Author Topic: * * * Stars * * *  (Read 668 times)


  • Posts: 2055
* * * Stars * * *
« on: February 18, 2008, 08:40:10 AM »
Recently someone mentioned stars in a thread, that there's something about stars that is puzzling. It would be wonderful if you wanted to add and share your experiences and thoughts about stars here.

I'm falling madly in love with stars at the moment. Star gazing occurs frequently, and I melt in a peculiar way every time... I just loved the film "Stardust" - it contains so much Truth. A lovestory with a fallen star in a strange wonderland... Synchronicity is showing me stars everywhere. (Just bought a night gown with the brand mark "Flying star" on it, when I met my partner, he was acting the "star holder" in a Christmas play, etc etc...)

I remember Bernie talking about stars... that every person is actually a star... !?

Barry Long has a long passage in his book "The origins of Man and the Universe" explaining stars. Giving a short quote here:

Stars are really  apertures or openings to the one reality behind the intellect; each star is a different aspect, or window. Stars are power. They are the nearest thing to simultaneous being and non-being as is demonstrated by the paradox of light. All light comes from the stars sometimes acting as a particle (being) and other times as a wave (non-being).

Stars are present in the universe as gravitation. Stars are gravitation. Gravitation is the one constant reality from which all subsequent existence arises. And it is present only in stars although it appears to be in planetary and other orbital matter. Each piece of matter takes its gravitational power from the star or stars whose system it is in. Stars do not consist of matter such as is found in the planets. In a way, they can be called ethereal, non-existen apart from gravitational influence which makes them discernible through their subsequent effects on matter.

There's something about stars... What's your knowing about stars?


  • Posts: 1264
* * * Stars * * *
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 05:06:02 AM »
On your recommendation, emc, I watched the movie Stardust recently.  My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

When I think of stars in relation to mysticism, I think of an inner vision of something like stars or bright sparks splaying and falling on a darkened background in the third eye and then awakening from ecstatic annihilation into conscious desireless bliss.


  • Posts: 19
* * * Stars * * *
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 05:07:51 AM »
What a joy to read Long's quote. In this morning's meditation, at some point I did not go back to the mantra in that I began to feel a larger-than-usual scared. Uncharacteristically for me I abandoned all previous methods to be with fear. What came to mind and heart and all being was to ask for a star. A star??!

So I did. "Sit in a star" I said, and suddenly I stood in space before the heart of star opening up to accept me. Fear dissolved in the star's impossibly-simultaneous-cracking-open-dark-laced-with-light. It was like fear of mine had never even existed. Nothing before then had existed. And the whole of my head was in blackness, in the totality of space - stunned and gladly consumed the beauty before me and within me. It was isolating and all inclusive all at once. The star was brilliantly lit and radiating all at the same time darkly dense and physical.

Now from this morning's experience alone I say there IS personality in stars! Stardust might not be so far off!! [:D][:D][:D]


  • Posts: 2055
* * * Stars * * *
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2008, 09:45:46 PM »
Bewell, I'm glad you enjoyed the film! [:)]

Wonderful to hear, Julie!

Not so surprising, I also had an experience recently. I joined a guided meditation for the full moon, and we were to go to sit on a mountain, watch the sunset over the ocean. When the sun was gone, the moon showed up, and we were just to sit there with the full moon shining over the ocean and see what happened. We could also ask whatever we wished the Universe would show us.

It was the most beautiful scenery with the silvery ocean, moon and starry dark sky! I saluted the moon which came down from the sky to cirle around my head instead. I saluted the earth, and a tree grew up beside me like a protecting friend. I saluted the Ocean, and when I did that, I saw at the horison a wave coming in. It was a gigantic tsunami wave stretching infinitely far to the sides, coming straight toward me. It stopped just in hight with the mountain where I sat and invited me to jump on. I threw myself backwards, landed on the wave and let myself be carried away. The wave turned, I melted into it and off we went all over the ocean as One. [:)] There were only the stars left to salute. I asked them what they were. They whispered in a scattered choir again and again "We are watching you, watching you.. we are watching you..." I didn't understand anything. I asked them to be more clear. Then I saw every star sending a beam to reach me as I lay on the top of the tsunami wave. I felt the connection there, and I sort of "know" we are bonded, but I still didn't understand much. So I approached one star and asked it specifically: You, please tell me what or who you are! And then this enormous energy came down, much like the way you describe, Julie!!! No fear, very friendly, very safe, it embraced me forcefully and I burst out in tears. But still... I didn't understand much more...

After the meditation it was free for questions. I asked the leader what he knew about stars, and he started babbling something mindy. Then he closed his eyes, came back after a silence and said smilingly... "Well... we are made of stardust!" And my right hand went straight up like an antenna, left hand down to earth and I cried and cried getting that deeper knowing of the truth in that. I said "Stars are very close to the Source!" and continued to cry.

Then a man who also attended the meditation, a scientist who had done research on light, started explaining to me how anti-materia are formed in the black holes and then stardust/light is somehow born from the black hole. I don't know much about such things and can't remember what he said, but it sounded very relevant at the time, giving an extra piece of the puzzle!


I like stars. Don Miguel Ruiz also writes about the consciousness system of Light, how the Sun gets information from the Central Star of our Galaxy, and how that star in turn gets information from more and more central stars until the core is hit: The Central Star of the Universe. And I guess that's the star we see at the end of the Sushumna...? Right?

« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 09:46:55 PM by emc »


  • Posts: 2055
* * * Stars * * *
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2008, 07:37:49 PM »
Just stumbled upon this from Yogani:
(Lesson 146)

There is another stimulator of spiritual energy in all of us these days, and that is the stars. The stars are giving us their darshan every minute of every day. This is because a new age of enlightenment is rising, and we are all increasingly being stimulated to open from within.


I think I better start reading those lessons some day...