Author Topic: 3 masters you would like to meet and why  (Read 4417 times)


  • Posts: 3597
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2009, 01:56:03 PM »
Originally posted by YogaIsLife

Yeah, ok Ether - but a rock for example may never teach me (or it may take a much longer time!) the nature of mind, because it simply is not conscious (or wonders)the way I am. A yogi or zen monk who have honestly dedicated years or a lifetime to the study and practice of meditation and the nature of the human mind and conscioussness may be in a much better position to teach me something quicker! [;)] Of course I am talking about the nature of the human mind and of conscioussness here.

But a rock can be a great teacher at certain times and for certain people I grant you that!

Inanimate objects and animals don't teach the same way as old school teachers. Don't expect them to act like the "masters" you read about in stories.
And yes, what you are saying makes perfect sense to the logical mind. If you believe you can only learn from masters, then it is true for you. Of course there has to be no question in your mind as to what a master is.


  • Posts: 3597
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2009, 02:02:07 PM »
Christiane that makes sense to me; the seeker is not searching for his guru. I don't know how my inner guru would guide me to a crown opening, but i have complete faith.


  • Posts: 422
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2009, 03:51:48 PM »
You can progress without any master. But it's not always safe.. (here, I think about crown chakra opening which is best taken care of by the guru).
From the muladhara to the ajna, you may manage the progression with all its elements.
But for the crown and beyond, better be in the presence of an enlightened one you trust totally, unconditionnally.
So you don't really choose ur master, rather he comes to you at the right moment.. he's a key. You are always free to use it or not.
The guru is in me, yes, true. The 'outer' guru is nothing but the mirror of this inner guru.. if he's not, he's probably not for you, for that moment at least..

Hi Christiane & All, Hope you're all having a nice weekend.:@)

Actually, I think your inner guru is the guide to a smooth wholesome crown opening.That said, outer guides,teachers are invaluable and necessary.  Especially prudent  to be wisely informed regarding the fact things can go wrong,what can go wrong etc..(risk assessment relative to self-pacing, i guess we might call it)..I  have heard someone say 'from the third-eye to the crown, you're on your own buddy'--- yes , but you're always on your own, in some sense. But, yeah,even Einstein could not have not come up with relativity theory, without a few teachers.

I do believe the crown should open safely by itself if you do follow core AYP, particularly DM- that seems made for it, a great stabiliser.Indeed May have stabilised me a few yrs ago.. avoiding a lot of unecessary discomfort,life dislocation.

My nervous system probably is'nt the most sensitive out there,but Yogani has marked out a very clear,logical and safe path..if we take on board self-pacing,that is :@) (Proceed with caution- but don't unecessarily freak yourself out either ,with needless worry,concern. Sometimes making the "big" mistakes, or useful lessons  early on can serve us better long--term anyway. Failing spectacularly (or learning the 'hard way'  perhaps) inevitably makes us wiser,more compassionate,anyway. i have found in my life, learning is never-ending.Skillful and creative adaptation could be part of that,when one is face with new situations,fresh challeneges.It's all too often when we think we have it ALL worked out,Read- ego/pride,( & allowing complacency to more easily slip in-there is no room for it),that we set ourselves up for  yet.. another lesson,Hell-ter Skelter roller==coaster-ride..The Universe's way of re-ordering itself,perhaps? What goes up or moves in one trajectory path does'nt always continue , or have to, in that pparticular direction..So the 'Enlightened' state is not permament;it being dynamic is  probably closer to the truth. The illussion of a straight-ish " path" , where the twists and turns, the patterns of expansion/contraction, are expected, and usually predictable can be a cruel one.This is what Siva teaches, that what is created will eventually get destroyed, a cyclical dynamic is occurring conitnually.It's a process,not a big-bang event.No one can cheat death,in the normal sense implied , the Universe's space-time continuum dynamics,even with daily advanced yoga practices.& Nothing is certain, or should be taken for granted..

AYP has taught me this- that yoga is a definite science, practices are cause and efect, but you also have to accept your own karma.The latter is the challenging bit, the bit you don't have as much control over( if any) That's partly why a humble and joyful acceptance of where you are at any stage in the here & now, even if it involves some unpleasantnes and suffering,is key.This is where regular practice of DM is really helpful

Yes, If you trip up and fall over, in life,as you see it, yeah there is not much to serve you ( your dharma or sense of purpose in life--meaning)  in getting down in the dumps about. Perhpas  analyse your mistake(s)but  carry on- :>) [8D]  The potential for Continual adaptation,how we respond to change is a useful trait of our continued evolution.And I'm sure we can all learn from each other, whether that be a a rock,a plant or a fully enlightened , self-realized 'Master'[:)] Everything is a teacher.Whichever teahcers appear ar anmy given moment on our unique & individual paths,i.e lives, is also tied in with karma(assuming you attach some kind of plausability to that notion).

