Author Topic: Yoga nidra  (Read 1043 times)


  • Posts: 1673
Yoga nidra
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:31:08 PM »
During regular enquiry there is a quiescent state, peaceful, deep, suffused with pleasant warmth and light like the Sun. No thought permeates, or at least the thoughts have zero energy, just passing clouds in a clear sky.

However it is still an experience of a type, still scenery although it has no obvious component. I'm reminded of the film 'poltergeist' where they say not to go into the light. I experience this light and the comfort and attraction it holds gets stronger and more intense with enquiry.

Some part knows this is a honey trap, it means forever sleeping, like a relaxing anaesthetic and isn't really truth (although, just like the thought of a deep refreshing sleep it is very seductive).

By asking the question "to who does this experience happen" some small chink appears, but it is tiny and weak compared to the huge pull of the blessed out peacefulness of this new illusion.

It is like leaving the muddy banks of the shore to be cast adrift on an endless shining sea with a gentle warm, fragrant breeze allowing the boat to drift. Bloody hard not to like that sensation as it's like the perfect feeling on a perfect holiday.

Self enquiry feels very weak as an antidote, is there a way of delving deeper, faster to avoid this ? Someway of supercharging the enquiry?

Floating on an ocean of serene eternity for the moment and shall enjoy it for a while[:D]


  • Posts: 2294
Yoga nidra
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2011, 08:35:17 PM »
yes yoga nidra is tempting


  • Posts: 1
Yoga nidra
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2014, 11:03:26 PM »
If you have a question why someone should master sleep, here is the answer: sleeping time is the only time during the day when your body and mind relaxes, when it has time to rejuvenate and ensure proper functioning when being awake again. Quality sleep reduces stress and anxiety, gives energy and strengthens immunity, it restores the natural processes helping to avoid illnesses related to stress and aging, it helps us to stay strong, peaceful and in control of our own lives. If you appreciate productive working, strength of body and mind and vital energy, learn to appreciate the natural source of it – quality sleep. Many people sleep well during the night and fall asleep easily because of being overworked or tired. Do they really switch off their senses falling into deep sleep state or that’s just an illusion? Night’s sleep as that is not a spiritual practice. During Yoga Nidra practitioners seem to be totally asleep while their consciousness continues to work in higher and deeper levels of awareness that we simply don’t reach in our daily lives. It reduces the brainwave activity reaching the last one – Delta state that most of people don’t reach even while being totally asleep. Practicing Yoga Nidra you can reach this level expanding your awareness being in deeply relaxed state.
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