Master which he recorded in a letter
to his friend in England, were published in the "International Psychic

"Sri Bhagavan : The phenomena we see are curious and surprising --
but, the most marvellous thing of all we do not realise, and that is
that one and only one illimitable force that is responsible for all
the phenomena we see and the act of seeing them. Do not fix your
attention on all these changing things of life, death and phenomena.
Do not think of even the actual act of seeing them of perceiving them,
but only of that which sees all these things, that which is
responsible for it all. This will seem nearly impossible at first,
but by degrees the result will be felt. It takes years of study and
daily practice, but that is how a Master is made. Give yourself a
quarter of an hour a day. Try to keep the mind unshakably fixed on
that which sees. It is inside you. Do not expect to find that 'The'
as something definite on which the mind can be fixed easily -- it will
not be so. Though it takes years to find that 'that', the results of
this concentration will soon show themselves in four or five months
time -- in all sorts of unconscious clairvoyance in peace of mind, in
the power to deal with troubles, in tdhe power all around., always
unconscioius power. I have given you these teachings in the same
words that the Master gives to his intimate disciples. From now on,
let your whole thougfht in meditation be not on the act of seeing, nor
on what you see, but immovably on that which sees."


Copied From Sir Alan Jacobs Advaita Vedanta group on facebook.


  • Posts: 3001
Immovably on that which sees
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 11:23:46 PM »


  • Posts: 350
Immovably on that which sees
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 05:36:46 AM »

Sri Ganesan's soul is very clear in these words...