Nothing is safe- (i.e entirely predictable) .....& Nothing is logical.

Lots of Love,
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 12:27:47 PM by Akasha »


  • Posts: 53
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2009, 05:19:53 PM »
Originally posted by Etherfish
Inanimate objects and animals don't teach the same way as old school teachers. Don't expect them to act like the "masters" you read about in stories.
So true indeed!

My beautiful metallic-green car was totaled in a high-impact collision an the highway a couple of months ago. I had become  attached to that well-maintained luxury sedan more than I was willing to admit to. So on that fateful day the car was sacrificed to save my life.

The settlement money from the insurance company was not enough to cover the purchase of a comparably well-maintained model. Thus I was seriously considering repairing the severely damaged thing for a salvage title.

I had been agonizing over the salvage vs let-go decision for a few days when I noticed a dead cicada being scavenged by a army of ants right on the floor of the now-empty carport. Funny creature, with that stubby torso, but with those long gorgeously translucent green wings and the big, big eyes! I did not think much of any connection with my wrecked vehicle and soon enough the whole little scene was heavily sprayed  with my trusty bottle of insecticide and discarded into the brushes at the far-end of the backyard.

 A couple of days later I saw a second (less decomposed) cicada on the parking area a few feet from the carport. Same Green wings and big eyes! Now, in a moment of post-meditation clarity, I am keenly observing  on the one end this dead cicada being slowly dragged away by these hundreds of tiny ants, and on the other end my wrecked car now sitting a few yard away in the grass by the carport.

The thought came by, that this dead insect is somewhat symbolic of my totaled vehicle, with the same metallic green color and big eyes representing the striking xenon lights on the car! Then a second though came, that the vehiclce is to be released, and parted to live on in dozens of other vehicles as this modest insect is being grateful and graciously recycled to partake in the ongoing live of these hundreds of ants. I seemed to "get the message" for a few moments there. But soon enough the whole non-sense was dismissed as imaginative scenery.

A few days later, as I was cleaning the little commuter car (for those long, slow,  back road traffic), wouldn't you know it, there comes a third green cicada, flops down at my feet to surrender it last life force to Mother Nature. The signal went out almost instantly and Little recyclers/scavengers started to show up to reclaim the wise creature. Oh, how easy it seemed then, to just surrender this life when nature calls for it! I was silently watching the whole show as I continue to clean the little Geo metro.

Now I got the Message!  Later that week I purchased another vehicle
and started reclaiming parts out of my old car. Good bye Old Friend!
Thank you for the lesson in service, surrender, and self-sacrifice.
Live on in Pieces! It did take the collaboration of three other messengers/teachers in the form of green cicadas, but the message has been received, loud and clear, for now.

Yes, indeed, my friends, Teachers are everywhere/everything.



  • Posts: 641
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2009, 07:30:47 PM »
Inanimate objects and animals don't teach the same way as old school teachers. Don't expect them to act like the "masters" you read about in stories.
And yes, what you are saying makes perfect sense to the logical mind. If you believe you can only learn from masters, then it is true for you. Of course there has to be no question in your mind as to what a master is.

I am not talking from the logical mind but from the heart/intuition. I also don't tend to demonize the mind and think that "it is never a good guide". The mind is as good a teacher or veicuhle for self-realisation as any, as the body or any external stimuli can be. In fact it has to be through the mind (and all the rest body/mind/soul - our whole being) that we come to realise. Everythting has to be included of course. So it does not seem like a good strategy to me to demonise the mind and leave it out of the equation as the "bad guy" (Yogani talked about this in one of the lessons).

But anyway I am talking about intuition and following one's heart here, this is the important thing. If my heart tells me an experienced and honest meditator has something valuable and helpful to teach me why can't I follow it? But I did not say that I DEFINITELY need a master. That is not the only way of course. In this thread I was merely trying to share the enthusiasm and heart's shinning that can occur when we read certain inspirational stories or dream to meet someone who can "take us there" quick and in a fascinating and wonderful way. That is all. [:)] Some resonate with it, other don't. That is alright.


  • Posts: 319
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2009, 07:53:59 PM »
Originally posted by YogaIsLife
The mind is as good a teacher or veicuhle for self-realisation as any, as the body or any external stimuli can be.

YIL, thank you for the reminder that nothing has to be disguarded to help your growth..
I was just pointing out that the mind is a servant, a wonderful servant. Not a demon at all!
It becomes a demon when you fall in its trap and becomes its slave.
As long as you're moving from your heart and awareness, you are the master of your house, and the mind will be a precious ally.


  • Posts: 641
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2009, 10:28:31 PM »
It's understood Christiane [:)] Thank you!


  • Posts: 113
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2009, 10:56:59 PM »
Maybe not masters, but inspirational and funny characters. Am I naive or what [:D] If I met them that would have to happen in the proper context!

Han solo, Star wars, The charming rogue adventurer with attitude, a fast spaceship and a big universe waiting for him.
Chris Pontius, Jackass & Wildboyz, Very very amusing dude. Seems to be absolutely fearless. I hear he has even wrestled with bears, etc.
Captain Jack Sparrow, pirates of the Caribbean, is the unstoppable captain of his life, always properly confused about something and likes it that way [:D]
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 11:14:50 PM by atena »


  • Posts: 641
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2009, 12:39:59 AM »
You caught the spirit very well atena [:)] Yes, people that stir us up inside, that inspire us, that light some potentiality inside, or a sense of adventure, or something higher, bigger, better maybe, more pure sometimes...

That list reminded me of Corto Maltese as well! [:D]


  • Posts: 3597
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #24 on: October 04, 2009, 03:59:27 AM »
Yes YIL, now I agree with you. If we follow our intuition which is pretty close to inner guru, we can learn from everything and everyone, including "masters".
What i was objecting to is the idea that masters are the only teachers. They are not the only teachers, sometimes they are not good teachers, and they are not really "masters"!

Master is just a misused word. I am a "master electrician", almost 30 years experience, but I don't consider myself a master of all electrical. Nobody is. The field of knowledge is too large and rapidly changing for anyone to know all of it. You can be a "master" of wiring houses, or maybe industrial motors, or of elevators, but anyone who says they know it all I can prove wrong in 2 minutes.
And i think it is the same for any field including spirituality. People think there is some stage where you are intimately connected to God and no longer make mistakes. Deep meditation will fairly easily make ALL of us connected to God. But we still make mistakes.

Why can't there be a "perfect" state, making you a "master"?
Because the highest spiritual state is to help everyone else become enlightened.
And there is no one path that can help everyone.
Different people need different things to become enlightened. Teachers need to be vastly different for vastly different students.
A true "master" should be able to teach everyone perfectly, but that is impossible. This is the flaw in religions, and why they can't stop fighting each other. No way is perfect for everyone.
But our inner guru (intuition; heart) will guide us to the teachers we need.

brother neil

  • Posts: 752
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #25 on: October 04, 2009, 11:59:05 AM »
Jesus, he is like a superhero of light
buhda, he was just happy sittin by a tree
myself, so I could finially punch myself in the nose[:D]
« Last Edit: October 04, 2009, 12:16:14 PM by brother neil »


  • Posts: 292
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2009, 12:29:54 AM »
when I first read this post it made me cry alot.

I have the perfect teacher that I do not call master.

not my kind of language...master stuff.

I also think now along the lines that really everything and everybody is could it not be?

The teacher seems to emulate for me the essence of smart, well read, healthy, committed, talented,  peaceful and gentle.

I had the opportunity to stop by since I was driving across the U.S recently and was so close to that person, even though she appears as myself..their is still a practical desire to know her.I could not bring myself to the door, because of my own negativity and the very fact is the betrayal on my end keeps me away. why after all of this would I continue to corner or pain someone?
what more could someone teach me, if I don't continue the path of ayp

brother neil

  • Posts: 752
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #27 on: October 12, 2009, 11:07:12 AM »
oh, I would also like to meet
the easter bunny
the tooth fairy, and
Santa Clause, even though if you just move the N in his name it spells satan.  [:)][:D]


  • Posts: 346
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #28 on: October 12, 2009, 07:14:21 PM »
brother neil, sadly we do get to meet all three of these characters as we grow out of our childhood and realize they were are parents all along. I hope we can all return to that wonder and keep whatever wisdom we have gained as adults someday.


  • Posts: 967
3 masters you would like to meet and why
« Reply #29 on: November 10, 2009, 07:29:29 AM »
Here's three favorites of mine (from a very long list) who I would like to experience being in the physical presence of.

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, because he is so direct and so intense.

Bhagavan Nityananda because I just love his radiance and childlike sweetness.

Lahiri Mahasaya, to experience being in the presence of his energetic form.